Is the app or the hardware?

I have a 1st gen iPad, I have been planning on upgrading but am wondering if Logos' app is sub-par. The crazy thing takes forever to open a document and usually crashes once or twice...... very frustrating.
Is this probably because it's a first gen or is it the app?
I own the fourth generation. I haven't noticed a delay opening a document. It crashes often off-line. Overall, the new version is an improvement. The bugs will get worked out. I hope your issue gets resolved.
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My gut feeling is that it will be your hardware. I've generally been pleased with the performance of the iOS app.
I noticed quite an improvement in the performance of the Logos iOS app when I upgraded from my iPhone 5 to the 5s and my iPad 3rd Gen to a iPad mini Retina. Given these were only incremental upgrades, I'm sure you'd notice a big improvement with more recent hardware.
(The other thing I do when using the iOS app is to use one note file per resource for my highlights and notes. This avoids me having huge note files (save for my Bibles), which may help performance too.)
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The hardware is a definite negative factor in your scenario. Only issue I have is the occasional freeze - usually when I try to move too quickly through some pages. I'm on 3rd Gen iPad and iPhone 4s. Logos iOS app is main driver for determining when to upgrade device, and currently I don't feel the need to upgrade either device. I'll probably wait for iPhone 6 before upgrading my phone. May do the upgrade to iPad Air next month purely so I don't have cost of upgrading both devices in same year and I want to pass on my current iPad to a family member while it's still working fairly well so they get a couple of years of use out of it.
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Wow. I'm running on a little iPod (latest but pre-current iPhone). I had no idea the software had any problems. Mine zooms along merrily with the latest Logos iOS. I use a single highlight file, tempting fate, I suppose. And I try to color everything that has black text. Yesterday there was a tiny bug in the new version but easily fixed.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Mike Tourangeau said:
I have a 1st gen iPad, I have been planning on upgrading but am wondering if Logos' app is sub-par. The crazy thing takes forever to open a document and usually crashes once or twice...... very frustrating.
Is this probably because it's a first gen or is it the app?
One of the problems of the first generation iPad is that it has relatively little memory. Large notes documents can cause problems. When you say "open a document" are you referring to notes documents or something else? Do your notes documents have many (>100) notes or large notes (many paragraphs)?
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Dave Dunkin said:
One of the problems of the first generation iPad is that it has relatively little memory...
Many Apple aficionados would say the same thing about the new ones too!
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Mike Tourangeau said:
Is this probably because it's a first gen or is it the app?
As Dave wrote, large note files can be an issue. I noticed that you asked about clippings in another thread... that would create disastrously large note files very quickly. [:S]
Can you use L5 to see how many pages your note documents would be if printed out? (Not all of them, just some of the ones you use most often / larger ones).
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alabama24 said:
Can you use L5 to see how many pages your note documents would be if printed out? (Not all of them, just some of the ones you use most often / larger ones).
Thank you for all the replies, I do suspect it is time to update the old dinosaur I have. In regards to my notes, I realize I have a problem. Years ago I started using one note file for the NT and one for the OT. If I printed my NT one it would be 210 pages! I guess I should start making notes by book? It's a shame I didn't start this way. What do you think?
What would be beneficial is if when you opened a resource any notes you have with that resource/book would also be engaged, this way you could keep small note files, yet still use them as you open a resource.
Also, I like highlighting in resources, (not in the bibles) Does this bloat things up? I don't really understand how highlighting works...
Thanks for any advice you can give
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I can't get the Logos iPad app to run correctly ever since I updated the app yesterday. I am running it on an iPad2, and everything worked fine until the update. The opening blue screen appears and then disappears, and takes me back to the iPad home screen. But the app shows to be running in the background. So when I switch to the app, it is frozen, and eventually closes.
I have turned the iPad off and back on twice, and the problem persists. That suggests that the problem is with the app, not the iPad.0 -
Mike Tourangeau said:
Also, I like highlighting in resources, (not in the bibles) Does this bloat things up? I don't really understand how highlighting works...
A highlight generates an entry in a notes document - just like a note.
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David McClister said:
I can't get the Logos iPad app to run correctly ever since I updated the app yesterday
Have you tried deleting the app and resinstalling?
Note that this will require redownloading any resources you had downloaded.
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Graham Criddle said:Mike Tourangeau said:
Also, I like highlighting in resources, (not in the bibles) Does this bloat things up? I don't really understand how highlighting works...
A highlight generates an entry in a notes document - just like a note.
To add a little to Graham's comment...
By default, highlighting notes go into a palette specific note file. If you have a palette named "my favorite styles," you will have a note document named such... Unless you have changed the behavior. Personally, I create a note document for every resource as I go along, and store the highlights for that resource within its own named note document.
If you have a 200+ page note document, you should consider splitting it up and changing your behavior... I will say, however, that it's a combo of large note documents AND notes within a given resource. four 25 page note documents might not be any better than a single 200 page one if all the notes are for a single resource.
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Mike Tourangeau said:
I guess I should start making notes by book? It's a shame I didn't start this way. What do you think?
Unfortunately, I don't think that would help. I have been making note files per book within the NASB (about 1-2 pages per note file), and I am up to about 2 minutes or so between adding a note or highlight to the resource (NASB) and seeing it appear on the screen. If I use a split screen and have the note file in the adjoining screen, I see the update in the note file immediately, but must wait 2 minutes or so for the change to appear in the NASB. This used to be about 15-20 seconds until a few weeks ago when I downloaded an update (not this latest ios 7 update) and it grew to 2+ minutes. Very frustrating.
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David McClister said:
I can't get the Logos iPad app to run correctly ever since I updated the app yesterday. I am running it on an iPad2, and everything worked fine until the update. The opening blue screen appears and then disappears, and takes me back to the iPad home screen. But the app shows to be running in the background. So when I switch to the app, it is frozen, and eventually closes. I have turned the iPad off and back on twice, and the problem persists. That suggests that the problem is with the app, not the iPad.
Is this still happening on your iPad?
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Bill Stevener said:
Unfortunately, I don't think that would help. I have been making note files per book within the NASB (about 1-2 pages per note file), and I am up to about 2 minutes or so between adding a note or highlight to the resource (NASB) and seeing it appear on the screen.
The issue you are experience could be something related to your account and how it works with the new apps. I'll write up a case for our development department. Meanwhile could you send us your support logs?
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Kevin Byford said:
Meanwhile could you send us your support logs?
Done - Thanks Kevin - I hope they find something.
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Went from iPad original to iPad Air - all the issues with speed, opening books, downloading etc. are no longer issues. Only reason I switched - I left my iPad on the roof of my car about a month ago and proceeded to drive to church...realized my mistake (checked my now empty roof)...doubled back on my route and found it in pieces in the road...I took that as a sign!!! Amazingly, I was able to get a good backup from the broken iPad (prayer and persistence)
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@Kevin -- I had to remove the old app, and then my iPad would not restart (hung up in startup). So I had to do an iPad "reset." Everything seems to be working now.0
Bill Stevener said:
I hope they find something.
Logos Support got back to me only to say the 2+ minute delay was to be expected. I was hoping for better news. [:(]
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Bill Stevener said:Bill Stevener said:
I hope they find something.
Logos Support got back to me only to say the 2+ minute delay was to be expected. I was hoping for better news.
Actually, this is an issue and we're looking into it. I misinterpreted the email you sent to mean that it took up to a few minutes for notes or highlights to show up *between* devices, not on the same one.
I am very sorry for the misinformation and the confusion.