Index of Bible Studies

Several weeks ago I started making an index of Bible studies in Logos: sermons, meditations, outlines, commentaries that are not marked as commentaries, etc. - anything that would not show up easily in the passage guide. The attached file can be compiled as a Personal Book in Logos. The aims are to help me when I prepare material on a given passage, but also to get to know some of the books in my library that I would otherwise not look it. The index is far from complete and is not perfect, but since others in the forum have mentioned they were thinking of doing something similar, I though I would share what I have done so far, so that we do not duplicate our efforts. Others can insert what I have done, just as I would be happy to included what others will do.
Naturally, an index like this depends upon your own library. I have listed books that I have (Platinum in Logos 4 and Logos 5, plus various extras from Logos and third parties), so you may find that some of the links lead to books you do not have.
As time permits, I will try to add more books to this index, and if so I will post updated copies later on.
Richard Wilson
Richard Wilson said:
Several weeks ago I started making an index of Bible studies in Logos: sermons, meditations, outlines, commentaries that are not marked as commentaries, etc. - anything that would not show up easily in the passage guide.
Peace to you, Richard! *smile*
What an incredible idea ....... what an incredible document ........... what an incredible amount of work!!!
Wow! Thank you for sharing! Not sure yet; however this may be so very helpful in my life..
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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Very generous of you, Richard. I can see much work involved in this contribution.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Wow, Richard, this is great!
Did you do them by hand, or could you somehow fetch a bible index from the database?
By chance I stumbled over perhaps the single typo in it: in the section on Mt 28:18-20, the link [[My Utmost for His
Highest >> logosres:utmost;ref=DayOfYear.Oct_14]] wrongly says it's Mt 18 ...Thanks again for this great work, much appreciated!
Have joy in the Lord!
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Mostly by hand, but it isn't as hard as it seems. I show the table of contents on the left hand side of the pane, click each section in turn, copy as Wiki (CTRL+ALT+C), and then in Word type the reference (which is where errors can come in, thanks for the correction) and copy the link in Logos.
Richard Wilson
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Richard Wilson said:
Mostly by hand
This really is impressive. I found that you worked through 295 books and made 5869 references! For those who want to check whether they can help to make this comprehensive index even more complete, I added a list of those books you've already covered.
EDIT: deleted the *.docx here and posted an updated version below /EDIT
I corrected the second typo in this process as well, a missing arrow character in Jn 11:39 [[To the Work! To the Work! >> logosres:totheworkmoody;ref=Page.p_7]]
Thanks again for sharing this!
Have joy in the Lord!
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Peace to all! *smile* Earlier I said, "Incredible"! Now, I add "Awesome"! I have to make a decision quite soon as tok whether or not this is the "way I should go" in my studies and research at my age and in my situation.
Richard, the thoroughness of your brilliant conception really is incredible! *smile* Love the concept! However, if I use this concept, will I save time or would it cost me time. But, what a roller-coaster experience it would be!
Please let me share an important (to me!!!!) poem Hope it's helpful to you for meditation on this day!
Lord I Have Time
By Michel Quoist
I've been out, Lord,
Outside people were going out.
They were going,
They were coming,
They were walking,
They were rushing.
Motor bikes were rushing by,
Cars were rushing by,
Trucks were rushing by.
The street was rushing,
The city was rushing,
The whole world was rushing.
They were rushing so as not to lose time.
They were rushing after time to catch up with time,
to gain time.
Goodbye sir, excuse me, I haven't time.
I'll come back, I can't wait, I haven't time.
I'd like to help you, but I haven't time.
I can't accept, for lack of time.
I can't reflect, read, I'm snowed under, I haven't time.
The child - he's playing,
he hasn't time at the moment....later on...
The schoolboy - he's got his homework,
he hasn't time...later on...
The student - he's got his lectures, and such a lot of work,
he hasn't time...later on...
The young man - he's playing sport,
he hasn't time...later on...
The married man - he has his house to run,
he hasn't time...and later on...
The father - he has his children,
he hasn't time...and later on...
The grandparents - they have their grandchildren,
they haven't time...later on...
They're sick! They have their cares,
they haven't time...later...
They're dying, they have...
Too late! They haven't any more time!
That's how they're all rushing after time, Lord.
They pass by on earth, always rushing, hurrying,
jostling, weighed down, snowed under, nearly demented.
And they never get there, there's not enough time.
Despite all their efforts, there's never enough time.
Lord, you must have made a mistake somewhere.
There's been a tremendous oversight.
The hours are too short, the days are too short,
lives are too short.
You, who are outside of time,
You smile, Lord, to see us struggle with it.
And you know what You are doing.
You don't make mistakes when You allot time to men.
You give to each one the time to do what You want him to do.
But is it wrong to lose time, to waste time, to kill time,
For time is Your gift to us -
But a perishable gift, a gift that doesn't keep.
Lord, I have time
I have all my time,
All the time You gave me,
The years of my life,
The days of my years,
They are all mine. Mine to fill up calmly, peacefully,
But to fill up completely, right to the brim -
To offer to You, that of their stale water
You may make a generous wine, as once at Cana for a
human wedding feast.
I don't ask this evening Lord,
for time to do this or that.
I ask for the grace to do conscientiously,
in the time that You gave me,
the thing that You want me to do.Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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There are actually a lot less than 295 books done. Usually when I copy a Logos link, it is pasted in as Page..., a date, or something similar, so that I can do a quick search and replace in Word to put the book title. But in the book "Sermon Starters", the Logos link was pasted as the title of the sermon. So I left it, partly because it was a useful title (unlike the page number) and partly because it was not possible to easily change all the titles to the book name. Since there are 208 sermons in that book, I have in fact indexed only 88 books. Still got 1720 to go in my library, although most of those do not have anything to indexed. (I automatically excluded a lot of books from indexing, eg those with the commentary type, Perseus, Bibles, etc.)
Richard Wilson
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Richard Wilson said:
But in the book "Sermon Starters", the Logos link was pasted as the title of the sermon. So I left it, partly because it was a useful title (unlike the page number)
Okay, I understand. Updated version: 5807.Index Bible Studies.with Index of Index.docx
Have joy in the Lord!
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I have updated this file, adding more books to the index and correcting a few errors. To make it more useful to others, I have concentrated this time on books in base packages. In fact, I have indexed all the books in the Logos 5 Minimal Crossgrade and Starter packages, as well as many others.
Richard Wilson
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Peace, Richard! *smile* Thank you very much! Do you plan to put your "books covered" list in your next document, since I have different books in my library than you have in your library.
Actually, I should just "get to work," eh? *smile* But, it is nice to "piggyback" and gain ground on someone else's work! *smile*
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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This is amazing. Thank you. May I ask how others are using it?
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Bruce Dunning said:
This is amazing. Thank you. May I ask how others are using it?
Peace, Bruce! *smile* Absolutely amazing! However, I have not done very much with the file personally! Perhaps your post will inspire me to begin to tackle it, eh??? Thanks for posting!
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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I'm still working on improving it. In about a week I should have another version ready, with all the books in Platinum (version 5). So it will be a lot bigger.
Personally I use it when preparing Bible studies. After I have read a few commentaries on the passage, I look up the references in this file, which often give me other ideas for the Bible study that the commentaries don't give.
Richard Wilson
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Peace, Richard! Usually my weeks pass way too quickly! *smile* However, this coming week is welcome to pass very quickly indeed because of the "goodies" attached to your sharing when you have the opportunity for your new version!Richard Wilson said:I'm still working on improving it. In about a week I should have another version ready, with all the books in Platinum (version 5). So it will be a lot bigger.
Personally I use it when preparing Bible studies. After I have read a few commentaries on the passage, I look up the references in this file, which often give me other ideas for the Bible study that the commentaries don't give.
Am looking forward to it and appreciate the fact that you do indeed "share" with your brothers and sisters.
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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Richard Wilson said:
In about a week I should have another version ready, with all the books in Platinum (version 5).
Looking forward to that. [:)]
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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I have updated this file, a list of explanations and comments on Bible passages that would not be picked up by the Passage Guide. It includes all the books in the Logos 5 Platinum package that have such explanations, and many others beside. There is a complete list of books included, sorted according the package they are in or where I got them from, at the end of the document. That way who has different packages to me can see which of their books are included in the file.
Richard Wilson
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Peace to you, Richard! *smile* I CONTINUE to be very grateful to you for sharing this very fine "opus" with us! It is a labour of love ... your love for Him, reflecting His LOVE for you!
Thank you ... and ... Blessings!
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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Yes, thanks Richard. This is very helpful.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Richard this is great!
How did you go about finding all these resources on each chapter? Did you use the cited by tool and add anything that looked useful, or do you just slowly add these as you do your own private study?
If we all worked together and added sermon links into this resource (maybe as a separate section after each bible study section on each chapter), it would have just about everything that Logos doesn't pick up...
I'm also considering making a docx with hyperlinks of all the tools online I can find for any given chapter of Scripture. (I'm thinking mainly old commentaries that aren't in Logos in places like etc.) Probably too big of a time investment for now, but it would be a great thing to include in this resource as a third section on each chapter...
Any takers for adding Logos sermon links and/or web links?...
Thanks again!
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Just posting so that this thread comes up in my "My Forums" page, so I'll know if there's an update [:)]. Thanks so much for this resource.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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I'm just going through all my resources, and creating links to all the discussions of passages I find. How I do that depends upon the type of resource: daily devotionals, books of sermons, etc, just require going through each devotional/sermon and adding it. Systematic theologies I for the most part avoid (although there are exceptions). For others, I might just look through the chapter or section headings of the book to see if there is anything interesting or likely to be if I skim read it a bit.
Anyway, I am continuing, and should publish a new version soon. I have finished all the Classic Commentaries and Studies volumes, and have just a few more commentaries that are not of the type Commentary in Logos to do, and then I will put the new version here.
Richard Wilson
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Peace to Mark and Richard! *smile*
Blessings to both of you -- and your families!!! -- as you continue to serve Him and His People through your various "sharings"! *smile*
Mark, I'm wondering -- Probably missing the obvious! -- What is a "My Forums" page?
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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Milford Charles Murray said:
What is a "My Forums" page?
I meant this: (AKA "My Discussions")
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Thank you, Mark! That is so clever! *smile* I would never have figured that out without your help! Appreciated much!
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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I have added some more books to this index, the new file is attached.
This file includes all the non versified commentaries that I have, that is commentaries that do not show up in the passage guide. With all the Classic Commentaries and Studies that have come out in the past few months, there are quite a lot of them.
I hope the file helps you to discover more resources that you already have on the Bible texts you are reading, as it has for me.
Richard Wilson
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coming across this for the first time as I am a recent convert to logos. But this is fantastic.
If Logos were giving away (say) $100 for what we voted the best PB of the year, this would be my vote for 2013.[:)]
Also, could someone confirm that I build this as a "monograph".
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This is great! thanks Richard.
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Stephen McCracken said:
Also, could someone confirm that I build this as a "monograph".
Yes, build it as a monograph. And thanks for the vote!
Richard Wilson
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I got the following warning when I built, which was odd as I tried again after "Accept all changes and turn off tracking" in Word 2013, but to no avail - still get warning. The first time I got it, and didn't even open up the document.
The warning:
[Warning] Document has change tracking enabled with revisions pending review, and may not be converted correctly. Please review the pending revisions in Word and rebuild.
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I got the following warning when I built, which was odd as I tried again after "Accept all changes and turn off tracking" in Word 2013, but to no avail - still get warning. The first time I got it, and didn't even open up the document.
The warning:
[Warning] Document has change tracking enabled with revisions pending review, and may not be converted correctly. Please review the pending revisions in Word and rebuild.
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Thanks for the work
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Peace to all! *smile*
Richard, absolutely great! An "incredible" sharing with your brothers and sisters on these Logos Community Forums!
Thank you very kindly!
Also, Anthony! Thanks much for the loverly cover, eh???
And, Stephen! I rejoice in your enthusiasm!
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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I have added the sermons, Bible studies and meditations from some other books, and have attached a new version of the file to add as a personal book, Index Bible Studies.docx
The problem with this file is that if you do not have the same books that I have, you will find a lot of links to books that are not in your library, which makes it more difficult to use. So I have written a program which will create an index of the Bible studies in your copy of Logos (that is, an index of the books that also I own, and that I have included in the index). What you need to do is:
1. Download and unzip the file in any directory. It contains two files.2. Run the Index Bible Studies.exe program.
3. If Logos is not open, it will be opened automatically. Then my program will find all the books in your Logos library, run through my index finding the books that are in your library (the program contains a copy of the index, you do not need to download the above docx file), and create a file My Index Bible Studies.rtf in your documents directory. When the program says it is finished, you can close it.
4. Open My Index Bible Studies.rtf in Word or a similar program, and save it as a docx file.
5. Create a Personal Book in Logos using that docx file, you just have to give it the title you want.
The program requires the Windows .NET framework to work. But so does Logos, so it shouldn't be a problem. I have also attached the source code if anyone wants to see it or make improvements to it.
If you have any comments on the program, let me know.
Richard Wilson
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Peace, Richard! *smile*
I continue to be grateful for the labours of my devoted Brother in the Lord!
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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Anthony H said:
Anthony, great job on the cover image. I'd like to use it. Could you fix it from your original file (if you still have it) to spell LOGOS with all upper-case letters instead of with the lower-case 's' at the end? Many people mistakenly spell it Logo's or a plural (LOGOs) but it's all one word, from the Greek word λόγος.
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Hi Richard,
Thanks very much for your wonderful job!!!
God bless you
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Richard Wilson said:
So I have written a program which will create an index of the Bible studies in your copy of Logos
This is so very helpful and useful. Thank you so so much!
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thank you, Richard
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Rosie Perera said:Anthony H said:
Here's a cover to distinguish it from other content. (...)
Anthony, great job on the cover image. I'd like to use it. Could you fix it from your original file (if you still have it) to spell LOGOS with all upper-case letters instead of with the lower-case 's' at the end? Many people mistakenly spell it Logo's or a plural (LOGOs) but it's all one word, from the Greek word λόγος.
since no one else came back to you on this, I thought I try my old version of photoshop on this. Does this suit better?
Have joy in the Lord!
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Peace and Blessings to all! Seeing Mick's work inspired me to "go for it"! and try Richards indexing of my Logos ...
well, it didn't work for me ... has anyone have had any success ..
Any advice? *smile* Edit: This may be "beyond me"!!!
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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did you unzip both files from the zip into a folder (I used Downloads)? It seems the .exe file is trying to use the .dll file and can't (maybe you just ran them from inside Winzip?).
Have joy in the Lord!
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Mick! *smile* You're a genius! That was exactly my problem. Once I unzipped the .dll file everything worked perfectly! Incredible!
I had put off doing this because I was a wee bit nervous about it all; however, as in so many other areas ..... I should have had Faith, eh? *smile*
Edit: BTW - Thanks also for the "cover"! *smile*
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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Brothers and Sisters! *smile*
A public thank you to Richard Willson for his sharing! This is an absolutely incredible aid to all of us; and I for one truly appreciate it!
His program went through all my resources and indexed them so beautifully in the categories mentioned in the various posts of this thread. I am attaching a sample screenshot... I own Portfolio with 9,095 resources; so one can see what a powerful program Richard has devised! *smile*
I will be grateful for a long, long, long time for all the work that was done for me... *smile*
Incredible! Yes! Incredible! *smile*
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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Milford Charles Murray said:
Once I unzipped the .dll file everything worked perfectly!
Glad to hear that!
Have joy in the Lord!
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Peace, Liam! I truly am excited about what Richard has shared! *smile*
However, I personally wouldn't try it on the MAC until I heard from some of my compatriots that that was A-OK! My 2 cents worth, eh?!
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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Milford, Liam,
I'm not a Mac person, but I'd think the compiled version (.exe, .dll) requires Windows to work and I would not expect it to run on a Mac.
But since Richard shared the source, which if I'm not mistaken is written in C#, (and the Mono middleware provides for a C# compiler), I think it could be possible to generate a Mac version - I have no idea if this is a simple compile-run or requires real effort.
Thanks again Richard for sharing this!
Have joy in the Lord!
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Richard Wilson said:
1. Download and unzip the file in any directory. It contains two files.
2. Run the Index Bible Studies.exe program.
How can I use it with Mac
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In theory, it would be possible to run the program with Mono on the Mac, it would not even be necessary to use the source code, just run the exe file. The problem however is another. The program uses the automation object that the Logos program exports, ie the Logos COM API. Maybe that does not mean anything, but it is something that exists only on Windows, so Logos can make the list of installed books available to other programs only in Windows. See . So my program will not and can not work on the Mac, because Logos can not give the program the required information.
Richard Wilson