iOS Reader Suite 3.2.2 Release Notes

iOS Reader apps (Logos Bible, Faithlife, Vyrso and Verbum) version 3.2.2 for iPhone and iPad are now available in the App Store.
- Some users were reporting losing notes after creating them. This should now be fixed, for everyone.
- Many performance and stability improvements.
- Adding a favorite when the list was empty may have appeared not to work.
- Non-Bibles can sync (e.g., pane-linking “Bacchae (Greek)” and “Bacchae (English)” works as expected)
- Offline previews of Strong’s numbers sometimes showed Bible references as the result (for instance, in the Newberry Interlinear)
- Tapping on non-Bible references ranges in offline books will navigate (“see page 564-567” links often didn’t work)
- Fixed the disappearing Home Page problem when memory gets low
- The list of user-chosen resource downloads (Mobile Resources) now syncs correctly
- Tapping Forgot Password on the Sign In view will send you an email confirmation
- Can keylink to headwords in offline resources that contain them (the server-side is fixed, too!)
- Fixed problem of Daily Readings not updating when changing a reading plan schedule in the desktop app
- fixed display quirk where some pages went completely blank (i.e. Westminster Shorter Catechism)
- the Library in the Homepage on iOS 5 doesn’t loose its toolbar after rotations
- In Faithlife Study Bible, the “Bible” search choice always searches your active Bible (old behavior was always LEB)
- In Faithlife Study Bible, searching all books (not just Bibles) is now possible on the iPad.
- Sorted order of Reading Plan templates sorts “7 days” before “10 days”
- The delete button in the Notes editor is fully visible (if it should be visible)
- Showing long-form Bible passages in the Passage filter list when searching
- updated LEB resource
- Terms and Conditions in the About view (accesses a URL, requires internet connectivity)
Known Issues
- In the Library, using “local:” in a boolean expression won’t work. Use “location:device”.
- See below.
We have already submitted to the App Store 3.2.3 that will fix the following problems:
- fixed issue of the app crashing right after sign-in or registration for some users
- fixed issue of double-downloading of resources
- fixed occasional crash in the Search pane
Is this for iphone or iPad? If for iPad? does it show up in app store automatically because when I search for Ios Reader Suite I don't find anything. Please correct my confusion.
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HI Dan
Dan Langston said:Is this for iphone or iPad? If for iPad?
It is available for both.
Dan Langston said:does it show up in app store automatically because when I search for Ios Reader Suite I don't find anything.
for me it shows up in the store immediately.
However, the apps aren't known as "iOS Reader Suite" (although I know that is how they were referenced above - I assume James was talking about the set of reader apps which Logos provides).
The actual apps are:
- Bible!
- Vyrso
- Verbum
- Faithlife Study Bible
all of these are provided by Logos Bible Software
Hope this helps
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Dan Langston said:
does it show up in app store automatically because when I search for Ios Reader Suite I don't find anything.
Do you already have the app on your device? If so, you only ever need to click on "updates."
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Dan Langston said:
Is this for iphone or iPad? If for iPad?
Sorry, Dan. Sometimes I forget that my own lingo isn't the same as everyone else's. I've updated the initial post.
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Thank you all very much for the clarity.
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Any updates on the status of adding the old font back? My eyes still can't seem to adjust to the new font and I remember one of the Logos employees saying on the forum that the old font would be added back in a future update.