Finding the highlighted passages

Is there a way I can easily find which passages I have highlighted? Also can I give labels to them so I know what the markings stand for?
Luella Klassen said:
Is there a way I can easily find which passages I have highlighted?
Not from within the resource.
But - assuming you have put all the highlights into a single notesfile you can open that notesfile and will find the highlights listed there.
If this doesn't make any sense please post back and we can provide more details.
Luella Klassen said:Also can I give labels to them so I know what the markings stand for?
No - but you could create a note which allows you to have text associated with the highlighting.
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Yes I would like more details. I am using the faithlife study bible and the resources that come with that. Thanks for your help.
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Luella Klassen said:
I am using the faithlife study bible and the resources that come with that.
That causes a problem - because the Faithlife app doesn't provide you access to the actual notesfiles themselves.[:(]
In the Bible! app, you can see all the notes documents which you have created (and highlights are stored in notes documents) as below (the left panel):
If you click on one of the notes documents it opens and shows where you have made notes and highlights - the ones without any text are highlights
In the example above I clicked the first highlight and, as you can see, it opened in the other pane on the screen to that place.
Are you able to download the Bible! app and use it for this requirement?
However, as I noted above, it does require you to have put all the highlights for a particular resource in a dedicated notesfile otherwise it can get very confusing.
Hope this helps
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I have the logos bible app, but how can I use the faithlife study bible in the logos app? They are from the same company. Thanks
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Luella Klassen said:
I have the logos bible app, but how can I use the faithlife study bible in the logos app? They are from the same company. Thanks
Yes, Logos produce a range of apps which can all access the same resources but provide different levels of functionality targeted at different user experiences.
There was a recent discussion looking at the differences in
What I was going on to say was that you could set up a split-pane environment in the Bible app and have a Bible open in one pane and the faithlife study notes in the other. Then if you link the panes together you get similar functionality to what you see in the Faithlife app.
However, I have just found that I can't see the Faithlife resources in the Bible app - which looks like a bug to me.
I will flag it to Logos and reference this note.
EDIT: Posted at
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Now my issues with not seeing Faithlife resources has been resolved (as per the other note it was a local problem which I hadn't spotted)...
What I was suggesting is that you see resources up as shown below with the panels linked:
That way as you move through the Bible, the FSB notes will stay with you and you can reference other resources off that as required.
It isn't quite the same experience as the Faithlife app but it will provide access to your notes files.
Hope this helps