Theology/Denomination Tags



  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭

    I noticed people are starting to catalog their libraries based on these tags. I was thinking, is that accurate, especially the "untagged" category that one of us my derive by counting the tagged resources by category, and subtracting from total library size? The reason I wonder is I came across the fact that Arno Gaebelein is in no less than 4 categories - Arminian/Wesleyan, Dispensational, Fundamentalist, and Methodist Episcopal.

    I know this is more art than science and it is most surely a great help, and it may be that beliefs are so, shared?, common?, overlapping?, that this is in fact the most accurate. I just thought I would raise the point as I was at first surprised when I discovered it.

  • Sacrifice
    Sacrifice Member Posts: 391 ✭✭

    Thanks so much for all the hard work that went into these lists. Thanks for making it public.

    Presbyterian and Reformed
    An additional name -  Pratt, Richard L

    Yours In Christ

  • Rich Tatum (Logos)
    Rich Tatum (Logos) Member Posts: 29 ✭✭

    Hi, everybody! I thought I'd jump in momentarily to introduce myself. I'm a new hire at Logos and one of my current "hats" is to develop a product for our Pentecostal/Charismatic readers. A coworker of mine who started on the same day is doing the same for the Orthodox market and there are others who will be — or already are — doing the same for Seventh Day Adventists, Catholics, Anglicans, and so on.

    As the earlier discussion aleady indicated, it is a huge squishy problem to create a tagging taxonomy that accurately and usefully exposes theological or denominational persuasion. The chief problem is the "squishiness" of the subject matter: Neither the authors, the books, nor the denominations enjoy clearly delineated lines and boundaries leading to a nice, hierarchical classification scheme. For example, what do you do with an author whose early work is non-Pentecostal, but whose later work is Pro-Pentecostal? Or what about an author who's clearly self-identified as Pentecostal, but their literary work stands apart from any denominational theological bias? Further, once we start getting way from the overarching, generic, labels, distinctions break down. It's pretty straightforward to identify a "continuationist," or "renewalist" author or resource (as opposed to "Cessationist" or "other"—everything else), but then we start asking, "What kind continuationist?" Pentecostal? Charismatic? Third Wave? Vineyard? Neocharismatic? Reformed Pentecostal? Finally, there are resources of interest to a theological persuasion, but not of that denomination —  leading to plenty of category confusion. And publishers? Let's not even get started there…

    All that to say this, it's a difficult problem and one that is certainly on the minds of many here, from marketing all the way over to text development and software development. If I could accurately predict what solution will be put into place I'd share it with you, but I don't know  yet.

    Meanwhile, here's an example of what I've been doing the past couple of weeks., I've been poring over our catalog of more than 31,000 items, trying to identify any resource that would be of interest to our  Pentecostal/Charismatic readers. Since you guys have been unselfishly sharing your lists with each other, I thought I'd share my list of about 140 authors with you. Please feel free to adapt and adopt if you wish, but be careful. Some authors have their names spelled differently on various items in our catalog (See: Möller vs. Moller, for example).

    The List:

    Neil T. Anderson, Heidi Baker, Rolland Baker, LeRoy Bartel, Mark Batterson, Dennis Bennett, Rita Bennett, Lisa Bevere, Zenas Bicket, Craig L. Blomberg, F. F. Bosworth, Edward M. Bounds, Michael L. Brown, Mark Bubeck, Lewis Sperry Chafer, Francis Chan, Lawrence J. Chesnut, David Yonggi Cho, Larry Christenson, Michael Clarensau, Randy Clark, Nathaniel M. Van Cleave, Wayne Cordeiro, Judson Cornwall, Roger Douglas Cotton, Nicky Cruz, Carol Cymbala, Jim Cymbala, Jack Deere, Richard Dresselhaus, Mark Driscoll, Guy Duffield, Dick Eastman, Scott Ellington, Tony Evans, Richard Exley, Gordon D. Fee, Charles G. Finney, Johnny Ford, Robert M. Fowler, Francis Frangipane, Sandie Freed, Carl Gibbs, Louie Giglio, James W. Goll, Wayde I. Goodall, J. Lee Grady, Rebecca Merrill Groothuis, Diana Hagee, John Hagee, Ian R. Hall, Samuel G. Hardman, Jack W. Hayford, Henry C. Heffren, Greg Heisler, Skip Heitzig, James Hernando, Marilyn Hickey, Roy H. Hicks, Benny Hinn, Stanley M. Horton, Ju Hur, Randy Hurst, Ronald A. Iwasko, T. D. Jakes, Bill Johnson, Rick Joyner, Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, Larry Keefauver, Craig S. Keener, R. T. Kendall, Michael J. Klassen, J. Stephen Lang, William F. Lasley, Greg Laurie, Julia Loren, Wonsuk Ma, Frank D. Macchia, Francis MacNutt, Mike McClaflin, Gary McGee, Quentin McGhee, Ron McManus, Robert P. Menzies, William W. Menzies, Joyce Meyer, Emily A. Mockovciak, F. P. Möller, Dwight Lyman Moody, Rickie D. Moore, George Müller, Andrew Murray, Charles W. Naylor, Arlo F. Newell, Doug Oss, Eugene H. Peterson, Ron Phillips, Chuck D. Pierce, Chuck Pierce, Derek Prince, T. Ray Rachels, Leonard Ravenhill, D. E. Reed, Benjamin F. Reid, Charles R. Ringma, Dana Roberts, Pat Robertson, Edmund J. Rybarczyk, John Loren Sandford, R. Loren Sandford, Dutch Sheets, Quin Sherrer, Alice Smith, F. G. Smith, James K. A. Smith, Sam Storms, Frances Swaggart, Jimmy Swaggart, Vinson Synan, Cheryl Taylor, Tommy Tenney, John Christopher Thomas, R. A. Torrey, A. W. Tozer, Graham H. Twelftree, Merrill Frederick Unger, Kris Vallotton, Miroslav Volf, Adrian Warnock, Cecil M. Washington, Matthias Wenk, Barbara Wentroble, John Wesley, David Wilkerson, Bruce Wilkinson, Ben Witherington III, George O. Wood, Edward Woods, Amos Yong.

    Rich Tatum
    Marketing Specialist, Logos Bible Software

  • Bruce Dunning
    Bruce Dunning MVP Posts: 11,148

    Meanwhile, here's an example of what I've been doing the past couple of weeks., I've been poring over our catalog of more than 31,000 items, trying to identify any resource that would be of interest to our  Pentecostal/Charismatic readers. Since you guys have been unselfishly sharing your lists with each other, I thought I'd share my list of about 140 authors with you. Please feel free to adapt and adopt if you wish, but be careful. Some authors have their names spelled differently on various items in our catalog (See: Möller vs. Moller, for example).

    The List:

    Neil T. Anderson, Heidi Baker, Rolland Baker, LeRoy Bartel, Mark Batterson, Dennis Bennett, Rita Bennett, Lisa Bevere, Zenas Bicket, Craig L. Blomberg, F. F. Bosworth, Edward M. Bounds, Michael L. Brown, Mark Bubeck, Lewis Sperry Chafer, Francis Chan, Lawrence J. Chesnut, David Yonggi Cho, Larry Christenson, Michael Clarensau, Randy Clark, Nathaniel M. Van Cleave, Wayne Cordeiro, Judson Cornwall, Roger Douglas Cotton, Nicky Cruz, Carol Cymbala, Jim Cymbala, Jack Deere, Richard Dresselhaus, Mark Driscoll, Guy Duffield, Dick Eastman, Scott Ellington, Tony Evans, Richard Exley, Gordon D. Fee, Charles G. Finney, Johnny Ford, Robert M. Fowler, Francis Frangipane, Sandie Freed, Carl Gibbs, Louie Giglio, James W. Goll, Wayde I. Goodall, J. Lee Grady, Rebecca Merrill Groothuis, Diana Hagee, John Hagee, Ian R. Hall, Samuel G. Hardman, Jack W. Hayford, Henry C. Heffren, Greg Heisler, Skip Heitzig, James Hernando, Marilyn Hickey, Roy H. Hicks, Benny Hinn, Stanley M. Horton, Ju Hur, Randy Hurst, Ronald A. Iwasko, T. D. Jakes, Bill Johnson, Rick Joyner, Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, Larry Keefauver, Craig S. Keener, R. T. Kendall, Michael J. Klassen, J. Stephen Lang, William F. Lasley, Greg Laurie, Julia Loren, Wonsuk Ma, Frank D. Macchia, Francis MacNutt, Mike McClaflin, Gary McGee, Quentin McGhee, Ron McManus, Robert P. Menzies, William W. Menzies, Joyce Meyer, Emily A. Mockovciak, F. P. Möller, Dwight Lyman Moody, Rickie D. Moore, George Müller, Andrew Murray, Charles W. Naylor, Arlo F. Newell, Doug Oss, Eugene H. Peterson, Ron Phillips, Chuck D. Pierce, Chuck Pierce, Derek Prince, T. Ray Rachels, Leonard Ravenhill, D. E. Reed, Benjamin F. Reid, Charles R. Ringma, Dana Roberts, Pat Robertson, Edmund J. Rybarczyk, John Loren Sandford, R. Loren Sandford, Dutch Sheets, Quin Sherrer, Alice Smith, F. G. Smith, James K. A. Smith, Sam Storms, Frances Swaggart, Jimmy Swaggart, Vinson Synan, Cheryl Taylor, Tommy Tenney, John Christopher Thomas, R. A. Torrey, A. W. Tozer, Graham H. Twelftree, Merrill Frederick Unger, Kris Vallotton, Miroslav Volf, Adrian Warnock, Cecil M. Washington, Matthias Wenk, Barbara Wentroble, John Wesley, David Wilkerson, Bruce Wilkinson, Ben Witherington III, George O. Wood, Edward Woods, Amos Yong.

    Welcome to the forums Rich. I look forward to seeing more posts in the future. Thanks for sharing this interesting list. I can't imagine this list was totally subjective. Do you mind sharing what criteria you used to compose it?

    Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    there are others who will be — or already are — doing the same for Seventh Day Adventists, Catholics, Anglicans, and so on.

    Welcome 120,633 [:D] Glad to hear that Logos is looking at expanding their resources for lesser known faiths such as mine. Waiting to meet the Product Development Manager to make my suggestions. If you could ask them to contact me (if the individual has already been hired)or give me an email address.

    I am grateful for the resources recently placed on pre-pub from Andrews University Seminary Press. Looking for more to come.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Dan
    Dan Member Posts: 217 ✭✭

    one obvious omission is John Wimber. Another is C. Peter Wagner. 

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Seventh Day Adventist

    Author:(“Anderson, Bruce”, “Dederen, Raoul”, “Fayard, Carlos”, “Gulley, Norman R.”, “Harding IV, George T.”, “Hernandez, Barbara Couden”, “Horn, Siegfried H.”, “Knight, George R.”, “LaRondelle, Hans K.”, “Neufeld, Don F.”, “Nichol, Francis D.”, “Rice, Richard”, “Smith, Uriah”, White, Ellen G.”) OR Publisher:(“Andrews University Press”, “Review and Herald”, “Seventh-day Adventist”)

    Hi Andrew, I tried your rule to make a collection, and it came up empty, even though I have the Andrews University Study Bible, Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary Expanded edition, and Uriah Smith's Commentary.

    Your help is greatly appreciated.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    This rule (author:white, ellen, subject:ellen white writings) pulls up all of Mrs White's writings, a total of 404 resources.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,693

    Your help is greatly appreciated.

    Uriah”, White, Ellen

    Missing quote in front of White

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    This rule (author:white, ellen, subject:ellen white writings) pulls up all of Mrs White's writings, a total of 404 resources.

    It may do so accidentally, but the syntax is incorrect and could give unexpected results in some searches. You need quotation marks around any library filters that are more than one word. So the correct way to do that query would be: (author:"white, ellen", "subject:ellen white writings")

    For example of why your query isn't right, I tried it exactly as is in my library, both with and without the parentheses (they are not required), and since I don't have any of Ellen White's writings, I should expect to find 0 results. But it found these two books:

    • A Tribute to Geza Vermes: Essays on Jewish and Christian Literature and History (by Philip Davies and Richard T. White)
    • The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, Vol. 3 (by George Whitefield)

    Why? Because you were asking to find all books where the author's name contains the word white, or which have ellen anywhere in their metadata, or which have subject containing the word ellen and have white and writings anywhere in their metadata. You've got to use a bit of Boolean Logic to do complex searches in the library. AND is assumed when there are spaces between terms that are not enclosed in quotation marks. Comma means OR. And AND has higher precedence than OR.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Thanks ladies. This is the final syntax that I have.

    Author:(“Anderson, Bruce”, “Dederen, Raoul”, “Fayard, Carlos”, “Gulley, Norman R.”, “Harding IV, George T.”, “Hernandez, Barbara Couden”, “Horn, Siegfried H.”, “Knight, George R.”, “LaRondelle, Hans K.”, “Neufeld, Don F.”, “Nichol, Francis D.”, “Rice, Richard”, “Smith, Uriah”, "White, Ellen","Gugliotto,Lee") OR Publisher:(“Andrews University Press”, “Review and Herald”, “Seventh-day Adventist")OR (Subject:"ellen white writings")OR(mytag:"sdaencyc","sdaatlas")

    I now have a total of 417.

    All of Mrs White's Writings, 12 volume commentary, plus Handbook for Bible study. In order to get the volume for the Bible Atlas and Encyclopedia, I had to create two tags. One had the incorrect Copyright and the other did not have a copyright.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Rich Tatum (Logos)
    Rich Tatum (Logos) Member Posts: 29 ✭✭

    Hi, Bruce, thanks for the welcome!

    Of course, any list made by any individual is inherently subjective, and my bias tends toward preferential treatment of scholars and academics, particularly Pentecostal scholars (Menzies, Fee, Synan, etc.) — not because I think they're the only right ones, but because they're names I recognize from my own Bible college and seminary education. Having read them, I recognize them, and therefore tend to trust them.

    But, my biases might really only come in to play when looking for authors I want to investigate acquiring material from, not identifying what's actually  in our library. As far as I'm concerned, if we own product by a self-identified Pentecostal or Charismatic author, we should tag it such and add it to an appropriate collection. (If I'm missing any, please let me know!) Also, any product of particular relevance to Pentecostals and Charismatics should be included (for example , Boyce W. Blackwelder's contra-glossolalia book in our library, Thirty Errors of Modern Tongues Advocates). However, I assure you that I've worked especially hard at uncovering and adding to my list even those authors who write outside my theological comfort zone (with apologies to fans of Hinn, Hagin, Hagee and such).

    So, while some of those authors may not be in our library yet, I have compiled a list of the top 500 best-selling CBA authors who write to the Pentecostal/Charismatic audience (I got the list from ECPA/Bowker, an independent third-party). After compiling the list of actual Logos authors, I also included anybody who was in the top 100 CBA list, and cherry-picked recognizable names from the remainder.

    As a result, I now have a list of 318 authors; 139 of those authors already have at least one product in our library of interest to the P/C folks, and 179 do not yet have any product in our library. That'll be my guide for acquiring new content. Hopefully, the top-selling authors will easily make it through community pricing and prepub due to their popularity and help make this project more visible and even more viable.

    And, yes, John Wimber is on my list of authors to investigate acquiring content from. I also want to see what we can do with books from the following, who are among the top authors on my list: Michael Youssef, Kenneth E. Hagin, Joel Osteen, Germaine Copeland, Bill Wiese, Myles Munroe, Joseph Prince, Charles Capps, Cindy Trimm, Jentezen Franklin, John Bevere. None of those authors have product in our library, yet, but I'm hoping that won't remain the case for very long

    Thanks for the question!


    Rich Tatum
    Marketing Specialist, Logos Bible Software

  • Rich Tatum (Logos)
    Rich Tatum (Logos) Member Posts: 29 ✭✭

    Hi, Dan, both Wimber and Wagner are on my list of authors to pursue acquiring.



    Rich Tatum
    Marketing Specialist, Logos Bible Software

  • Rich Tatum (Logos)
    Rich Tatum (Logos) Member Posts: 29 ✭✭

    Hi, Lynden! I do believe we've hired the new SDA product manager, but he hasn't started work in the office yet. I believe that Martin Weber will begin working here on May 13. Give him a week or two to get settled in an oriented, and then we'll throw him in the deep end. :) I'll set up a calendar reminder to have him check out this thread around that time.


    Rich Tatum
    Marketing Specialist, Logos Bible Software

  • Doc B
    Doc B Member Posts: 3,622 ✭✭✭

     Here's a copy of the latest Word document

    You are a true servant!

    Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,693

    I do believe we've hired the new SDA product manager,

    Given Gabe's range of responsibilities, I hope the new hire is responsible for more than SDA products. Equity in the workplace and all.[H]

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Rich Tatum (Logos)
    Rich Tatum (Logos) Member Posts: 29 ✭✭

    Rich Tatum
    Marketing Specialist, Logos Bible Software

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Hi, Lynden! I do believe we've hired the new SDA product manager, but he hasn't started work in the office yet. I believe that Martin Weber will begin working here on May 13. Give him a week or two to get settled in an oriented, and then we'll throw him in the deep end. :) I'll set up a calendar reminder to have him check out this thread around that time.


    Clicking my heels and dancing a jig. [^]

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Dan
    Dan Member Posts: 217 ✭✭

    And, yes, John Wimber is on my list of authors to investigate acquiring content from. I also want to see what we can do with books from the following, who are among the top authors on my list: Michael Youssef, Kenneth E. Hagin, Joel Osteen, Germaine Copeland, Bill Wiese, Myles Munroe, Joseph Prince, Charles Capps, Cindy Trimm, Jentezen Franklin, John Bevere. None of those authors have product in our library, yet, but I'm hoping that won't remain the case for very long

    Vyrso already has a few books by Wimber, Wagner, Franklin, and Bevere.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Dan said:

    And, yes, John Wimber is on my list of authors to investigate acquiring content from. I also want to see what we can do with books from the following, who are among the top authors on my list: Michael Youssef, Kenneth E. Hagin, Joel Osteen, Germaine Copeland, Bill Wiese, Myles Munroe, Joseph Prince, Charles Capps, Cindy Trimm, Jentezen Franklin, John Bevere. None of those authors have product in our library, yet, but I'm hoping that won't remain the case for very long

    Vyrso already has a few books by Wimber, Wagner, Franklin, and Bevere.

    Was encouraging a member of Myles Munroe Ministry for some time to see if she could get him on board.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Here are some more authors that you are missing, and the source of where I discovered their denominational affiliation

    Very helpful format, Rosie.  I've included all of these in my Word document as you'll see in the latest update.  I'll try and publish it with as many other updates as possible by the end of the weekend.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    In the interest of being thorough (lets leave no resource un-tagged), what about the theological journal libraries? I didn't notice whether Southeastern, and southern's journals were picked up by the collections - which makes me think perhaps other journals are missing out on the fun as well.


    Under Fundamentalist, in order to get ALL of A.W. Pink's material you need to add "Pink, A.W." or else you miss "The Sovereignty of God".

    under Congregationalist: Sheldon, Charles needs to be added (minus his middle name) in order to pick up the resource "the 13th resolution".

    Under Dispensationalist: Perhaps we should add the publisher "Kregel". A quick search of logos made them look as though that is who they publish. Dweight Pentacost for instance. ALSO this would be a good place to stick Dallas Theological Seminary's Journal "Bibliotheca Sacra".

    Under Presbyterian: Turnbull, Ralph. Died a presybyterian minister in Seattle (whatever else he may have been in his life). He wrote "Baker's Dictionary of Practical Theology". Also Francis A. Schaeffer who graduated from Westminster theological seminary.

    Authors of Uncertain Tradition:
    Jimmie L. Hancock "All the Questions in the Bible". (published by Logos).

    Might need to create (or did I simply miss?):
    "Non-Denominational" category, and add: "Ashland Theological Journal". They are affiliated with tyndale house, which may give them a denomination. But its late, and I'm not sure what that would be off hand.
    "Evangelical Free" category - they claim D. A. Carson (by way of TEDS), and Wayne Grudem ( Author:("Grudem, Wayne A",  "Carson, D. A.") )

    Sorry, abondservant, I had trouble tracing a couple of these.  Is there a link to "The Sovereignty of God" on the Logos website?  I could only find The Arthur Pink Anthology, which I think is picked up by “Pink, Arthur Walkington”.

    Similarly, I couldn’t find Sheldon’s “the 13th resolution” on the Logos website.  Is it a Vyrso resource or a Personal Book?

    Regarding Kregel, their website does not mention that they are specifically Dispensational, even if they do publish a number of Dispensational resources, so I would prefer not to include them.  Clearly, the lists are open enough for people to create their own personalised collections listed here, so I hope that isn’t too much of a problem.

    I’ve added “Dallas Theological Seminary” as an author to the Dispensational collection.  This should pick up Bibliotheca Sacra.

    I’ve added Ralph Turnbull and Francis Schaeffer to Presbyterian.  If you were able to provide links to use as evidence for your suggestions, as Rosie has, then that would be greatly appreciated.  As others have commented, this is an immensely time-consuming venture.

    Uncertain Tradition, Evangelical, Non-Denominational, etc. are open questions at the moment.  As I get nearer the end of the work I want to do on the “easier” categories, I’ll turn my attention to these.

    Thanks for the comments/suggestions.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    NB.Mick said:

    Also put "Southern Baptist" under "Baptist" and "Presbyterian" under "Reformed" EDIT: and LCMS under Lutheran.                                                                                                                                                               Ken, anything more on Lutherans, LCMS or otherwise? WELS authors?

    Thanks, NB.Mick.  I hadn't played with collections enough, but now I see how easy it is to put collections within collections, does anyone have a good reason why I shouldn't take all of the Southern Baptists out of the Baptists list and then just include them as a complete collection?

    For similar reasons, can anyone think of any Presbyterians that are not Reformed?  If not, then I'll remove Presbyterians from Reformed as well, adding them as part of the collection.  This should help to reduce the size of some of the lists.

  • Bruce Dunning
    Bruce Dunning MVP Posts: 11,148

    does anyone have a good reason why I shouldn't take all of the Southern Baptists out of the Baptists list and then just include them as a complete collection?

    For similar reasons, can anyone think of any Presbyterians that are not Reformed?  If not, then I'll remove Presbyterians from Reformed as well, adding them as part of the collection.  This should help to reduce the size of some of the lists.

    Personally I like both of these suggestions.

    Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God

  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭

    but now I see how easy it is to put collections within collections

    Can this be done other than dragging another Collections books into a collection? In this way you lose the dynamic nature of the Collection; imagine:

    Collection A - author:Smith

    Collection B: author:Jones

    I bring up Collection A, drag all its books into Collection B, but then if I get a new resource by author Smith it will be in Collection A but not in Collection B, right?

    I know I can combine the rules of two Collections with an OR, but that becomes harder to maintain as the same definition is in two places ("where else do I use this collection's definition?")

    You can't drag a COllection name in some ow, can you?

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    To Seventh-Day Adventist I would add Davidson, Richard M. 

    Thanks, Philana.  I've added this and picked up a few more along the way.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Don Awalt said:

    You can't drag a COllection name in some ow, can you?

    I'm no expert at this, Don, but I think this is exactly what is shown at I tried it before making the suggestion above, and it seems straightforward, though the instructions might benefit from a screenshot.
  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159

    Don Awalt said:

    but now I see how easy it is to put collections within collections

    Can this be done other than dragging another Collections books into a collection? In this way you lose the dynamic nature of the Collection; imagine:

    Collection A - author:Smith

    Collection B: author:Jones

    I bring up Collection A, drag all its books into Collection B, but then if I get a new resource by author Smith it will be in Collection A but not in Collection B, right?

    No. My understanding is that they are totally dynamic. Since Smith now is in Collection A, he is also in B (since you don't drag "all its books", but the collection itself - from the Open dialog dropdown). Even if you rename Collection A, the content of Coll. B will follow suit.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Thanks, Ken.  Duly added (though it's bending the rules, I've included Donfried, as it seems fairly certain he'll be there eventually).

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Don Awalt said:

    I noticed people are starting to catalog their libraries based on these tags. I was thinking, is that accurate, especially the "untagged" category that one of us my derive by counting the tagged resources by category, and subtracting from total library size? The reason I wonder is I came across the fact that Arno Gaebelein is in no less than 4 categories - Arminian/Wesleyan, Dispensational, Fundamentalist, and Methodist Episcopal.

    I don't think the categories can be exclusive, Don, so there may be an issue with some people double counting.  I'll probably drop the Methodist Episcopal category inside Wesleyan, but there will still be overlap with Dispensational for example.  The way I see it Dispensational is more of a theology tag than a denominational tag.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159

    it seems straightforward, though the instructions might benefit from a screenshot.

    Here's one for including a baptist sub-collection into a larger baptist one:

    remember: with the collection open you want to add a subcollection to, you again  click "open" and select the one you intend to include. DON'T CLICK IT but just drag the title into the plus-these-resources-area.

    Works like a charm, also for excluding.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    5 Solas said:

    Thanks so much for all the hard work that went into these lists. Thanks for making it public.

    Presbyterian and Reformed
    An additional name -  Pratt, Richard L

    Thanks. Duly added.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Partly to make it easier to check suggestions here, and partly for other reasons, I've been creating a spreadsheet of educational institutions (universities, colleges and seminaries) linked to denominations.  Unlike the lists on this post, which are mainly reliant on information provided by the Logos Marketing team and occasionally checked elsewhere, my list of institutions is drawn almost wholly from the lists in Wikipedia.  I know this is not the most reliable source, so I'm offering this very tentatively, offering it in case it helps others and asking for additions/comments/corrections.  Please try to include reliable web links as evidence though.  Where Wikipedia offered an easy way to acquire place and date information, I've included this, but Wikipedia is still not consistent here, so it seems a bit haphazard.  If you would like to add to this, then it would be great if you could do it in bulk, so that I can avoid lots of small updates.

    Anyway, with all those provisos, here is my latest list:

    5758.Colleges & Universities.xls

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Partly to make it easier to check suggestions here, and partly for other reasons, I've been creating a spreadsheet of educational institutions (universities, colleges and seminaries) linked to denominations.  Unlike the lists on this post, which are mainly reliant on information provided by the Logos Marketing team and occasionally checked elsewhere, my list of institutions is drawn almost wholly from the lists in Wikipedia.  I know this is not the most reliable source, so I'm offering this very tentatively, offering it in case it helps others and asking for additions/comments/corrections.  Please try to include reliable web links as evidence though.  Where Wikipedia offered an easy way to acquire place and date information, I've included this, but Wikipedia is still not consistent here, so it seems a bit haphazard.  If you would like to add to this, then it would be great if you could do it in bulk, so that I can avoid lots of small updates.

    Anyway, with all those provisos, here is my latest list:

    5758.Colleges & Universities.xls

    Wow, that's very useful.

    What about historic affiliations where schools are now more ecumenical? For example Hope College says on its website that "While historically affiliated with the Reformed Church in America, Hope is ecumenically diverse and values open discussion of matters of faith and respect for the opinions of others."

    And "Seattle Pacific University was founded by Free Methodist pioneers who valued a non-sectarian approach to education that welcomed all those seeking scholarly excellence rooted in the Christian gospel, and who sought to take the gospel into the world in order to bring about the flourishing of God’s children.

    And what about colleges and universities that intentionally cross denominational boundaries? Should they be in the list as such?

    Regent College (in Vancouver, BC) is transdenominational. "Regent College is an international and transdenominational community, made up of students from over 40 countries and 30 denominations."

  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭

    Thanks to your replies and NB.Nick's pictures, I found it does allow you to drag a Collection name into the '+' pane for a dynamic link (I tested it). Thanks!

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Partly to make it easier to check suggestions here, and partly for other reasons, I've been creating a spreadsheet of educational institutions (universities, colleges and seminaries) linked to denominations

    Why not use this as a base. Association of Denominational Index of Member Schools 

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Under Fundamentalist, in order to get ALL of A.W. Pink's material you need to add "Pink, A.W." or else you miss "The Sovereignty of God".

    This turned out to be picking up a personal book - though I did purchase the Logos version during March Madness

    under Congregationalist: Sheldon, Charles needs to be added (minus his middle name) in order to pick up the resource "the 13th resolution".

    This one is actually in the library and is a Logos resource. I suspect its an old L2 resource.

    Under Presbyterian: Turnbull, Ralph. Died a presybyterian minister in Seattle (whatever else he may have been in his life). He wrote "Baker's Dictionary of Practical Theology". Also Francis A. Schaeffer who graduated from Westminster theological seminary.

    About Ralph G. Turnbull - Final paragraph 7th line from the bottom of the page.

    Frances Schaefer
    "He later left the BPC and joined the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod,[5] a forerunner of the Presbyterian Church in America, an evangelical denomination."

    Authors of Uncertain Tradition:
    Jimmie L. Hancock "All the Questions in the Bible". (published by Logos).

    Still No Idea

    Might need to create (or did I simply miss?):
    "Non-Denominational" category, and add: "Ashland Theological Journal". They are affiliated with tyndale house, which may give them a denomination. Still No Idea

    "Evangelical Free" category - they claim D. A. Carson (by way of TEDS), and Wayne Grudem ( Author:("Grudem, Wayne A",  "Carson, D. A.") )


    Updated my post. If I have to justify everything, I'm probably not going to contribute as much. For one its daunting process to search out this information from scratch - within my initial post I provided enough information for someone so inclined to be able to search. For two, I didn't proof check everyone elses work, I trusted that they were not being deceitful, nor overly sloppy. For three, from a pragmatic standpoint, if I have to check everyone elses work also, then I probably wouldn't have implemented this in my own library. With hundreds of authors (and hundreds more who've authored personal books) it would take more time than this busy person has. Glad you were able to use some of my suggestions! Thanks for all the effort, and good luck with the rest of the project - it is something I will refer back to semi-frequently.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159

    under Congregationalist: Sheldon, Charles needs to be added (minus his middle name) in order to pick up the resource "the 13th resolution".

    This one is actually in the library and is a Logos resource. I suspect its an old L2 resource.

    my copy is a Vyrso book from Jan 2013 and probably was a freebie. You're right that the author field says Charles Sheldod wheras in the book it says 

    Charles M. Sheldon (1857–1946) was an American social reformer who was best known for his authorship of the best-selling inspirational novel In His Steps (1897). A longtime pastor in Topeka, Kansas, he was an early advocate of civil rights and social services for African Americans and a firm believer in putting one’s religion into practice in daily life.

    Charles Sheldon, The 13th Resolution (Colorado Springs, CO: David C Cook, 2012). logosres:9781434706591;art=r8

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Martin H Weber
    Martin H Weber Member Posts: 58 ✭✭

    This is Martin Weber, all excited about going to work at Logos as their new SDA product manager. I'm retiring after four decades of Seventh-day Adventist employment. I leave Lincoln, Nebraska this Wednesday afternoon and will be driving up to Bellingham. With God's traveling mercies I will be at Logos at 8:30 am on Monday, May 13. I'm happy as can be to strengthen the bond between Logos and SDAs around the world. Many pastors and ministry leaders are on board with all kinds of ideas for new products and methods of collaborating with Logos. I can't talk about them yet because I have to discuss everything first with Logos management and get their direction. If you have ideas, email me at martinweber7 at gmail. This week will be chaotic, since I'm closing down my office at the Mid-America Union and then transitioning to Logos, but go ahead and send any input you have and I'll discuss everything with my supervisor at Logos.

  • Bruce Dunning
    Bruce Dunning MVP Posts: 11,148

    This is Martin Weber, all excited about going to work at Logos as their new SDA product manager. I'm retiring after four decades of Seventh-day Adventist employment. I leave Lincoln, Nebraska this Wednesday afternoon and will be driving up to Bellingham. With God's traveling mercies I will be at Logos at 8:30 am on Monday, May 13. I'm happy as can be to strengthen the bond between Logos and SDAs around the world. Many pastors and ministry leaders are on board with all kinds of ideas for new products and methods of collaborating with Logos. I can't talk about them yet because I have to discuss everything first with Logos management and get their direction. If you have ideas, email me at martinweber7 at gmail. This week will be chaotic, since I'm closing down my office at the Mid-America Union and then transitioning to Logos, but go ahead and send any input you have and I'll discuss everything with my supervisor at Logos.

    Welcome to the forums Martin. All the best as you transition to your new role. I look forward to seeing how things develop.

    Note: I edited this post to reflect Rosie's suggestion about Martin's email. I hope that is okay Martin.

    Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Welcome, Martin. You'll probably want us using your work email address once you get started, not your personal one, so post that once you know what it is. It'll probably be (at) logos (dot) com.

    And you might want to edit that post to camouflage your email address from spam bots. Bruce, maybe you could do that in your quote of Martin's post too.

  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭

    Welcome Martin.

    I am really pleased that Logos is branching out and hiring all these different Product Managers with a focus on different Christian audiences. This should really continue to increase the selection of resources that those audiences most want but that all of us can share. I expect we will see even more of these people on board as Logos continues to grow. This is just great news for everyone I think!

  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    Welcome, Martin!       Indeed!             *smile*

              We'll get to know you better after you've had a chance to settle down!    Peace!

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • Bruce Dunning
    Bruce Dunning MVP Posts: 11,148

    Welcome, Martin. You'll probably want us using your work email address once you get started, not your personal one, so post that once you know what it is. It'll probably be (at) logos (dot) com.

    And you might want to edit that post to camouflage your email address from spam bots. Bruce, maybe you could do that in your quote of Martin's post too.

    Good catch Rosie. I changed my post above.

    Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Welcome, Martin. You'll probably want us using your work email address once you get started, not your personal one, so post that once you know what it is. It'll probably be (at) logos (dot) com.

    And you might want to edit that post to camouflage your email address from spam bots. Bruce, maybe you could do that in your quote of Martin's post too.

    Good catch Rosie. I changed my post above.

    Hi Bruce, I was thinking maybe you should merely camouflage (as in ...(at)...(dot)...) the email address he did give rather than changing the email address altogether. I'm not positive what his new Logos work address will be and he did not share it in his post, so it's kind of odd for it to be quoted it in your post. And you've now quoted it in a format that will invite spambots. Is it too late to edit one more time?

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Welcome to the forums Martin. I have a list of suggestions for you to get into Logos. Will start tomorrow.  Tell Bob, the invitation is still open to come to the Bahamas. [:D]

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Hi Bruce, I was thinking maybe you should merely camouflage (as in ...(at)...(dot)...) the email address he did give rather than changing the email address altogether. I'm not positive what his new Logos work address will be and he did not share it in his post, so it's kind of odd for it to be quoted it in your post. And you've now quoted it in a format that will invite spambots. Is it too late to edit one more time?


    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Bruce, I was thinking maybe you should merely camouflage (as in ...(at)...(dot)...) the email address he did give rather than changing the email address altogether. I'm not positive what his new Logos work address will be and he did not share it in his post, so it's kind of odd for it to be quoted it in your post. And you've now quoted it in a format that will invite spambots. Is it too late to edit one more time?


    Huh? I was talking to Bruce, and you wouldn't have had access to edit his post, and he has not done what I suggested. Yes, Martin did edit his post to camouflage his email address, but that's not what I was talking about to Bruce.

  • Bruce Dunning
    Bruce Dunning MVP Posts: 11,148

    Hi Bruce, I was thinking maybe you should merely camouflage (as in ...(at)...(dot)...) the email address he did give rather than changing the email address altogether. I'm not positive what his new Logos work address will be and he did not share it in his post, so it's kind of odd for it to be quoted it in your post. And you've now quoted it in a format that will invite spambots. Is it too late to edit one more time?


    Huh? I was talking to Bruce, and you wouldn't have had access to edit his post, and he has not done what I suggested. Yes, Martin did edit his post to camouflage his email address, but that's not what I was talking about to Bruce.

    Hi Rosie, Okay, now I'm really confused. Sorry for the misunderstanding that you actually wanted me to type the word "dot". Somehow I missed that totally but I think I understand what you wanted now. What I'm confused about is that I went to change my original post for the second time but it looks like it was already done. Were you able to do this Lynden? In addition I didn't have the option to edit it as I guess the time frame had expired.

    Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God