Select Bible Text Across Page Break: How?

Bart Barber
Bart Barber Member Posts: 19 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

This is such a simple question that I'm sure that either (a) the answer is right in front of my nose, or (b) this has been asked (and answered) 1,000 times in this forum. Nevertheless, I confess that I tried to look and did not find it.

I tweet. A lot.

Often I would like to tweet something I'm reading from the Bible in Logos. Being the wordy fellow that I am, sometimes I want to tweet passages three or four lines long. Just occasionally, a page break will come in the middle of what I want to tweet. So…in the iOS app, how does one go about selecting text that spans multiple pages in order to do something with it (like tweeting it)?

