Now able to use external SD card for resources!!!

Tim Engwer
Tim Engwer Member Posts: 457 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Please see this link to a youtube video demonstarting a program that gives you the ability to move files and programs to the external SD card 

You can download the bind directory program here

Once yu download the file to your device change the .zip extension on the file to .apk and then click on it and install and follow the directions in the video.  The path on my device to the logos files is sdcard/Android/Data/com.logos.androidlogos.


Please read the first post on the xda developer site for the program as you may find that you need to check the "alternate dbase mngmt" setting in preferences to get it to work on reboot.  I lost the directory bind when I rebooted and Logos was unable to find my offline files.  I went into the directory bind program and restored my database (make sure you backup the database as described in the video) and then checked the "alternate dbase mngmt" setting and rebooted again and it worked fine from that point on.

I now have all my logos resources on my external SD card and it works fine!!  As explained in the video the speed of access will depend on how good an SD card you have.

