Text Comparison returns "Sorry reference not recognised" every time.

Running b162 on HTC One V, Android 4.0.3
There is a bug in the text comparison service. We are working on getting it fixed ASAP. Sorry.
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OK thanks.
Richard0 -
A quick clarifying question: what do you have set as the resource collection to search? "Top Bibles" or something else?
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Never mind, we have a fix out that I believe should fix the problems you were running into. Please let us know if you continue to have issues!
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Not sure ... I don't think I've ever set a collection to search, in the desktop app anyway, but it certainly uses my top 5 prioritised Bibles in the desktop and android app.
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How do I add more Bibles to my text comparison?
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Can someone tell me how to add more Bibles to my text comparison on the android app.
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Hi Titus - and welcome to the forums.
TITUS PICKENS said:Can someone tell me how to add more Bibles to my text comparison on the android app.
I believe you are limited to five. Is that what you are seeing?