Definitions not showing in Bible Word Study

When I click on a word to do a word study, I don't get a definition. It only shows the pie chart which tells you which Hebrew and Greek words are translated as such. The definition portion is always inactive. It doesn't matter whether it's Old or New Testament. I'm using the NASB 1995.
Is there any way for me to click on these words and figure out which original language word it came from and the original language definition?
Hi rebecca - welcome to the forums [:)]
i will look into this... One question: Do you own a base package or are you using the free resources?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Thanks! I am using the free resources right now in order to compare several programs. Logos has the inductive tools I'm looking for so hopefully it will have the easiest access to word studies too. I noticed today when I tried to get the definitions in addition to not showing them, it also says "this report is designed to use resources from Logos Bible Software. Create an account and sign in for access to free books and better reports." However, when i go to settings, it shows that I am signed in.
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Rebecca - I don't believe you have access to this feature without purchasing the needed resources. Your best bet would be to try the ESV and/or the Lexham… but I am still not sure that it will work for you. Unfortunately it is hard for me to troubleshoot with you… it would require me deleting the app and acquiring a new account.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Thanks! I appreciate the effort!