Would appreciate if someone can help validate that this is indeed a bug?
(1) If you go to Tools -> Bible Facts (Assuming my last displayed Place is Ephesus), this is what I get, which is correct. - this works for both Logos Bible Software 5.0b SR-2 ( for Windows and Mac.

(2) Under L5 for Windows, Click on the Bible Facts (shortcut) on the Shortcut Bar (I created earlier) ... this is what I get: (no illustration, but, the graphics bar at the bottom is there)

(3) Under L5 for Mac, Click on the Bible Facts (shortcut) on the Shortcut Bar (I created earlier) ... this is what I get: (no illustration, and no graphics bar at the bottom)

PS: work around, you just need to change to a new "Fact", eg. Corinth, ... if you use the same "Fact" nothing happens. (thanks Rosie for telling me to convert .PNG to .JPG to attach screen shoots)