Kindle Fire 8.9": 16GB or 32GB? or Nexus 7 32GB?

I am looking at the Kindle Fire HD tablets. I was leaning toward the Nexus 7 tablet, but after I saw the 8.9" Kindle Fire, I liked the extra screen size.
My question is does Logos perform well on a Kindle Fire HD? and should I spend an extra $30 to get the extra memory? The Kindle hypes the Cloud storage, so I thought my storage needs on the device would be less on a Kindle than on the Nexus.
I will admit I am hesitant to go with a Kindle due to the fact I am an Android user with many apps already from the Google Play store. Kindle doesn't work with the Play Store.
Any advice on my choice in these price ranges?
Gerald said:
My question is does Logos perform well on a Kindle Fire HD?
I'm running it just fine on the little brother Kindle HD. Performance? No problem on the version available to Kindle. But Kindle appears to be running a pretty old version of Android (I haven't broken the code on mapping Kindle's "version" to an Android version), but my brand new 7" HD says it can't install the latest version of Logos... And the 2yr old HTC phone that I have (running 4.3) will. :[:'(]Blessings on your decision.Grace & Peace,
MSI GF63 8RD, I-7 8850H, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 2TB HDD, NVIDIA GTX 1050Max
iPhone 12 Pro Max 512Gb
iPad 9th Gen iOS 15.6, 256GB0 -
BillS said:
but my brand new 7" HD says it can't install the latest version of Logos...
I have found that I sometimes (most times) have had to delete the installed version of the LOGOS apps before installing an upgrade. I am using the original Kindle Fire (not an HD), but deleting the current installation may allow you to install the newer version.
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Thanks for the information. After talking to a sales rep at Best Buy, I am leaning back toward the Nexus 7. He said I should look at the Nexus 10 if I want more screen. After checking the price, that one is out of my consideration.
I remembered a review stating that the web browser in Kindle wasn't very good, and that the Nexus comes with the Chrome browser. I really like Chrome for how it keeps up with my bookmarks across platforms. I did read that Chrome can be side loaded, but I don't want to have to do that.
Does the Logos Android App take advantage of the larger screen of a tablet? Split screens like on the Droid Razr Maxx? I am thinking that the 16 GB Nexus 7 will be more than adequate for what I want to do. Am I on the right track?
Thanks again
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Gerald said:
Does the Logos Android App take advantage of the larger screen of a tablet? Split screens like on the Droid Razr Maxx? I am thinking that the 16 GB Nexus 7 will be more than adequate for what I want to do. Am I on the right track?
Yes. The Logos apps are optimized for phones / 7" tablets / 10" tablets. The biggest difference is that 10" tablets have a standalone home page view whereas 7" tablets and phones open directly to the read view. On 7"/10" tablets you can choose to show the library as a list of items or in a grid. Also the default reading margins are different on the various sized devices but can be overridden in the settings.
The Nexus 7 is a great device to get. We do much of our internal development/testing on Nexus 7 devices and it's safe to assume they will recieve future Android updates from Google as well.
Phil Gons had a good post about 7 things he loves about the Nexus 7.
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Thanks for the information Gabe.
I'm still wondering about the memory, 16GB or 32GB. My local Walmart only stocks the 32GB model Nexus 7. I can get it and a two year no questions asked warranty for about the same price as the Kindle Fire HD 8.9" 16GB model at Best Buy.
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jerry - if your able.. i would be curious where you end up. i was also considering a bigger tablet to use logos on..i currently have the iphone, which is pretty small.. your conversation about kindle or nexus peaked my interest. i would like the ipad mini.. but due to the $$ might opt for a less expensive option.
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I tried them both. The Kindle Fire HD 7 and the Nexus 7.
I first ordered the Kindle Fire HD 7 because I liked the idea of an integrated Amazon Prime experience. I did not like the constraints on loading non-Amazon content. I did take the time to side load a few non-Amazon approved apps. The process is not overly complicated, but I did have to do some online research before attempting. First off, I found the Kindle browser to be slow. So I side loaded the Dolphin browser. It was still slow, but better than the Kindle browser. I was able to side load YNAB. I could not side load Quick Office Pro, which I had purchased in the Google Play store. This tipped my scales away from the Kindle, because I did not want to re-purchase an Office Suite app from the Amazon App Store.
The Kindle is well built. Feels solid in hand. The recommended Amazon Kindle case was also well constructed. The color and vividness of the screen was fantastic. The dual speakers provide a high quality listening experience. The Nexus 7 is not as loud, but I use a blue tooth headset anyway, so the speakers are not as important to me. All of the Logos apps performed well. The Nexus has a Quad Core processor vs the Kindle's Dual Core processor, so I am sure the Nexus 7 will perform a little quicker on screen refreshes.
If you are an Amazon Prime member, you have a book lending library available to you on the Kindle which is not available on the Android Kindle app. Also you cannot watch Amazon Prime movies on the Nexus like you can the Kindle Fire HD. But on the other hand, you can join Netflix and get the movies and tv shows if that is what you want.
For me, the Nexus 7 is a better choice. I can use the Google Play store, and not loose the apps I have purchased for my Android phone. I also think the Logos apps perform faster on the Nexus 7 than the Kindle Fire HD 7. I find that the 7" screen to be adequate, and a good trade off between usability and portability. I could not fit the Kindle Fire in my back pocket like I can the Nexus 7.
I see no reason to buy the 32 GB unit, but if you download movies, you may need it. I don't think I will ever come close to maxing out my memory, even if I download my complete Logos library.
Good luck.
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Jerry - that is a great summary.. i appreciate you sharing your research and work. I think you sold me.
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Jerry one other quick question... there is a glitch (at least i think so) on the iphone app with regards to how the "notes" function works. I can create a note and edit it while reading studying with logos. But when i go back to access the reference i made in the note.. when i click on the note.. it will not take you to the book or selection you highlighted. it will only take you into edit mode of the note? Im not sure how to explain it. here is a thread to that issue..
if im on an iPad and access the note... and click the reference.. it will take you directly to the book or resource you tagged. if you understood all of that.. my question to you is, on th nexus 7 with the note function.. if you click on a note and select a reference in the note.. does it take you to the reference book you tagged or does it only go to the edit note function?
appreciate your time in checking this..
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Not sure I am following your request, but I did copy and paste a verse reference into a note field and it is not a live link. I did the same for a title of a note and it is not a live link either.
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sorry.. I tried to explain the best i could.. i included that link to the other forum post.. thinking it would shows screen shots. But basically when you highlight a selection and add it to a note.. it makes a sort of hyperlink that when clicked.. will open the resource where you highlighted. on the iphone it won't open the book.. it only opens the link to edit. On my wife's iPad it will open the book or library resource that was noted. this feature makes it nice when making linking notes as you read. So if the nexus notes function is like the iPhone, then that isnt what i wanted.. and i might have to save up for the iPad instead of the nexus.
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Are you creating a note on the tablet and then viewing the note on the desktop? or the opposite? or tablet to tablet? I am confused as to the desired outcome. The link was not clear to me as to what they were illustrating.
I can find no note reading function on the tablet which is comparable to the desktop window showing all of my notes as a list. If I am looking at a note on the android tablet, I am already at the passage, thus no need to open it to the linked passage, as I am already there.
To clarify, I highlighted the text in 2 Kings 25:29 (ESV) on my Nexus in the Logos android app. This created a note which synced to my Logos 5 desktop. The note in Logos 5 desktop does have the verse reference and is a link to the same passage in Logos 5 desktop ESV Bible.
Sorry if this is not answering your question.
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As a quick followup, I did add a copy of a verse reference from the verse entry box on the ESV window in Logos 5 desktop. I then pasted the copied verse reference into the note I had created on the tablet. After the note synced back to the tablet, the verse reference was a link and opened a box with the "Jump to reference" link.
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Im just not explaining it right. Let me take another try.. primarily I'm adding to a note made on a mac, pc, or tablet in logos 5. I don't think it matters. while I'm doing a study. As i read scripture i select the passage.. and the options come up to share or create/add to a note.(again i could be doing this on pc/mac/iphone/ipad) i keep reading other books and select a paragraph.. and add to the same note. If i go back to the pc/mac i can bring up my notes.. and click the link to open directly to my selection. I click the hyper link and the bible opens. I click the commentary i added to the note and it will open. On the iphone clicking the note will not open the book, it will only open an "edit note" field. The ipad will open the book or go directly to the source of the note. So i was trying to figure out if on the nexus 7 you select a note does it open the edit note function or jump to the linked selected book in your library. I understand you can manually create a note with just text and no link to another resources. so this would only work if you selected text and added it to a note that way. I'm not sure how else to explain it..
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I also have had to re-install a few times on the original Kindle Fire. I haven't had to do this on the Google Nexus 7. Between the two, I definitely would pick the Nexus 7 due to its newer Android OS and less dependency on Amazon.
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Eric Ross said:
I also have had to re-install a few times on the original Kindle Fire. I haven't had to do this on the Google Nexus 7. Between the two, I definitely would pick the Nexus 7 due to its newer Android OS and less dependency on Amazon.
Eric (or any one else for that matter),
Is 16 GB enough storage for my logos Lib?
I have Logos5 Bronze.
Thanks for the input.
Tom Solo a Dios la Gloria Apoyo