Recommendations/suggestions for Android Tablet?



  • Rodney Ochs
    Rodney Ochs Member Posts: 34 ✭✭


    How does the note function work on the Nexus 7? i have an iphone and discovered that when i added a note from a passage in a gook it would add the note. but if i accessed the Notes and clicked the specific note.. it would only open in edit view not hyperlink me to the actual highlighted resource i wanted to make note of? all it will do it allow me to edit the note. i know that might be hard to understand here is a post that seems to explain it better:   

    When i use my wife's iPad, and create a note then access that note later.. i can click the note and it will take me to the highlighted resource, not the edit function. 

    This feature and its functionality is delaying me from getting a nexus 7 or hold out for a ipad mini. of course.. price also factors into this.

    assuming this is clear.. would like your nexus 7 note experience. thank you

  • JohnB
    JohnB Member Posts: 1,085 ✭✭

    One thing that Logos is not good at doing is describing the facilities on its apps - certainly the Android one. is by far the best introduction that I have found to show what you can do with it. It makes sense if you have an android in your hand with the App installed. The android App is always behind the Apple one for historical reasons. If you examine the facilities on the web link above you will see no way to access the Notes directly. You can create them, they appear in your works and are synchronized but I see no way to access them directly. No doubt it will come. If there is a way, hopefully someone will enlighten both of us!!

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,055

    JohnLBUK said:

    You can create them, they appear in your works and are synchronized but I see no way to access them directly.

    JohnLBUK said:

    If there is a way, hopefully someone will enlighten both of us!!

    You are right that you can't do this at the moment.

    JohnLBUK said:

    No doubt it will come.

    Logos have stated that they intend to provide this on Android but haven't indicated when....

  • Rodney Ochs
    Rodney Ochs Member Posts: 34 ✭✭

    john - thanks for passing that link along. There is a lot of info out there.. and sometimes important discussions are easily missed.

  • Randy Lane
    Randy Lane Member Posts: 490 ✭✭

    If you have never used a Samsung Galaxy Note before, I suggest you find a retailer that will allow a reasonably complete demo, including installation of the Logos spp with just some free resources. The Samsung S-Pen is a game-changer with tablets. 

    I started my tablet life with the first iPad. About a year ago I needed a phone and went with the first Samsung Galaxy Note. Over the course of about 6 months I found myself using the Note far more than the iPad, especially for reading and marking up of Logos books. Selecting a specific passage is much easier and more precise with the S-Pen than fingers. Add the on-the-fly note taking capabilities and the increased functionality is significant.

    Fourth quarter last year, when the iPad Mini appeared, I found myself yearning for a 7-8 inch Note tablet. Rumors stsrted popping up a few months later, an now we have it - the Galaxy Note 8. I got mine the day it was realeased (not a common practice for me), and a happy camper I am. It is far more more expensive than the Nexus, but for my usage well worth it. If you want more than 16gb of space, you'll need to either learn to root your device to utilize the extrrnsl SD card or wait until Samsung releases the 32gb and 64gb devices (no dates announced yet).