Android GPS Tracking

Into Grace
Into Grace Member Posts: 692 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Logos, please remove location tracking from your Android app. Every time I install an update I have to agree to be tracked. Your tracking software must be removed, period. It's none of your business where people are when they use your software.



  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,167

    Logos, please remove location tracking from your Android app. Every time I install an update I have to agree to be tracked. Your tracking software must be removed, period. It's none of your business where people are when they use your software.

    the point - as I understand it - is that the app may be used to receive Proclaim signals. Those are obviously not sent to all Logos users, but to those in a certain proximity to the location of the church/event using Proclaim. 


    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Into Grace
    Into Grace Member Posts: 692 ✭✭

    NB.Mick said:

    the point - as I understand it - is that the app may be used to receive Proclaim signals. Those are obviously not sent to all Logos users, but to those in a certain proximity to the location of the church/event using Proclaim. 


    Thanks, NB.Mick. I'm not a Proclaim user, nor is 99% of the users of this app. If Logos wants to design a separate Proclaim app for those people who don't mind being tracked, they may. I personally don't buy the Proclaim excuse.

    New and current Logos customers cannot even install the Android app without giving up their rights to be tracked. I have a problem with this and Logos needs to fix it or I will become a former customer.

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,185 ✭✭✭✭

    I think we're looking at just one more parity issue here (I'm sure Drew will quickly correct). But none of my iOS apps from Logos even hint at my location.  Indeed in the iOS settings, Logos doesn't have a place holder in the privacy settings.

    I can easily imagine NSA burrowing into Logos (but not Apple) and locating all the Androiders. How will NSA find me??

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Erwin Stull, Sr.
    Erwin Stull, Sr. Member Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭

    Denise said:

    I can easily imagine NSA burrowing into Logos (but not Apple) and locating all the Androiders. How will NSA find me??

    For most of us using Logos (if not all), the NSA will find us by name and physical address alone. :-)

  • Drew Hannay
    Drew Hannay Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    I'm not a Proclaim user, nor is 99% of the users of this app. If Logos wants to design a separate Proclaim app for those people who don't mind being tracked, they may. I personally don't buy the Proclaim excuse.

    New and current Logos customers cannot even install the Android app without giving up their rights to be tracked. I have a problem with this and Logos needs to fix it or I will become a former customer.

    I'm sorry to hear that you're frustrated. I think you may be a little misinformed though, so maybe I can help clear things up. First, the location-based features are built into the Bible and Faithlife Study Bible apps (Biblia, Verbum, Noet, and Vyrso do not request location permissions). These features aren't really meant for users of the Proclaim desktop software, but rather, users who attend churches that use the Proclaim desktop software. A pastor using Proclaim has the ability to include "signals" in the service slides that let users of the mobile apps easily follow along with the Scripture being taught (there are several other features that Proclaim provides, but my intent here is to provide information, not advertise Proclaim [;)]). 

    We want to make it as easy as possible for congregation members to connect to their church's Proclaim presentation on their mobile apps. So, the app uses your current location to check if there are any Proclaim presentations going on nearby so you can easily connect. Logos does not track or store your location.

    It's perfectly understandable that there are users who don't need or want the Proclaim features of the mobile apps...fortunately, there's an easy way to disable ALL location-based features in the Android apps. Simply tap the "Presentations" item in the left navigation menu and change the "Follow Presentations" switch to "Off". If this switch is off, we never even ask your device for your location, so there's nothing to worry about.

  • Drew Hannay
    Drew Hannay Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    Denise said:

    I think we're looking at just one more parity issue here (I'm sure Drew will quickly correct). But none of my iOS apps from Logos even hint at my location.  Indeed in the iOS settings, Logos doesn't have a place holder in the privacy settings.

    I can easily imagine NSA burrowing into Logos (but not Apple) and locating all the Androiders. How will NSA find me??

    Denise, you know me so well. [:)]

    In Android, apps request permissions in an "all or nothing" manner. The app asks the user if it can access the user's location when the app is first installed, and if the user says no, then, well, you can't install the app. There's no other option.  On iOS, permissions work a little differently...the app requests location access when it first needs it (in the Logos iOS apps, this happens when you first sign in) and the iOS operating system asks the user if it's okay for the app to use their location. Then the user has the ability to deny location access while still using the rest of the app. Denise, it sounds like you denied that permission at some point, which is why you don't see the Logos apps in your iOS settings.

    (Note: this is a bit of an oversimplification of how permissions work on both platforms, but I think it's accurate enough for this discussion)

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,167

    Thanks, NB.Mick. I'm not a Proclaim user, nor is 99% of the users of this app. If Logos wants to design a separate Proclaim app for those people who don't mind being tracked, they may.

    It seems, at least according to this post in another thread, that the app actually doesn't use the location based services (which allow tracking) unless you enable "follow presentation". I personally believe that the bad guys (e.g. the "services" of some nations) will be able to track you regardless of Logos. Moreover I wouldn't recommend anybody using Logos on a smartphone or pad in an area where such is prohibited, since the IP-packet traffic will probably more than enough to track people for someone operating a national firewall.   

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Into Grace
    Into Grace Member Posts: 692 ✭✭

    I'm sorry to hear that you're frustrated. I think you may be a little misinformed though, so maybe I can help clear things up. First, the location-based features are built into the Bible and Faithlife Study Bible apps (Biblia, Verbum, Noet, and Vyrso do not request location permissions). These features aren't really meant for users of the Proclaim desktop software, but rather, users who attend churches that use the Proclaim desktop software. A pastor using Proclaim has the ability to include "signals" in the service slides that let users of the mobile apps easily follow along with the Scripture being taught (there are several other features that Proclaim provides, but my intent here is to provide information, not advertise Proclaim Wink). 

    We want to make it as easy as possible for congregation members to connect to their church's Proclaim presentation on their mobile apps. So, the app uses your current location to check if there are any Proclaim presentations going on nearby so you can easily connect. Logos does not track or store your location.

    It's perfectly understandable that there are users who don't need or want the Proclaim features of the mobile apps...fortunately, there's an easy way to disable ALL location-based features in the Android apps. Simply tap the "Presentations" item in the left navigation menu and change the "Follow Presentations" switch to "Off". If this switch is off, we never even ask your device for your location, so there's nothing to worry about.

    First, I’m not a Proclaim user; the great majority of Logos users don’t use it.  Proclaim is the sideshow to track user's locations.Turning off “follow presentations” does not undo the fact that every user of “Bible” has given up right to be tracked to install or update the app. How do I know I will not be tracked because I turn off “follow presentation”?  The bottom line, I don’t trust Logos Bible Software. There are many Logos users in this forum who trust Logos. I’m not one of them.

  • Into Grace
    Into Grace Member Posts: 692 ✭✭

    I'm sorry to hear that you're frustrated. I think you may be a little misinformed though, so maybe I can help clear things up. First, the location-based features are built into the Bible and Faithlife Study Bible apps (Biblia, Verbum, Noet, and Vyrso do not request location permissions). These features aren't really meant for users of the Proclaim desktop software, but rather, users who attend churches that use the Proclaim desktop software. A pastor using Proclaim has the ability to include "signals" in the service slides that let users of the mobile apps easily follow along with the Scripture being taught (there are several other features that Proclaim provides, but my intent here is to provide information, not advertise Proclaim Wink). 

    We want to make it as easy as possible for congregation members to connect to their church's Proclaim presentation on their mobile apps. So, the app uses your current location to check if there are any Proclaim presentations going on nearby so you can easily connect. Logos does not track or store your location.

    It's perfectly understandable that there are users who don't need or want the Proclaim features of the mobile apps...fortunately, there's an easy way to disable ALL location-based features in the Android apps. Simply tap the "Presentations" item in the left navigation menu and change the "Follow Presentations" switch to "Off". If this switch is off, we never even ask your device for your location, so there's nothing to worry about.

    First, I’m not a Proclaim user; the great majority of Logos users don’t use it.  Proclaim is the sideshow to track user's locations.Turning off “follow presentations” does not undo the fact that every user of “Bible” has given up right to be tracked to install or update the app. How do I know I will not be tracked because I turn off “follow presentation”?  The bottom line, I don’t trust Logos Bible Software. There are many Logos users in this forum who trust Logos. I’m not one of them.

  • Into Grace
    Into Grace Member Posts: 692 ✭✭

    It's unreasonable behavior for Logos as a company to require permission from end users to track their locations and then blame it on Proclaim that hardly anybody uses.

  • Floyd  Johnson
    Floyd Johnson Member Posts: 4,007 ✭✭✭

    Your meme might be "Into Grace", it seems your attitue is not.  If you distrust LOGOS as much as you say, then simply do not use it AND/OR delete it.  End of problem.

    If, as you say, the majority users do not have access to Proclaim, then it seems that  the default selection should be "OFF".   Or at least make it one of the options selected on set up.  If your perception of the number of users using Proclaim is wrong, then the latter solution still makes sense.


  • Into Grace
    Into Grace Member Posts: 692 ✭✭

    I'm into the grace of Jesus Christ. You assume one cannot be into the grace of Christ and trust Logos. You are a pastor?

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,750

    Would it be possible to reframe this conversation without giving as "facts" information you can't possibly know? The concern is valid and needs to be presented with truth and reason.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    I don't personally have a problem with the current behavior, but I think I can understand the concern (if not the passion of the arguments).

    Following the principle that "any programming problem can be solved by an additional level of indirection", how expensive would it be to implement a Proclaim Provider Service add-on app. The main app can check for the presence of the Provider (possibly prompt the user to install when the preference is enabled) and use it with out directly needing to request Location services. The Provider can be the app that requests Location permissions for those who want it.

    IDK if it's a viable solution, just wondering if it's cheap enough, elegant enough, to allay the concerns of users?

  • DominicM
    DominicM Member Posts: 2,995 ✭✭✭

    Just turn your location setting off in android settings menu that will return a nil result when logos or any other program asks "where am I?"

    Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,185 ✭✭✭✭

    No offense Dominic, but there's many an app where 'location' is a user-desire ... like stars, weather, etc.  But with Logos, true ... 'all off' is almost always the answer. My L5 stays offline for months.  I get to see what I bought every now and then (outside of Libby of course.)

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Into Grace
    Into Grace Member Posts: 692 ✭✭

    DominicM said:

    Just turn your location setting off in android settings menu that will return a nil result when logos or any other program asks "where am I?"

    Thanks. You are saying that inside the app settings menu, under "location access", selecting "off" will guarantee that Logos (or anyone else) cannot see my location. And there are no exceptions? What if a new version of "Bible" is installed and requests and receives permission to track one's location?

  • Into Grace
    Into Grace Member Posts: 692 ✭✭
  • Into Grace
    Into Grace Member Posts: 692 ✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    Would it be possible to reframe this conversation without giving as "facts" information you can't possibly know? The concern is valid and needs to be presented with truth and reason.

    You are correct. I claimed as factual without hard evidence. [:$]

    The real issue remains why Logos requires users to agree to be tracked to use their "Bible" android platform.

  • Mike Pettit
    Mike Pettit Member Posts: 1,041 ✭✭

    The real issue remains why Logos requires users to agree to be tracked to use their "Bible" android platform.

    Because we don't all wear tin foil hats and understand that having a mobile phone means you can always be tracked anyway.

  • Allen Browne
    Allen Browne Member Posts: 1,893 ✭✭✭

    .fortunately, there's an easy way to disable ALL location-based features in the Android apps. Simply tap the "Presentations" item in the left navigation menu [of Bible and Faithlife] and change the "Follow Presentations" switch to "Off". If this switch is off, we never even ask your device for your location

    Thank you, Drew. That's really good to know.

  • BriM
    BriM Member Posts: 287 ✭✭

    It's perfectly understandable that there are users who don't need or want the Proclaim features of the mobile apps...fortunately, there's an easy way to disable ALL location-based features in the Android apps. Simply tap the "Presentations" item in the left navigation menu and change the "Follow Presentations" switch to "Off". If this switch is off, we never even ask your device for your location, so there's nothing to worry about.

    But this assumes that the app is working correctly, hasn't had it's design changed, hasn't been hacked, etc.

    I'd feel a lot happier about this if I didn't have to grant a permission unnecessarily.

    Why not just make a proclaim app for those that want it and let the standard apps work without the permission?

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,185 ✭✭✭✭

    BriM ... they sell books.  

    If I were their designer (and thank goodness, that's not the case), I'd be looking at those Bible guides vs Proclaim vs sermon prep or lesson prep.

    But ignoring the commercial aspect along with the uniformly unintuitive interfaces, the combination of Bible study, Proclaim, and FaithLife community should be a perfect combination for a congregation.  My griping is mainly the inability to introduce the whole combination to normal people.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    BriM said:

    Why not just make a proclaim app for those that want it and let the standard apps work without the permission?

    The Logos and Faithlife apps support Proclaim presentations; the Biblia, Verbum and Vyrso apps don't, and therefore do not require that permission.