Theology/Denomination Tags



  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159

    MJ. Smith said:

    I do find it curious that yours excludes Lutherans and Reformed.

    Reformed as per NB Mick's response to me above. Lutheran because they are liturgical which gives them a sufficiently different worldview than most evangelicals that I find it useful to emphasize the Lutheran aspect in classification. To some extent I treat Evangelical/evangelical similar to Catholic/catholic.

    Mick's in Europe, I believe, and I think "evangelical" may have a more narrow definition over there, whereas in the US, it has a big-tent aspect to it that ignores particulars and focuses on commonalities.

    It's actually more complex, which surely has to do with the fact that I read much more over in the US than at home.  

    The "big-tent" aspect ignores certain particulars (e.g. about baptism and ecclesiology) but not all of them. Rosie cited a classic description of evangelicalism, and there are evangelical individuals in many traditions that affirm these four distinctives (from Roman Catholic [Francis Beckwith] through all protestant denominations) - however, many denominations themselves can't be classified as "evangelical". This goes for theological liberals concerning the bible, but also for High Lutherans and those Reformed who despise conversionism and activism for theological reasons.

    Moreover, being evangelical would require to apply the "big tent" thinking to co-evangelicals.

    To sum up, there are reformed evangelicals, but not all reformed are evangelical and not all evangelicals are reformed, and so on.

    Of course, everyone can do the tagging as they like, and for someone who defines "evangelical" with "conservative Christian" this may look different. My take above would be that "Reformed" is likely a more precise label for TGC than "evangelical". Which will mean that D.A. Carson appears in two categories (writes for WEA as well as TGC).    

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    NB.Mick said:

    The "big-tent" aspect ignores certain particulars (e.g. about baptism and ecclesiology) but not all of them. Rosie cited a classic description of evangelicalism, and there are evangelical individuals in many traditions that affirm these four distinctives (from Roman Catholic [Francis Beckwith] through all protestant denominations) - however, many denominations themselves can't be classified as "evangelical". This goes for theological liberals concerning the bible, but also for High Lutherans and those Reformed who despise conversionism and activism for theological reasons.

    Here is an excerpt from the introduction to Routes and Radishes: And Other Things to Talk about at the Evangelical Crossroads, co-written by a friend of mine. It's an excellent book for anyone remotely interested in the question of what is evangelicalism today, where is it going, and how can we navigate these waters?

    Evangelicalism. The word conjures up a whole host of images and connotations, and depending on who you talk to, it can be an exclusively negative term, an exclusively positive term, or some shade in between. But what is it exactly? Though it is undeniably linked to Christianity, most people would agree it is not a church, it is not a denomination, and it is not synonymous with Protestant, though it may be a subset of Protestantism. But is it a culture? A theology? A lifestyle? A political stance? The only way to authentically be Christian? An odious expression of Christianity which ought to go away?

    In recent years, much has been made of Evangelicalism in the media—television, film, books, newspapers, magazines, radio. But it seems like the same voices are continually referenced—Billy Graham, John Stott, Mark Noll, David Bebbington, Os Guinness, David Wells, Chuck Swindoll, Luis Palau, Rick Warren, and so on—and while these voices are undeniably significant, one thing they have in common is that they all belong to the previous generation.

    The debate about Evangelicalism is not going away anytime soon, and the conversation must continue, but who in the next generation will pick up where the previous generation has left off? Here is a book by five younger Evangelicals who are up-and-coming leaders from diverse backgrounds in terms of theology, institution, ethnicity, vocation, denomination, geography, ecclesiology, education, and gender. For example, just in terms of denomination, we are (or have been) Presbyterian, Evangelical Free, Baptist, Evangelical Covenant, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Mennonite, Pentecostal, Congregationalist, Assemblies of God, Methodist, and Emerging. Despite this diversity, all of us not only claim the title Evangelical for ourselves but care to see it flourish. We do not want to let go of it, but at the same time, we recognize that the kingdom of God is so much more than Evangelicalism. Yet we consider Evangelicalism to be such an important element, at least for now, that we are not ready to give up on it. The term’s flexibility of use can be a huge detriment, but we prefer to see that as a big advantage.

    Clearly, the word Evangelical is a wide umbrella, though that realization must be tempered by the recognition that there are boundaries. This book will aim to delineate the boundaries, explore the intersections, and highlight the wide-open spaces in which Evangelicalism can roam.

    Russell, Mark L.; Yeh, Allen L.; Sanchez, Michelle; Stearns, Chelle; Friesen, Dwight J. (2010-11-02). Routes and Radishes: And Other Things to Talk about at the Evangelical Crossroads (Kindle Locations 33-52). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.



    Title Page


















    AFTERWORD by Lynne Hybels: BON VOYAGE Wisdom for the Journey Ahead

  • Sleiman
    Sleiman Member Posts: 672 ✭✭

    Just a quick post to thank all of you for your efforts to create and continually improve the list. very useful. And to Rosie for her educational posts.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    The classic definition of evangelicalism is David Bebbington's:

    • Conversionism: the belief that lives need to be transformed through a “born-again” experience and a life long process of following Jesus.
    • Activism: the expression and demonstration of the gospel in missionary and social reform efforts
    • Biblicism: a high regard for and obedience to the Bible as the ultimate authority
    • Crucicentrism: a stress on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross as making possible the redemption of humanity

    I find this has a broad overlap with my gut sense of evangelical but misses a sense of individual (vs. corporate) that seems to be a common thread. It also "hides" some important characteristics in coded language "born-again", "high regard" etc. I think the problem is compounded by the self-titled "non-denominational" groups many of which historically trace to evangelicals.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Finally found time to update the Lutheran list - see below.  Thanks again for the corrections and suggestions.  Feel free to keep them coming.


    Author:(“Aageson, James W.”, “Adam, Klaus-Peter”, “Aden, LeRoy H.”, “Albrecht, G. Jerome”, “Albrecht, Michael J.”, “Arand, Charles P.”, “Arndt, Johann”, “Aus, Roger David”, “Balge, Richard D.”, “Bartusch, Mark Walter”, “Becker, Matthew L.”, “Bergmann, Sigurd”, “Bohlmann, Ralph A.”, “Bonhoeffer, Dietrich”, “Bornkamm, Heinrich”, “Braun, John A.”, “Braun, Mark”, “Brighton, Louis”, “Brown, Christopher Boyd”, “Brug, John F.”, “Bultmann, Rudolf K.”, “Chemnitz, Martin”, “Childs, James M.”, “Choi, Agnes”, “Croy, N. Clayton”, “Dahle, Lars Nielsen”, “Danker, Frederick W.”, “Delitzsch, Franz”, “Deterding, Paul”, “DiTommaso, Lorenzo”, “Dorner, Isaak August”, "Ehlke, Roland Cap", “Eickmann, Paul E.”, “Elert, Werner”, “Elliott, John H.”, “Engelbrecht, Edward A.”, “Erickson, Richard J.”, “Franzmann, Martin H.”, “Gard, Daniel L.”, “Gench, Frances Taylor”, “Gerberding, George”, “Gerhard, Johann”, “Gibbs, Jeffrey A.”, “Giertz, Bo”, “Gosdeck, David M.”, “Grenholm, Cristina”, “Gritsch, Eric W.”, “Hagglund, Bengt”, “Hahn, Ernest”, “Hals, Ronald”, “Harrisville, Roy A.”, “Harstad, Adolph L.”, “Hartman, Lars”, “Hartzell, Eric S.”, “Hedahl, Susan K.”, “Heider, George C.”, “Hengel, Martin”, “Hengstenberg, Ernst Wilhelm”, “Hinlicky, Paul R.”, “Hoerber, Robert G.”, “Honsey, Rudolph E.”, “Hughes, Robert G.”, “Hultgren, Arland J.”, “Hummel, Horace D.”, “Huwiler, Elizabeth”, “Hvalvik, Reidar”, “Jacobson, Rolf A.”, “Jensen, Richard A.”, “Jeremias, Joachim”, “Jeske, John C.”, “Jeske, Mark A.”, “Johnson, Thomas F.”, “Juel, Donald H.”, “Jungel, Eberhard”, “Just, Arthur A.”, “Keil, Karl Friedrich”, “Kierkegaard, Soren”, “Kittelson, James M.”, “Klein, Ralph W.”, “Kleinig, John W.”, “Koehler, Edward W. A.”, “Koehler, John Philip”, “Koenig, John”, “Kolb, Erwin J.”, “Kolb, Robert”, “Krentz, Edgar”, “Krodel, Gerhard A.”, “Kuschel, Harlyn J.”, “Kuschel, Kieth Bernard”, “Kuske, David P.”, “Kuske, Paul W.”, “Kysar, Robert”, “Labahn, Michael”, “Lathrop, Gordon W.”, “Lauersdorf, Richard E.”, “Lawrenz, John C.”, “Lehmann, Helmut T.”, “Lenski, R. C. H.”, “Lenz, Mark J.”, “Lessing, R. Reed”, “Leupold, H. C.”, “Limburg, James”, “Linman, Jonathan”, “Lochhaas, Philip H.”, “Lockwood, Gregory J.”, “Lundbom, Jack R.”, “Luther, Martin”, “Lutheran Church”, “Lutheran Synod”, “Mann, William Julius”, “Martin R. A.”, “Mather, George A.”, “Maxey, James A.”, “McCain, Paul T.”, “Melancthon, Philip”, “Meyer, Joh P.”, “Michel, Walter L.”, “Michie, Donald”, “Mitchell, Christopher”, “Mittelstaedt, John R.”, “Mueller, John Theodore”, “Myers, Jacob M.”, “Nestingen, James A.”, “Nichols, Larry A.”, “Nieman, James R.”, “Nordling, John”, “Oakman, Douglas E.”, “Pannenberg, Wolfhart”, “Panning, Armin J.”, “Pieper, Francis”, “Powell, Mark Allen”, “Prange, Victor H.”, “Preus, Robert D.”, “Quivik, Melinda A.”, “Raabe, Paul R.”, “Reitschel, William C.”, “Remensnyder, Junius B.”, “Reumann, John H. P.”, “Rhoads, David”, “Richard, James W.”, “Roehrs, Walter R.”, “Ruge-Jones, Philip”, “Saarinen, Risto”, “Santmire, H. Paul”, “Scaer, David P.”, “Schaller, John”, “Schmidt, Andreas”, “Schmit, Clayton J.”, “Schramm, Brooks”, “Schmucker, Samuel”, “Schuetze, Armin W.”, “Seiss, J. A.”, “Senn, Frank C.”, “Skarsaune, Oskar”, “Smith, Robert H.”, “Solvang, Elna K.”, “Spaude, Cyril W.”, “Spener, Philip Jacob”, “Spitz, Lewis W.”, “Steinmann, Andrew E.”, “Stendahl, Krister”, “Stephenson, John R.”, “Stevens, Marty E.”, “Stjerna, Kirsi I.”, “Stob, William S.”, “Streufert, Mary J.”, “Tappert, Theodore G.”, “Taylor, Walter F.”, “Tiede, David L.”, “Toppe, Carleton”, “Torvend, Samuel”, “Valentine, Milton”, “Valleskey, David J.”, “Veith, Gene Edward”, “von Harnack, Adolf”, “von Mosheim, John Laurence”, “Walther, C. F. W.”, “Wendland, Ernst H.”, “Wendland, Paul O.”, “Wengert, Timothy J.”, “Wenthe, Dean O.”, “Westendorf, James J.”, “Wicke, Harold E.”, “Wilch, John R.”, “Wolfgramm, Arno J.”) OR Publisher:(“Concordia”, “Lutheran”, “Northwestern Publishing House”)

    Other Lutherans (contributed to Lutheran Study Bible)

    Author:("Adams, David L.", "Andrae, Eric R.", "Baker, Robert C.", "Benne, Robert", "Bischof, Jon C.", "Brazeal, David", "Brunette, Jan", "Burgland, Lane A.", "Bustamante, Roberto E.", "Cage, Peter C.", "Carr, William W.", "Dunker, Gary L.", "Eschelbach, Michael A.", "Espinosa, Alfonso O.", "Flechsig, Lin", "Fløysvik, Ingvar", "Francisco, Adam S.", "Fryar, Jane L.", "Fynn, Paul Kofi", "Gerike, Henry V.", "Gieschen, Charles A.", "Giese, Curtis P.", "Graff, Warren W.", "Harrison, Matthew C.", "Hartwig, Raymond L.", "Henrichs, Michael W.", "Horpynchuk, Vyacheslav", "Humann, Roger J.", "Joersz, Jerald C.", "Johnson, Douglas W.", "Kalme, Guntis", "Kellerman, James A.", "Kienker, Paul D.", "Kim, Hyo-Jong", "Kim, Chul Hwan", "Kleinig, Vernon P.", "Kloha, Jeffrey", "Koyra, Eshetu Abate", "Lamb, James I.", "Lewis, David I. M.", "Love, Mark W.", "Lytkin, Vsevolod", "Maas, Korey", "Maier, Walter A.", "Maschke, Timothy H.", "Mayes, Benjamin T. G.", "Middendorf, Michael P.", "Mueller, Steven P.", "Murray, Scott R.", "Nadasdy, Dean W.", "Nielsen, Glenn A.", "Omolo, Joseph Tom", "Omwanza, Walter Obare", "Paavola, Daniel E.", "Pearce, Fraser A.", "Pietak, Stanislaus", "Popp, Kevin P.", "Quirk, Reginald C.", "Rathmann, Rodney L.", "Ritter, Larry D.", "Rottmann, Erik J.", "Saleska, Timothy E.", "Sawyer, J. Richard", "Scaer, Peter J.", "Schaum, Charles P.", "Schmitt, Frederick A.", "Scholz, Vilson", "Schuchard, Bruce G.", "Schulz, Charles R.", "Seltz, Gregory P.", "Semeklis, Remigijus", "Simojoki, Anssi", "Slenczka, Reinhard", "Small, Terry S.", "Smith, Michael K.", "Smith, Robert E.", "Sorensen, Robert A.", "Stanley, V. Indrenath", "Steiner, Mark G.", "Stolle, Volker", "Stube, John C.", "Stuckwisch, D. Richard", "Surburg, Mark P.", "Touloute, Paul", "Tswaedi, David", "Vogel, Larry M.", "Walther, Michael P.", "Weber, Karl A.", "Winger, Thomas M.", "Yow, Jesse L.")

    Additional Suggestion

    OR Publisher:(Augsburg, Fortress)

    NB: Augsburg-Fortress is the publishing house of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, but it does not just publish Lutheran works, and so would provide many false positives, such as Systematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives by Galvin and Schuessler-Fiorenza, and books by Moltmann and Brueggemann.

  • Bruce Dunning
    Bruce Dunning MVP Posts: 11,148

    Wow Andrew. That's quite some list of Lutherans! I've updated my collection with this new information. Thanks.

    I've been thinking that it would be great if this could be done automatically as part of Logos.

    Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God

  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    Wow Andrew. That's quite some list of Lutherans! I've updated my collection with this new information. Thanks.

    I've been thinking that it would be great if this could be done automatically as part of Logos.

    Thanks indeed, Andrew!        *smile*

              Yes, Bruce!     It would be really wonderful to have the automatic update!           My mind doesn't work as well as it used to; and when I'm having a "Senior's Moment," I seem not to be able to remember where I made a note!             *smile*                 Peace!

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭

    Andrew, this is great work, thanks. Are you saying there should be a denomination group "Other Lutherans"? I am not sure what to do with this group, I have all the other groups set up as Collections  Thanks!

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Don Awalt said:

    Andrew, this is great work, thanks. Are you saying there should be a denomination group "Other Lutherans"? I am not sure what to do with this group, I have all the other groups set up as Collections  Thanks!

    Apologies for not being clear, Don.  There is no separate denomination involved.  Both lists contain Lutherans linked to various church bodies.  However, the second list is made up of people who contributed to The Lutheran Study Bible but have not authored any other resource I have found that Logos has released.  That means that a full list for Lutheran would include all the extra names, but these names will not actually add any additional resources to the Lutheran collection within Logos, so they are probably not worth including in the list of Lutherans making up the collection.  I listed them more for completeness and in case the list is useful in the future or for other purposes.  

    When I started making these lists, I was aiming for a minimal approach to building collections, but as I haven't yet hit the limit for making rules for collections, I have switched to a more definitive approach.  This has the advantage of automatically including more resources as Logos adds them.  For example, the only resources that Logos publishes that have been authored by Ernst H. Wendland are all picked up by the rule Publisher:(Northwestern Publishing House).  However, by including Wendland's name in the list, if Logos releases anything by him from another publisher, then it will be automatically picked up by the Lutheran Collection.  This applies to all of the names in the Lutheran Study Bible list as well, but it seemed to be stretching the point a little to include all of those names, so I've left it to individuals to decide whether to include them or not.  Hope that's clear.

    Glad this is proving useful to others.  Thanks for the thanks.

  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭

    Thank you Andrew for the reply, and again great work. This is proving to be a great tool and very useful addition to my library organization!

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    The additional changes I made to the suggestions above:


    Thanks for all the suggestions/corrections.  I've changed most of them on my own lists, which I'll publish in full again here after a few more changes.  I did have a few queries though.

    Andrew of Crete - I only found him mentioned in one resource, History of the Holy Eastern Church (6 vols), a pre-pub that does not actually list him as the author.  I'm not against adding him to the list, but I wasn't sure if he would be listed as an author within the Logos resource.

    Ben Witherington - Witherington describes himself as a cradle Methodist, but writes critically about the Weslyan tradition (e.g. The Problem with Evangelical Theology: Testing the Exegetical Foundations of Calvinism, Dispensationalism, and Wesleyanism), so I wasn't sure about including him.  Does he still self-identify as Wesleyan?

    Sebastian P. Brock - While Brock is clearly an expert in Syriac studies and has been awarded the Medal of Saint Ephrem the Syrian by the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch, I wasn't sure that he was definitely writing from within the Orthodox tradition.  I'm trying to stick to people who self-identify within a tradition, rather than people who write about them.  Are you sure that Brock writes from within the tradition?

    Gorgias Press - This publisher claims to be independent and publishes books about a number of traditions, including Orthodoxy (  I wasn't sure they published books from within an Orthodox tradition.

    It would be great if you could address these.

    Thanks again.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    I cheated and used Excel. I'm going to modify the categories slightly as well. Pre-reformation doesn't quite work for me ... I'm going:

    • Orthodox-Oriental for Syriac/Nestorian
    • Gnostic
    • Pre-schism for up to 1042
    • Orthodox-Byzantine for Byzantine-based Orthodox
    • Pre-reformation for post-schism Western Church

    Admittedly, some sections are not brimming with resources but ... I have come to the conclusion that I don't know what Evangelical is. I understand it doesn't include the historical European Evangelical churches. But I now understand that not every publisher in the Evangelical Publishers Association are Evangelicals - they may be Lutheran or Reformed.

    I've deliberately steered clear of Evangelical, largely because it is so controversial and is defined differently in different places, as well as within different traditions.  I think the characteristics you list elsewhere probably do not apply to all who would self-identify as Evangelical.

    It would be great if you could flesh out a bit the definitions for the categories you listed.  Do you have any rules for them yet?  Although I've tried to start with broad category definitions, I would be happy if these were sub-categorised, as I tried to suggest by including Southern Baptists in the original list, as well as Baptists.  It's clear that a lot of care will be needed to do so though.  Can I tentatively request any further suggestions for subcategories?

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Hmm Interesting idea.

    The evangelical question is a good one Andrew - not everyone who says they are evangelical actually is, and not everyone who distances themselves from evangelicalism is not.

    Reformed for instance - in my mind - is a subset of evangelicalism. Certain other traditions are not.

    I sort of see the evangelical lable as a meta category, and really it probably consists of two parts: Conservative, and not conservative.

    Under conservative evangelicalism one might have from your perspective which ever traditions you find to be more conservative. I started to make a list, and came to the conclusion that the list might look one way for a baptist, and another for a pentecostal, perhaps another for reformed, and more still to the Nazarene (do they even use computers?). I doubt anyone would self title themselves liberal, even if they seem to be that way from my studies of scripture - and the inverse is true, I might be offended if someone called me a liberal - or it might turn you into my discipleship project, or at a minimum cause me to question your own interpretations of scripture. Thus I think evangelical is simply a vessel into which we all pour a slightly different meaning based upon our current perspectives.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Sacrifice
    Sacrifice Member Posts: 391 ✭✭

    Some in the Reformed camp may object:

    Hmm Interesting idea.

    The evangelical question is a good one Andrew - not everyone who says they are evangelical actually is, and not everyone who distances themselves from evangelicalism is not.

    Reformed for instance - in my mind - is a subset of evangelicalism. Certain other traditions are not.

    I sort of see the evangelical lable as a meta category, and really it probably consists of two parts: Conservative, and not conservative.

    Under conservative evangelicalism one might have from your perspective which ever traditions you find to be more conservative. I started to make a list, and came to the conclusion that the list might look one way for a baptist, and another for a pentecostal, perhaps another for reformed, and more still to the Nazarene (do they even use computers?). I doubt anyone would self title themselves liberal, even if they seem to be that way from my studies of scripture - and the inverse is true, I might be offended if someone called me a liberal - or it might turn you into my discipleship project, or at a minimum cause me to question your own interpretations of scripture. Thus I think evangelical is simply a vessel into which we all pour a slightly different meaning based upon our current perspectives.

    Yours In Christ

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    5 Solas said:

    Some in the Reformed camp may object:

    Case in point, evangelical depends on where you stand - perhaps you could call it a question of fuzzy logic.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭


    I don't know if you've already put together something like this, but if not, this might help. It's an Excel workbook that contains all the data in the rules that you have posted on this thread. I have not incorporporated any of the other changes suggested so that you can curate it as you choose. All the names are in easy to edit list and the rules are built automatically. It does contain a small VBA function for concatenating the lists of names so you will see the macro warning when opening.

    [EDIT: Stupid typo.]

    6038.Logos - Denominational

  • Ben Hein
    Ben Hein Member Posts: 238 ✭✭

    Im confused. Are all of these groups just suggestions for a future addon in Logos, or can we actually do something with these author/publisher breakdowns and provide our own categorization of resources now?

    Rev. Ben Hein

    Shady Grove Presbyterian Church (PCA)

    Reformed Theological Seminary, M.Div (2017)

  • Todd Phillips
    Todd Phillips Member Posts: 6,737 ✭✭✭

    Ben Hein said:

    Im confused. Are all of these groups just suggestions for a future addon in Logos, or can we actually do something with these author/publisher breakdowns and provide our own categorization of resources now?

    You can use them to create collections in Logos.  Collections can be used to restrict searches, and you can filter your library with them now in Logos 5.

    Open the Logos Collections tool, paste one of the rules found here into the "Rule" field, name the collection appropriately, and you've got a new collection.

    MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    Sorry, I forgot Andrew of Crete is just a PB - so critical I assumed he was in Logos.

    It was my understanding that Witherington is an ordained UMC pastor and teaches at a UMC approved serminary.

    With Brock it is simply that reading him over the years, he sounded Orthodox ... not great evidence but otherwise the category is very thin.

    Gorgias Press, you are correct that it does not belong.

    For my purposes, perhaps "evangelical" would best be replaced by a "self-declared non-denominational" category although my tongue would get very sore as I bit it each time I saw the tag.

    For Orthodox-Oriental I'm using:

    Author:("Brock, Sebastian P.","Evagrius") and manually adding a bibliography of Christianity in Ethiopia. In theory, I'd subtract out those who precede the Nestorian schism ... but we don't really have the resources to make this modification necessary.

    For Gnositicsm I have simply added the titles I wanted included.

    For Orthodox-Byzantine I'm using:

    Author:(“Clendenin, Daniel B”,"Nicodemus the Hagiorite","Agapius the Monk") OR Publisher:(“St. Vladimir's Seminary Press”) but I subtract out the pre-schism collection

    For pre-schism I'm using:

    Author:("Andrew of Crete", “Augustine of Hippo”, “Basil the Great”, “Benedict of Nursia”, “Bede”, “Boethius”, “Cyprian of Carthage”, “Cyril of Alexandria”, “Cyril of Jerusalem”, “Eusebius”, “Gregory of Nyssa”, “Gregory the Great”, “Hippolytus”, “Isidore of Seville”, “John Chrysostom”, “John Damascene”, “Melito of Sardis”, “Origen”, "Pachomius",“Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite”,“St. Jerome”, "Saint Patrick",“Tertullian”, “Theodore of Mopsuestia”) OR Abbrev:(“ACCS”, “ANF”, “NPNF”)

    For post-schism pre-reformation I am using:

    Author:(“Abelard, Peter”, “Albert the Great”,"Alighieri, Dante", “Anselm of Canterbury”, “Anthony of Padua and Lisbon”, “Aquinas”, “Bernard of Clairvaux”, “Bonaventure”, “Catherine of Siena”, “Francis of Assisi”,“Heloise”, “Hugh of St. Victor”,"Hugh of Saint Victor", “Jacques de Vitry”, “Richard Rolle”,“Thomas à Kempis”)

    Thanks to the Lutheran updates, my distribution is looking much better. Adding E. B. Pusey to the Anglicans also helps ... as they are smaller than I would like.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    list developed through Wikipedia:

    Walther Zimmerli - Reformed
    Erich Zenger - Catholic
    Ronald F. Youngblood - Baptist
    Kenneth S. Wuest - Dispensationalist
    G. Ernest Wright - Presbyterian
    Charles Henry Hamilton Wright - Anglican
    Hans Walter Wolff - "German Protestant"
    Donald Wiseman - Evangelical
    Lindsay Wilson - Presbyterian
    Pete Wilcox - Anglican
    George Whitefield - Anglican
    Claus Westermann - "German Protestant"
    Gordon Wenham - Evangelical
    Moshe Weinfeld - Jewish
    Robert E. Webber - Anglican
    Isaac Watts - Nonconformist
    Rick Warren - Evangelical
    Ralph Wardlaw - Presbyterian
    Henry Wansbrough - Catholic

    Note what to do with Nonconformist and German Protestant is to be determined.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    a second block from Wikipedia:

    Karl Josef von Hefele - Catholic
    W. E. Vine - Plymouth Brethren
    Richard Chenevix Trench - Anglican
    Anthony C. Thiselton - Anglican
    Theodoret of Cyrus - Pre-schism
    The Episcopal Church - Anglican
    Joni Eareckson Tada - Evangelical
    Charles Swindoll - Evangelical
    Carroll Stuhlmueller - Catholic
    Moses Stuart - Congregational
    James Strong - Methodist
    Joseph Stock - Anglican
    Gardiner Spring - mainline protestant
    E. A. Speiser - Jewish
    Sozomen - pre schism
    Socrates Scholasticus - pre-schism
    James K. A. Smith - radical orthodoxy
    Hannah Whitall Smith - Holiness
    Charles Sheldon - Congregational
    Herbert Edward Ryle - Anglican
    Christina G. Rossetti - Anglican
    Paschal Robinson - Catholic
    Edward Reynolds - Anglican
    Matt Redman - Evangelical

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    Yes, I am avoiding what I should be doing ....

    a third block from Wikipedia:

    Mark Allan Powell - Lutheran
    John Polkinghorne - Anglican
    Paige Patterson - Southern Baptist
    Robin Parry - Evangelical (Universalist)
    John Ortberg - Presbyterian
    Thomas C. Oden - Methodist
    John Nolland - Anglican
    Eugene Nida - Baptist
    J. M. Neale - Anglican
    Roland E. Murphy - Catholic
    William L. Moran - Catholic
    Dwight Lyman Moody - Evangelical
    Bruce M. Metzger - Presbyterian
    Brian McLaren - Evangelical
    Scot McKnight - Anabaptist
    John McKenzie - Catholic
    John William McGarvey - Restorationist
    Josh McDowell - Evangelical
    I. Howard Marshall - Methodist
    Brennan Manning - Catholic
    Bruce Malina - Catholic
    Paul L. Maier - Lutheran
    John MacQuarrie - Presbyterian
    Ulrich Luz - "German Protestant"
    Gerd Ludemann - "German Protestant"
    Robert Lowth - Anglican
    John Lloyd - Anglican
    Richard Frederick Littledale - Anglican
    Joseph Barber Lightfoot - Anglican
    Miriam Lichtheim - Jewish
    Peter Leithart - Presbyterian
    Kirsopp Lake - Anglican

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    Last wikipedia group of the night ... I'm off in the general direction of bed.

    George W. Knight III - Presbyterian
    Hans-Josef Klauck - Catholic
    George A. Kiraz - Orthodox: Oriental
    Joseph Kenny - Catholic
    J. N. D. Kelly - Anglican
    Craig S. Keener - Baptist
    J. Ellsworth Kalas - Methodist
    Andrew Jukes - Plymouth Brethren
    Jesse Lyman Lurlbut - Methodist
    John Howson - Anglican
    Fenton John Anthony Hort - Anglican
    Morna Hooker - Methodist
    Philip Henry - Nonconformist
    Matthew Henry - Presbyterian
    E. W. Hengstenberg - Lutheran
    Michael S. Heiser - Evangelical
    James Hastings - Presbyterian
    R. K. Harrison - Evangelical
    James Hamilton - Presbyterian
    David P. Gushee - Evangelical
    Hermann Gunkel - Lutheran
    Moshe Greenberg - Jewish
    Jonathan A. Goldstein - Jewish
    Robert Baker Girdlestone - Anglican
    Christian D. Ginsburg - Jewish
    Francis Ernest Gigot - Catholic
    Louie Giglio - Evangelical
    David E. Garland - Baptist
    David Noel Freedman - Presbyterian
    R. T. France - Anglican
    John Foxe - Anglican (?)
    Frederick Field - Anglican
    William J. Federer - Evangelical

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Sacrifice
    Sacrifice Member Posts: 391 ✭✭

    Agreed. Some see some "Evangelicals" as "Evanjelly" (or jello, fitting the mold of the dreamer). Just not a good term ... as understood today.

    5 Solas said:

    Some in the Reformed camp may object:

    Case in point, evangelical depends on where you stand - perhaps you could call it a question of fuzzy logic.

    Yours In Christ

  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    Peace, Martha!              I've always considered my wife to be the world's most competent and capable "energizer bunny," but sometimes I think you are in the running for that title!


    That's a colossal amount of work!           Well-done, indeed!

                                  Wanna work still a little harder and put it (edit!  "collaborate it?) into an Excel File???                   <hopeful grin>

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    Next to last wikipedia segment

    James D. G. Dunn - Methodist
    Dinesh D'Sousa - Reformed
    Samuel Rolles Driver - Anglican
    John Drane - Presbyterian/Ecumenical
    Marcus Dods - Presbyterian
    Martin Dibelius - "German Protestant"
    Adolf Deissmann - "German Protestant"
    Frederick William Danker - Lutheran
    John Cumming - Presbyterian
    W. A. Criswell - Southern Baptist
    John Cotton - Puritan
    Hans Conzelmann - "German Protestant"
    W. J. Conybeare - Anglican
    Adela Yarbro Collins - Catholic
    Richard J. Coggins - Anglican
    Francis Close - Anglican
    Thomas Kelly Cheyne - Anglican
    Frederic Henry Chase - Anglican
    R. H. Charles - Anglican
    Francis Chan - Evangelical
    Oswald Chambers - Baptist / Holiness
    Owen Chadwick - Anglican
    Robert S. Candlish - Calvinist

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    Amish Prayers by Beverly Lewis is available in Vyrso - belongs in the Anabaptist.

    Peace to you, Martha!           *smile*

                  My wife and I have been fascinated by Beverly Lewis' novels of which we've read almost all.....             Really great ....

    Her background is indeed Anabaptist.             However, (and I know that as you have been researching and categorising all these lovely people Logos handles that it's very difficult, if not impossible, to draw a firm conclusion and make an accurate positive determination!)      she herself is Assemblies of God                   edit   :    which would make her Pentecostal???      

    Here's a clip from Wikipedia:

    Beverly Lewis

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    This biographical article needs additional citations for verification. Please help by adding reliable sources. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately, especially if potentially libelous or harmful. (November 2012)

    Beverly Lewis is a Christian fiction novelist and children's author of over 80 books.

    She was born Beverly Marie Jones, and is a former schoolteacher and musician. She started playing the piano at age five, and began writing short stories and poetry when she was nine years old.

    Much of her writing focuses on the Anabaptist heritage and the Old Order Amish. Her maternal grandmother, Ada Ranck Buchwalter, was born into an Old Order Mennonite Church, which interested Mrs. Lewis in her own "plain heritage." Her father was a pastor in Lancaster, Pennsylvania (the heart of the Pennsylvania Dutch community), where she was born and grew up. She was raised and continues to be part of the Assemblies of God community.

    She went to Evangel University, and received the Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2003. She is also a member of the National League of American Pen Women.[1]

    Beverly is married to David Lewis, and has three grown children and three grandchildren. They live in Colorado.

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    The final group. It took about 8 hours ... now if someone with a library with a different mix that I tries the same exercise ...

    Ethelbert W. Bullinger - Anglican
    F. F. Bruce - Open Brethren
    Walter Brueggemann - UCC
    Alexander Balmain Bruce - Presbyterian (Free)
    David Brown - Presbyterian (Free)
    Jerry Bridges - Evangelical
    Charles Bridges - Anglican
    Robert Bowman, Jr. - Evangelical
    Edward M. Bounds - Methodist
    Andrew A. Bonar - Presbyterian (Free)
    Darrell L. Bock - Evangelical
    Henry Blunt - Anglican
    Gerhard Tersteegen - Reformed  (translated Frances Bevan)
    Henry Suso - Catholic (translated Frances Bevan)
    G. K. Beale - Evangelical
    Mark Batteron - Evangelical
    John Barton - Anglican
    Craig Bartholomew - Anglican / Calvinist
    John Hutton Balfour - Presbyterian
    Harold W. Attridge - Catholic
    William Arnot - Presbyterian
    John Ankerberg - Evangelical
    W. F, Albright - Methodist
    Daniel L. Akin - Southern Baptist

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Bruce Dunning
    Bruce Dunning MVP Posts: 11,148

    M.J. thanks for all your hard work to create this. Did it really take 8 hours?

    I don't mind seeing if I have a different mix but I want to make sure I did it correctly. Could you describe the exact process you used to create the list? Did you just sort by author and look up each name in Wikipedia to try to discover what was their denominational background?

     I was thinking that the list would be most beneficial if we took time to put it in alphabetical order at the end and also in denominational order for easy reference moving forward. I was also thinking that a personal book might be the best place to store the information or do you think there is a better way?

    Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Thanks to everyone for the appreciation, suggestions and corrections, especially MJ.  I haven't had a chance to incorporate all of your latest lists yet, MJ, but I thought I'd republish my latest copy before we do too much duplication.  Hopefully I've incorporated all of your other suggestions.  Please let me know if not.

    As it is getting really long, I've reordered the list and added a table of contents.  I think probably from now on it will have to be limited to a Word document.  It's easy to convert to an Excel document, so there will probably be an Excel document available after a few more changes.  There are still quite a number of additions I'm hoping to make, over and above MJ's latest lists.  Here's a copy of the latest Word document, followed by what is in it.

    2110.Logos Theology Tags.doc

    Pre-Schism (-1054)

    Post-Schism, Pre-Reformation (c. 1054-1517)



    Anglican/Episcopalian (not Methodist Episcopal)

    Arminian (Non-Wesleyan)

    Arminian (Wesleyan) – see also Church of God (Anderson & Guthrie)


    Southern Baptist

    Church of God (Anderson & Guthrie)

    Church of God (Cleveland)



    Jewish (Messianic)

    Jewish (not Messianic)


    Other Lutherans (contributed to The Lutheran Study Bible, but no other Logos resources)

    Methodist Episcopal




    Plymouth Brethren




    Restoration Movement

    Roman Catholic

    Seventh Day Adventist



    Pre-Schism (-1054)

    Author:(“Andrew of Crete”, “Augustine of Hippo”, “Basil the Great”, “Benedict of Nursia”, “Bede”, “Boethius”, “Cyprian of Carthage”, “Cyril of Alexandria”, “Cyril of Jerusalem”, “Eusebius”, “Gregory of Nyssa”, “Gregory the Great”, “Hippolytus”, “Isidore of Seville”, “John Chrysostom”, “John Damascene”, “Melito of Sardis”, “Origen”, “Pachomius”, “Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite”, “Saint Patrick”, “St. Jerome”, “Tertullian”, “Theodore of Mopsuestia”) OR Abbrev:(“ACCS”, “ANF”, “NPNF”)


    Post-Schism, Pre-Reformation (c. 1054-1517)

    Author:(“Abelard, Peter”, “Albert the Great”, “Alighieri, Dante”, “Anselm of Canterbury”, “Anthony of Padua and Lisbon”, “Aquinas”, “Bernard of Clairvaux”, “Bonaventure”, “Catherine of Siena”, “Francis of Assisi”, “Heloise”, “Hugh of St. Victor”, “Hugh of Saint Victor”, “Jacques de Vitry”, “Richard Rolle”, “Thomas à Kempis”, “Wycliffe, John”)



    Author:(“Bender, Harold S.”, “Charles, John D.”, “Dyck, Cornelius J.”, “Finger, Thomas”, “Friesen, Duane K.”, “Hartzler, Jonas Smucker”, “Hiebert, D. Edmond”, “Horsch, John”, “Kauffman, Daniel”, “Klaassen, Walter”, “Klassen, William”, “Kraybill, Donald B.”, “Kreider, Alan”, “Murray, Stuart”, “Roth, John D.”, “Simons, Menno”, “Snyder, C. Arnold”, “Stauffer, John L.”, “Twisk, Peter J.”, “van Braght, Thieleman J.”, “Weaver, J. Denny”, “Wenger, John C.”) OR Publisher:(“Herald Press”, “Mennonite”)

    Additional Suggestion

    OR Title:(Anabaptis, Mennonite)

    NB: This would add resources about Anabaptism that are not necessarily from an Anabaptist perspective.  Similar suggestions could be made to other categories.


    Anglican/Episcopalian (not Methodist Episcopal)

    Author:(“Ackroyd, Peter R.”, “Ainsworth-Smith, Ian”, “Alexander, William”, “Alford, Henry”, “Allain-Chapman, Justine”, “Allnut, Richard Lea”, “Andrewes, Lancelot”, “Arnold, Thomas”, “Ash, Christopher”, “Ashby, Godfrey”, “Atherstone, Andrew”, “Avis, Paul”, “Bailey, Kenneth E.”, “Ball, C. J.”, “Bandinel, James”, “Barnett, Paul”, “Barry, Alfred”, “Bartholomew, Craig G.”, “Bassett, Francis Tilney”, “Bauckham, Richard”, “Begbie, Jeremy S.”, “Benham, William”, “Bennett, Dennis”, “Bernard, Thomas Dehany”, “Bloomfield, S. T.”, “Blunt, Henry”, “Blunt, John Henry”, “Borg, Marcus J.”, “Borsch, Frederick H.”, “Boutflower, Charles”, “Boxall, Ian”, “Bradford, John”, “Bradshaw, Paul F.”, “Bray, Gerald R.”, “Brenton, Lancelot Charles Lee”, “Bridges, Charles”, “Briggs, Charles Augustus”, “Brooks, Richard”, “Brown, Colin”, “Browne, E. Harold”, “Bubbers, Susan I.”, “Bull, George”, “Bullinger, E. W.”, “Bullock, W. T.”, “Burgon, John William”, “Bussell, F. W.”, “Carmichael, Liz”, “Carpenter, Spencer Cecil”, “Carr, Wesley”, “Carwithen, John Bayley Somers”, “Chadwick, Owen”, “Chandler, George”, “Chapman, Mark”, “Cheyne, Thomas Kelly”, “Churton, Ralph”, “Clark, Samuel”, “Cobb, John”, “Cocksworth, Christopher John”, “Colenso, John William”, “Collinson, John”, “Comfort, Philip W.”, “Conybeare, W. D.”, “Cook, F. C.”, “Coverdale, Miles”, “Cranmer, Thomas”, “Croft, George”, “Currey, G.”, “Curteis, George Herbert”, “Davenant, James”, “Davis, Ellen F.”, “Desprez, Philip Charles Soulbien”, “Dewey, Joanna”, “Diamond, A. R.”, “Drake, W.”, “Driver, Samuel Rolles”, “Drown, Edward Staples”, “Duncombe, Augustus”, “Duyckinck, George L.”, “Edalji, S.”, “Edersheim, Alfred”, “Edgar, David”, “Edghill, Ernest Arthur”, “Elliott, C. J.”, “Elliott, Neil”, “Emmet, Cyril W.”, “Espin, T. E.”, “Evans, James Harington”, “Evans, Neil”, “Eveleigh, John”, “Faber, George Stanley”, “Fape, M. Olusina”, “Farrar, Frederic W.”, “Farrer, John”, “Fenwick, John”, “Finch, William”, “Floyd, Michael”, “Ford, James”, “Foxe, John”, “France, R. T.”, “Fremantle, W. H.”, “Fuller, J. M.”, “Gandell, R.”, “Garbett, James”, “Gardner, Paul”, “Gifford, E. H.”, “Gilpin, William”, “Goddard, Charles”, “Goldingay, John”, “Gooder, Paula”, “Gordon, Geoffrey”, “Gore, Charles”, “Goulburn, Edward Meyrick”, “Gould, Ezra P.”, “Grant, Anthony”, “Grant, F. W.”, “Green, Michael”, “Gwynn, J.”, “Hacking, Philip”, “Hall, Charles Henry”, “Hall, Francis”, “Hardy, Daniel”, “Harvey, John E.”, “Hatch, Edwin”, “Hawker, Robert”, “Hawkins, William”, “Heber, Reginald”, “Hein, David”, “Herbert, George”, “Hervey, Arthur”, “Heurtley, Charles A.”, “Hobhouse, Walter”, “Hodges, George”, “Holmes, Christopher R. J.”, “Holmes, Robert”, “Hooker, Richard”, “Hopkins, Ezekiel”, “Horne, Thomas”, “Horsley, Samuel”, “Howson, J. S.”, “Hughes, Philip Edgcumbe”, “Hutton, William Holden”, “Huxtable, E.”, “Inge, William Ralph”, “Jackson, John”, “Jacobson, William”, “Jelf, Richard William”, “Johnson, G. H. S.”, “Jones, James”, “Jones, John”, “Jones, W. B.”, “Jowett, Benjamin”, “Kay, W.”, “Kellner, Maximilian Lindsay”, “Kelly, Brian E.”, “Kelly, Francis”, “Kelly, J. N. D.”, “Ketley, Joseph”, “Kingsbury, T. L.”, “Knowles, Andrew”, “Knox, Ian S.”, “Lake, Kirsopp”, “Lamdin, Keith”, “Landon, Edward H.”, “Lang, William Cosmo Gordon”, “Laurence, Richard”, “Law, William”, “Lawlor, Hugh Jackson”, “Le Mesurier, Thomas”, “Lee, William”, “Lewis, John G.”, “Liddon, H. P.”, “Lightfoot, J. B.”, “Littledale, Richard Frederick”, “Lowth, Robert”, “Lucas, Dick”, “Lucas, R. C.”, “Lumby, J. R.”, “Lupton, J. H.”, “Maiers, Brian”, “Mangina, Joseph L.”, “Mansel, H. L.”, “Marriott, Charles”, “Maturin, Basil William”, “Maurice, Frederick Denison”, “Mbiti, John”, “McDurmon, Joel”, “McGrath, Alister”, “Members of the University of Oxford”, “Medd, Peter Goldsmith”, “Meyrick, F.”, “Michell, R.”, “Miller, Charles”, “Moberly, George”, “Monro, Edward A.”, “Morres, Robert”, “Motyer, J. Alec”, “Moulaison, Jane Barter”, “Moule, C. F. D.”, “Moule, H. C. G.”, “Moysey, C. A.”, “Mozley, James Bowling”, “Munden, Alan”, “Neale, John Mason”, “Neve, Timothy”, “Newcome, William”, “Newitt, Mark”, “Newton, John”, “Nolland, John”, “O’Brien, Peter T.”, “O’Connor, Kathleen M.”, “O’Donnell, Kevin”, “Oakley, Nigel”, “Ogilvie, Charles A.”, “Olden, Thomas”, “Packer, J.I.”, “Paley, William”, “Peake, A. S.”, “Peile, James H. F.”, “Percy, Martyn”, “Pervo, Richard I.”, “Plumptre, E. H.”, “Polkinghorne, John C.”, “Powys, David”, “Procter, John”, “Pusey, E. B”, “Radner, Ephraim”, “Ramsey, Michael”, “Randolph, Berkeley William”, “Rawlinson, George”, “Reformed Episcopal Church”, “Retief, Frank”, “Richey, Thomas”, “Ridley, Nicholas”, “Robertson, C. K.”, “Rose, H. J.”, “Ross, Allen”, “Row, Charles Adolphus”, “Rowling, Cathy”, “Ryle J. C.”, “Salmon, George”, “Salmon, Marilyn J.”, “Sanday, William”, “Sanford, John”, “Scott, Melville”, “Scott, Robert”, “Seitz, Christopher R.”, “Shanks, Andrew”, “Shepard, Richard”, “Shirley, Walter Augustus”, “Short, Augustus”, “Sibbes, Richard”, “Simeon, Charles”, “Skrine, John Huntley”, “Smith, R. Payne”, “Smith, Susan Marie”, “Smith, Sydney”, “Speck, Peter”, “Spence, H. D. M.”, “Stainer, John”, “Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn”, “Steenstra, P. H.”, “Stevens, William Bacon”, “Stock, Joseph”, “Stonard, John”, “Stone, Darwell”, “Stott, John”, “Strong, Leonard”, “Strong, Thomas B.”, “Sumner, John Bird”, “Swain, Storm”, “Swete, Henry Barclay”, “Sykes, Stephen”, “Tait, Arthur J.”, “Tatham, Edward”, “Taylor, Jeremy”, “Tellini, Gian”, “Temple, Frederick”, “Terry, Justyn”, “The Episcopal Church”, “Thiselton, Anthony C.”, “Thomas, Griffith”, “Thomson, William”, “Threlfall-Holmes, Miranda”, “Thrupp, J. F.”, “Tickle, Phyllis”, “Tinker, Melvin”, “Tisdall, William St. Clair”, “Titley, Robert”, “Tomlin, Graham”, “Toplady, Augustus M.”, “Travis, Stephen”, “Trench, Richard Chevenix”, “Turner, Samuel H.”, “Tyng, Stephen H.”, “Ulrich, Dean R.”, “Ussher, James”, “Vibert, Simon”, “Vincent, John Heyl”, “Vogan, Thomas S. L.”, “Wace, Henry”, “Waite, Joseph”, “Waldengrave, Samuel”, “Walker, Paul”, “Walton, Kevin”, “Walton, Steve”, “Ward, Robin”, “Water, Mark”, “Watkins, Henry Williams”, “Wells, Jo Bailey”, “Wenham, David”, “Wenham, Gordon J.”, “Weston, Frank”, “Westcott, B. F.”, “Whately, Richard”, “Wheaton, N. S.”, “Whitacre, Rodney A.”, “Whybray, R. N.”, “Wilberforce, William”, “Wilcock, Michael”, “Wilcox, Pete”, “Williamson, James”, “Wilson, Henry Bristow”, “Wintle, Thomas”, “Woodgate, Henry Arthur”, “Woodward, James”, “Wordsworth, John”, “Wright, J. Robert”, “Wright, Christopher J. H.”, “Wright, N.T.”, “Yates, Timothy”, “Yee, Gale A.”, “Zahl, Paul F. A.”) OR Publisher:(“SPCK”) OR Abbrev:(“CPC”)


    Arminian (Non-Wesleyan)

    Author:(“Arminius”, “Crowson, Milton”, “Davidson, William F.”, “Dodd, Damon C.”, “Ellis, Daryl”, “Forlines, F. LeRoy”, “Harrison, Paul V.”, “Marberry, Thomas L.”, “Melvin, Billy A.”, “O’Donnell, J. D.”, “Olson, Roger”, “Outlaw, Stanley”, “Picirilli, Robert”, “Pinson, J. Matthew”, “Pugh, Gwyn L.”, “Shaw, Craig D.”, “Simpson, Douglas J.”, “Stallings, Jack Wilson”) OR Publisher:(“Randall House”)


    Arminian (Wesleyan) – see also Church of God (Anderson & Guthrie)

    Author:(“Abraham, William J.”, “Allen, O. Wesley”, “Anderson, Cheryl”, “Banks, J. S.”, “Barker, Margaret”, “Barrett, C. K.”, “Bassler, Jouette M.”, “Beardslee, William A.”, “Beet, Joseph Agar”, “Bell, Daniel M.”, “Bence, Clarence”, “Bence, Philip”, “Bennett, Stephen J.”, “Black, Robert”, “Blaney, Harvey J. S.”, “Bounds, Chris”, “Bounds, Edward M.”, “Bowne, Borden P.”, “Branson, Robert D.”, “Brecheisen, Jerry”, “Brower, Kent”, “Brown, Teresa L. Fry”, “Burns, Jabez”, “Burr, J. K.”, “Byassee, Jason”, “Callen, Barry”, “Cameron, Ron”, “Carr, David M.”, “Carter, Charles W.”, “Carver, Frank G.”, “Case, David A.”, “Castelo, Daniel”, “Clarke, Adam”, “Cobb, John B.”, “Cockerill, Gareth Lee”, “Cole, Otis”, “Coleson, Joseph”, “Colon-Emeric, Edgardo A.”, “Cooke, R. J.”, “Cox, Leo G.”, “Davis, Patricia H.”, “Dayton, Wilber T.”, “De Vries, Simon J.”, “Deasley, Alex”, “Deems, Charles F.”, “DeNeff, Steve”, “DeSilva, David A.”, “Dongell, Joseph”, “Drury, David”, “Drury, Keith”, “Dunn, James D. G.”, “Dunnam, Maxie D.”, “Earle, Ralph”, “Eaton, E. L.”, “Eckley, Richard K.”, “Eckman, George P.”, “Edlin, Jim”, “English, Donald”, “Etheridge, John Wesley”, “Failing, George E.”, “Findlay, George G.”, “Flemming, Dean”, “Fletcher, John”, “Furnish, Victor Paul”, “Gaebelein, Arno”, “Garlow, James”, “Greathouse, William”, “Green, Joel B.”, “Grider, J. Kenneth”, “Grotius, Hugo”, “Gunter, W. Stephen”, “Hahn, Roger”, “Haines, Lee”, “Hall, Bert H.”, “Hanke, Howard A.”, “Harrison, Nick”, “Hartley, John E.”, “Hays, Richard B.”, “Heath, Elaine A.”, “Heer, Ken”, “Hibbard, F. G.”, “Hinson, David F.”, “Holdren, David W.”, “Holmes, Mark A.”, “Hooker, Morna D.”, “Hughes, Henry Maldwyn”, “Hughes, John”, “Hunter W.”, “Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman”, “Johnson, Derric”, “Jones, Kenneth E.”, “Kampen, John”, “Kelle, Brad E.”, “Keppel, David”, “Kim, H. C. P.”, “King, George W.”, “Kinlaw, Dennis”, “Kisker, Scott”, “Kufeldt, George”, “Kuhns, Oscar”, “Lane, William L.”, “Lawson, John”, “Lennox, Stephen J.”, “Leroy, Matt”, “Lidgett, John Scott”, “Lipscomb, Christy”, “Livingston, George Herbert”, “Lofthouse, W. F.”, “Long, Stephen”, “Love, William DeLoss”, “Lull, David J.”, “Lynn, Jack”, “Lyon, Jo Anne”, “Lyons, George”, “Marcus, Joel”, “Marshall, I. H.”, “Marsh, Clive”, “Martin, William Wallace”, “McClung, Ronald”, “McIntosh, Gary L.”, “McLintock, John”, “Mellish, Kevin J.”, “Merrill, S. M.”, “Miles, Rebekah L.”, “Miley, John”, “Modine, Mitchel”, “Moulton, James Hope”, “Neale, David A.”, “Nelson, Richard D.”, “Newhall, Fales H.”, “Nicholson, Roy S.”, “Noll, K. L.”, “Nutter, Charles S.”, “Piesker, Armor D.”, “Pope, R. Martin”, “Pope, William Burt”, “Powers, Daniel”, “Rall, Harris Franklin”, “Raymond, Miner”, “Ries, Claude A.”, “Ringe, Sharon”, “Rotz, Carol”, “Rummel, Stan”, “Schenck, Kenneth”, “Schmidt, Wayne”, “Serrao, C. Jeanne Orjala”, “Shelton, R. Larry”, “Shrewsbury, W. J.”, “Smith, David”, “Smith, D. Moody”, “Smith, Thornley”, “Steel, Daniel”, “Stevenson-Moessner, Jeanne”, “Stevenson, Richard Taylor”, “Strong, James”, “Summers, Jeremy”, “Sumner, Sarah”, “Switzer, David K.”, “Tannehill, Robert C.”, “Terry, Milton Spenser”, “Thompson, David L.”, “Thompson, R. Duane”, “Thompson, W. Ralph”, “Tillett, Wilbur F.”, “Tobie, Willard Nathan”, “Toler, Linda”, “Toler, Stan”, “Tuell, Steven S.”, “Turner, George A.”, “Varughese, Alex”, “Wall, Robert W.”, “Walters, J. Michael”, “Warner, Laceye”, “Watkins, James N.”, “Watson, David F.”, “Watson, Richard”, “Wesley, Charles”, “Wesley, John”, “Wharton, James A.”, “Whedon, D. D.”, “Whitefield, George”, “Whitesel, Bob”, “Williams, Henry W.”, “Williams, Wilbur Glenn”, “Williamson, Rick”, “Willimon, William H.”, “Wilson, Charles R.”, “Wilson, Earle”, “Wilson, Neil S.”, “Wilson, Norman G.”, “Woolsey, Warren”, “Workman, George Coulson”, “Workman, Herbert B.”, “Zahniser, Clarence H.”) OR Publisher:(“Beacon”, “Methodist”, “Wesleyan”)



    Author:(“Anders, Max”, “Batten, Samuel Zane”, “Boyce, James Petigru”, “Brand, Chad Owen”, “Brisco, Thomas V.”, “Broadus, John Albert”, “Bush, L. Russ”, “Butler, Trent C.”, “Cabal, Ted”, “Cadenhead, Al”, “Caner, Emir”, “Caner, Ergun”, “Chapman, Morris”, “Collinson, Sylvia”, “Colwell, John E.”, “Copan, Paul”, “Corley, Bruce”, “Cox, Stephen L.”, “Crosby, Thomas”, “Dagg, John L.”, “Dallimore, Arnold”, “Dockery, David S.”, “Draper, James T.”, “Easley, Kendell H.”, “Erickson, Millard”, “Estep, William R.”, “Fitts, Leroy”, “Forlines, Leroy”, “Fortner, Don”, “George, Timothy”, “Hankins, David E.”, “Henry, Carl”, “Henry, Jim”, “Hester, Hubert I.”, “Hixson, J. B.”, “Hobbs, Herschel”, “Holmes, Michael W”, “Keathley, Kenneth”, “Larkin, Clarence”, “Lawson, Steven J.”, “Lemke, Steve W.”, “Lightner, Robert”, “Lovejoy, Grant I.”, “MacArthur, John F.”, “MacLaren, Alexander”, “Martin, Albert N.”, “Martin, Steve”, “McBeth, H. Leon”, “McCune, Rolland”, “Mobley, Kendal P.”, “Montgomery, Helen Barrett”, “Mullins, E. Y.”, “Nettles, Tom J.”, “Norman, R. Stanton”, “Olford, Stephen”, “Paschal, H. Franklin”, “Picirilli, Robert E.”, “Piper, John”, “Polhill, John B.”, “Robertson, Archibald T.”, “Robinson, Haddon”, “Sabou, Sorin”, “Schreiner, Thomas R.”, “Sherman, Cecil”, “Spurgeon”, “Staats, Gary”, “Stanley, Charles”, “Stow, Baron”, “Strong, Augustus Hopkins”, “Summers, Ray”, “West, Jim”, “Wise, Kurt P.”, “Worrall, B. G.”, “Wright, Shawn D.”, “Wright, Stephen I.”) OR Publisher:(“Baptist”, “B&H”, “Holman”, “Randall House”, “Reformed Baptist Theological Review”, “Roger Williams Heritage Archive”)


    Southern Baptist

    Author:(“Boyce, James Petigru”, “Brand, Chad Owen”, “Brisco, Thomas V.”, “Broadus, John Albert”, “Bush, L. Russ”, “Cabal, Ted”, “Caner, Emir”, “Caner, Ergun”, “Chapman, Morris”, “Cox, Stephen L.”, “Dockery, David S.”, “Draper, James T.”, “Easley, Kendell H.”, “Estep, William R.”, “Fitts, Leroy”, “George, Timothy”, “Hankins, David E.”, “Henry, Jim”, “Hester, Hubert I.”, “Hobbs, Herschel”, “Keathley, Kenneth”, “McBeth, H. Leon”, “Mullins, E.Y.”, “Nettles, Tom J.”, “Norman, R. Stanton”, “Paschal, H. Franklin”, “Robertson, Archibald T.”, “Schreiner, Thomas R.”, “Sherman, Cecil”, “Stanley, Charles”, “Summers, Ray”, “Wise, Kurt P.”, “Wright, Shawn D.”) OR Publisher:(“B&H”, “Holman”)


    Church of God (Anderson & Guthrie)

    Author:(“Anderson, J. Grant”, “Berquist, Maurice”, “Berry, Robert L.”, “Blackwelder, Boyce W.”, “Blaney, John C.”, “Bolitho, Axchie A.”, “Boyer, Harold W.”, “Bridwell, A. Q.”, “Brown, Charles E.”, “Brown, Willis”, “Byers, A. L.”, “Byers, J. W.”, “Byrum, E. E.”, “Byrum, Isabel C.”, “Byrum, Russell R.”, “Caldwell, Irene Smith”, “Callen, Barry L.”, “Carver, Everett I.”, “Caudill, R. C.”, “Chesnut, Lawrence J.”, “Conley, John W.”, “Cotton, Raymond”, “DeVoll, David”, “Fleming, James L.”, “Foggs, Edward”, “Fowler, Ronald”, “Gaulke, Max R.”, “Gospel Trumpet”, “Gray, Albert F.”, “Green, John L.”, “Harmon, Dan”, “Harmon, George E.”, “Hatch, C. W.”, “Heberer, Keith”, “Heffren, Henry C.”, “Hopkins, Fred W.”, “Hughes, Will”, “Huttenlocker, Keith”, “Johnson, O. L.”, “Jones, Kenneth E.”, “Kardatzke, Elmer”, “Kelly, George J.”, “Kempin, Albert J.”, “Kufeldt, George”, “Linn, Otto F.”, “Ludwig, Charles”, “Lunsford, Joseph”, “Martin, Earl L.”, “Martin, Fay C.”, “Massey, James Earl”, “Meadow Park Church of God”, “Miller, Adam W.”, “Miller, T. Franklin”, “Monk, W. E.”, “Morrison, John A.”, “Moss, Robert”, “Naylor, Charles W.”, “Neace, Donald W.”, “Neece, William C.”, “Newberry, Gene W.”, “Newell, Arlo”, “Oldham, W. Dale”, “Orr, Charles E.”, “Pastors Fellowship”, “Phelps, J. W.”, “Phillips, Harold L.”, “Public, John Q.”, “Reed, W. E.”, “Reid, Benjamin”, “Rice, Hillery C.”, “Riggle, Herbert M.”, “Roark, Warren C.”, “Roberts, Florence”, “Rudd, H. Gerald”, “Rutty, Jennie C.”, “Schell, William G.”, “Shultz, Claire W.”, “Shupe, Tonya”, “Smith, F. G.”, “Smith, J. Edgar”, “Smith, John W. V.”, “Smith, Sarah”, “Smith, Uriah”, “Sorenson, Stella Arranger”, “Stafford, Gilbert W.”, “Sterner, R. Eugene”, “Strong, Marie”, “Study Committee”, “Stultz, Lowell”, “Swisher, Rolla O”, “Tanner, Paul A.”, “Tasker, George P.”, “Teasley, D. O.”, “Warner, Daniel S.”, “Washington, Cecil M.”, “Wickersham, Henry C.”, “Williams, Effie M.”) OR Publisher:(“Faith Publishing House”, “Gospel Trumpet”, “Warner Press”)


    Church of God (Cleveland)

    Author:(“Ellington, Scott”, “Moore, Rick Dale”, “Thomas, John Christopher”)



    Author:(“Allen, Ronald B.”, “Arnold, Clinton E.”, “Bailey, Mark”, “Barber, Cyril J.”, “Barbieri, Louis A.”, “Barker, Kenneth L.”, “Benware, Paul N.”, “Boa, Kenneth”, “Campbell, Donald K”, “Chafer, Lewis Sperry”, “Cone, Christopher”, “Darby, John Nelson”, “DeHaan, M. R.”, “Derickson, Gary”, “Dillow, Joseph”, “Dyer, Charles H.”, “Enns, Paul P.”, “Evans, Tony”, “Farstad, Arthur”, “Feinberg, Charles L.”, “Feinberg, Paul”, “Fruchtenbaum, Arnold G.”, “Gaebelein, Arno”, “Garland, Anthony”, “Geisler, Norman L.”, “Gingrich, Roy E.”, “Gromacki, Robert”, “Harrison, Everett F.”, “Hartman, Fred”, “Hendricks, Howard G.”, “Hindson, Edward”, “Hitchcock, Mark”, “Hodges, Zane”, “Hoehner, Harold”, “House, H. Wayne”, “Hughes, R. Kent”, “Ironside, H.A.”, “Jensen, Irving”, “Jeremiah, David”, “Johnston, Wendell”, “Karleen, Paul S.”, “Keathley, Hampton”, “Kelly, William”, “Kreloff, Steven A.”, “Kroll, Woodrow”, “LaHaye, Tim”, “Laney, J. Carl”, “Larkin, Clarence”,  “Levy, David M.”, “Lightner, Robert P.”, “Litfin, Duane”, “Lopez, René”, “Lutzer, Erwin W.”, “MacArthur, John F.”, “Mackintosh, C. H.”, “Malphurs, Aubrey”, “Mayhue, Richard L.”, “McGee, J. Vernon”, “McKenzie, Marni Shideler”, “McQuaid, Elwood”, “Merrill, Eugene”,  “Mills, M. S.”, “Morris, Henry M.”, “Olander, David”, “Ortlund, Raymond C.”, “Pentecost, J. Dwight”, “Pfeiffer, Charles”, “Radmacher, Earl D”, “Rosscup, James”, “Ryrie, Charles”, “Sailhamer, John H.”, “Saucy, Robert L.”, “Scofield, C. I.”, “Showers, Renald E.”, “Stanley, Andy”, “Stanley, Charles F.”, “Stedman, Ray C.”, “Strauss, Richard L.”, “Swindoll, Charles R”, “Talbot, Louis T.”, “Taylor, Kenneth N.”, “Thiessen, Henry Clarence”, “Thomas, Robert L.”, “Trahan, Kerry”, “Unger, Merrill F.”, “Varner, William”, “Vos, Howard F.”, “Wallace, Daniel B.”, “Waltke, Bruce K.”, “Walvoord, John F.”, “Water, Mark”, “Waymeyer, Matthew”, “Wilkin, Robert”, “Wilkinson, Bruce H”, “Willmington, Harold L.”, “Wolf, Herbert”, “Zuck, Roy B.”)



    Author:(“Butler John G.”, “Custer, Stewart”, “Gaebelein, Arno”, “Ironside, H. A.”, “Pink, Arthur Walkington”, “Steveson, Peter A.”, “Torrey, R. A.”, “Trumbull, Henry Clay”)


    Jewish (Messianic)

    Author:(“Brown, Michael L.”, “Cohn-Sherbok, Dan”, “Edersheim, Alfred”, “Feinberg, Jeffrey”, “Fischer, John”, “Fischer, Patrice”, “Friedman, David”, “Fruchtenbaum, Arnold G.”, “Gillespie, Terri”, “Goldberg, Louis”, “Gramckow, Jerry”, “Huckel, Tom”, “Juster, Daniel C.”, “Kasdan, Barney”, “Kjaer-Hansen, Kai”, “Leman, Derek”, “Lipson, Irene”, “Malda, Barbara D.”, “Moseley, Ron”, “Resnik, Russell”, “Rubin, Barry”, “Rubin, Steffi”, “Rudolph, David J.”, “Sacks, Stuart”, “Silberling, Murray”, “Stern, David H.”, “Switzer, Daniel L.”, “Vander Meulen, Elizabeth L.”) OR Publisher:(“Hananeel House”, “Messianic Jewish Publishers”)


    Jewish (not Messianic)

    Author:(“Bamberger, Bernard J.”, “Berkson, William”, “Berlin, Adele”, “Borowitz, Eugene B.”, “Braude, William G.”, “Brettler, Marc Zvi”, “Cherry, Shai”, “Cohen, Arthur A.”, “Dorff, Elliot N.”, “Eisenberg, Joyce”, “Eisenberg, Ronald L.”, “Elon, Menachem”, “Elzas, A.”, “Eskenazi, Tamara Cohn”, “Fishbane, Michael”, “Fluegel, Maurice”, “Fox, Michael V.”, “Frymer-Kensky, Tikva”, “Ginzberg, Louis”, “Hammer, Jill”, “Hammer, Reuven”, “Hartman, David”, “Henry, Sondra”, “Holtz, Barry W.”, “Ibn Ezra, Abraham”, “Jastrow, Morris”, “Josephus, Flavius”, “Kalisch, Marcus Moritz”, “Kapstein, Israel J.”, “Katz, Michael”, “Kimchi, David”, “Knobel, Peter S.”, “Knohl, Israel”, “Lamm, Norman”, “Lauterbach, Jacob Z.”, “Levey, Samson H.”, “Levine, Baruch”, “Levine, Lee I.”, “Mandel, David”, “Mendes-Flohr, Paul”, “Miles-Yepez, Netanel”, “Milgrom, Jacob”, “Nelson, W. David”, “Neusner, Jacob”, “Nodet, Etienne”, “Ochs, Vanessa L.”, “Philo of Alexandria”, “Potok, Rena”, “Rodkinson, Michael L.”, “Rosen, Norma”, “Sarna, Nahum N.”, “Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman”, “Schwartz, Gershon”, “Scolnic, Ellen”, “Silber, David”, “Simon, Uriel”, “Stein, David E. S.”, “Sweeney, Marvin A.”, “Tabory, Joseph”, “Taitz, Emily”, “Tallan, Cheryl”, “Tigay, Jeffrey H.”, “Weiss, Randall A.”) OR Publisher:(“Jewish Publication Society”, “The Talmud Society”)



    Author:(“Aageson, James W.”, “Adam, Klaus-Peter”, “Aden, LeRoy H.”, “Albrecht, G. Jerome”, “Albrecht, Michael J.”, “Arand, Charles P.”, “Arndt, Johann”, “Aus, Roger David”, “Balge, Richard D.”, “Bartusch, Mark Walter”, “Becker, Matthew L.”, “Bergmann, Sigurd”, “Bohlmann, Ralph A.”, “Bonhoeffer, Dietrich”, “Bornkamm, Heinrich”, “Braun, John A.”, “Braun, Mark”, “Brighton, Louis”, “Brown, Christopher Boyd”, “Brug, John F.”, “Bultmann, Rudolf K.”, “Chemnitz, Martin”, “Childs, James M.”, “Choi, Agnes”, “Croy, N. Clayton”, “Dahle, Lars Nielsen”, “Danker, Frederick W.”, “Delitzsch, Franz”, “Deterding, Paul”, “DiTommaso, Lorenzo”, “Dorner, Isaak August”, “Ehlke, Roland Cap”, “Eickmann, Paul E.”, “Elert, Werner”, “Elliott, John H.”, “Engelbrecht, Edward A.”, “Erickson, Richard J.”, “Franzmann, Martin H.”, “Gard, Daniel L.”, “Gench, Frances Taylor”, “Gerberding, George”, “Gerhard, Johann”, “Gibbs, Jeffrey A.”, “Giertz, Bo”, “Gosdeck, David M.”, “Grenholm, Cristina”, “Gritsch, Eric W.”, “Hagglund, Bengt”, “Hahn, Ernest”, “Hals, Ronald”, “Harrisville, Roy A.”, “Harstad, Adolph L.”, “Hartman, Lars”, “Hartzell, Eric S.”, “Hedahl, Susan K.”, “Heider, George C.”, “Hengel, Martin”, “Hengstenberg, Ernst Wilhelm”, “Hinlicky, Paul R.”, “Hoerber, Robert G.”, “Honsey, Rudolph E.”, “Hughes, Robert G.”, “Hultgren, Arland J.”, “Hummel, Horace D.”, “Huwiler, Elizabeth”, “Hvalvik, Reidar”, “Jacobson, Rolf A.”, “Jensen, Richard A.”, “Jeremias, Joachim”, “Jeske, John C.”, “Jeske, Mark A.”, “Johnson, Thomas F.”, “Juel, Donald H.”, “Jungel, Eberhard”, “Just, Arthur A.”, “Keil, Karl Friedrich”, “Kierkegaard, Soren”, “Kittelson, James M.”, “Klein, Ralph W.”, “Kleinig, John W.”, “Koehler, Edward W. A.”, “Koehler, John Philip”, “Koenig, John”, “Kolb, Erwin J.”, “Kolb, Robert”, “Krentz, Edgar”, “Krodel, Gerhard A.”, “Kuschel, Harlyn J.”, “Kuschel, Kieth Bernard”, “Kuske, David P.”, “Kuske, Paul W.”, “Kysar, Robert”, “Labahn, Michael”, “Lathrop, Gordon W.”, “Lauersdorf, Richard E.”, “Lawrenz, John C.”, “Lehmann, Helmut T.”, “Lenski, R. C. H.”, “Lenz, Mark J.”, “Lessing, R. Reed”, “Leupold, H. C.”, “Limburg, James”, “Linman, Jonathan”, “Lochhaas, Philip H.”, “Lockwood, Gregory J.”, “Lundbom, Jack R.”, “Luther, Martin”, “Lutheran Church”, “Lutheran Synod”, “Mann, William Julius”, “Martin R. A.”, “Mather, George A.”, “Maxey, James A.”, “McCain, Paul T.”, “Melancthon, Philip”, “Meyer, Joh P.”, “Michel, Walter L.”, “Michie, Donald”, “Mitchell, Christopher”, “Mittelstaedt, John R.”, “Mueller, John Theodore”, “Myers, Jacob M.”, “Nestingen, James A.”, “Nichols, Larry A.”, “Nieman, James R.”, “Nordling, John”, “Oakman, Douglas E.”, “Pannenberg, Wolfhart”, “Panning, Armin J.”, “Pieper, Francis”, “Powell, Mark Allen”, “Prange, Victor H.”, “Preus, Robert D.”, “Quivik, Melinda A.”, “Raabe, Paul R.”, “Reitschel, William C.”, “Remensnyder, Junius B.”, “Reumann, John H. P.”, “Rhoads, David”, “Richard, James W.”, “Roehrs, Walter R.”, “Ruge-Jones, Philip”, “Saarinen, Risto”, “Santmire, H. Paul”, “Scaer, David P.”, “Schaller, John”, “Schmidt, Andreas”, “Schmit, Clayton J.”, “Schramm, Brooks”, “Schmucker, Samuel”, “Schuetze, Armin W.”, “Seiss, J. A.”, “Senn, Frank C.”, “Skarsaune, Oskar”, “Smith, Robert H.”, “Solvang, Elna K.”, “Spaude, Cyril W.”, “Spener, Philip Jacob”, “Spitz, Lewis W.”, “Steinmann, Andrew E.”, “Stendahl, Krister”, “Stephenson, John R.”, “Stevens, Marty E.”, “Stjerna, Kirsi I.”, “Stob, William S.”, “Streufert, Mary J.”, “Tappert, Theodore G.”, “Taylor, Walter F.”, “Tiede, David L.”, “Toppe, Carleton”, “Torvend, Samuel”, “Valentine, Milton”, “Valleskey, David J.”, “Veith, Gene Edward”, “von Harnack, Adolf”, “von Mosheim, John Laurence”, “Walther, C. F. W.”, “Wendland, Ernst H.”, “Wendland, Paul O.”, “Wengert, Timothy J.”, “Wenthe, Dean O.”, “Westendorf, James J.”, “Wicke, Harold E.”, “Wilch, John R.”, “Wolfgramm, Arno J.”) OR Publisher:(“Concordia”, “Lutheran”, “Northwestern Publishing House”)

    Additional Suggestion

    OR Publisher:(Augsburg, Fortress)

    NB: Augsburg-Fortress is the publishing house of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, but it does not just publish Lutheran works, and so would provide many false positives, such as Systematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives by Galvin and Schuessler-Fiorenza, and books by Moltmann and Brueggemann.


    Other Lutherans (contributed to The Lutheran Study Bible, but no other Logos resources)

    Author:(“Adams, David L.”, “Andrae, Eric R.”, “Baker, Robert C.”, “Benne, Robert”, “Bischof, Jon C.”, “Brazeal, David”, “Brunette, Jan”, “Burgland, Lane A.”, “Bustamante, Roberto E.”, “Cage, Peter C.”, “Carr, William W.”, “Dunker, Gary L.”, “Eschelbach, Michael A.”, “Espinosa, Alfonso O.”, “Flechsig, Lin”, “Fløysvik, Ingvar”, “Francisco, Adam S.”, “Fryar, Jane L.”, “Fynn, Paul Kofi”, “Gerike, Henry V.”, “Gieschen, Charles A.”, “Giese, Curtis P.”, “Graff, Warren W.”, “Harrison, Matthew C.”, “Hartwig, Raymond L.”, “Henrichs, Michael W.”, “Horpynchuk, Vyacheslav”, “Humann, Roger J.”, “Joersz, Jerald C.”, “Johnson, Douglas W.”, “Kalme, Guntis”, “Kellerman, James A.”, “Kienker, Paul D.”, “Kim, Hyo-Jong”, “Kim, Chul Hwan”, “Kleinig, Vernon P.”, “Kloha, Jeffrey”, “Koyra, Eshetu Abate”, “Lamb, James I.”, “Lewis, David I. M.”, “Love, Mark W.”, “Lytkin, Vsevolod”, “Maas, Korey”, “Maier, Walter A.”, “Maschke, Timothy H.”, “Mayes, Benjamin T. G.”, “Middendorf, Michael P.”, “Mueller, Steven P.”, “Murray, Scott R.”, “Nadasdy, Dean W.”, “Nielsen, Glenn A.”, “Omolo, Joseph Tom”, “Omwanza, Walter Obare”, “Paavola, Daniel E.”, “Pearce, Fraser A.”, “Pietak, Stanislaus”, “Popp, Kevin P.”, “Quirk, Reginald C.”, “Rathmann, Rodney L.”, “Ritter, Larry D.”, “Rottmann, Erik J.”, “Saleska, Timothy E.”, “Sawyer, J. Richard”, “Scaer, Peter J.”, “Schaum, Charles P.”, “Schmitt, Frederick A.”, “Scholz, Vilson”, “Schuchard, Bruce G.”, “Schulz, Charles R.”, “Seltz, Gregory P.”, “Semeklis, Remigijus”, “Simojoki, Anssi”, “Slenczka, Reinhard”, “Small, Terry S.”, “Smith, Michael K.”, “Smith, Robert E.”, “Sorensen, Robert A.”, “Stanley, V. Indrenath”, “Steiner, Mark G.”, “Stolle, Volker”, “Stube, John C.”, “Stuckwisch, D. Richard”, “Surburg, Mark P.”, “Touloute, Paul”, “Tswaedi, David”, “Vogel, Larry M.”, “Walther, Michael P.”, “Weber, Karl A.”, “Winger, Thomas M.”, “Yow, Jesse L.”)


    Methodist Episcopal

    Author:(“Brown, Teresa L. Fry”, “Cooke, R. J.”, “Eaton, E. L.”, “Eckman, George P.”, “Gaebelein, Arno”, “Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman”, “King, George W.”, “Merrill, S. M.”, “Nutter, Charles S.”, “Raymond, Miner”, “Terry, Milton Spenser”)



    Author:(“Clendenin, Daniel B”, “Nicodemus the Hagiorite”, “Agapius the Monk”) OR Publisher:(“St. Vladimir's Seminary Press”)

    Subtract out the Pre-Schism collection



    Author:(“Brock, Sebastian P.”, “Evagrius”)

    Manually add bibliography of Christianity in Ethiopia.



    Author:(“Bartel, Leroy”, “Bicket, Zenas”, “Chambers, Oswald”, “Cho, Youngmo”, “Cotton, Roger”, “Duffield, Guy”, “Fee, Gordon D.”, “Ford, Johnny”, “Hayford, Jack”, “Hernando, James”, “Horton, Stanley”, “Lewis, Beverley”, “Ma, Wonsuk”, “McClaflin, Mike”, “McGee, Gary”, “Menzies, Robert P.”, “Menzies, William W.”, “Moller, F. P.”, “Newberry, Annette”, “Parker, David”, “Stronstad, Rogert”, “Synan, Vinson”, “Taylor, Cheryl”, “Warrington, Keith”, “Yong, Amos”) OR Publisher:(“L.I.F.E. Bible College”, “Logion Press”, “Gospel Publishing House”, “Global University”)


    Plymouth Brethren

    Author:(“Darby, John Nelson”, “Ironside, H. A.”, “Kelly, William”, “Mackintosh, C. H.”)



    Author:(“Alexander, Archibald”, “Alexander, Joseph Addison”, “Bailey, Kenneth E.”, “Bannerman, James”, “Barnhouse, Donald Grey”, “Beecher, Lyman”, “Betz, Hans Dieter”, “Boettner, Loraine”, “Boice, James Montgomery”, “Breckinridge, Robert J.”, “Brown, John”, “Campbell, Colin”, “Chafer, Lewis Sperry”, “Chapell, Bryan”, “Dabney, Robert Lewis”, “Doriani, Daniel M.”, “Duguid, Iain M.”, “Easton, Matthew George”, “Edersheim, Alfred”, “Ferguson, Sinclair B.”, “Finney, Charles”, “Flavel, John”, “Gage, Warren A.”, “Heck, Sebastian”, “Hegeman, David”, “Henry, Matthew”, “Hodge, Archibald Alexander”, “Hodge, Charles”, “Horne, Mark”, “Jackson, L. Charles”, “Knox, John”, “Lillback, Peter A.”, “Lyall, David”, “MacPherson, John”, “Marshall, Walter”, “Meyers, Jeffrey”, “Payne, Jon D.”, “Phillips, Richard D.”, “Reymond, Robert”, “Rutherford, Samuel”, “Ryken, Philip Graham”, “Scott, J. Julius”, “Shedd, William”, “Smith, Morton”, “Smith, Ralph A.”, “Smyth, Thomas”, “Spring, Gardiner”, “Sproul, R. C.”, “Stubbs, David L.”, “Thomas, Derek W. H.”, “Thornwell, Hames Henley”, “Van Til, Corrnelius”, “Vincent, Marvin”, “Vos, Geerhardus”, “Warfield, Benjamin B.”, “Wikner, Benjamin K.”, “Wilkins, Steve”) OR Publisher:(“Ligonier”, “P&R Publishing”, “Presbyterian”, “Reformation Trust”)



    Author:(“Baxter, Richard”, “Beeke, Joel R.”, “Brook, Benjamin”, “Brooks, Thomas”, “Bunyan, John”, “Burroughs, Jeremiah”, “Charnock, Stephen”, “Edwards, Jonathan”, “Flavel, John”, “Goodwin, Thomas”, “Hopkins, Ezekiel”, “Howe, John”, “Jacomb, Thomas”, “Manton, Thomas”, “Neal, Daniel”, “Owen, John”, “Packer, J. I.”, “Ridgley, Thomas”, “Scougal, Henry”, “Scudder, Henry”, “Sibbes, Richard”, “Swinnock, George”, “Traill, Robert”, “Ussher, James”) OR Publisher:(“Richard Owen Roberts”)



    Author:(“Alexander, Archibald”, “Alexander, Joseph Addison”, “Bailey, Kenneth E.”, “Bannerman, James”, “Barnhouse, Donald Grey”, “Bavinck, Herman”, “Baxter, Richard”, “Beecher, Lyman”, “Beeke, Joel R.”, “Berkhof, Louis”, “Berkouwer, G. C.”, “Betz, Hans Dieter”, “Bierma, Lyle D.”, “Boettner, Loraine”, “Boice, James Montgomery”, “Bradford, John”, “Brakel, Wilhelmus”, “Breckinridge, Robert J.”, “Brown, John”, “Bullinger, Henry”, “Bunyan, John”, “Calvin, John”, “Campbell, Colin”, “Chafer, Lewis Sperry”, “Chapell, Bryan”, “Clarkson, David”, “Culver, Robert”, “Dabney, Robert Lewis”, “De Kroon, Marijn”, “Doriani, Daniel M.”, “Duguid, Iain M.”, “Easton, Matthew George”, “Edersheim, Alfred”, “Ferguson, Sinclair B.”, “Fields, Paul W.”, “Finlayson, T. Campbell”, “Finney, Charles”, “Flavel, John”, “Gage, Warren A.”, “Gerhart, Emanuel Vogel”, “Good, James I.”, “Gunton, Colin”, “Hawker, Robert”, “Heck, Sebastian”, “Hegeman, David”, “Hendriksen, William”, “Hodge, Archibald Alexander”, “Hodge, Charles”, “Horne, Mark”, “Horton, Michael S.”, “Hyde, Daniel R.”, “Jackson, L. Charles”, “Jacomb, Thomas”, “Kistemaker, Simon”, “Knox, John”, “Kuyper, Abraham”, “Lawson, Steven J.”, “Lillback, Peter A.”, “Lloyd-Jones, Martyn”, “Lyall, David”, “Maag, Karin”, “MacArthur, John”, “MacPherson, John”, “Manton, Thomas”, “Marshall, Walter”, “Martin, Albert N.”, “Martin, Steve”, “Meyers, Jeffrey”, “Muller, Richard”, “Murray, Andrew”, “Olevianus, Casper”, “Owen, John”, “Packer, J. I.”, “Payne, Jon D.”, “Phillips, Richard D.”, “Pink, A. W.”, “Piper, John”, “Reymond, Robert L.”, “Ridderbos, Herman”, “Ridgley, Thomas”, “Rushdoony, Rousas John”, “Rutherford, Samuel”, “Ryken, Philip Graham”, “Schaff, Philip”, “Scott, J. Julius”, “Shedd, William”, “Smith, Morton”, “Smith, Ralph A.”, “Smyth, Thomas”, “Spring, Gardiner”, “Sproul, R. C.”, “Spurgeon, Charles H.”, “Stubbs, David L.”, “Thomas, Derek W. H.”, “Thornwell, Hames Henley”, “Toplady, Augustus M.”, “Turretin, Francis”, “Usher, James”, “Van Til, Corrnelius”, “Vincent, Marvin”, “Vos, Geerhardus”, “Waltke, Bruce K.”, “Warfield, Benjamin B.”, “Westminster Assembly”, “Wikner, Benjamin K.”, “Wilkins, Steve”, “Witsius, Herman”, “Zwingli”) OR Publisher:(“Day One”, “Evangelical Press”, “Ligonier”, “Multnomah”, “P&R Publishing”, “Reformation Trust”)


    Restoration Movement

    Author:(“Bland, Dave L.”, “Briley, Terry”, “Fredenburg, Brandon L.”, “Lucado, Max”, “Shank, Harold”, “Willis, Timothy M.”) OR Publisher:(“College Press”, “Standard”)


    Roman Catholic

    Author:(“Acklin, Thomas”, “Althann, Robert”, “Armstrong, Dave”, “Bachiochi, Erika”, “Bachofen, Charles Augustine”, “Baldini, Ugo”, “Barber, Michael”, “Barron, Robert”, “Bean, Danielle”, “Beckwith, Francis J.”, “Bellarmine, Robert”, “Benedict XV”, “Benedict XVI”, “Benedictine Monks”, “Bergant, Dianne”, “Blanchette, Oliva”, “Blenkinsopp, Joseph”, “Bossis, Gabrielle”, “Bransfield, J. Brian”, “Breen, A. E.”, “Brother Lawrence”, “Brown, Raymond Edward”, “Buckley, Theodore Alois”, “Burke, Daniel”, “Burns, Helena R.”, “Butler, Alban”, “Byles, R. D.”, “Byrne, Brendan”, “Canisius, Peter”, “Carlen, Claudia”, “Cataneo, Pascal”, “Catholic Biblical Association”, “Catholic Church”, “Chesterton, Gilbert K.”, “Christmyer, Sarah”, “Coffin, Patrick”, “Collins, Adela Y.”, “Collins, John J.”, “Collins, Raymond F.”, “Congar, Yves”, “Cornelius a Lapide”, “Cunningham, Lawrence S.”, “Dahood, Mitchell”, “Dalton, William Jospeh”, “de Caussade, Jean Pierre”, “de Chantal, Jane Frances”, “de Sales, Francis”, “De Vogue, Adalbert”, “Deferrari, Roy J.”, “DeMarco, Donald”, “Denzinger, Henry”, “Dimech-Juchniewicz, Jean”, “Donahue, John R.”, “Dubay, Thomas”, “Emmerich, Anne Catherine”, “Elliott, Neil”, “Erasmus, Desiderius”, “Fiore, Benjamin”, “Fiorenza, Francis Schussler”, “Fitzgerald, Allan D.”,  “Fitzmyer, Joseph A.”, “Flaherty, Regis J.”, “Franklin, Carmela Vircillo”, “Frisk, M. Jean”, “Fry, Timothy”, “Galvin, John P.”, “Gan, Eugene”, “Giblin, Charles Homer”, “Gigot, F. E. C.”, “Glavich, Mary Kathleen”, “Granados, Carlos”, “Granados, Jose”, “Gray, Philip C. L.”, “Gray, Timothy”, “Grech, Prosper”, “Green, Barbara”, “Guarino, Thomas”, “Hahn, Scott”, “Harrington, Daniel J.”, “Harrington, Wilfrid J.”, “Hartin, Patrick J.”, “Haydock, George Leo”, “Healy, Mary”, “Heil, John Paul”, “Hermes, Kathryn J.”, “Herron, Thomas”, “Himes, Kenneth R.”, “Hitchcock, James”, “Hoeck, Andreas”, “Hunter, Sylvester Joseph”, “Hurd, R. Scott”, “Ignatius of Loyola”, “Jacques, Xavier”, “John of the Cross”, “John Paul I”, “John Paul II”, “John XXIII”, “Johnson, Lawrence J.”, “Johnson, Luke Timothy”, “Jurgens, William A.”, “Kardong, Terrence G.”, “Karris, Robert J.”, “Keating, Daniel”, “Ker, Ian”, “Knecht, Frederick Justus”, “Kosanke, Charles G.”, “Kreeft, Peter”, “Kurz, William S.”, “Lambrecht, Jan”, “Landon, Edward H.”, “Launderville, Dale”, “Lawrence of Brindisi”, “Leiva-Merikakis, Erasmo”, “Leo XIII”, “Liesen, Jan”, “Liguori, Alphonsus”, “Likoudis, James”, “Maas, A. J.”, “MacDonald, Margaret Y.”, “MacEvilly, John”, “Maloney, Francis J.”, “Mann, Horace Kinder”, “Marks, Frederick W.”, “Martin, Curtis”, “Martin, Mary Peter”, “Martin, Michaelann”, “Martinez, Luis Maria”, “Matera, Frank J.”, “Mattison III, William C.”, “May, William E.”, “McCarthy, David Matzko”, “McGovern, James J.”, “McNabb, Vincent”, “McNamara, Martin”, “Meier, John P.”, “Melina, Livio”, “Miletic, Stephen Francis”, “Miller II, Robert D.”, “Mitch, Curtis”, “Mitch, Stacy”, “Mitchell, Alan C.”, “Moloney, Francis J.”, “Montague, George T.”, “Morrow, Thomas G.”, “Newman, John Henry”, “Neyrey, Jerome H.”, “Nichols, Aidan”, “O’Brien, John”, “O’Connor, James T.”, “Orchard, Bernard”, “Ott, Ludwig”, “Panikulam, George”, “Pascal, Blaise”, “Pastor, Ludwig”, “Paul VI”, “Pecknold, C. C.”, “Percy, Anthony”, “Peters, Edward N.”, “Pilch, John J.”, “Pimentel, Stephen”, “Pius X”, “Pius XI”, “Pius XII”, “Pohle, Joseph”, “Ponessa, Joseph”, “Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite”, “Ratzinger, Joseph”, “Ray, Stephen K.”, “Reno, R. R.”, “Richard, Earl J.”, “Ryan, Judith M.”, “Sanchez-Navarro, Luis”, “Schillebeecx, Edward”, “Schonborn, Christoph”, “Schroeder, H. J.”, “Schindler, David L.”, “Schreck, Alan”, “Senior, Donald”, “Shea, John Gilmary”, “Sievers, Joseph”, “Sirois, Celia”, “Sloyan, Gerard S.”, “Sofie, J. Francis”, “Somers, Gayle”, “Spicq, Ceslas”, “Spruit, Leen”, “Sri, Edward”, “Stanley, David Michael”, “Stegman, Thomas D.”, “Stravinskas, Peter M. J.”, “Sullivan, John F.”, “Suprenant, Leon J.”, “Teresa of Avila”, “The Daughters of St. Paul”, “Thein, John”, “Thérèse of Lisieux”, “Turner, James”, “Tylenda, Joseph N.”, “University of Navarre”, “von Balthasar, Hans Urs”, “von Hefele, Charles Joseph”, “von Hildebrand, Dietrich”, “Waldstein, Michael”, “Wehner, James A.”, “Weinandy, Thomas G.”, “West, Christopher”, “Whitehead, Kenneth D.”, “Williamson, Peter S.”, “Woywod, Stanislaus”, “Yocum, John P.”, “Zeno, Katrina J.”) OR Publisher:(“Benziger Brothers”, “Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico”, “Emmaus Road Publishing”, “Herder”, “Ignatius”, “Libreria Editrice Vaticana”, “Liturgical Press”, “Pauline Books & Media”, “Pontifical Biblical Institute”, “The Catholic Publication Society”, “The Encyclopedia Press”, “United States Conference of Catholic Bishops”)


    Seventh Day Adventist

    Author:(“Anderson, Bruce”, “Dederen, Raoul”, “Doukhan, Jacques B.”, “Fayard, Carlos”, “Gugliotto, Lee J.”, “Gulley, Norman R.”, “Harding IV, George T.”, “Hernandez, Barbara Couden”, “Horn, Siegfried H.”, “Knight, George R.”, “LaRondelle, Hans K.”, “Neufeld, Don F.”, “Nichol, Francis D.”, “Rasell, Marc”, “Rice, Richard”, “Smith, Uriah”, “Stefanovic, Ranko”, “White, Ellen G.”) OR Publisher:(“Andrews University Press”, “Review and Herald”, “Seventh Day Adventist”)



    Author:(“Freeman, James”, “Mace, Daniel”, “Palfrey, J. G.”, “Parker, Theodore”, “Sawyer, Leicester Ambrose”, “Solly, Henry Shaen”, “Taylor, Edgar”) OR Publisher:(“American Unitarian Association”)



    Author:(“Austin, John M.”, “Ballou, Hosea”, “Cox, Samuel”, “Parker, Theodore”, “Whittemore, Thomas”)

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    Question: Is there a reason for separating unitarian-universalist as the churches and theology have been merged for over a century?

    I appreciate the effort you're putting in on this. Thanks.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭

    In case others do not know, I discovered a cool feature.... so I have open "Analytical Bible Expositor, Acts", by John G. Butler. I am reading along, and I am wondering, "I wonder what denominational tag he fits under?" (I don't know many of them). So I click on the Parallel Resources Sets button (you had to "check" the box for this when you created each Collection), and Voila! Fundamentalist!  I thought this was so nice! See picture:

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    The latest Word document includes most of MJ's lists, though there are a few questions remaining.  These will have to wait for another time.  Life beckons...

    0842.Logos Theology Tags.doc

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    Question: Is there a reason for separating unitarian-universalist as the churches and theology have been merged for over a century?

    I appreciate the effort you're putting in on this. Thanks.

    I'll give this some thought.  Robin Parry would claim to be a current Trinitarian Universalist.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Don Awalt said:

    In case others do not know, I discovered a cool feature.... 

    Thanks, Don.  That's an unexpected bonus.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    Robin Parry would claim to be a current Trinitarian Universalist.

    It would make sense to give contemporary universalists the title ...

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    Question: Is there a reason for separating unitarian-universalist as the churches and theology have been merged for over a century?

    I appreciate the effort you're putting in on this. Thanks.

    I'll give this some thought.  Robin Parry would claim to be a current Trinitarian Universalist.

    Several other contemporary Trinitarians are (at least tentatively) Universalist. Kevin Miller (the documentary Hellbound?), Brad Jersak (Her Gates Will Never Be Shut: Hell, Hope, and the New Jerusalem), Rob Bell (Love Wins), Thomas Talbott (The Inescapable Love of God), Brian McLaren, Sharon Baker (Razing Hell), Michael Hardin, Gerry Beauchemin (Hope Beyond Hell: The Righteous Purpose of God's Judgment), etc. So it makes sense to keep a category for Universalist that is not necessarily Unitarian. On the other hand, like Evangelical, Universalist crosses denominational boundaries. It is a single doctrinal position, but doesn't entirely define people. Some might be United Methodists and be Universalists, some might be Anabaptist and be Universalists, and so on.

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    In the interest of being thorough (lets leave no resource un-tagged), what about the theological journal libraries? I didn't notice whether Southeastern, and southern's journals were picked up by the collections - which makes me think perhaps other journals are missing out on the fun as well.


    Under Fundamentalist, in order to get ALL of A.W. Pink's material you need to add "Pink, A.W." or else you miss "The Sovereignty of God".

    under Congregationalist: Sheldon, Charles needs to be added (minus his middle name) in order to pick up the resource "the 13th resolution".

    Under Dispensationalist: Perhaps we should add the publisher "Kregel". A quick search of logos made them look as though that is who they publish. Dweight Pentacost for instance. ALSO this would be a good place to stick Dallas Theological Seminary's Journal "Bibliotheca Sacra".

    Under Presbyterian: Turnbull, Ralph. Died a presybyterian minister in Seattle (whatever else he may have been in his life). He wrote "Baker's Dictionary of Practical Theology". Also Francis A. Schaeffer who graduated from Westminster theological seminary.

    Authors of Uncertain Tradition:
    Jimmie L. Hancock "All the Questions in the Bible". (published by Logos).

    Might need to create (or did I simply miss?):
    "Non-Denominational" category, and add: "Ashland Theological Journal". They are affiliated with tyndale house, which may give them a denomination. But its late, and I'm not sure what that would be off hand.
    "Evangelical Free" category - they claim D. A. Carson (by way of TEDS), and Wayne Grudem ( Author:("Grudem, Wayne A",  "Carson, D. A.") )

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    I have about 250 more resources that are not a part of my current collections (created an anti-collection that excludes all the books added to a denominational collection). Now I'm going through one at a time. But its 2:30am, so I think I'm done for tonight! Rosie - this is time consuming!

    library by the numbers

    The big three slices are reformed, baptist, and dispensational.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Lee
    Lee Member Posts: 1,148 ✭✭

    L4 BS, L5 RB & Gold, L6 S & R Platinum, L7 Platinum, L8 Baptist Platinum, L9 Baptist Platinum, L10 Baptist Silver
    2021 MacBook Pro M1 Pro 14" 16GB 512GB SSD, running MacOS Monterey   iPad Mini 6,   iPhone 11.

  • Ken McGuire
    Ken McGuire Member Posts: 2,074 ✭✭✭

    Several other contemporary Trinitarians are (at least tentatively) Universalist. Kevin Miller (the documentary Hellbound?), Brad Jersak (Her Gates Will Never Be Shut: Hell, Hope, and the New Jerusalem), Rob Bell (Love Wins), Thomas Talbott (The Inescapable Love of God), Brian McLaren, Sharon Baker (Razing Hell), Michael Hardin, Gerry Beauchemin (Hope Beyond Hell: The Righteous Purpose of God's Judgment), etc. So it makes sense to keep a category for Universalist that is not necessarily Unitarian. On the other hand, like Evangelical, Universalist crosses denominational boundaries. It is a single doctrinal position, but doesn't entirely define people. Some might be United Methodists and be Universalists, some might be Anabaptist and be Universalists, and so on.

    One problem with this is that there is no agreed upon definition of "universalism".  Rob Bell, for example, rejects the label, but many want to call him one.  Heck, some would say Karl Barth was.  Is it universalism to hope that somehow God will be all in all, even when our senses tell us that it doesn't seem to be that way?  Or is it only universalism to say that all MUST be reconciled with God in the end.

    The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann

    L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials

    L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze

  • Bill Rust
    Bill Rust Member Posts: 26 ✭✭

    I see a large problem in identifying denominations and doctrines by author.  Many denominations have similar beliefs and many denominations have a wide range of beliefs within the denomination.  You also have authors who change their positions based on growth (or falling into error as sometimes happens).  There are even authors who change denominations.

    It would be far better to become well versed in Biblical theology and then examine the teachings of each writing based on Scripture.  I mean what if the taggers get it wrong?

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    By the way, I said Rosie in my post, but I meant MJ :)

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159

    Several other contemporary Trinitarians are (at least tentatively) Universalist. Kevin Miller (the documentary Hellbound?), Brad Jersak (Her Gates Will Never Be Shut: Hell, Hope, and the New Jerusalem), Rob Bell (Love Wins), Thomas Talbott (The Inescapable Love of God), Brian McLaren, Sharon Baker (Razing Hell), Michael Hardin, Gerry Beauchemin (Hope Beyond Hell: The Righteous Purpose of God's Judgment), etc. So it makes sense to keep a category for Universalist that is not necessarily Unitarian. On the other hand, like Evangelical, Universalist crosses denominational boundaries. It is a single doctrinal position, but doesn't entirely define people. Some might be United Methodists and be Universalists, some might be Anabaptist and be Universalists, and so on.

    One problem with this is that there is no agreed upon definition of "universalism".  Rob Bell, for example, rejects the label, but many want to call him one.  Heck, some would say Karl Barth was.  Is it universalism to hope that somehow God will be all in all, even when our senses tell us that it doesn't seem to be that way?  Or is it only universalism to say that all MUST be reconciled with God in the end.

    I put all of Rosie's suggestions plus Barth and the "Universalist" collection into a new collection "Universalist leaning". Also put "Southern Baptist" under "Baptist" and "Presbyterian" under "Reformed" EDIT: and LCMS under Lutheran.

                                                                                                                                                                  Ken, anything more on Lutherans, LCMS or otherwise? WELS authors?

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Philana Crouch
    Philana Crouch Member Posts: 2,151 ✭✭✭

    I'm on my iPad so I can't add this to the original list. 

    To Seventh-Day Adventist I would add Davidson, Richard M. 

    His book "Flame of Yahweh" is in one of the Baker collections.

  • Ken McGuire
    Ken McGuire Member Posts: 2,074 ✭✭✭

    NB.Mick said:

    Ken, anything more on Lutherans, LCMS or otherwise? WELS authors?

    That are in Logos already, the only one that I see missing from the above list is Robert Jenson, whose commentary on Song of Songs is in the Interpretation series, Commentary on Ezekiel is on Brazos, and whose Conversations with Poppi is on Vyrso.

    Of course, I could start listing Lutherans who I wish were in Logos, with the hope that they come and then will be automagically tagged. Donfried's commentary on Thessalonians for ICC, should eventually get in Logos, and Karl Donfried is an important Lutheran NT scholar.

    (Both are ELCA, by the way)


    Ken McGuire

    The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann

    L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials

    L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    Bill Rust said:

    I see a large problem in identifying denominations and doctrines by author. 

    I agree. But the demand for them is large enough to make it worth the effort to insure some consistency (which is not the same as utility).

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."