BUG: Reading Plan Export to iCal (Logos 5.2 SR-1)

While attempting to create a bible reading plan for my family last night I noticed that when exporting to iCal the information doesn't seem to export correctly on Sundays. I attempted several different reading plans and would display the same issue each time—the title of the reading plan displays but the actual portion to read is absent.
Can anyone else confirm this issue?
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I've never tried it. What do the Sunday events look like when you open them up to view? Other than the title, are there any other differences with events from other days?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
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I suspect there being some changes going on with Apple's new iCal similar to what went on with Pages. The behavior is what you would expect in the 10.8.5. I'll make a case for development to investigate.
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Tommy Ball said:
I'll make a case for development to investigate.
Hello John, I'm sorry but we were not able to reproduce this on Mac 10.9 in 5.2 SR-3 in Testing.
Are you still having this issue once you update to SR-3?
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Sorry for the delay, my wife and I recently had a new addition to the family and things have been a little crazier than normal with two kids under 16 months!
I just updated to SR-3 and am still having the same issue. I changed the reading plan to run Monday through Friday and noticed that Monday was still displaying the title of the reading plan and not the content. Therefore it seems as if the first day in the reading plan is not rendering correctly when exported into iCal.
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John Kight said:
my wife and I recently had a new addition to the family and things have been a little crazier than normal with two kids under 16 months!
Congrats... and get some sleep! [:D]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
What are your calendar settings? These can be found under System Preferences -> Language & Text -> Region.
Mac Developer
Faithlife0 -
I'm having exactly the same issue.
Anyone have any answers?
Logos 5.2 SR-1, OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)
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The plot thickens!
I decided to set up the same reading plan for just six days of the week, omitting Sundays.
When I exported the plan to iCal there were no readings for Sunday as in the plan but now every Monday through out the year is missing its readings in iCal [:S]
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Is this going to be fixed before the beginning of the year?
I use this plan to place on our church calendar.0 -
I too am still awaiting an update with corrections to this issue. Any updates on the progress?
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Tony Kissell said:
The plot thickens!
I decided to set up the same reading plan for just six days of the week, omitting Sundays.
When I exported the plan to iCal there were no readings for Sunday as in the plan but now every Monday through out the year is missing its readings in iCal
I have replicated the same issue.
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Jeff Marshall said:
Is this going to be fixed before the beginning of the year?
Unfortunately, no. We haven't reproduced this problem internally, so we don't have a fix ready to go in the next couple of days.
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Bradley Grainger (Logos) said:
Unfortunately, no. We haven't reproduced this problem internally,
That was a surprise. I have been seeing this for a couple of months now ... more or less since Mavericks ... I just assumed that something so repeatable had been reported etc. etc.
For example.
I created a new reading plan using the first 'Default' Logos plan, 5 days on Spiritual Growth. As expected, in Logos, 5 days of readings appeared, starting today, Saturday.
However, exporting to iCal was a mess...
Saturday (today) looks fine.
Sunday ... not details ... only the title of the plan ...
Monday saw Monday's plan (i.e. Sunday was not delayed, it was simply missed)
Tuesday and Wednesday both saw their respective plans.
Thursday (yes, thursday, my five days continue !!!) just shows the plan tittle, and Friday, and Saturday and... well actually an entry for every day of the week this year, up until the 27th December 2014 (today being the 28th). So it has created 365 entries [:D]
I have included a screen shot of the properties of one event (Mid April), and it shows a weekly repeat
The info for this event looks like this:
I am not sure if this sheds any additional light on the issue other than saying that it is a little (+1) more widespread !
2017 15" MBP, iPad Pro
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Happening to me too, using a Weekday Only reading plan. In fact, I have 2 plans set up (one for New Testament, one for Old Testament) that feed into the same Calendar. First day of the week always displays title of reading plan, rather than reading for that day.
Was also hoping to use this for our church's 2014 plan.
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I ended up typing the references for each Sunday into my reading plan calendar in iCal manually.
A pain, but you only have to get a month or so in advance.
I'm sure this has only been an issue since the release of Mavericks, I have exported my reading plan to iCal for the last 18 months or so without any issues. Makes me wonder if the problem is at OS X end.
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I'm having a similar issue... my reading plan shows the TITLE in ALL days except for FRIDAY. On Friday, it will show the passage list.
Any workaround on this issue yet?
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yes, i also have this issue.
On sunday and mondays it displays the text to read.
on the other days of the week it only tells me what plan i have.
still hoping this will be fixed.
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I have found a quick solution:
When you have selected the type of plan you want Click on the top left corner (the symbol with the number 7 on a Calendar, I have the MAC version of Logos).
Click on Print/Export.
Save file as "iCalendar".
Once you have saved the file to your computer, open iCal.
Click File/Import.
Make sure you save it to an existing calendar.
Hope that helps. It worked perfectly for me.
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I have found a quick solution:
When you have selected the type of plan you want Click on the top left corner (the symbol with the number 7 on a Calendar, I have the MAC version of Logos).
Click on Print/Export.
Save file as "iCalendar".
Once you have saved the file to your computer, open iCal.
Click File/Import.
Make sure you save it to an existing calendar.
Hope that helps. It worked perfectly for me.
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I have managed to get it to work!!! [:D]
I followed your instructions and then tried the export to iCal from Logos, this time is worked and filled in all Sundays' references
Your method does work but with a few draw-backs, the reading are put into iCal as all-day events and they also don't repeat the bible references in the "Note" section of iCal when the event is double clicked.
This shouldn't be an issue for most users, but I have a complex reading plan and on some days the references are truncated in the iCal event as they are too long. I was normally able to circumvent this by looking at the notes for the ical event where the references used to listed in full, but not with your method.
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yeah, that work around does work but with drawbacks as Tony pointed out.
here's my specific problem with the All-Day events...
what i'm doing is designing a reading plan in Logos, then sending it to Calendar (iCal), which feeds a calendar on our church website. the calendar on the website is a popular and well developed plugin for wordpress. unfortunately, All-Day Events span 2 days in that calendar for some reason. when i followed up with the plugin creators, they blamed OSX, so no luck there.
so, even though the Print>Export workaround works, my specific situation required a different workaround.
here's what i did:
1. make your reading plan in Logos
2. do the work around Joshua detailed (exporting from the print window)
3. import the .ics file into Calendar
4. download CaliBrate (shareware that has a nag screen for a donation, but works even with the free download) http://www.woodenbrain.com/products/calibrate/calibrate.html
5. Search for all events within the 12am to 12am timeframe (assuming you have your reading plan on a separate calendar from your personal schedule) and make sure you have the 'Include all-day events' box selected.
6. click Act on CaliBrate
7. under Perform Action select Modify All Day Event
8. select Toggle all-day
9. click Perform Action
it will go through and change your all day events to a simple 1 hour event. you can then shift the times individually or all at once using CaliBrate.
not a clean fix, but a fix nonetheless. hope it helps someone.
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Development was unable to replicate the behavior consistently but believe the problem lies within a bug in an Apple APII. We are still investigating a possible fix for a future release.
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After applying Apple's security fix to my iMac today I tested the Logos export to iCal function and it now appears to be working ( or for me it is ). Can someone confirm this?
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I can confirm that the issue has been fixed on my end after the recent OSX security fix. Hope others are having the same experience.
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