Android showing old deleted notes (ongoing issue)
Back in October I deleted a note file that included Calvin's Geneva Bible study notes.
It deleted properly off my Desktop App and it shows as deleted in documents.logos
The problem is that the notes still show up on my Android app. Has anyone else had similar problems?
It isn't the most useful set of notes to be showing up everywhere in my Bibles!
To add to my frustration, notes that I have made on the desktop recently do not show up on my android device. Notes and highlights that I made more than a year ago are showing up, but notes that I have made over the past few months do not display.
To be clear, these are notes that are attached to a verse.
Can anyone help shed light on this?
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if you havent many books downloaded local, you could uninstall which will clear residue, could like sync is confused
make sure /sdcard/Android/data/com.logos.androidlogos is gone,
and reinstall app
will redownload current annotations
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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That solved the problem. Thank you!
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you are welcome, happy it worked for you
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have