Bible Word Study Tutorial

I am trying to figure out how to use the bible word study feature on the iPad version.
I have resources like TWOT and TDNT and want to be able to see a word in the NASB (for example), discover its Hebrew or Greek word, and have it link to the appropriate article in Strongs or TWOT or TDNT, etc.
How can I do this or something similar? Can anyone walk me through this?
Thank you!
If you highlight a word in the NASB in the pop-up that will appear choose Look Up, then Bible Word Study. There you will find a few lexicon listings at the top of the report under Definition. Tap on one to open the lexicon.
Unfortunately you cannot move from this to a dictionary/lexicon you'd like to with ease in the iOS app. Such linking isn't supported and manually opening and locating the article you want is the basic option.
The best work-around I know of is by creating a collection of the lexicons you want to research, then copy the lexical form of the word from the Bible Word Study, then open Search and do a Basic Search on that collection after pasting the lexical form into the search box.
Original language study in the iOS app is pretty limited right now.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Mark what do you mean you can't move to a lexicon from BWS in iOS? I simply click on the linked name of the lexicon and am taken to the correct entry.
BWS in iOS does not give you as many sections but getting to a lexicon is not an issue.
Mark Smith said:David,
If you highlight a word in the NASB in the pop-up that will appear choose Look Up, then Bible Word Study. There you will find a few lexicon listings at the top of the report under Definition. Tap on one to open the lexicon.
Unfortunately you cannot move from this to a dictionary/lexicon you'd like to with ease in the iOS app. Such linking isn't supported and manually opening and locating the article you want is the basic option.
The best work-around I know of is by creating a collection of the lexicons you want to research, then copy the lexical form of the word from the Bible Word Study, then open Search and do a Basic Search on that collection after pasting the lexical form into the search box.
Original language study in the iOS app is pretty limited right now.
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Disciple of Christ (doc) said:
Mark what do you mean you can't move to a lexicon from BWS in iOS?
If you read a little closer you'll see I said you click on the lexicon name and it opens.
Disciple of Christ (doc) said:BWS in iOS does not give you as many sections but getting to a lexicon is not an issue.
That depends on which lexicon you wish to get to. The BWS in iOS gives a very limited selection. Therein is the point.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Thanks Mark, apologies I missed that
Mark Smith said:Disciple of Christ (doc) said:Mark what do you mean you can't move to a lexicon from BWS in iOS?
If you read a little closer you'll see I said you click on the lexicon name and it opens.
Disciple of Christ (doc) said:BWS in iOS does not give you as many sections but getting to a lexicon is not an issue.
That depends on which lexicon you wish to get to. The BWS in iOS gives a very limited selection. Therein is the point.
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Thanks, Mark. That got me started. Unfortunately, Lookup in the NASB only searches for th English word, not the lexical form. Only my KJV will identify e lexical form with Lookup. Then, no lexicons appear to click on. The only way I have is to copy the lexical form and do a basic search, as you described.
1) For some reason my BAGD doesn't appear in my iOS library, but it does on my Mac. Any idea how to fix this? TDNT and TWOT are fine.
2) How do you create the Collections you mentioned (groupings of the books or lexicons I use most often)?
3) Perhaps related to #2: I dislike having to wade through all the books in my library whenever I want a bible, etc. Even the Recent sort is clunky, as you never know where a book will be. Is there a way to only have the books I want on iOS to be visib. (Like just the ones I download to the device)?
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David Massey said:
1) For some reason my BAGD doesn't appear in my iOS library, but it does on my Mac. Any idea how to fix this? TDNT and TWOT are fine.
Is this what you are referring to:
Not all resources are mobile enabled. Logos provides you with mobile access to every resource you own, provided the publisher agrees.
David Massey said:2) How do you create the Collections you mentioned (groupings of the books or lexicons I use most often)?
This is done within L5 (Mac or PC). See the wiki for more about that.
David Massey said:3) Perhaps related to #2: I dislike having to wade through all the books in my library whenever I want a bible, etc. Even the Recent sort is clunky, as you never know where a book will be. Is there a way to only have the books I want on iOS to be visib. (Like just the ones I download to the device)?
You can't control which of your resources are visible except through the use of filtering. One way is to download the resources you want, and then to use the syntax local: to filter away everything else. I believe mytag: will work as well. You can't filter by collections, but you can use collections in L5 to add a tag.
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Hi David
David Massey said:Unfortunately, Lookup in the NASB only searches for th English word, not the lexical form
Interesting, I get the lexical form in NASB as shown below. What word in which verse are you looking up?
David Massey said:1) For some reason my BAGD doesn't appear in my iOS library, but it does on my Mac. Any idea how to fix this? TDNT and TWOT are fine.
There is a long-standing issue in the iPad app of being unable to control which lexicons are displayed. I don't know of any way around it at the moment.
David Massey said:2) How do you create the Collections you mentioned (groupings of the books or lexicons I use most often)?
Collections need to be created in Logos (desktop software) and they then sync to the iPad. If you are using Logos 5, then have a look at
David Massey said:3) Perhaps related to #2: I dislike having to wade through all the books in my library whenever I want a bible, etc. Even the Recent sort is clunky, as you never know where a book will be. Is there a way to only have the books I want on iOS to be visib. (Like just the ones I download to the device)?
If you type "local:" into the library filter you will just see those you have downloaded. (Note the ":" is required)
Hope this helps, Graham
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alabama24 said:David Massey said:
1) For some reason my BAGD doesn't appear in my iOS library, but it does on my Mac. Any idea how to fix this? TDNT and TWOT are fine.
Is this what you are referring to:
Alabama's post raised a question. Are you using "BADG" or "BDAG" (2nd or 3rd edition)? I don't have BAGD and don't know whether it is mobile enabled. I do see BDAG in BWS on the iPad.
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Graham, I'm talking about in iOS. The screen shot you showed is from L5 on a computer.
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Yes, I'm sure it's actually BDAG, I'm just old school and went to seminary back when it was BAGD. Neither one shows up in my iOS library, however, so no matter.
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David Massey said:
Graham, I'm talking about in iOS. The screen shot you showed is from L5 on a computer.
the screen shot was from ios.
i had a split screen, was doing the lookup on the right and the BWS on the left
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David Massey said:
Yes, I'm sure it's actually BDAG, I'm just old school and went to seminary back when it was BAGD. Neither one shows up in my iOS library, however, so no matter.
that's strange, BDAG should show, it does for me
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David Massey said:
Yes, I'm sure it's actually BDAG, I'm just old school and went to seminary back when it was BAGD. Neither one shows up in my iOS library, however, so no matter.
Where are you looking for it to appear?
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I can't recommend John Fallahee's Webinar more highly for understanding how to use Logo's on the iPad. I purchased it and watched it yesterday. Now I can use the app on my iPad Mini at church as well. Once I figure out how to have a notes window open next to my Bible I will be able to take notes as well. If I am out of line, Logos I apologize, but, it is another source for training and I also have Morris' excellent DVD's. John's site is
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alabama24 said:David Massey said:
Yes, I'm sure it's actually BDAG, I'm just old school and went to seminary back when it was BAGD. Neither one shows up in my iOS library, however, so no matter.
Where are you looking for it to appear?
David, picking up on Alabama's question...
In my screenshot you can see BDAG at the top left of my BWS panel. What do you have there?
Can you post a screenshot?
If you aren't getting the underlying Greek word when doing the lookup then you won't get BDAG appearing in BWS
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Rick Ross said:
Once I figure out how to have a notes window open next to my Bible
You can do this by:
- setting up the screen into split-screen mode (grab and drag the small semi-circle at the bottom of the screen
- open a Bible in one part of the screen
- "select" the other part of the screen by pressing in it
- right-drag from the left to bring up the menu bar and choose documents.
- find the notes document you want to open and click on it - it should appear in the other part of the split screen
Hope this helps
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This is the version of "BAGD" that I have. It appears in L5 but not in my iOS Library
Arndt, W., Gingrich, F. W., Danker, F. W., & Bauer, W. (1979). A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament and other early Christian literature : a translation and adaption of the fourth revised and augmented edition of Walter Bauer’s Griechisch-deutsches Worterbuch zu den Schrift en des Neuen Testaments und der ubrigen urchristlichen Literatur. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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Graham, my mistake. I have no idea how you made your iOS look like that - the video documentation on Logos for iOS is almost nonexistent.
Here's what the exact same passage you had up, and exact same word, in the exact same NASB produces for me (see image). It only shows the English word. Then, if I click BWS, it only opens Webster's Dictionary with an English definition - worthless to me.
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Are you absolutely certain you are signed into your primary Logos account (username & password)? Do you know what dictionaries / lexicons you have prioritized in. L5? Can you confirm your online status? Your screenshot does look unusual.
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David Massey said:
Graham, my mistake. I have no idea how you made your iOS look like that - the video documentation on Logos for iOS is almost nonexistent.
He explained it above. For a little clarification:
- He has his iPad turned sideways (Landscape)
- He has his bible in split screen on the right. See Graham's instructions.
- He has a bible word study on left, which is what you should see if you have the proper resource licenses.
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David Massey said:
This is the version of "BAGD" that I have. It appears in L5 but not in my iOS Library
Arndt, W., Gingrich, F. W., Danker, F. W., & Bauer, W. (1979). A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament and other early Christian literature : a translation and adaption of the fourth revised and augmented edition of Walter Bauer’s Griechisch-deutsches Worterbuch zu den Schrift en des Neuen Testaments und der ubrigen urchristlichen Literatur. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
This is quite an old version - I have seen people reference this work with a date of 1996 whereas yours is dated 1979.
It is no longer available from Logos and I don't know if it is available for mobile devices.
If anyone reading this thread has this older version of the lexicon AND uses one of the mobile apps please check if it is available on your mobile device.
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Hi David
David Massey said:Here's what the exact same passage you had up, and exact same word, in the exact same NASB produces for me (see image). It only shows the English word. Then, if I click BWS, it only opens Webster's Dictionary with an English definition - worthless to me.
What you are seeing is consistent with doing the lookup from a Bible without the underpinning reverse interlinear information to provide access to the original language. See example below from the Authorized Version which doesn't have this data
Do you have the NASB downloaded to your device or are you using it online?
If downloaded, what revision information do you have? See right-hand side of screenshot below for mine. (You get this by clicking the "i" in the right-hand side of the resource after pressing on a word). Looking for the revision information right at the bottom.
I am wondering if you have an older version of the resource which needs to be updated (if so, click the "Remove" button and then "Download" again)
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Jumping off of Graham's comments... Do you actually own a base package? If so, which one?
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