Help Needed: Need to convert a Amazon ebook into a Logos personal book.

Hi, I am tired of cutting and pasting!
Any buddy want to share the steps in converting an Ebook from Amazon into a format that can make a Logos personal book.
Thanks in advance!
Tom Solo a Dios la Gloria Apoyo
Hi Tom,
There is a way. It's not perfect, but I've done this for several books I have in Kindle but not Logos (e.g. Knowing God).
Hope that helps,
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William Gabriel said:
Hi Tom,
There is a way. It's not perfect, but I've done this for several books I have in Kindle but not Logos (e.g. Knowing God).
Hope that helps,
I tried it, but the Caribe still will not convert it. [:@] Seemss like I tried using the info from the you link, a couple of months ago and I got stalled at the same spot. Solo a Dios la Gloria Apoyo
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Oh, Topaz formatted books are a huge pain. Amazon has two base standards for books: mobi and topaz, and nothing else is really compatible with topaz. They created the format to give publishers more layout control over what mobi offers, but the downside is that decrypted data is pretty much useless. Topaz is kind of like a scanned PDF that has OCRed text attributes overlaying the image (e.g. the same way NeatDesk analyzes scanned documents). So in theory the text is there, but apparently Calibre can't decode it. I had a chat with the [ex-]Amazon engineer who designed topaz, and he wasn't willing to divulge any secrets about decoding.
There may be ways of converting them still. I've got a series of Python scripts that supposedly convert Topaz books to other formats like HTML (which you could then bring into Word). I've never tried them, though, and I'd be nervous about posting them here. If you want them directly, let me know how I could email them to you and you could give that a shot.
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I too would be interested in these, if you don't mind emailing them to me.
jsschrstrcks1 (at) googles email product dot com.
googles email product is gmail of courseso the ending would be
Thanks in advance
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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The same caveat applies as before--run at your own risk--but you may want to try this app version of DeDRM. It looks like it has some resources to handle topaz books.