Beta 4: Implemented support for custom Series metadata (Serial Association)

Thank you for re-introducing this with improvements for setting and changing/clearing a Series name on multiple resources. It is very flexible in that you can use any of the data types to switch between resource e.g. use TDNT # to switch from BDB (Hebrew only) to ESL and use BDB # to switch from ESL to BDB.
Still have to manually re-prioritize a Series after changing its name, though (if you see a Series with 0 volumes you know what hasn't happened!).
Windows 11 & Android 13
Dave Hooton said:
Still have to manually re-prioritize a Series after changing its name, though (if you see a Series with 0 volumes you know what hasn't happened!).
Technically, you aren't actually renaming a series; editing a series label on a resource just assigns the book to a different series. If the series name you enter doesn't match any that exist, a new series is created. The new series has no prioritization information.
It may look like re-prioritization, but it isn't.
If I'm not understanding you correctly, could you explain further and post some reproduction steps? Thanks.
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Toby Steele said:
If the series name you enter doesn't match any that exist, a new series is created. The new series has no prioritization information.
This is a very fine technical point because the previous series can have prioritization information. And when I look at the list and see that series prioritized with 0 volumes I have to wonder why that is so!
e.g. I change the 2 volume EBC Abridged Edition series name to EBC Abridged (dropping "Edition" from the name). The Prioritized series EBC Abridged Edition now shows 0 volumes in the list instead of 2. To fix this I have to remove the defunct series and prioritize the new series EBC Abridged. It would be preferable if this happened automatically.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
e.g. I change the 2 volume EBC Abridged Edition series name to EBC Abridged (dropping "Edition" from the name). The Prioritized series EBC Abridged Edition now shows 0 volumes in the list instead of 2. To fix this I have to remove the defunct series and prioritize the new series EBC Abridged. It would be preferable if this happened automatically.
I'll pass along your suggestion and see if this is doable.
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Thanks, Toby.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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This will be fixed in 5.1 Beta 7.
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Thank you, Logos.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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===Windows 11 & Android 13