Theology/Denomination Tags

In an unrelated thread (, there has been some discussion about Logos tagging resources based on the underlying theology and/or denomination. This has proven a controversial topic in the past, but it seems to me that Logos could easily tag resources for us, using little more than the descriptions they use in marketing.
Someone requested that I post examples of a few tagged resources to show what I mean. Rather than do this, I thought I would try to create some rules that might work, although individual resources could also be tagged.
Please try to keep comments on this thread constructive. The rules are only suggestions and I think that they can be greatly improved. Please refrain from arguments about theology, as this is outside of forum rules. Thanks.
Logos Theology/Denomination Tag Suggestions - First Draft
Author:(“Boyce, James Petigru”, “Erickson,
Millard”, “Forlines, Leroy”, “Henry, Carl”, “Lightner, Robert”, “McCune,
Rolland”, “Mullins, E. Y.”, “Spurgeon”, “Strong, Augustus Hopkins”) OR
Publisher:(“Baptist”, “B&H”, “Holman”)
Southern Baptist
Author:(“Boyce, James Petigru”, “Mullins, E.Y.”)
OR Publisher:(“B&H”, “Holman”)
Author:(“Finger, Thomas”) OR Publisher:(”Herald
Author:(“Lenski”, “Leupold”, “Luther,
Martin”) OR Publisher:(“Concordia”, “Northwestern Publishing House”)
Author:(“Clarke, Adam”, “Miley, John”, “Pope,
William Burt”, “Wesley, Charles”, “Wesley, John”) OR Publisher:(“Beacon”, “Wesleyan”)
Author:(“Bavinck”, “Berkhof”, “Boice, James
Montgomery”, “Calvin, John”, “Culver, Robert”, “Dabney, Robert Lewis”, “Hendriksen”,
“Hodge, Archibald Alexander”, “Lloyd-Jones, Martyn”, “MacArthur, John”, “Muller,
Richard”, “Murray, Andrew”, “Reymond, Robert”, “Shedd, William”, “Smith, Morton”,
“Sproul”, “Vos, Geerhardus”) OR Publisher:(“Day One”, “Evangelical Press”, “Ligonier”,
“Multnomah”, “Reformation Trust”)
Publisher:(“L.I.F.E. Bible College”)
Author:(“Chafer, Lewis Sperry”, “Ryrie,
Charles Caldwell”)
Author:(“Hall, Francis”, “Stott, John”, “Wright,
N.T.”) OR Publisher:(“SPCK”) OR Abbrev:(“CPC”)
Roman Catholic
Author:(“Armstrong, Dave”, “Balthasar”, “Guarino,
Thomas”, “Hunter, Sylvester Joseph”, “Pohle”, “Ratzinger”) OR Publisher:(“Herder”,
“Ignatius”, “Libreria Editrice Vaticana”, “Liturgical Press”, “The Encyclopedia
Press”, “United States Conference of Catholic Bishops”)
Early Catholic
Author:(“Aquinas”, “Thérèse of Lisieux”, “St.
John of the Cross”) OR Abbrev:(“ACCS”, “ANF”, “NPNF”)
Publisher:(“Jewish Publication Society”)
I love the idea, it could prove very useful. However, I don't think Logos is interested in getting involved in this because it's potentially controversial, and would add overhead to their publishing processes. Thankfully, the tools are already there (collections) for us to do it ourselves, and I think this is a great project for the community to pick up and put on the Wiki.
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Pretty nifty, Andrew.
OK ... I'll take back EVERYTHING I said.
I DO think the approach you used above is very good. A user can apply the definitions as desired (not forced on them).
I will be keeping your work; if you update, I hope you'll share.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Andrew Baguley said:
Author:(“Hall, Francis”, “Stott, John”, “Wright,
N.T.”) OR Publisher:(“SPCK”) OR Abbrev:(“CPC”)I would change to:
Author:("Alford, Henry",“Hall, Francis”, “Stott, John”, “Wright,
N.T.”) OR Publisher:(“SPCK”) OR Abbrev:(“CPC”)Andrew Baguley said:Roman Catholic
Author:(“Armstrong, Dave”, “Balthasar”, “Guarino,
Thomas”, “Hunter, Sylvester Joseph”, , “Ratzinger”) OR Publisher:(“Herder”,
“Ignatius”, “Libreria Editrice Vaticana”, “Liturgical Press”, “The Encyclopedia
Press”, “United States Conference of Catholic Bishops”)I would change to:
Author:(“Armstrong, Dave”, “Balthasar”,"Brown, Raymond", "Chesterton, G. K.","Cornelius À Lapide","Green, Barbara",“Guarino,
Thomas”,"Haydock, George", “Hunter, Sylvester Joseph”,"Pilch, John","MacEvilly" , “Ratzinger”) OR Publisher:("George Routledge",“Herder”,
“Ignatius”, “Libreria Editrice Vaticana”, “Liturgical Press”,"Pontifical Biblical Institute", “The Encyclopedia
Press”, “United States Conference of Catholic Bishops”) OR Title:"The Papal"Andrew Baguley said:Early Catholic
Author:(“Aquinas”, “Thérèse of Lisieux”, “St.
John of the Cross”) OR Abbrev:(“ACCS”, “ANF”, “NPNF”)I don't know where the cutoff is between the two Catholics, but attempting to keep the distinction I would change this to
Author:("Anselm of Canterbury",“Aquinas”,"Bede","Benedict of Nursia","Cyril of Alexandria","Origen","Teresa of Avila","Theodore of Mopsuestia", “Thérèse of Lisieux”, “St.
John of the Cross”) OR Abbrev:(“ACCS”, “ANF”, “NPNF”)I'd add Restoration Movement:
Author:("Lucado, Max") OR Publisher:("Standard")
That's my first cut at refining. I know I'll have more.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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This looks pretty accurate. It is not exhaustive, but it definitely helps someone wade through all of the books and get an idea of each's corpus. I myself, being Reformed/ Baptist have enjoyed reading the catholic collection. I didn't know who the authors were in that until I did more research. It is good for many reasons, most of all being those that posit a particular stance, are noted for that denomination. Obviously, not totally orthodoxically representative of that particular denomination of faith, but a good indicator.
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Excluding what I have hidden, this is my library profile. I'm sure it
can be improved in terms of narrowing the "beat's me/I don't
know/unclassified" portion:Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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This is a great start! I think it would make a great wiki page for people to add to.
Andrew Baguley said:Lutheran
Author:(“Lenski”, “Leupold”, “Luther,
Martin”) OR Publisher:(“Concordia”, “Northwestern Publishing House”)I would revise that to pick up a few more titles:
title:lutheran OR subject:lutheran OR author:("H. C. Leupold", "Martin Luther", "Gene Edward Veith") OR publisher:(augsburg, fortress, concordia, "Northwestern Publishing House","Lutheran Publication Society")
Note that you don't have to put quotes around something that is just one word with no spaces in it. And I omitted Lenski, because he gets picked up by the additional Lutheran publishers I listed.
You can also check out the resources Logos has identified as belonging to a particular theological/denominational group. For example,
These are the groups they list on the left sidebar of their Products page, if you click More to expand:
Their tagging of resources is by no means complete.
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This all looks good and we could spend quite some time honing it between us. My post was to make it look doable, and potentially useful.
However, my basic point is that Logos are willing to label resources for marketing purposes, as Rosie points out, so my request is that they simply add these tags to the actual resources within Logos and create collections based on them, thus saving hundreds or thousands of us creating these collections for ourselves. The question of what to label resources is addressed by someone before resources are marketed, and I'm not suggesting that all resources should necessarily be labelled. I don't think labels should be exclusive, so that a resource can only fall in one category. (They're currently not exclusive when used for marketing purposes.) If Logos did this, then suggestions for additional tags, or mistakes, could be added to the wiki, just as with other suggested changes regarding categorisation (possibly at or on its own webpage). It is an extra feature, but I think it could be really helpful, and Logos implementing it could save many people having to duplicate the work.
Until they do, it's probably worth keeping suggestions coming.
Thanks for all the constructive comments so far.
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As it looks like Logos are unlikely to do this any time soon, I thought I'd have a go at updating the rules. They're still far from perfect, so please keep suggestions/corrections coming. The latest list, largely based on Logos' own labelling for marketing purposes, looks like this:
Author:(“Anders, Max”, “Batten, Samuel Zane”, “Boyce, James Petigru”, “Brand, Chad Owen”, “Brisco, Thomas V.”, “Broadus, John Albert”, “Bush, L. Russ”, “Butler, Trent C.”, “Cabal, Ted”, “Cadenhead, Al”, “Caner, Emir”, “Caner, Ergun”, “Chapman, Morris”, “Collinson, Sylvia”, “Copan, Paul”, “Corley, Bruce”, “Cox, Stephen L.”, “Crosby, Thomas”, “Dagg, John L.”, “Dallimore, Arnold”, “Dockery, David S.”, “Draper, James T.”, “Easley, Kendell H.”, “Erickson, Millard”, “Fitts, Leroy”, “Forlines, Leroy”, “Fortner, Don”, “George, Timothy”, “Hankins, David E.”, “Henry, Carl”, “Henry, Jim”, “Hester, Hubert I.”, “Hixson, J. B.”, “Hobbs, Herschel”, “Holmes, Michael W”, “Keathley, Kenneth”, “Larkin, Clarence”, “Lawson, Steven J.”, “Lemke, Steve W.”, “Lightner, Robert”, “Lovejoy, Grant I.”, “MacArthur, John F.”, “MacLaren, Alexander”, “Martin, Albert N.”, “Martin, Steve”, “McBeth, H. Leon”, “McCune, Rolland”, “Mobley, Kendal P.”, “Montgomery, Helen Barrett”, “Mullins, E. Y.”, “Nettles, Tom J.”, “Norman, R. Stanton”, “Olford, Stephen”, “Paschal, H. Franklin”, “Picirilli, Robert E.”, “Piper, John”, “Polhill, John B.”, “Robertson, Archibald T.”, “Sabou, Sorin”, “Schreiner, Thomas R.”, “Sherman, Cecil”, “Spurgeon”, “Staats, Gary”, “Stanley, Charles”, “Strong, Augustus Hopkins”, “Summers, Ray”, “West, Jim”, “Wise, Kurt P.”, “Wright, Shawn D.”, “Wright, Stephen I.”) OR Publisher:(“Baptist”, “B&H”, “Holman”, “Randall House”, “Reformed Baptist Theological Review”, “Roger Williams Heritage Archive”)
Southern Baptist
Author:(“Boyce, James Petigru”, “Brand, Chad Owen”, “Brisco, Thomas V.”, “Broadus, John Albert”, “Bush, L. Russ”, “Cabal, Ted”, “Caner, Emir”, “Caner, Ergun”, “Chapman, Morris”, “Cox, Stephen L.”, “Dockery, David S.”, “Draper, James T.”, “Easley, Kendell H.”, “Fitts, Leroy”, “George, Timothy”, “Hankins, David E.”, “Henry, Jim”, “Hester, Hubert I.”, “Hobbs, Herschel”, “Keathley, Kenneth”, “McBeth, H. Leon”, “Mullins, E.Y.”, “Nettles, Tom J.”, “Norman, R. Stanton”, “Paschal, H. Franklin”, “Robertson, Archibald T.”, “Schreiner, Thomas R.”, “Sherman, Cecil”, “Stanley, Charles”, “Summers, Ray”, “Wise, Kurt P.”, “Wright, Shawn D.”) OR Publisher:(“B&H”, “Holman”)
Author:(“Finger, Thomas”, “Simons, Menno”) OR Publisher:(”Herald Press”, “Mennonite”)
Author:(“Arand, Charles P.”, “Becker, Matthew L.”, “Bonhoeffer, Dietrich”, “Dorner, Isaak August”, “Engelbrecht, Edward A.”, “Gerhard, Johann”, “Gritsch, Eric W.”, “Hinlicky, Paul R.”, “Jeske, John C.”, “Jungel, Eberhard”, “Kittleson, James M.”, “Kolb, Robert”, “Kysar, Robert”, “Lenski”, “Leupold”, “Luther, Martin”, “Michel, Walter L.”, “Nestingen, James A.”, “Richard, James W.”, “Schramm, Brooks”, “Spener, Philip Jacob”, “Steinmann, Andrew E.”, “Stjerna, Kirsi I.”, “Torvend, Samuel”, “Valentine, Milton”, “Wengert, Timothy J.”) OR Publisher:(“Concordia”, “Northwestern Publishing House”)
Author:(“Abraham, William J.”, “Arminius”, “Beet, J. A.”, “Brower, Kent”, “Carter, Charles W.”, “Clarke, Adam”, “Coleson, Joseph”, “Colon-Emeric, Edgardo A.”, “DeNeff, Steve”,“Drury, Keith”, “Fletcher, John”, “Green, Joel B.”, “Grotius, Hugo”, “Harrison, Nick”, “Hartley, J. E.”, “Hurlbut, J. L.”, “Johnson, Derric”, “Lawson, John”, “Leroy, Matt”, “Lynn, Jack”, “Lyons, George”, “Marshall, I. H.”, “Mellish, Kevin J.”, “McIntosh, Gary L.”, “Miley, John”, “Pope, William Burt”, “Raymond, Miner”, “Rotz, Carol”, “Schmidt, Wayne”, “Shelton, R. L.”, “Summers, Jeremy”, “Terry, M. S.”, “Toler, Stan”, “Watson, David F.”, “Watson, Richard”, “Wesley, Charles”, “Wesley, John”, “Whedon, D. D.”, “Whitesel, Bob”, “Wilson, Earle”, “Wilson, Norman G.”) OR Publisher:(“Beacon”, “Wesleyan”)
Author:(“Alexander, Archibald”, “Bannerman, James”, “Barnhouse, Donald Grey”, “Bavinck, Herman”, “Baxter, Richard”, “Beecher, Lyman”, “Beeke, Joel R.”, “Berkhof, Louis”, “Berkouwer, G. C.”, “Bierma, Lyle D.”, “Boettner, Loraine”, “Boice, James Montgomery”, “Bradford, John”, “Brakel, Wilhelmus”, “Breckinridge, Robert J.”, “Brown, John”, “Bullinger, Henry”, “Bunyan, John”, “Calvin, John”, “Chafer, Lewis Sperry”, “Chapell, Bryan”, “Clarkson, David”, “Culver, Robert”, “Dabney, Robert Lewis”, “De Kroon, Marijn”, “Doriani, Daniel M.”, “Duguid, Iain M.”, “Ferguson, Sinclair B.”, “Fields, Paul W.”, “Finlayson, T. Campbell”, “Finney, Charles”, “Flavel, John”, “Gage, Warren A.”, “Gerhart, Emanuel Vogel”, “Good, James I.”, “Hawker, Robert”, “Heck, Sebastian”, “Hegeman, David”, “Hendriksen, William”, “Hodge, Archibald Alexander”, “Hodge, Charles”, “Horne, Mark”, “Horton, Michael S.”, “Hyde, Daniel R.”, “Jackson, L. Charles”, “Jacomb, Thomas”, “Kistemaker, Simon”, “Knox, John”, “Kuyper, Abraham”, “Lawson, Steven J.”, “Lillback, Peter A.”, “Lloyd-Jones, Martyn”, “Maag, Karin”, “MacArthur, John”, “MacPherson, John”, “Manton, Thomas”, “Marshall, Walter”, “Martin, Albert N.”, “Martin, Steve”, “Meyers, Jeffrey”, “Muller, Richard”, “Murray, Andrew”, “Olevianus, Casper”, “Owen, John”, “Packer, J. I.”, “Payne, Jon D.”, “Phillips, Richard D.”, “Pink, A. W.”, “Piper, John”, “Reymond, Robert L.”, “Ridderbos, Herman”, “Ridgley, Thomas”, “Rushdoony, Rousas John”, “Rutherford, Samuel”, “Ryken, Philip Graham”, “Schaff, Philip”, “Scott, J. Julius”, “Shedd, William”, “Smith, Morton”, “Smith, Ralph A.”, “Smyth, Thomas”, “Sproul, R. C.”, “Spurgeon, Charles H.”, “Thomas, Derek W. H.”, “Thornwell, Hames Henley”, “Toplady, Augustus M.”, “Turretin, Francis”, “Usher, James”, “Van Til, Corrnelius”, “Vincent, Marvin”, “Vos, Geerhardus”, “Waltke, Bruce K.”, “Warfield, Benjamin B.”, “Westminster Assembly”, “Wikner, Benjamin K.”, “Wilkins, Steve”, “Witsius, Herman”, “Zwingli”) OR Publisher:(“Day One”, “Evangelical Press”, “Ligonier”, “Multnomah”, “P&R Publishing”, “Reformation Trust”)
Author:(“Alexander, Archibald”, “Bannerman, James”, “Barnhouse, Donald Grey”, “Beecher, Lyman”, “Boettner, Loraine”, “Boice, James Montgomery”, “Breckinridge, Robert J.”, “Brown, John”, “Chafer, Lewis Sperry”, “Chapell, Bryan”, “Dabney, Robert Lewis”, “Doriani, Daniel M.”, “Duguid, Iain M.”, “Ferguson, Sinclair B.”, “Finney, Charles”, “Flavel, John”, “Gage, Warren A.”, “Heck, Sebastian”, “Hegeman, David”, “Hodge, Archibald Alexander”, “Hodge, Charles”, “Horne, Mark”, “Jackson, L. Charles”, “Knox, John”, “Lillback, Peter A.”, “MacPherson, John”, “Marshall, Walter”, “Meyers, Jeffrey”, “Payne, Jon D.”, “Phillips, Richard D.”, “Reymond, Robert”, “Rutherford, Samuel”, “Ryken, Philip Graham”, “Scott, J. Julius”, “Shedd, William”, “Smith, Morton”, “Smith, Ralph A.”, “Smyth, Thomas”, “Sproul, R. C.”, “Thomas, Derek W. H.”, “Thornwell, Hames Henley”, “Van Til, Corrnelius”, “Vincent, Marvin”, “Vos, Geerhardus”, “Warfield, Benjamin B.”, “Wikner, Benjamin K.”, “Wilkins, Steve”) OR Publisher:(“Ligonier”, “P&R Publishing”, “Presbyterian”, “Reformation Trust”)
Author:(“Bartel, Leroy”, “Bicket, Zenas”, “Cotton, Roger”, “Duffield, Guy”, “Ford, Johnny”, “Hayford, Jack”, “Hernando, James”, “Horton, Stanley”, “McClaflin, Mike”, “McGee, Gary”, “Moller, F. P.”, “Newberry, Annette”, “Synan, Vinson”, “Taylor, Cheryl”) OR Publisher:(“L.I.F.E. Bible College”)
Author:(“Chafer, Lewis Sperry”, “Ryrie, Charles Caldwell”)
Author:(“Andrewes, Lancelot”, “Avis, Paul”, “Benham, William”, “Blunt, John Henry”, “Bradford, John”, “Bray, Gerald R.”, “Bubbers, Susan I.”, “Bull, George”, “Chapman, Mark”, “Cranmer, Thomas”, “Duncombe, Augustus”, “Faber, G.S.”, “Farrar, Frederic William”, “Fenwick, John”, “Gore, Charles”, “Grant, F. W.”, “Hall, Francis”, “Hatch, Edwin”, “Holmes, Christopher R. J.”, “Hooker, Richard”, “Ketley, Joseph”, “Law, William”, “Liddon, Henry Parry”, “Lightfoot, J. B.”, “McGrath, Alister”, “Members of the University of Oxford”, “Monro, Edward A.”, “Oakley, Nigel”, “Olden, Thomas”, “Packer, J.I.”, “Paley, William”, “Powys, David”, “Pusey, Edward”, “Rawlinson, George”, “Ridley, Nicholas”, “Ryle J. C.”, “Simeon, Charles”, “Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn”, “Stone, Darwell”, “Stott, John”, “Taylor, Jeremy”, “Titley, Robert”, “Toplady, Augustus M.”, “Ward, Robin”, “Wilberforce, William”, “Wright, J. Robert”, “Wright, N.T.”) OR Publisher:(“SPCK”) OR Abbrev:(“CPC”)
Roman Catholic
Author:(“a Lapide, Cornelius”, “Acklin, Thomas”, “Althann, Robert”, “Armstrong, Dave”, “Bachiochi, Erika”, “Bachofen, Charles Augustine”, “Baldini, Ugo”, “Barber, Michael”, “Barron, Robert”, “Bean, Danielle”, “Beckwith, Francis J.”, “Benedict XV”, “Benedict XVI”, “Benedictine Monks”, “Bergant, Dianne”, “Blanchette, Oliva”, “Blenkinsopp, Joseph”, “Bossis, Gabrielle”, “Bransfield, J. Brian”, “Breen, A. E.”, “Brother Lawrence”, “Brown, Raymond Edward”, “Buckley, Theodore Alois”, “Burke, Daniel”, “Burns, Helena R.”, “Butler, Alban”, “Byles, R. D.”, “Byrne, Brendan”, “Carlen, Claudia”, “Cataneo, Pascal”, “Catholic Biblical Association”, “Catholic Church”, “Christmyer, Sarah”, “Coffin, Patrick”, “Collins, Adela Y.”, “Collins, John J.”, “Collins, Raymond F.”, “Congar, Yves”, “Cunningham, Lawrence S.”, “Dahood, Mitchell”, “Dalton, William Jospeh”, “de Caussade, Jean Pierre”, “de Chantal, Jane Frances”, “de Sales, Francis”, “De Vogue, Adalbert”, “Deferrari, Roy J.”, “DeMarco, Donald”, “Denzinger, Henry”, “Dimech-Juchniewicz, Jean”, “Donahue, John R.”, “Dubay, Thomas”, “Emmerich, Anne Catherine”, “Fiore, Benjamin”, “Fiorenza, Francis Schussler”, “Fitzgerald, Allan D.”, “Fitzmyer, Joseph A.”, “Flaherty, Regis J.”, “Franklin, Carmela Vircillo”, “Frisk, M. Jean”, “Fry, Timothy”, “Galvin, John P.”, “Gan, Eugene”, “Giblin, Charles Homer”, “Gigot, F. E. C.”, “Glavich, Mary Kathleen”, “Granados, Carlos”, “Granados, Jose”, “Gray, Philip C. L.”, “Gray, Timothy”, “Grech, Prosper”, “Guarino, Thomas”, “Hahn, Scott”, “Harrington, Daniel J.”, “Harrington, Wilfrid J.”, “Hartin, Patrick J.”, “Haydock, George Leo”, “Healy, Mary”, “Heil, John Paul”, “Hermes, Kathryn J.”, “Herron, Thomas”, “Himes, Kenneth R.”, “Hitchcock, James”, “Hoeck, Andreas”, “Hunter, Sylvester Joseph”, “Hurd, R. Scott”, “Jacques, Xavier”, “John of the Cross”, “John Paul I”, “John Paul II”, “John XXIII”, “Johnson, Lawrence J.”, “Johnson, Luke Timothy”, “Jurgens, William A.”, “Kardong, Terrence G.”, “Karris, Robert J.”, “Keating, Daniel”, “Ker, Ian”, “Knecht, Frederick Justus”, “Kosanke, Charles G.”, “Kreeft, Peter”, “Kurz, William S.”, “Lambrecht, Jan”, “Landon, Edward H.”, “Launderville, Dale”, “Leiva-Merikakis, Erasmo”, “Leo XIII”, “Liesen, Jan”, “Likoudis, James”, “Maas, A. J.”, “MacDonald, Margaret Y.”, “MacEvilly, John”, “Maloney, Francis J.”, “Mann, Horace Kinder”, “Marks, Frederick W.”, “Martin, Curtis”, “Martin, Mary Peter”, “Martin, Michaelann”, “Martinez, Luis Maria”, “Matera, Frank J.”, “Mattison III, William C.”, “May, William E.”, “McCarthy, David Matzko”, “McGovern, James J.”, “McNabb, Vincent”, “McNamara, Martin”, “Meier, John P.”, “Melina, Livio”, “Miletic, Stephen Francis”, “Miller II, Robert D.”, “Mitch, Curtis”, “Mitch, Stacy”, “Mitchell, Alan C.”, “Moloney, Francis J.”, “Montague, George T.”, “Morrow, Thomas G.”, “Newman, John Henry”, “Neyrey, Jerome H.”, “Nichols, Aidan”, “O’Brien, John”, “O’Connor, James T.”, “Orchard, Bernard”, “Ott, Ludwig”, “Panikulam, George”, “Pascal, Blaise”, “Pastor, Ludwig”, “Paul VI”, “Pecknold, C. C.”, “Percy, Anthony”, “Peters, Edward N.”, “Pimentel, Stephen”, “Pius X”, “Pius XI”, “Pius XII”, “Pohle, Joseph”, “Ponessa, Joseph”, “Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite”, “Ratzinger, Joseph”, “Ray, Stephen K.”, “Richard, Earl J.”, “Ryan, Judith M.”, “Sanchez-Navarro, Luis”, “Schillebeecx, Edward”, “Schonborn, Christoph”, “Schroeder, H. J.”, “Schindler, David L.”, “Schreck, Alan”, “Senior, Donald”, “Shea, John Gilmary”, “Sievers, Joseph”, “Sirois, Celia”, “Sloyan, Gerard S.”, “Sofie, J. Francis”, “Somers, Gayle”, “Spicq, Ceslas”, “Spruit, Leen”, “Sri, Edward”, “St. Alphonsus Liguori”, “St. Cyril of Alexandria”, “St. Ignatius of Loyola”, “St. Lawrence of Brindisi”, “St. Peter Canisius”, “St. Robert Bellarmine”, “Stanley, David Michael”, “Stegman, Thomas D.”, “Stravinskas, Peter M. J.”, “Sullivan, John F.”, “Suprenant, Leon J.”, “Teresa of Avila”, “The Daughters of St. Paul”, “Thein, John”, “Thérèse of Lisieux”, “Turner, James”, “Tylenda, Joseph N.”, “University of Navarre”, “von Balthasar, Hans Urs”, “von Hefele, Charles Joseph”, “von Hildebrand, Dietrich”, “Waldstein, Michael”, “Wehner, James A.”, “Weinandy, Thomas G.”, “West, Christopher”, “Whitehead, Kenneth D.”, “Williamson, Peter S.”, “Woywod, Stanislaus”, “Yocum, John P.”, “Zeno, Katrina J.”) OR Publisher:(“Benziger Brothers”, “Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico”, “Emmaus Road Publishing”, “Herder”, “Ignatius”, “Libreria Editrice Vaticana”, “Liturgical Press”, “Pauline Books & Media”, “Pontifical Biblical Institute”, “The Catholic Publication Society”, “The Encyclopedia Press”, “United States Conference of Catholic Bishops”)
Author:(“Abelard, Peter”, “Aquinas”, “Augustine of Hippo”, “Bede”, “Boethius”, “Catherine of Siena”, “Eusebius”, “Heloise”, “Hippolytus”, “Hugh of St. Victor”, “Isidore of Seville”, “Jacques de Vitry”, “John Chrysostom”, “Melito of Sardis”, “Origen”, “Richard Rolle”, “St. Albert the Great”, “St. Anselm of Canterbury”, “St. Anthony of Padua and Lisbon”, “St. Basil the Great”, “St. Benedict of Nursia”, “St. Bernard of Clairvaux”, “St. Bonaventure”, “St. Catherine of Siena”, “St. Cyprian of Carthage”, “St. Cyril of Jerusalem”, “St. Francis Assisi”, “St. Gregory of Nyssa”, “St. Gregory the Great”, “St. Jerome”, “St. John Chrysostom”, “St. John Damascene”, “Tertullian”, “Thomas à Kempis”) OR Abbrev:(“ACCS”, “ANF”, “NPNF”)
Publisher:(“Jewish Publication Society”)
Plymouth Brethren
Author:(“C. H. Mackintosh”)
Seventh-day Adventist
Author:(“Anderson, Bruce”, “Fayard, Carlos”, “Harding IV, George T.”, “Hernandez, Barbara Couden”, “Knight, George R.”, “LaRondelle, Hans K.”, “Rice, Richard”, “Smith, Uriah”) OR Publisher:(“Andrews University Press”, “Review and Herald Publishing Association”, “Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association”)
Author:(“Clendenin, Daniel B”) OR Publisher:(“St. Vladimir's Seminary Press”)
Author:(“Butler John G.”, “Custer, Stewart”, “Gaebelein, Arno”, “Ironside, H. A.”, “Pink, Arthur Walkington”, “Steveson, Peter A.”, “Torrey, R. A.”, “Trumbull, Henry Clay”)
Author:(“Baxter, Richard”, “Beeke, Joel R.”, “Brook, Benjamin”, “Brooks, Thomas”, “Bunyan, John”, “Charnock, Stephen”, “Edwards, Jonathan”, “Flavel, John”, “Goodwin, Thomas”, “Hopkins, Ezekiel”, “Howe, John”, “Jacomb, Thomas”, “Manton, Thomas”, “Neal, Daniel”, “Owen, John”, “Packer, J. I.”, “Ridgley, Thomas”, “Scougal, Henry”, “Scudder, Henry”, “Sibbes, Richard”, “Swinnock, George”, “Traill, Robert”, “Ussher, James”) OR Publisher:(“Richard Owen Roberts”)
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Thank you for all the work you did in putting this together for us.
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Thank you. Nicely done.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I like this - can we use these rules to assign tags - or to just build collections?
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This is all very helpful. Thanks everyone for sharing ideas.
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley0 -
Floyd Johnson said:
I like this - can we use these rules to assign tags - or to just build collections?
You could use it to assign tags, but I think it might be very tedious - you can't just copy and paste the author list of some of the larger sets into the Library Filter box, it will truncate the list; so you would need to add them manually.
That said, I think the biggest reason to use it for Collections, is that collections are dynamic - if you add future resources by authors in the list, they will automatically go into the correct Collections. Whereas if you did set up tags, they are static and you would have to manually checxk to see if new resources need to be tagged.
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Andrew, thank you so much for doing this. Very helpful indeed!
Since you are continuing to hone these rules, some feedback...
First, you acknowledged my suggestion in this post but then didn't incorporate my suggested changes to pick up more Lutheran titles.
Also, some suggested improvements to your Anabaptist rule because it misses some books that I have in my library and that are tagged Anabaptist by Logos on their website.
Andrew Baguley said:Anabaptist
Author:(“Finger, Thomas”, “Simons, Menno”) OR Publisher:(”Herald Press”, “Mennonite”)
Additions marked in bold, and "Anabaptis" isn't a typo! (See below.)
Author:(“Finger, Thomas”, “Simons, Menno”) OR Publisher:(”Herald Press”, “Mennonite”) OR Title:(Anabaptis, Mennonite)
That will pick up these additional titles that didn't match your rule:
It's quicker doing it that way than listing every author individually, though you could if you prefer as all those authors have only one book each in Logos (thus far) so it won't pick up unwanted ones.
And I'll repeat and elaborate on my comment from the previous post: I wrote, "Note that you don't have to put quotes around something that is just one word with no spaces in it." Actually, if you want that word to match other words forms (e.g., Mennonite or Mennonites; Anabaptist, Anabaptism, Anabaptists) you must not put quotes around it. Hence my inclusion of only the partial word Anabaptis and no quotes, so it will match all three.
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Rosie Perera said:
First, you acknowledged my suggestion in this post but then didn't incorporate my suggested changes to pick up more Lutheran titles.
The problem is that while Augsburg-Fortress is the publishing house of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, it does not just publish Lutheran works, and so would provide many false positives, so to speak. Systematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives by Galvin and Schuessler-Fiorenza, for example, is not Lutheran, even if it is a good book... They publish a lot of Brueggemann, and he is UCC, and not technically Lutheran. Heck, Moltmann is technically not Lutheran either - my understanding is that he has been a member of the Union Church in Germany and then moved to German Reformed.
On the other hand, Concordia and Northwestern Publishing houses do have a doctrinal review process to make sure that what they publish is according to the faith their bodies confess...
Ken McGuire
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials
L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze
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Thanks for that explanation, Ken.
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OK, so where will the final list be kept? [Files, wiki, elsewhere?] [leaving the last list here does not seem to be an option]
Also, it was stated, by Don Awalt, "that collections are dynamic" BUT "you can't just copy and paste the author list of some of the larger sets into the Library Filter box, it will truncate the list"
Work a round: Instead of one very long list what if the "final" list have shorter groups that could be used to make a collection by the 'copy and paste' method.
For example: the current Baptist 'set' is ten lines long [as I see it on my screen]
So we break that list up into ten sections [or more as I don't know what the limit is to a collection rule]
Baptist 00 though Baptist 10 [list zero though nine as 00 01 - 07 08 09 so that they sort correctly or sets x1, x2, x10 will sort as x1, x10, x2 but sets y01, y02, y10 will sort y01, y02, y10, 1 2 0 [digits] are seen as letters not numbers in the sort]Yes, we would need several collections to cover each denomination but we need to work within the limitations of our tools [i.e. Logos] [ten sets for the Baptist and thirty one sets for the Catholic] [Not ideal but usable]
Also as new authors or publishing houses are added then additional sets can be added at the end of the list section without editing a working set.
Also Ken McGuire makes a good point that we need to consider:
Triggering off his comments [i.e. not quoting] not all publishing houses are "pure" and that authors change or are just not easily classifiable [maybe as Generic Christian?].This will not help us in deciding what to buy but will advise us what we are looking at that we already have.
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In the list for Seventh-day Adventist you need to add something to the effect of: author:white, ellen, subject:ellen white writings
The above gives me 404 resources.
Cannot figure out how to incorporate into the Collection for Seventh-day Adventist.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Under Dispensational I would add or include these authors:
Allen, Ronald; Bailey, Mark; Campbell, Donald K; Chafer, Lewis Sperry; Cone, Christopher; DeHaan, M. R.; Derickson, Gary; Dillow, Joseph; Larkin, Clarence; Dyer, Charles H.; Farstad, Author; Fruchtenbaum, Gaebelein, Arno C.; Garland, Anthony; Arnold; Geisler, Norman L.; Gingrich, Roy E.; Gromacki, Robert; Hartman, Fred; Hindson, Edward; Hitchcock, Mark; Hodges, Zane; Hoehner, Harold; House, H. Wayne; Johnston, Wendell; Hughes, R. Kent; Ironside, H.A.; Jensen, Irving; Harold; Karleen, Keathley, J. Hampton; Paul S.; Kreloff, Steven A.; Kroll, Woodrow; LaHaye, Tim; Levy, David M.; Lightner, Robert P.; Merrill, Eugene; Lopez, René; Lutzer, Erwin W.; Malphurs, Aubrey; Mayhue, Richard L. ; McGee, J. Vernon; McKenzie, Marni Shideler; McQuaid, Elwood; Merrill, Eugene H.; Mills, M. S.; Morris, Henry M.; Olander, David; Pentecost, J. Dwight; Pfeiffer, Charles; Radmacher, Earl D; Rosscup, James; Ryrie, Charles; Scofield, C. I.; Showers, Renald E.; Stanley, Charles F.; Strauss, Richard L.; Swindoll, Charles R; Talbot, Louis T.; Thiessen, Henry Clarence; Thomas, Robert; Trahan, Kerry.; Unger, Merrill F.; Varner, William; Walvoord, John F.; Water, Mark; Waymeyer, Matthew; Wilkin, Robert; Willmington, Harold L.; Zuck, Roy B.
There are also other authors in the Everyman Bible Commentary Series.
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John Brumett said:
Allen, Ronald; Bailey, Mark; Campbell, Donald K; Chafer, Lewis Sperry; Cone, Christopher; DeHaan, M. R.; Derickson, Gary; Dillow, Joseph; Larkin, Clarence; Dyer, Charles H.; Farstad, Author; Fruchtenbaum, Gaebelein, Arno C.; Garland, Anthony; Arnold; Geisler, Norman L.; Gingrich, Roy E.; Gromacki, Robert; Hartman, Fred; Hindson, Edward; Hitchcock, Mark; Hodges, Zane; Hoehner, Harold; House, H. Wayne; Johnston, Wendell; Hughes, R. Kent; Ironside, H.A.; Jensen, Irving; Harold; Karleen, Keathley, J. Hampton; Paul S.; Kreloff, Steven A.; Kroll, Woodrow; LaHaye, Tim; Levy, David M.; Lightner, Robert P.; Merrill, Eugene; Lopez, René; Lutzer, Erwin W.; Malphurs, Aubrey; Mayhue, Richard L. ; McGee, J. Vernon; McKenzie, Marni Shideler; McQuaid, Elwood; Merrill, Eugene H.; Mills, M. S.; Morris, Henry M.; Olander, David; Pentecost, J. Dwight; Pfeiffer, Charles; Radmacher, Earl D; Rosscup, James; Ryrie, Charles; Scofield, C. I.; Showers, Renald E.; Stanley, Charles F.; Strauss, Richard L.; Swindoll, Charles R; Talbot, Louis T.; Thiessen, Henry Clarence; Thomas, Robert; Trahan, Kerry.; Unger, Merrill F.; Varner, William; Walvoord, John F.; Water, Mark; Waymeyer, Matthew; Wilkin, Robert; Willmington, Harold L.; Zuck, Roy B.
Farstad, Author: I assume should be Arthur
Fruchtenbaum, Gaebelein, Arno C. I assume a semicolon after Fruchtenbaum?
Anthony; Arnold; Geisler, not sure where the Arnold belongs
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Andrew Baguley said:
Roman Catholic
Author:(“a Lapide, Cornelius”, “Acklin, Thomas”, “Althann, Robert”, “Armstrong, Dave”, “Bachiochi, Erika”, “Bachofen, Charles Augustine”, “Baldini, Ugo”, “Barber, Michael”, “Barron, Robert”, “Bean, Danielle”, “Beckwith, Francis J.”, “Benedict XV”, “Benedict XVI”, “Benedictine Monks”, “Bergant, Dianne”, “Blanchette, Oliva”, “Blenkinsopp, Joseph”, “Bossis, Gabrielle”, “Bransfield, J. Brian”, “Breen, A. E.”, “Brother Lawrence”, “Brown, Raymond Edward”, “Buckley, Theodore Alois”, “Burke, Daniel”, “Burns, Helena R.”, “Butler, Alban”, “Byles, R. D.”, “Byrne, Brendan”, “Carlen, Claudia”, “Cataneo, Pascal”, “Catholic Biblical Association”, “Catholic Church”, “Christmyer, Sarah”, “Coffin, Patrick”, “Collins, Adela Y.”, “Collins, John J.”, “Collins, Raymond F.”, “Congar, Yves”, “Cunningham, Lawrence S.”, “Dahood, Mitchell”, “Dalton, William Jospeh”, “de Caussade, Jean Pierre”, “de Chantal, Jane Frances”, “de Sales, Francis”, “De Vogue, Adalbert”, “Deferrari, Roy J.”, “DeMarco, Donald”, “Denzinger, Henry”, “Dimech-Juchniewicz, Jean”, “Donahue, John R.”, “Dubay, Thomas”, “Emmerich, Anne Catherine”, “Fiore, Benjamin”, “Fiorenza, Francis Schussler”, “Fitzgerald, Allan D.”, “Fitzmyer, Joseph A.”, “Flaherty, Regis J.”, “Franklin, Carmela Vircillo”, “Frisk, M. Jean”, “Fry, Timothy”, “Galvin, John P.”, “Gan, Eugene”, “Giblin, Charles Homer”, “Gigot, F. E. C.”, “Glavich, Mary Kathleen”, “Granados, Carlos”, “Granados, Jose”, “Gray, Philip C. L.”, “Gray, Timothy”, “Grech, Prosper”, “Guarino, Thomas”, “Hahn, Scott”, “Harrington, Daniel J.”, “Harrington, Wilfrid J.”, “Hartin, Patrick J.”, “Haydock, George Leo”, “Healy, Mary”, “Heil, John Paul”, “Hermes, Kathryn J.”, “Herron, Thomas”, “Himes, Kenneth R.”, “Hitchcock, James”, “Hoeck, Andreas”, “Hunter, Sylvester Joseph”, “Hurd, R. Scott”, “Jacques, Xavier”, “John of the Cross”, “John Paul I”, “John Paul II”, “John XXIII”, “Johnson, Lawrence J.”, “Johnson, Luke Timothy”, “Jurgens, William A.”, “Kardong, Terrence G.”, “Karris, Robert J.”, “Keating, Daniel”, “Ker, Ian”, “Knecht, Frederick Justus”, “Kosanke, Charles G.”, “Kreeft, Peter”, “Kurz, William S.”, “Lambrecht, Jan”, “Landon, Edward H.”, “Launderville, Dale”, “Leiva-Merikakis, Erasmo”, “Leo XIII”, “Liesen, Jan”, “Likoudis, James”, “Maas, A. J.”, “MacDonald, Margaret Y.”, “MacEvilly, John”, “Maloney, Francis J.”, “Mann, Horace Kinder”, “Marks, Frederick W.”, “Martin, Curtis”, “Martin, Mary Peter”, “Martin, Michaelann”, “Martinez, Luis Maria”, “Matera, Frank J.”, “Mattison III, William C.”, “May, William E.”, “McCarthy, David Matzko”, “McGovern, James J.”, “McNabb, Vincent”, “McNamara, Martin”, “Meier, John P.”, “Melina, Livio”, “Miletic, Stephen Francis”, “Miller II, Robert D.”, “Mitch, Curtis”, “Mitch, Stacy”, “Mitchell, Alan C.”, “Moloney, Francis J.”, “Montague, George T.”, “Morrow, Thomas G.”, “Newman, John Henry”, “Neyrey, Jerome H.”, “Nichols, Aidan”, “O’Brien, John”, “O’Connor, James T.”, “Orchard, Bernard”, “Ott, Ludwig”, “Panikulam, George”, “Pascal, Blaise”, “Pastor, Ludwig”, “Paul VI”, “Pecknold, C. C.”, “Percy, Anthony”, “Peters, Edward N.”, “Pimentel, Stephen”, “Pius X”, “Pius XI”, “Pius XII”, “Pohle, Joseph”, “Ponessa, Joseph”, “Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite”, “Ratzinger, Joseph”, “Ray, Stephen K.”, “Richard, Earl J.”, “Ryan, Judith M.”, “Sanchez-Navarro, Luis”, “Schillebeecx, Edward”, “Schonborn, Christoph”, “Schroeder, H. J.”, “Schindler, David L.”, “Schreck, Alan”, “Senior, Donald”, “Shea, John Gilmary”, “Sievers, Joseph”, “Sirois, Celia”, “Sloyan, Gerard S.”, “Sofie, J. Francis”, “Somers, Gayle”, “Spicq, Ceslas”, “Spruit, Leen”, “Sri, Edward”, “St. Alphonsus Liguori”, “St. Cyril of Alexandria”, “St. Ignatius of Loyola”, “St. Lawrence of Brindisi”, “St. Peter Canisius”, “St. Robert Bellarmine”, “Stanley, David Michael”, “Stegman, Thomas D.”, “Stravinskas, Peter M. J.”, “Sullivan, John F.”, “Suprenant, Leon J.”, “Teresa of Avila”, “The Daughters of St. Paul”, “Thein, John”, “Thérèse of Lisieux”, “Turner, James”, “Tylenda, Joseph N.”, “University of Navarre”, “von Balthasar, Hans Urs”, “von Hefele, Charles Joseph”, “von Hildebrand, Dietrich”, “Waldstein, Michael”, “Wehner, James A.”, “Weinandy, Thomas G.”, “West, Christopher”, “Whitehead, Kenneth D.”, “Williamson, Peter S.”, “Woywod, Stanislaus”, “Yocum, John P.”, “Zeno, Katrina J.”) OR Publisher:(“Benziger Brothers”, “Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico”, “Emmaus Road Publishing”, “Herder”, “Ignatius”, “Libreria Editrice Vaticana”, “Liturgical Press”, “Pauline Books & Media”, “Pontifical Biblical Institute”, “The Catholic Publication Society”, “The Encyclopedia Press”, “United States Conference of Catholic Bishops”)
I had to remove the "St." as a prefix to get this selection to work.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Andrew Baguley said:
Author:(“Alexander, Archibald”, “Bannerman, James”, “Barnhouse, Donald Grey”, “Bavinck, Herman”, “Baxter, Richard”, “Beecher, Lyman”, “Beeke, Joel R.”, “Berkhof, Louis”, “Berkouwer, G. C.”, “Bierma, Lyle D.”, “Boettner, Loraine”, “Boice, James Montgomery”, “Bradford, John”, “Brakel, Wilhelmus”, “Breckinridge, Robert J.”, “Brown, John”, “Bullinger, Henry”, “Bunyan, John”, “Calvin, John”, “Chafer, Lewis Sperry”, “Chapell, Bryan”, “Clarkson, David”, “Culver, Robert”, “Dabney, Robert Lewis”, “De Kroon, Marijn”, “Doriani, Daniel M.”, “Duguid, Iain M.”, “Ferguson, Sinclair B.”, “Fields, Paul W.”, “Finlayson, T. Campbell”, “Finney, Charles”, “Flavel, John”, “Gage, Warren A.”, “Gerhart, Emanuel Vogel”, “Good, James I.”, “Hawker, Robert”, “Heck, Sebastian”, “Hegeman, David”, “Hendriksen, William”, “Hodge, Archibald Alexander”, “Hodge, Charles”, “Horne, Mark”, “Horton, Michael S.”, “Hyde, Daniel R.”, “Jackson, L. Charles”, “Jacomb, Thomas”, “Kistemaker, Simon”, “Knox, John”, “Kuyper, Abraham”, “Lawson, Steven J.”, “Lillback, Peter A.”, “Lloyd-Jones, Martyn”, “Maag, Karin”, “MacArthur, John”, “MacPherson, John”, “Manton, Thomas”, “Marshall, Walter”, “Martin, Albert N.”, “Martin, Steve”, “Meyers, Jeffrey”, “Muller, Richard”, “Murray, Andrew”, “Olevianus, Casper”, “Owen, John”, “Packer, J. I.”, “Payne, Jon D.”, “Phillips, Richard D.”, “Pink, A. W.”, “Piper, John”, “Reymond, Robert L.”, “Ridderbos, Herman”, “Ridgley, Thomas”, “Rushdoony, Rousas John”, “Rutherford, Samuel”, “Ryken, Philip Graham”, “Schaff, Philip”, “Scott, J. Julius”, “Shedd, William”, “Smith, Morton”, “Smith, Ralph A.”, “Smyth, Thomas”, “Sproul, R. C.”, “Spurgeon, Charles H.”, “Thomas, Derek W. H.”, “Thornwell, Hames Henley”, “Toplady, Augustus M.”, “Turretin, Francis”, “Usher, James”, “Van Til, Corrnelius”, “Vincent, Marvin”, “Vos, Geerhardus”, “Waltke, Bruce K.”, “Warfield, Benjamin B.”, “Westminster Assembly”, “Wikner, Benjamin K.”, “Wilkins, Steve”, “Witsius, Herman”, “Zwingli”) OR Publisher:(“Day One”, “Evangelical Press”, “Ligonier”, “Multnomah”, “P&R Publishing”, “Reformation Trust”)
This picked up part of the early fathers collection. Adding the Preformation collection to the minus side appears to make it work.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I added a restorationist denomination publisher:(Standard,"College Press") OR author:("Lucado, Max") - there are a number of PB's available which should also be added in.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Thanks for all the suggestions. Apologies for not taking up all the suggestions the first time. I thought I'd changed these back in September. Thanks especially to John for the long and reliable list for Dispensational, though I've amended it slightly and added a few more, so please feel free to suggest more corrections, additions, etc.
The latest list is:
Author:(“Anders, Max”, “Batten, Samuel Zane”, “Boyce, James Petigru”, “Brand, Chad Owen”, “Brisco, Thomas V.”, “Broadus, John Albert”, “Bush, L. Russ”, “Butler, Trent C.”, “Cabal, Ted”, “Cadenhead, Al”, “Caner, Emir”, “Caner, Ergun”, “Chapman, Morris”, “Collinson, Sylvia”, “Copan, Paul”, “Corley, Bruce”, “Cox, Stephen L.”, “Crosby, Thomas”, “Dagg, John L.”, “Dallimore, Arnold”, “Dockery, David S.”, “Draper, James T.”, “Easley, Kendell H.”, “Erickson, Millard”, “Estep, William R.”, “Fitts, Leroy”, “Forlines, Leroy”, “Fortner, Don”, “George, Timothy”, “Hankins, David E.”, “Henry, Carl”, “Henry, Jim”, “Hester, Hubert I.”, “Hixson, J. B.”, “Hobbs, Herschel”, “Holmes, Michael W”, “Keathley, Kenneth”, “Larkin, Clarence”, “Lawson, Steven J.”, “Lemke, Steve W.”, “Lightner, Robert”, “Lovejoy, Grant I.”, “MacArthur, John F.”, “MacLaren, Alexander”, “Martin, Albert N.”, “Martin, Steve”, “McBeth, H. Leon”, “McCune, Rolland”, “Mobley, Kendal P.”, “Montgomery, Helen Barrett”, “Mullins, E. Y.”, “Nettles, Tom J.”, “Norman, R. Stanton”, “Olford, Stephen”, “Paschal, H. Franklin”, “Picirilli, Robert E.”, “Piper, John”, “Polhill, John B.”, “Robertson, Archibald T.”, “Sabou, Sorin”, “Schreiner, Thomas R.”, “Sherman, Cecil”, “Spurgeon”, “Staats, Gary”, “Stanley, Charles”, “Strong, Augustus Hopkins”, “Summers, Ray”, “West, Jim”, “Wise, Kurt P.”, “Wright, Shawn D.”, “Wright, Stephen I.”) OR Publisher:(“Baptist”, “B&H”, “Holman”, “Randall House”, “Reformed Baptist Theological Review”, “Roger Williams Heritage Archive”)
Southern Baptist
Author:(“Boyce, James Petigru”, “Brand, Chad Owen”, “Brisco, Thomas V.”, “Broadus, John Albert”, “Bush, L. Russ”, “Cabal, Ted”, “Caner, Emir”, “Caner, Ergun”, “Chapman, Morris”, “Cox, Stephen L.”, “Dockery, David S.”, “Draper, James T.”, “Easley, Kendell H.”, “Estep, William R.”, “Fitts, Leroy”, “George, Timothy”, “Hankins, David E.”, “Henry, Jim”, “Hester, Hubert I.”, “Hobbs, Herschel”, “Keathley, Kenneth”, “McBeth, H. Leon”, “Mullins, E.Y.”, “Nettles, Tom J.”, “Norman, R. Stanton”, “Paschal, H. Franklin”, “Robertson, Archibald T.”, “Schreiner, Thomas R.”, “Sherman, Cecil”, “Stanley, Charles”, “Summers, Ray”, “Wise, Kurt P.”, “Wright, Shawn D.”) OR Publisher:(“B&H”, “Holman”)
Author:(“Bender, Harold S.”, “Charles, John D.”, “Dyck, Cornelius J.”, “Finger, Thomas”, “Friesen, Duane K.”, “Hartzler, Jonas Smucker”, “Hiebert, D. Edmond”, “Horsch, John”, “Kauffman, Daniel”, “Klaassen, Walter”, “Klassen, William”, “Kraybill, Donald B.”, “Kreider, Alan”, “Murray, Stuart”, “Roth, John D.”, “Simons, Menno”, “Snyder, C. Arnold”, “Stauffer, John L.”, Twisk, Peter J.”, “van Braght, Thieleman J.”, “Weaver, J. Denny”, “Wenger, John C.”) OR Publisher:(”Herald Press”, “Mennonite”)
Additional Suggestion
OR Title:(Anabaptis, Mennonite)
NB: This would add resources about Anabaptism that are not necessarily from an Anabaptist perspective. Similar suggestions could be made to other categories.
Author:(“Arand, Charles P.”, “Becker, Matthew L.”, “Bonhoeffer, Dietrich”, “Dorner, Isaak August”, “Engelbrecht, Edward A.”, “Gerhard, Johann”, “Gritsch, Eric W.”, “Hinlicky, Paul R.”, “Jeske, John C.”, “Jungel, Eberhard”, “Kittleson, James M.”, “Kolb, Robert”, “Kysar, Robert”, “Lenski, R. C. H.”, “Leupold, H. C.”, “Luther, Martin”, “Michel, Walter L.”, “Nestingen, James A.”, “Richard, James W.”, “Schramm, Brooks”, “Spener, Philip Jacob”, “Steinmann, Andrew E.”, “Stjerna, Kirsi I.”, “Torvend, Samuel”, “Valentine, Milton”, “Veith, Gene Edward”, “Wengert, Timothy J.”) OR Publisher:(“Concordia”, “Lutheran”, “Northwestern Publishing House”)
Additional Suggestion
OR Publisher:(Augsburg, Fortress)
NB: Augsburg-Fortress is the publishing house of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, but it does not just publish Lutheran works, and so would provide many false positives, such as Systematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives by Galvin and Schuessler-Fiorenza, and books by Moltmann and Brueggemann.
Author:(“Abraham, William J.”, “Arminius”, “Beet, J. A.”, “Brower, Kent”, “Carter, Charles W.”, “Clarke, Adam”, “Coleson, Joseph”, “Colon-Emeric, Edgardo A.”, “DeNeff, Steve”,“Drury, Keith”, “Fletcher, John”, “Green, Joel B.”, “Grotius, Hugo”, “Harrison, Nick”, “Hartley, J. E.”, “Hurlbut, J. L.”, “Johnson, Derric”, “Lawson, John”, “Leroy, Matt”, “Lynn, Jack”, “Lyons, George”, “Marshall, I. H.”, “Mellish, Kevin J.”, “McIntosh, Gary L.”, “Miley, John”, “Pope, William Burt”, “Raymond, Miner”, “Rotz, Carol”, “Schmidt, Wayne”, “Shelton, R. L.”, “Summers, Jeremy”, “Terry, M. S.”, “Toler, Stan”, “Watson, David F.”, “Watson, Richard”, “Wesley, Charles”, “Wesley, John”, “Whedon, D. D.”, “Whitesel, Bob”, “Wilson, Earle”, “Wilson, Norman G.”) OR Publisher:(“Beacon”, “Wesleyan”)
Author:(“Alexander, Archibald”, “Bannerman, James”, “Barnhouse, Donald Grey”, “Bavinck, Herman”, “Baxter, Richard”, “Beecher, Lyman”, “Beeke, Joel R.”, “Berkhof, Louis”, “Berkouwer, G. C.”, “Bierma, Lyle D.”, “Boettner, Loraine”, “Boice, James Montgomery”, “Bradford, John”, “Brakel, Wilhelmus”, “Breckinridge, Robert J.”, “Brown, John”, “Bullinger, Henry”, “Bunyan, John”, “Calvin, John”, “Chafer, Lewis Sperry”, “Chapell, Bryan”, “Clarkson, David”, “Culver, Robert”, “Dabney, Robert Lewis”, “De Kroon, Marijn”, “Doriani, Daniel M.”, “Duguid, Iain M.”, “Ferguson, Sinclair B.”, “Fields, Paul W.”, “Finlayson, T. Campbell”, “Finney, Charles”, “Flavel, John”, “Gage, Warren A.”, “Gerhart, Emanuel Vogel”, “Good, James I.”, “Hawker, Robert”, “Heck, Sebastian”, “Hegeman, David”, “Hendriksen, William”, “Hodge, Archibald Alexander”, “Hodge, Charles”, “Horne, Mark”, “Horton, Michael S.”, “Hyde, Daniel R.”, “Jackson, L. Charles”, “Jacomb, Thomas”, “Kistemaker, Simon”, “Knox, John”, “Kuyper, Abraham”, “Lawson, Steven J.”, “Lillback, Peter A.”, “Lloyd-Jones, Martyn”, “Maag, Karin”, “MacArthur, John”, “MacPherson, John”, “Manton, Thomas”, “Marshall, Walter”, “Martin, Albert N.”, “Martin, Steve”, “Meyers, Jeffrey”, “Muller, Richard”, “Murray, Andrew”, “Olevianus, Casper”, “Owen, John”, “Packer, J. I.”, “Payne, Jon D.”, “Phillips, Richard D.”, “Pink, A. W.”, “Piper, John”, “Reymond, Robert L.”, “Ridderbos, Herman”, “Ridgley, Thomas”, “Rushdoony, Rousas John”, “Rutherford, Samuel”, “Ryken, Philip Graham”, “Schaff, Philip”, “Scott, J. Julius”, “Shedd, William”, “Smith, Morton”, “Smith, Ralph A.”, “Smyth, Thomas”, “Sproul, R. C.”, “Spurgeon, Charles H.”, “Thomas, Derek W. H.”, “Thornwell, Hames Henley”, “Toplady, Augustus M.”, “Turretin, Francis”, “Usher, James”, “Van Til, Corrnelius”, “Vincent, Marvin”, “Vos, Geerhardus”, “Waltke, Bruce K.”, “Warfield, Benjamin B.”, “Westminster Assembly”, “Wikner, Benjamin K.”, “Wilkins, Steve”, “Witsius, Herman”, “Zwingli”) OR Publisher:(“Day One”, “Evangelical Press”, “Ligonier”, “Multnomah”, “P&R Publishing”, “Reformation Trust”)
Author:(“Alexander, Archibald”, “Bannerman, James”, “Barnhouse, Donald Grey”, “Beecher, Lyman”, “Boettner, Loraine”, “Boice, James Montgomery”, “Breckinridge, Robert J.”, “Brown, John”, “Chafer, Lewis Sperry”, “Chapell, Bryan”, “Dabney, Robert Lewis”, “Doriani, Daniel M.”, “Duguid, Iain M.”, “Ferguson, Sinclair B.”, “Finney, Charles”, “Flavel, John”, “Gage, Warren A.”, “Heck, Sebastian”, “Hegeman, David”, “Hodge, Archibald Alexander”, “Hodge, Charles”, “Horne, Mark”, “Jackson, L. Charles”, “Knox, John”, “Lillback, Peter A.”, “MacPherson, John”, “Marshall, Walter”, “Meyers, Jeffrey”, “Payne, Jon D.”, “Phillips, Richard D.”, “Reymond, Robert”, “Rutherford, Samuel”, “Ryken, Philip Graham”, “Scott, J. Julius”, “Shedd, William”, “Smith, Morton”, “Smith, Ralph A.”, “Smyth, Thomas”, “Sproul, R. C.”, “Thomas, Derek W. H.”, “Thornwell, Hames Henley”, “Van Til, Corrnelius”, “Vincent, Marvin”, “Vos, Geerhardus”, “Warfield, Benjamin B.”, “Wikner, Benjamin K.”, “Wilkins, Steve”) OR Publisher:(“Ligonier”, “P&R Publishing”, “Presbyterian”, “Reformation Trust”)
Author:(“Bartel, Leroy”, “Bicket, Zenas”, “Cotton, Roger”, “Duffield, Guy”, “Ford, Johnny”, “Hayford, Jack”, “Hernando, James”, “Horton, Stanley”, “McClaflin, Mike”, “McGee, Gary”, “Moller, F. P.”, “Newberry, Annette”, “Synan, Vinson”, “Taylor, Cheryl”) OR Publisher:(“L.I.F.E. Bible College”)
Author:(“Allen, Ronald B.”, “Arnold, Clinton E.”, “Bailey, Mark”, “Barber, Cyril J.”, “Barbieri, Louis A.”, “Barker, Kenneth L.”, “Benware, Paul N.”, “Boa, Kenneth”, “Campbell, Donald K”, “Chafer, Lewis Sperry”, “Cone, Christopher”, “Darby, John Nelson”, “DeHaan, M. R.”, “Derickson, Gary”, “Dillow, Joseph”, “Dyer, Charles H.”, “Enns, Paul P.”, “Evans, Tony”, “Farstad, Arthur”, “Feinberg, Charles L.”, “Feinberg, Paul”, “Fruchtenbaum, Arnold G.”, “Gaebelein, Arno C.”, “Garland, Anthony”, “Geisler, Norman L.”, “Gingrich, Roy E.”, “Gromacki, Robert”, “Harrison, Everett F.”, “Hartman, Fred”, “Hendricks, Howard G.”, “Hindson, Edward”, “Hitchcock, Mark”, “Hodges, Zane”, “Hoehner, Harold”, “House, H. Wayne”, “Hughes, R. Kent”, “Ironside, H.A.”, “Jensen, Irving”, “Jeremiah, David”, “Johnston, Wendell”, “Karleen, Paul S.”, “Keathley, Hampton”, “Kelly, William”, “Kreloff, Steven A.”, “Kroll, Woodrow”, “LaHaye, Tim”, “Laney, J. Carl”, “Larkin, Clarence”, “Levy, David M.”, “Lightner, Robert P.”, “Litfin, Duane”, “Lopez, René”, “Lutzer, Erwin W.”, “MacArthur, John F.”, “Mackintosh, C. H.”, “Malphurs, Aubrey”, “Mayhue, Richard L.”, “McGee, J. Vernon”, “McKenzie, Marni Shideler”, “McQuaid, Elwood”, “Merrill, Eugene”, “Mills, M. S.”, “Morris, Henry M.”, “Olander, David”, “Ortlund, Raymond C.”, “Pentecost, J. Dwight”, “Pfeiffer, Charles”, “Radmacher, Earl D”, “Rosscup, James”, “Ryrie, Charles”, “Sailhamer, John H.”, “Saucy, Robert L.”, “Scofield, C. I.”, “Showers, Renald E.”, “Stanley, Andy”, “Stanley, Charles F.”, “Stedman, Ray C.”, “Strauss, Richard L.”, “Swindoll, Charles R”, “Talbot, Louis T.”, “Taylor, Kenneth N.”, “Thiessen, Henry Clarence”, “Thomas, Robert L.”, “Trahan, Kerry”, “Unger, Merrill F.”, “Varner, William”, “Vos, Howard F.”, “Wallace, Daniel B.”, “Waltke, Bruce K.”, “Walvoord, John F.”, “Water, Mark”, “Waymeyer, Matthew”, “Wilkin, Robert”, “Wilkinson, Bruce H”, “Willmington, Harold L.”, “Wolf, Herbert”, “Zuck, Roy B.”)
Author:(“Alford, Henry”, “Andrewes, Lancelot”, “Avis, Paul”, “Benham, William”, “Blunt, John Henry”, “Bradford, John”, “Bray, Gerald R.”, “Bubbers, Susan I.”, “Bull, George”, “Chapman, Mark”, “Cranmer, Thomas”, “Duncombe, Augustus”, “Faber, G.S.”, “Farrar, Frederic William”, “Fenwick, John”, “Gore, Charles”, “Grant, F. W.”, “Hall, Francis”, “Hatch, Edwin”, “Holmes, Christopher R. J.”, “Hooker, Richard”, “Ketley, Joseph”, “Law, William”, “Liddon, Henry Parry”, “Lightfoot, J. B.”, “McGrath, Alister”, “Members of the University of Oxford”, “Monro, Edward A.”, “Oakley, Nigel”, “Olden, Thomas”, “Packer, J.I.”, “Paley, William”, “Powys, David”, “Pusey, Edward”, “Rawlinson, George”, “Ridley, Nicholas”, “Ryle J. C.”, “Simeon, Charles”, “Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn”, “Stone, Darwell”, “Stott, John”, “Taylor, Jeremy”, “Titley, Robert”, “Toplady, Augustus M.”, “Ward, Robin”, “Wilberforce, William”, “Wright, J. Robert”, “Wright, N.T.”) OR Publisher:(“SPCK”) OR Abbrev:(“CPC”)
Roman Catholic
Author:(“a Lapide, Cornelius”, “Acklin, Thomas”, “Althann, Robert”, “Armstrong, Dave”, “Bachiochi, Erika”, “Bachofen, Charles Augustine”, “Baldini, Ugo”, “Barber, Michael”, “Barron, Robert”, “Bean, Danielle”, “Beckwith, Francis J.”, “Bellarmine, Robert”, “Benedict XV”, “Benedict XVI”, “Benedictine Monks”, “Bergant, Dianne”, “Blanchette, Oliva”, “Blenkinsopp, Joseph”, “Bossis, Gabrielle”, “Bransfield, J. Brian”, “Breen, A. E.”, “Brother Lawrence”, “Brown, Raymond Edward”, “Buckley, Theodore Alois”, “Burke, Daniel”, “Burns, Helena R.”, “Butler, Alban”, “Byles, R. D.”, “Byrne, Brendan”, “Canisius, Peter”, “Carlen, Claudia”, “Cataneo, Pascal”, “Catholic Biblical Association”, “Catholic Church”, “Chesterton, Gilbert K.”, “Christmyer, Sarah”, “Coffin, Patrick”, “Collins, Adela Y.”, “Collins, John J.”, “Collins, Raymond F.”, “Congar, Yves”, “Cunningham, Lawrence S.”, “Dahood, Mitchell”, “Dalton, William Jospeh”, “de Caussade, Jean Pierre”, “de Chantal, Jane Frances”, “de Sales, Francis”, “De Vogue, Adalbert”, “Deferrari, Roy J.”, “DeMarco, Donald”, “Denzinger, Henry”, “Dimech-Juchniewicz, Jean”, “Donahue, John R.”, “Dubay, Thomas”, “Emmerich, Anne Catherine”, “Fiore, Benjamin”, “Fiorenza, Francis Schussler”, “Fitzgerald, Allan D.”, “Fitzmyer, Joseph A.”, “Flaherty, Regis J.”, “Franklin, Carmela Vircillo”, “Frisk, M. Jean”, “Fry, Timothy”, “Galvin, John P.”, “Gan, Eugene”, “Giblin, Charles Homer”, “Gigot, F. E. C.”, “Glavich, Mary Kathleen”, “Granados, Carlos”, “Granados, Jose”, “Gray, Philip C. L.”, “Gray, Timothy”, “Grech, Prosper”, “Green, Barbara”, “Guarino, Thomas”, “Hahn, Scott”, “Harrington, Daniel J.”, “Harrington, Wilfrid J.”, “Hartin, Patrick J.”, “Haydock, George Leo”, “Healy, Mary”, “Heil, John Paul”, “Hermes, Kathryn J.”, “Herron, Thomas”, “Himes, Kenneth R.”, “Hitchcock, James”, “Hoeck, Andreas”, “Hunter, Sylvester Joseph”, “Hurd, R. Scott”, “Ignatius of Loyola”, “Jacques, Xavier”, “John of the Cross”, “John Paul I”, “John Paul II”, “John XXIII”, “Johnson, Lawrence J.”, “Johnson, Luke Timothy”, “Jurgens, William A.”, “Kardong, Terrence G.”, “Karris, Robert J.”, “Keating, Daniel”, “Ker, Ian”, “Knecht, Frederick Justus”, “Kosanke, Charles G.”, “Kreeft, Peter”, “Kurz, William S.”, “Lambrecht, Jan”, “Landon, Edward H.”, “Launderville, Dale”, “Lawrence of Brindisi”, “Leiva-Merikakis, Erasmo”, “Leo XIII”, “Liesen, Jan”, “Liguori, Alphonsus”, “Likoudis, James”, “Maas, A. J.”, “MacDonald, Margaret Y.”, “MacEvilly, John”, “Maloney, Francis J.”, “Mann, Horace Kinder”, “Marks, Frederick W.”, “Martin, Curtis”, “Martin, Mary Peter”, “Martin, Michaelann”, “Martinez, Luis Maria”, “Matera, Frank J.”, “Mattison III, William C.”, “May, William E.”, “McCarthy, David Matzko”, “McGovern, James J.”, “McNabb, Vincent”, “McNamara, Martin”, “Meier, John P.”, “Melina, Livio”, “Miletic, Stephen Francis”, “Miller II, Robert D.”, “Mitch, Curtis”, “Mitch, Stacy”, “Mitchell, Alan C.”, “Moloney, Francis J.”, “Montague, George T.”, “Morrow, Thomas G.”, “Newman, John Henry”, “Neyrey, Jerome H.”, “Nichols, Aidan”, “O’Brien, John”, “O’Connor, James T.”, “Orchard, Bernard”, “Ott, Ludwig”, “Panikulam, George”, “Pascal, Blaise”, “Pastor, Ludwig”, “Paul VI”, “Pecknold, C. C.”, “Percy, Anthony”, “Peters, Edward N.”, “Pilch, John J.”, “Pimentel, Stephen”, “Pius X”, “Pius XI”, “Pius XII”, “Pohle, Joseph”, “Ponessa, Joseph”, “Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite”, “Ratzinger, Joseph”, “Ray, Stephen K.”, “Richard, Earl J.”, “Ryan, Judith M.”, “Sanchez-Navarro, Luis”, “Schillebeecx, Edward”, “Schonborn, Christoph”, “Schroeder, H. J.”, “Schindler, David L.”, “Schreck, Alan”, “Senior, Donald”, “Shea, John Gilmary”, “Sievers, Joseph”, “Sirois, Celia”, “Sloyan, Gerard S.”, “Sofie, J. Francis”, “Somers, Gayle”, “Spicq, Ceslas”, “Spruit, Leen”, “Sri, Edward”, “Stanley, David Michael”, “Stegman, Thomas D.”, “Stravinskas, Peter M. J.”, “Sullivan, John F.”, “Suprenant, Leon J.”, “Teresa of Avila”, “The Daughters of St. Paul”, “Thein, John”, “Thérèse of Lisieux”, “Turner, James”, “Tylenda, Joseph N.”, “University of Navarre”, “von Balthasar, Hans Urs”, “von Hefele, Charles Joseph”, “von Hildebrand, Dietrich”, “Waldstein, Michael”, “Wehner, James A.”, “Weinandy, Thomas G.”, “West, Christopher”, “Whitehead, Kenneth D.”, “Williamson, Peter S.”, “Woywod, Stanislaus”, “Yocum, John P.”, “Zeno, Katrina J.”) OR Publisher:(“Benziger Brothers”, “Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico”, “Emmaus Road Publishing”, “Herder”, “Ignatius”, “Libreria Editrice Vaticana”, “Liturgical Press”, “Pauline Books & Media”, “Pontifical Biblical Institute”, “The Catholic Publication Society”, “The Encyclopedia Press”, “United States Conference of Catholic Bishops”)
Author:(“Abelard, Peter”, “Albert the Great”, “Anselm of Canterbury”, “Anthony of Padua and Lisbon”, “Aquinas”, “Augustine of Hippo”, “Basil the Great”, “Benedict of Nursia”, “Bede”, “Bernard of Clairvaux”, “Boethius”, “Bonaventure”, “Catherine of Siena”, “Cyprian of Carthage”, “Cyril of Alexandria”, “Cyril of Jerusalem”, “Eusebius”, “Francis Assisi”, “Gregory of Nyssa”, “Gregory the Great”, “Heloise”, “Hippolytus”, “Hugh of St. Victor”, “Isidore of Seville”, “Jacques de Vitry”, “John Chrysostom”, “John Damascene”, “Melito of Sardis”, “Origen”, “Richard Rolle”, “St. Jerome”, “Tertullian”, “Theodore of Mopsuestia”, “Thomas à Kempis”) OR Abbrev:(“ACCS”, “ANF”, “NPNF”)
Publisher:(“Jewish Publication Society”)
Plymouth Brethren
Author:(“Darby, John Nelson”, “Ironside, H. A.”, “Kelly, William”, “Mackintosh, C. H.”)
Seventh Day Adventist
Author:(“Anderson, Bruce”, “Dederen, Raoul”, “Fayard, Carlos”, “Gulley, Norman R.”, “Harding IV, George T.”, “Hernandez, Barbara Couden”, “Horn, Siegfried H.”, “Knight, George R.”, “LaRondelle, Hans K.”, “Neufeld, Don F.”, “Nichol, Francis D.”, “Rice, Richard”, “Smith, Uriah”, White, Ellen G.”) OR Publisher:(“Andrews University Press”, “Review and Herald”, “Seventh-day Adventist”)
Author:(“Clendenin, Daniel B”) OR Publisher:(“St. Vladimir's Seminary Press”)
Author:(“Butler John G.”, “Custer, Stewart”, “Gaebelein, Arno”, “Ironside, H. A.”, “Pink, Arthur Walkington”, “Steveson, Peter A.”, “Torrey, R. A.”, “Trumbull, Henry Clay”)
Author:(“Baxter, Richard”, “Beeke, Joel R.”, “Brook, Benjamin”, “Brooks, Thomas”, “Bunyan, John”, “Charnock, Stephen”, “Edwards, Jonathan”, “Flavel, John”, “Goodwin, Thomas”, “Hopkins, Ezekiel”, “Howe, John”, “Jacomb, Thomas”, “Manton, Thomas”, “Neal, Daniel”, “Owen, John”, “Packer, J. I.”, “Ridgley, Thomas”, “Scougal, Henry”, “Scudder, Henry”, “Sibbes, Richard”, “Swinnock, George”, “Traill, Robert”, “Ussher, James”) OR Publisher:(“Richard Owen Roberts”)
Restoration Movement
Author:(“Bland, Dave L.”, “Briley, Terry”, “Fredenburg, Brandon L.”, “Lucado, Max”, “Shank, Harold”, “Willis, Timothy M.”) OR Publisher:(“College Press”, “Standard”)
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Thanks again Andrew. I made sure that I updated all of my collections and some of the changes added a few more resources.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Does "A Bible Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition" belong in Arminian-Wesleyian?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Amish Prayers by Beverly Lewis is available in Vyrso - belongs in the Anabaptist.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I'd add the following to Jewish
OR title:Talmud OR author:("Ibn Ezra, Abraham","Neuser,Jacob")
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
I'd add the following to Jewish
OR title:Talmud OR author:("Ibn Ezra, Abraham","Neuser,Jacob")
This is a helpful addition.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Rather than title:Talmud, which would bring up resources by, say, Lightfoot regarding the Talmud but not from a Jewish perspective, I would prefer to stick to authors and publishers as far as possible. I'd suggest the following two categories. Corrections and suggestions always welcome.
Jewish (not Messianic)
Author:(“Bamberger, Bernard J.”, “Berkson, William”, “Berlin, Adele”, “Borowitz, Eugene B.”, “Braude, William G.”, “Brettler, Marc Zvi”, “Cherry, Shai”, “Cohen, Arthur A.”, “Dorff, Elliot N.”, “Eisenberg, Joyce”, “Eisenberg, Ronald L.”, “Elon, Menachem”, “Elzas, A.”, “Eskenazi, Tamara Cohn”, “Fishbane, Michael”, “Fluegel, Maurice”, “Fox, Michael V.”, “Frymer-Kensky, Tikva”, “Ginzberg, Louis”, “Hammer, Jill”, “Hammer, Reuven”, “Hartman, David”, “Henry, Sondra”, “Holtz, Barry W.”, “Ibn Ezra, Abraham”, “Jastrow, Morris”, “Kalisch, Marcus Moritz”, “Kapstein, Israel J.”, “Katz, Michael”, “Kimchi, David”, “Knobel, Peter S.”, “Knohl, Israel”, “Lamm, Norman”, “Lauterbach, Jacob Z.”, “Levey, Samson H.”, “Levine, Baruch”, “Levine, Lee I.”, “Mandel, David”, “Mendes-Flohr, Paul”, “Miles-Yepez, Netanel”, “Milgrom, Jacob”, “Nelson, W. David”, “Neusner, Jacob”, “Nodet, Etienne”, “Ochs, Vanessa L.”, “Potok, Rena”, “Rodkinson, Michael L.”, “Rosen, Norma”, “Sarna, Nahum N.”, “Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman”, “Schwartz, Gershon”, “Scolnic, Ellen”, “Silber, David”, “Simon, Uriel”, “Stein, David E. S.”, “Tabory, Joseph”, “Taitz, Emily”, “Tallan, Cheryl”, “Tigay, Jeffrey H.”, “Weiss, Randall A.”) OR Publisher:(“Jewish Publication Society”, “The Talmud Society”)
Messianic Jewish
Author:(“Brown, Michael L.”, “Cohn-Sherbok, Dan”, “Feinberg, Jeffrey”, “Fischer, John”, “Fischer, Patrice”, “Friedman, David”, “Fruchtenbaum, Arnold G.”, “Gillespie, Terri”, “Goldberg, Louis”, “Gramckow, Jerry”, “Huckel, Tom”, “Juster, Daniel C.”, “Kasdan, Barney”, “Kjaer-Hansen, Kai”, “Leman, Derek”, “Lipson, Irene”, “Malda, Barbara D.”, “Moseley, Ron”, “Resnik, Russell”, “Rubin, Barry”, “Rubin, Steffi”, “Rudolph, David J.”, “Sacks, Stuart”, “Silberling, Murray”, “Stern, David H.”, “Switzer, Daniel L.”, “Vander Meulen, Elizabeth L.”) OR Publisher:(“Hananeel House”, “Messianic Jewish Publishers”)
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Andrew Baguley said:
Author:(“Bartel, Leroy”, “Bicket, Zenas”, “Cotton, Roger”, “Duffield, Guy”, “Ford, Johnny”, “Hayford, Jack”, “Hernando, James”, “Horton, Stanley”, “McClaflin, Mike”, “McGee, Gary”, “Moller, F. P.”, “Newberry, Annette”, “Synan, Vinson”, “Taylor, Cheryl”) OR Publisher:(“L.I.F.E. Bible College”)
I would change it for the following:
Author:(“Bartel, Leroy”, “Bicket, Zenas”, “Cotton, Roger”, “Duffield, Guy”, “Ford, Johnny”, “Hayford, Jack”, “Hernando, James”, “Horton, Stanley”, “McClaflin, Mike”, “McGee, Gary”, “Moller, F. P.”, “Newberry, Annette”, “Synan, Vinson”, “Taylor, Cheryl”) OR Publisher:(“L.I.F.E. Bible College”, "Logion Press", "Gospel Publishing House", "Global University")
P.S. What about Gordon Fee?
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Great lists, thanks.
I found two typos, in the Anabaptist list there is a missing quote (") before Twisk, and in Seventh Day Adventist there is a missing quote before White, Ellen G.
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Don Awalt said:
Great lists, thanks.
I found two typos, in the Anabaptist list there is a missing quote (") before Twisk, and in Seventh Day Adventist there is a missing quote before White, Ellen G.
I would add change the spelling to "Seventh-day Adventist"
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Andrew Baguley said:
Let me suggest
Author:(“Arand, Charles P.”, "Arndt, Johann", “Becker, Matthew L.”, “Bonhoeffer, Dietrich”, “Dorner, Isaak August”, “Engelbrecht, Edward A.”, "Gerberding, George",“Gerhard, Johann”, "Giertz, Bo", “Gritsch, Eric W.”, “Hinlicky, Paul R.”, “Jeske, John C.”, “Jungel, Eberhard”, “Kittleson, James M.”, “Kolb, Robert”, “Kysar, Robert”, “Lenski, R. C. H.”, “Leupold, H. C.”, “Luther, Martin”, "Lutheran Church" , "Lutheran Synod", "Mann, William Julius" ,“Michel, Walter L.”, “Nestingen, James A.”, “Richard, James W.”, “Schramm, Brooks”, "Schmucker, Samuel", “Spener, Philip Jacob”, “Steinmann, Andrew E.”, “Stjerna, Kirsi I.”, "Tappert, Theodore" ,“Torvend, Samuel”, “Valentine, Milton”, “Veith, Gene Edward”, "Walther, C.F.W.", “Wengert, Timothy J.”) OR Publisher:(“Concordia”, “Lutheran”, “Northwestern Publishing House”)
which will bring the Lutheran lectionaries, Giertz' fictional "Hammer of God" and some of the excellent PBs into it without giving too much false positives.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Also, in addition to
Andrew Baguley said:Arminian-Wesleyan
we'd probably need
Arminian, Classical
my first take: author:("Arminius", "Forlines", "Olson, Roger", "Picirilli, Robert") OR publisher:"Randall House"
and maybe some from the Arminian-Wesleyan tag should be brought over - or we collapse into Arminian / Wesleyan without distinction and add these authors (who all are baptists rather than methodists). EDIT: Logos does so and carries e.g. as such.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Would it be accurate to put the publishers Christianity Today, Kregel, Moody and The Gospel Coalition under Evangelical?
I would also suggest a new category for Unitarian/Universalist with an initial rule of publisher:"American Unitarian Association"
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I think that logos is not aware of the material they put up for com. pricing.They just offer products and people are the ones that control what is offered.
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reported as spam
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I've finally gotten my unclassified segment down to < 1/3. The group within the black arc are the ACELO churches whose resources I have sought out.
The additional changes I made to the suggestions above:
Pre-reformation add:
Saint Patrick
Andrew of Crete
Dante Alighieri
Hugh of Saint Victor*
Francis of Assisi*
Catholic add:
Cornelius a Lapide *
Desiderius Eramus
Anglican/Episcopalean add:
Myles Coverdale
Paul F. Bradshaw
H. D. M. Spence
Henry Barclay Swete
John Newton
Evangelical add:
Tokunbon Adeyemo
Spiros Zodhiates
Christianity Today
The Gospel Coalition
Presbyterian add:
Joseph Addison Alexander
Hans Dieter Betz
Alfred Edersheim
Ben Witherington III
David A. deSilva
Jewish add:
Flavius Josephus
Philo of Alexandria
Marvin A, Sweeney
Orthodox add:
Sebastian P. Brock
Gorgias Press
Lutheran add:
Rudolf Bultmann
Adolf von Harnackthose with a star existed in the lists but not in all forms required to pick up as authors. There are a number of German scholars I believe to be Lutheran but have yet to verify beyond "Protestant",
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
Would it be accurate to put the publishers Christianity Today, Kregel, Moody and The Gospel Coalition under Evangelical?
My take: CT probably yes, don't know about the breadth of books puiblished by Kregel or Moody. TGC no, they belong to reformed.
Have joy in the Lord!
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NB.Mick said:
Glad you caught Giertz, but you're still missing some other Swedes: Krister Stendahl, Lars Hartman, Cristina Grenholm and Sigurd Bergmann. As well as Søren Kierkegaard, Oskar Skarsaune, and (probably) Reidar Hvalvik. I don't have time to check out the other Norwegians and Danes (the other Swedes don't seem to be Lutheran).
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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fgh said:NB.Mick said:
Glad you caught Giertz, but you're still missing some other Swedes: Krister Stendahl, Lars Hartman, Cristina Grenholm and Sigurd Bergmann. As well as Søren Kierkegaard, Oskar Skarsaune, and (probably) Reidar Hvalvik.
Yes, I probably am. However, my heuristic was to compare the collection with my existing tag "Lutheran", based on my library.
author:(Stendahl, Hartman, Grenholm, Bergmann, Kierkegaard, Skarsaune, Hvalvik) gives
where the fiction book is a false positive from my lazy input and Kierkegaard in my mind was more of a philosopher than a Lutheran theologian, but I concede you have a point here - and surely a larger population of Swedish authors than I have (Stendahl is the only name that rings a bell for me, but currently yields only a $200 Pauline theology collection gathering interest on PrePub)
Have joy in the Lord!
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This is my latest attempt to tidy up the Arminian category. Corrections & suggestions still welcome. Thanks for all those already given.
Author:(“Abraham, William J.”, “Allen, O. Wesley”, “Anderson, Cheryl”, “Banks, J. S.”, “Barker, Margaret”, “Barrett, C. K.”, “Bassler, Jouette M.”, “Beardslee, William A.”, “Beet, Joseph Agar”, “Bell, Daniel M.”, “Bence, Clarence”, “Bence, Philip”, “Bennett, Stephen J.”, “Black, Robert”, “Blaney, Harvey J. S.”, “Bounds, Chris”, “Bounds, Edward M.”, “Bowne, Borden P.”, “Branson, Robert D.”, “Brecheisen, Jerry”, “Brower, Kent”, “Brown, Teresa L. Fry”, “Burns, Jabez”, “Burr, J. K.”, “Byassee, Jason”, “Callen, Barry”, “Cameron, Ron”, “Carr, David M.”, “Carter, Charles W.”, “Carver, Frank G.”, “Case, David A.”, “Castelo, Daniel”, “Clarke, Adam”, “Cobb, John B.”, “Cockerill, Gareth Lee”, “Cole, Otis”, “Coleson, Joseph”, “Colon-Emeric, Edgardo A.”, “Cookes, R. J.”, “Cox, Leo G.”, “Davis, Patricia H.”, “Dayton, Wilber T.”, “De Vries, Simon J.”, “Deasley, Alex”, “Deems, Charles F.”, “DeNeff, Steve”, “DeSilva, David A.”, “Dongell, Joseph”, “Drury, David”, “Drury, Keith”, “Dunnam, Maxie D.”, “Earle, Ralph”, “Eaton, E. L.”, “Eckley, Richard K.”, “Eckman, George P.”, “Edlin, Jim”, “English, Donald”, “Etheridge, John Wesley”, “Failing, George E.”, “Findlay, George G.”, “Flemming, Dean”, “Fletcher, John”, “Furnish, Victor Paul”, “Gaebelein, Arno”, “Garlow, James”, “Greathouse, William”, “Green, Joel B.”, “Grider, J. Kenneth”, “Grotius, Hugo”, “Gunter, W. Stephen”, “Hahn, Roger”, “Haines, Lee”, “Hall, Bert H.”, “Hanke, Howard A.”, “Harrison, Nick”, “Hartley, John E.”, “Hays, Richard B.”, “Heath, Elaine A.”, “Heer, Ken”, “Hibbard, F. G.”, “Hinson, David F.”, “Holdren, David W.”, “Holmes, Mark A.”, “Hughes, Henry Maldwyn”, “Hughes, John”, “Hunter W.”, “Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman”, “Johnson, Derric”, “Jones, Kenneth E.”, “Kampen, John”, “Kelle, Brad E.”, “Keppel, David”, “Kim, H. C. P.”, “King, George W.”, “Kinlaw, Dennis”, “Kisker, Scott”, “Kufeldt, George”, “Kuhns, Oscar”, “Lane, William L.”, “Lawson, John”, “Lennox, Stephen J.”, “Leroy, Matt”, “Lidgett, John Scott”, “Lipscomb, Christy”, “Livingston, George Herbert”, “Lofthouse, W. F.”, “Long, Stephen”, “Love, William DeLoss”, “Lull, David J.”, “Lynn, Jack”, “Lyon, Jo Anne”, “Lyons, George”, “Marcus, Joel”, “Marshall, I. H.”, “Marsh, Clive”, “Martin, William Wallace”, “McClung, Ronald”, “Mellish, Kevin J.”, “Merrill, S. M.”, “McIntosh, Gary L.”, “McLintock, John”, “Miles, Rebekah L.”, “Miley, John”, “Modine, Mitchel”, “Moulton, James Hope”, “Neale, David A.”, “Nelson, Richard D.”, “Newhall, Fales H.”, “Nicholson, Roy S.”, “Noll, K. L.”, “Nutter, Charles S.”, “Piesker, Armor D.”, “Pope, R. Martin”, “Pope, William Burt”, “Powers, Daniel”, “Rall, Harris Franklin”, “Raymond, Miner”, “Ries, Claude A.”, “Ringe, Sharon”, “Rotz, Carol”, “Rummel, Stan”, “Schenck, Kenneth”, “Schmidt, Wayne”, “Serrao, C. Jeanne Orjala”, “Shelton, R. Larry”, “Shrewsbury, W. J.”, “Smith, David”, “Smith, D. Moody”, “Smith, Thornley”, “Steel, Daniel”, “Stevenson-Moessner, Jeanne”, “Stevenson, Richard Taylor”, “Strong, James”, “Summers, Jeremy”, “Sumner, Sarah”, “Switzer, David K.”, “Tannehill, Robert C.”, “Terry, Milton Spenser”, “Thompson, David L.”, “Thompson, R. Duane”, “Thompson, W. Ralph”, “Tillett, Wilbur F.”, “Tobie, Willard Nathan”, “Toler, Linda”, “Toler, Stan”, “Tuell, Steven S.”, “Turner, George A.”, “Varughese, Alex”, “Wall, Robert W.”, “Walters, J. Michael”, “Warner, Laceye”, “Watkins, James N.”, “Watson, David F.”, “Watson, Richard”, “Wesley, Charles”, “Wesley, John”, “Wharton, James A.”, “Whedon, D. D.”, “Whitefield, George”, “Whitesel, Bob”, “Williams, Henry W.”, “Williams, Wilbur Glenn”, “Williamson, Rick”, “Willimon, William H.”, “Wilson, Charles R.”, “Wilson, Earle”, “Wilson, Neil S.”, “Wilson, Norman G.”, “Woolsey, Warren”, “Workman, George Coulson”, “Workman, Herbert B.”, “Zahniser, Clarence H.”) OR Publisher:(“Beacon”, “Methodist”, “Wesleyan”)
Non-Wesleyan Arminian
Author:(“Arminius”, “Crowson, Milton”, “Davidson, William F.”, “Dodd, Damon C.”, “Ellis, Daryl”, “Forlines, F. LeRoy”, “Harrison, Paul V.”, “Marberry, Thomas L.”, “Melvin, Billy A.”, “O’Donnell, J. D.”, “Olson, Roger”, “Outlaw, Stanley”, “Picirilli, Robert”, “Pinson, J. Matthew”, “Pugh, Gwyn L.”, “Shaw, Craig D.”, “Simpson, Douglas J.”, “Stallings, Jack Wilson”) OR Publisher:("Randall House")
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I cheated and used Excel. I'm going to modify the categories slightly as well. Pre-reformation doesn't quite work for me ... I'm going:
- Orthodox-Oriental for Syriac/Nestorian
- Gnostic
- Pre-schism for up to 1042
- Orthodox-Byzantine for Byzantine-based Orthodox
- Pre-reformation for post-schism Western Church
Admittedly, some sections are not brimming with resources but ... I have come to the conclusion that I don't know what Evangelical is. I understand it doesn't include the historical European Evangelical churches. But I now understand that not every publisher in the Evangelical Publishers Association are Evangelicals - they may be Lutheran or Reformed.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
But I now understand that not every publisher in the Evangelical Publishers Association are Evangelicals - they may be Lutheran or Reformed.
Nowadays everyone has their own definition of evangelical. I do find it curious that yours excludes Lutherans and Reformed. How are you defining it?
The ECFA has a definition that is based on their statement of faith ( "evangelical" equals believing believe those 7 things, which I don't think excludes Lutherans or Reformed.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Todd Phillips said:
I do find it curious that yours excludes Lutherans and Reformed.
Reformed as per NB Mick's response to me above. Lutheran because they are liturgical which gives them a sufficiently different worldview than most evangelicals that I find it useful to emphasize the Lutheran aspect in classification. To some extent I treat Evangelical/evangelical similar to Catholic/catholic.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
I cheated and used Excel. I'm going to modify the categories slightly as well. Pre-reformation doesn't quite work for me ... I'm going:
- Orthodox-Oriental for Syriac/Nestorian
- Gnostic
- Pre-schism for up to 1042
- Orthodox-Byzantine for Byzantine-based Orthodox
- Pre-reformation for post-schism Western Church
Admittedly, some sections are not brimming with resources but ... I have come to the conclusion that I don't know what Evangelical is. I understand it doesn't include the historical European Evangelical churches. But I now understand that not every publisher in the Evangelical Publishers Association are Evangelicals - they may be Lutheran or Reformed.
MJ, do you mind sharing your search criteria for Gnostic?
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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MJ. Smith said:Todd Phillips said:
I do find it curious that yours excludes Lutherans and Reformed.
Reformed as per NB Mick's response to me above. Lutheran because they are liturgical which gives them a sufficiently different worldview than most evangelicals that I find it useful to emphasize the Lutheran aspect in classification. To some extent I treat Evangelical/evangelical similar to Catholic/catholic.
Mick's in Europe, I believe, and I think "evangelical" may have a more narrow definition over there, whereas in the US, it has a big-tent aspect to it that ignores particulars and focuses on commonalities.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Yes, though they are fuzzy terms, I don't know any definition of Evangelical (or evangelical) that is mutually exclusive with denominations. Its a classification that spans across denominations. There are plenty of Presbyterians who are also Evangelical, most Baptists and Pentecostals are probably Evangelicals, and I would guess a fair number of Lutherans and Reformed and Arminian-Wesleyan folks would also fit most definitions of Evangelical. And there's an overlap between Evangelicals and Fundamentalists. Probably most Fundamentalists (except the most extreme one-track-minded ones) are Evangelicals but not the other way around. The classic definition of evangelicalism is David Bebbington's:
- Conversionism: the belief that lives need to be transformed through a “born-again” experience and a life long process of following Jesus.
- Activism: the expression and demonstration of the gospel in missionary and social reform efforts
- Biblicism: a high regard for and obedience to the Bible as the ultimate authority
- Crucicentrism: a stress on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross as making possible the redemption of humanity
I'm being intentionally vague about the difference between evangelical and Evangelical because I really don't know how to distinguish them. There is a particular characteristic of some types of evangelicals/Evangelicals who think they own the word and exclude from that category others they feel don't meet their criteria (but who themselves do feel they identify with the term), which makes it hard to know the boundaries. There's also the more recent phenomenon of those who used to identify as evangelical but who are distancing themselves from that word because of the current fuzziness and because of certain negative connotations (exclusivism, judgmentalism, idenitification with a political party) of the more conservative brand of evangelicalism.