BUG: Library 'Prioritize' order doesn't work for resources in Android Bible Word Study

John Duffy
John Duffy Member Posts: 591 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

In the Library under 'Prioritize' in L5 on my PC I've prioritised lexicons in the order: BDAG, EDNT, TDNT, LSJ, Louw-Nida.  When doing a Bible Word Study in L5 on my PC, these appear in the order that they are proiritised.  I read on another post that the Android app should follow the order of the first three that are prioritised in L5. However, when I do a BWS on Android, only three options are shown, but they are in the wrong order: BDAG, LSJ, Louw-Nida.  Since it is not possible to choose from more than three, I would really like to access the first three that are prioritised on the PC within BWS (that is, without having to go to the Library). 

Is this a bug, or are there further steps to enable the Android to follow the order in L5?



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,055

    Hi John

    I'm not totally convinced that the Android App does follow L5 prioritisation when performing a BWS - I have just tried one against a word and I get definition entries from BDAG and EDNT in that order when my prioritisation is the reversed order.

    But I note that in your example the entries do seem to be in the right order and just missing EDNT and TDNT. Have you checked whether the word you are studying is present in EDNT and TDNT?


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,026

    It's always been a bit of a lottery -  restarting the app might do the trick, but the result might also depend on the word you are studying as TDNT doesn't cover every NT word. I don't know about EDNT, but the other three do cover each NT word.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • John Duffy
    John Duffy Member Posts: 591 ✭✭✭

    Hi Graham and Dave.

    Yes, the word I was studying was 'God' (Theos), so it appears in all the resources.  I've tried it on several words, with the similar results.  Sometimes the LSJ didn't return a result, with only BDAG and LN showing entries (e.g. for 'word', logos). It's strange that when LSJ doesn't have an entry that one of the other prioritised lexicons doesn't return results instead.  A BWS on 'in' (en) returned only BDAG even though in L5 it returns BDAG, EDNT, TDNT initially, with LSJ, Louw-Nida and others shown if I click to show 'more'.  But on a BWS for 'me' (ego) the results are from BDAG, LSJ and DBL Greek (the last of which is further down the prioritisation list).  Strange.

    I had rebooted my Android phone too, but there was no difference after restarting the app.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,026

    I just re-installed the Bible app on my phone and got the same 2 lexicons in BWS which are my #2 and #1. The commentaries in Passage Guide were worse as my #1 was well down and the top 3 were my  #3, #2, & unranked.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • John Duffy
    John Duffy Member Posts: 591 ✭✭✭

    Hi Dave,

    I think this is therefore a bug, so I've renamed the title to reflect that.