BUG: iPod App Text Alignment Regression

Have recently noticed the following text rendering regression using logos for iPod version 3.3.0 (
Note the Thai text in the screen captures is no-longer aligned correctly.
Your screen shots aren't coming across. How are you uploading them? What format are they in?
Is the issue only with Thai resources?
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Totally odd. Attaching them as both PNG & JPG files as either an image or attachment. They appear in the editing screen and then fail to appear on the forum posting.
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They are working now in the sense that they are clickable.
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NOW all seems to be ok. Edited, deleted and reattached the images.
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As you can see from the screen captures the English text is correctly aligned.
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I don't read Thai... Is the issue the baseline? Or is it justified wrongly right or left?
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Self evident.
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OK. I thought I understood the issue, but wanted to make sure. Hopefully Logos will see this tomorrow.
FYI - The term "alignment" in typography relates to left, right, centered, or "justified" text. The issue here seems to be a variation in leading, which is the distance between baselines.
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Typography terms are out of my league.
alabama24 said:FYI - The term "alignment" in typography relates to left, right, centered, or "justified" text. The issue here seems to be a variation in leading, which is the distance between baselines.
So it appears the leading for the primary font for Thai to which the breathing and vowel markers are attached is no longer being correctly calculated resulting in vertical misalignment in rendering of Thai text.
Am I making sense?
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SMack said:
Am I making sense?
Yes, and hopefully our banter will help the developers understand the issue more clearly. [:)]
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Can someone explain to me exactly what it should look like? "Baseline" doesn't mean anything to me (though I'm wishing it did) and when I look at the same book on the desktop app the markers above/below text seem to be in the same areas. A screenshot that is in some way annotated, or one that comes with a clearly expressed statement about expected behavior would be nice.
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Tommy Ball said:
A screenshot that is in some way annotated, or one that comes with a clearly expressed statement about expected behavior would be nice.
Since I am unfamiliar with Thai, I will need SMack to verify this for you… I have created lines to show you roughly the baseline (which is the imaginary line that characters "sit" on). In English, some characters have "descenders" which "dip" below the baseline in their lowercase form (such as the letter "g" and "j"). I think there may be some examples of that in this screen shot. From my non-Thai reading eyes, I see at least 5 places where (words?) seem to be below the baseline. I have placed these in yellow boxes.
It seems to me that this has been an issue before with both Thai and with (Chineese?).
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SMack said:
I have highlighted an additional word in the markup example.
Thanks. I was unsure about that one.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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Thanks SMack and Alabama! That clears it up for me.