Installation, second computer installation and re-installation problems!

I purchased Logos 4 online on November 5th. I had problems installing it on my primary computer. I downloaded as much of the program as I could and when the disc arrived I finished the install, too the best of my recollection. I waited for the disc and installed it on my secondary computer.
I have Hughes Net and got up many mornings at 2:00 am to type in update now and do my updates & downloads, then I made sure I was awake at 7:00 to pause downloads. I went over my limit several times because Logos was downloading in the background and I didn't realize it. I paid at least $40 to reset my limit and get it done. I e-mailed customer support and received an e-mail on the 9th saying they would get back in touch with me. I started calling for help that day. I don't know how many hours I have spent on the phone, online, etc. and the program still isn't working right. Having been on hold for a long time over many days the message says to go to the forums for help as well which is what I have been doing alongside technical support. Finally I followed a suggestion by Dave Hooten for getting my primary to work. He said to delete all of my Logos 4 folder and replace it with a working copy from the computer that worked. I did what he said, it worked, was fast, but it said I needed to do a supplemental index. I asked Dave about it in the forum and didn't hear back for a while so I thought what could it hurt. Then Logos told me there were about 80 mb of updates so I downloaded them. Indexing got down to two minutes, crashed and now the entire program won't start. I saw his post this morning not to do it, but it was too late, I accept full responsibility Dave. This morning I got on my computer that has worked fine all along, went to do a search of my entire library and it only searched Steve Green's midi hymnal and said I needed supplemental indexing!!! I clicked OK reinstalled everything on my primary computer, did a search and it only searched Steve Green's Midi Hymnal.
Logos, you all need to include tech nerds like me when you do a program like this so you can find out what our kind of problems are. Having worked in customer service for many years I'm sure those who complain and call for help and wait to get through are only a small percentage of those having a problem. I can understand those who are upset. My computers have all of the hardware necessary and I've gone to McDonald's, my mom's and I suppose the public library next if I need to download a bunch more. All of those locations are at least 20 miles from my home. I'm sure part of the thinking behind this new format is to keep people from violating the EULA and I understand it. but this is beyond ridiculous. I participated in the Logos 3 Beta program and NEVER had a problem with the beta like I'm having with this. I appreciate those who have helped at Logos and I love the new program, I think, if I actually had time to use it.
If anyone is having similar problems or did or can help I would deeply appreciate it.
Michael Lyman said:
If anyone is having similar problems or did or can help I would deeply appreciate it.
What exactly is your situation now? Have you got a working installation anywhere?
BTW the Supplemental indexing or merging message you uncover during a Basic Search is only a suggestion (a badly placed one!). Why did you re-install?
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
the Supplemental indexing or merging message you uncover during a Basic Search is only a suggestion (a badly placed one!)
Amen. I thought that this was going to change...
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I re-installed because when I searched all that showed up was Steve Green's midi hymnal and that was true on both computers after I tried to do the supplemental index and download updates on the computer I've been trying to get to work. I've got it working on both computers again but I have to kill the indexer each time and it eventually crashes.
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I just tried to open my bible reading and then Biblical people and passage guide on the left and it crashed. My original "good" installation will only search Steve Green when I try to search everything. They are both screwed up now. Big Time.
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It just crashed again on the second installation that has always had problems. Here are the log files:
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Damian, The developers are supposed to be looking into this.
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Also windows explorer keeps crashing on both computers now. Here is a screen shot from the computer that HAD a working installation. When it logged on to Logos this morning after messing with the computer that was having problems it must have transferred the problem from Logos. I figure part of the problem is both computers now have the same funky file name after transferring the good installation.
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This morning I deleted the Logos4 file from my primary computer and pasted the Logos4 file from my external hard drive back on to it. I deleted the resourcemanager.db file and restarted. It seems to be working now. The installation on my older computer is working good. I used it all morning for study. No more crashes of Windows Explorer on either computer... so far.
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Michael Lyman said:
This morning I deleted the Logos4 file from my primary computer and pasted the Logos4 file from my external hard drive back on to it. I deleted the resourcemanager.db file and restarted. It seems to be working now. The installation on my older computer is working good. I used it all morning for study. No more crashes of Windows Explorer on either computer... so far.
That's good. Wait until 4.0a is released before trying any more Merges (ignore the warning you see in Basic Search) as it has a better process.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave, Thanks so much!!! I'll wait.