Moving resources to an external SD card

EDUARDO JIMENEZ Member Posts: 435 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hello dear friends:(

Digging into the site, I found several threads on how to move resources to an external memory card, but it seems Logos doesn't care the theme. Is there anything new about it? It is annoying having to download the resources again and again. (having issues with company phone). (Actually 3 times this week Angel). I found a thread with a complicated instructions, but I didn't dare. Root your phone, risk of flash all data, etc. Hmm


Note: Using Samsung Note 2.



  • Jan Krohn
    Jan Krohn Member Posts: 3,859 ✭✭✭

    I've done a lot of research on that topic over the weekend, and I think I understand enough now to give an answer.

    Moving to external memory card necessarily requires root access. Android by itself can't natively move any app to any other location than the phone memory or the first memory card (which happens to be the internal one if it exists).


    1. Open your device and replace the internal memory card with one of larger capacity (most risky solution, but also the only one that doesn't require root) - there's a slim chance that a Samsung shop can do this for you without any risk on your side. Just give a shop in your area a call and ask them, and make sure that it's an official and authorized Samsung partner.

    2. Root your device, and either install an app that swaps the internal and external memory cards, or install the DirectoryBind app which will allow you to move stuff to external SD.

    I've gone for option 2 on my reader device, as that's not very valuable and I don't mind my warranty. On my Samsung Galaxy, I'm most definitely not going to implement either of these two (which is not necessary anyway, since my library has almost completely downloaded to my reader.)

  • Erwin Stull, Sr.
    Erwin Stull, Sr. Member Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭

    Hi Roger; I haven't found a suitable or safe way to move resources to external sd card either. Every method that I have seen is to invasive for me, and may not work anyway. BTW, I have a 16G Samsung Galaxy Note 2 also. What I have done is to load all of my pictures, music, and video files to my 32G external sd card and keep Logos and other apps on the internal. To keep Logos from consuming too much space, I download each of my Bibles, a concise commentary, about 4 dictionaries/lexicons, 2 complete multi volume commentaries, and a couple of books I'm reading in my daily travels. The rest of my library I choose not to download to the device. With this configuration, I have 6.40GB free on my internal card.

    To ease the pain of redownloading in the event my phone need to be reset to factory default, I create a collection named "Library:Mobile" with the rule "Device:"<your device name>"" in Logos5 which will list each resource that is on my device. Prior to resetting your phone, login to you Logos account on the Logos website and rename the device. Once your device is reset and Logos is reinstalled, it will show up, then all you will need to do is go to your Logos desktop and check the boxes to install your resources (comparing the list with the previous collection).

  • Erwin Stull, Sr.
    Erwin Stull, Sr. Member Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭

    Jan Krohn said:

    1. Open your device and replace the internal memory card with one of larger capacity (most risky solution, but also the only one that doesn't require root) - there's a slim chance that a Samsung shop can do this for you without any risk on your side. Just give a shop in your area a call and ask them, and make sure that it's an official and authorized Samsung partner.

    All of the internal sd cards I've seen are soldered in, and the size of components these days require special soldering equipment to remove and replace them. You almost need a microscope to work with those things. [:)]

  • Jan Krohn
    Jan Krohn Member Posts: 3,859 ✭✭✭

    The memory card in the galaxy tab just seems to be glued on:

    The Kobo seems to have an integrated microSD slot:

    I think there might be some chance to get this working, but as I said, I'd only have it done by an authorized Samsung partner.

  • Erwin Stull, Sr.
    Erwin Stull, Sr. Member Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the info.

    Jan Krohn said:

    The memory card in the galaxy tab just seems to be glued on:

    I have seen this, but thought that it was soldered using the hot air process.

    Jan Krohn said:

    The Kobo seems to have an integrated microSD slot:

    Good to know. The low cost tablet has an internal slot, and the higher priced ones don't. You would think that it would be the other way around. [:)]

    Jan Krohn said:

    I think there might be some chance to get this working, but as I said, I'd only have it done by an authorized Samsung partner.

    I think that the process would be just as intricate as the solder method but with no high priced equipment cost. I agree with you. The Authorized Samsung Partner or the factory is the way to go for such tasks. If the partner or factory technician gets a spasm in their hand and destroys the device, they can easily replace the unit without a big loss. [:)]

    EDUARDO JIMENEZ Member Posts: 435 ✭✭

    Thank you folks. I had the hope Logos were going to say something this time. I read there are others bible softwares that deal with external memory more efficiently. But thanks for your time. Blessings.

  • Ken Shawver
    Ken Shawver Member Posts: 519 ✭✭

    Erwin, the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 has an external slot for up to 64GB MicroSD. Not sure what you meant by low end tablets having external slots. The Galaxy Note 10.1 is not a low end tablet and is on par or a bit head of Apple on various abilities (i.e. multi-screen which Apple still doesn't support).

    So maybe I misunderstood you but when you start talking $400+ for a tablet those aren't low end.

    In Christ,


    Lenovo Yoga 7 15ITL5 Touch Screen; 11th Gen Intel i7 2.8Ghz; 12Gb RAM; 500Gb SDD;WIN 11

  • Erwin Stull, Sr.
    Erwin Stull, Sr. Member Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭

    Ken S said:

    Erwin, the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 has an external slot for up to 64GB MicroSD. Not sure what you meant by low end tablets having external slots. The Galaxy Note 10.1 is not a low end tablet and is on par or a bit head of Apple on various abilities (i.e. multi-screen which Apple still doesn't support).

    So maybe I misunderstood you but when you start talking $400+ for a tablet those aren't low end.

    Hi Ken; This is in reference to the Kobo (which I consider a low end tablet). It appears that it has an internal sd card slot, which is kind of unusual. I would think that the higher end tablets would have an internal slot before a low end tablet. Installing that additional internal socket add additional cost to the manufacturing process. [:)]

  • Richard Mast
    Richard Mast Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    Some are correct when they say that this is an issue with Android, but... There are many apps that have overcome this problem. Two that I use are Olive Tree Bible and my mapping app. Both of them have ways to make the large data files reside on the external SD card. It took them a while to figure it out but both of these work flawlessly.  Logos really needs to make this a priority. This is one reason I have moved to Olive Tree Bible as my primary. If I try to use Logos and download all my resources there is no room for anything else!

  • Jan Krohn
    Jan Krohn Member Posts: 3,859 ✭✭✭

    I disagree that this is an Android issue. The current Android vanilla system lets you define a default data storage that apps can use. The issue lies with the manufacturers that don't supply the latest Android, as well as disable (on purpose?) that setting.

    Anyway, there are several open source apps that have solved the problem for their own storage, prime example is the Android Gallery app that lets you save images anywhere you like.

    Cool Reader is also open source, and another example of an app that reads ebook on any location (internal and external SD). So maybe these two are a good source for "inspiration" ;-)

  • Richard Mast
    Richard Mast Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    It is true that it is not an issue in newer versions. But it is in several of the prevalent versions. And when you're programming, you can't just throw the older versions under the bus. You have to do the necessary work to solve the problem. 

  • Jan Krohn
    Jan Krohn Member Posts: 3,859 ✭✭✭

    Well, you can throw "some" older versions under the bus. No-one could expect continuing support for Android 4.0 or maybe even 4.1 (which still means the storage issue must be addressed).

    Most manufacturers once commited to 18 months of Android updates. Since they don't keep their promises, I'm mainly irritated with them, and not with FL.

  • Jan Krohn
    Jan Krohn Member Posts: 3,859 ✭✭✭

    By the way, please don't forget to vote for the feature in Logos User Voice:

    The more votes, the more likely FL is gonna prioritize the feature.

  • mtnmanofGod
    mtnmanofGod Member Posts: 9 ✭✭

    I just wanted to chime in. The entire purpose of any biblically sound ministry of information regarding the Bible, the very Word of God, is clear. We are enjoined to divide and discern The Word of God according to the Nature and Character of God granted us by our King and Father Jesus Christ, the very Law of God written upon our hearts at rebirth, as sons and daughters of God, and to share these universal and immutable truths with the world around us. The fact that a company that purports to intend this most important directive as its goal should implement every means by which to attain that goal efficiently and effectively. To distribute a Bible app program with myriad data, without establishing the app with all capability assuring the efficient storage of the myriad data on SD storage for effective and complete use of the Bible app without losing ability to access any of the data we have paid for, book by book.... is irresponsible. It is clear that not everyone, in fact the vast majority are not going to have a $2000 phone with terabytes of storage in the internal drive. This is not good stewardship if the most salient and important end objective of the company is ministry of the Word, with faith that the worker is worth his wage and God Almighty will bless a ministry set to the work of disseminating Truth, with all remuneration needed for all involved.

    I hope logos will rethink overlooking an issue that has prevented me from buying more than one book to download to my phone.

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    I just wanted to chime in.

    Hi Mel,

    Welcome to the forums!  

    I hope logos will rethink overlooking an issue that has prevented me from buying more than one book to download to my phone.

    What phone model do you have and which version of Android does it run?  I am unaware of any supported Android device that cannot download more than one Logos resource, unless the phone is completely full with other apps (and this is beyond our control).

    Nearly every resource we offer can be accessed online without having to download it to your phone, although I understand this is a problem if you don't have internet access.

    We have a suggestion site at , and mentioned above in this thread there is a link where you can vote on your specific request: .

    Regarding the rest of your post, I'm just a tech guy and can't comment on it (although, I've never heard of a phone with Terabytes of internal storage, but that would be great!).  

    Please see - and especially and .

  • Mark Nolette
    Mark Nolette Member Posts: 508 ✭✭

    As others have said here, you basically have two options if you want to have your resources on an external microSD card:

    1) Root your device. If you can find a forum for your device on xda developers, you're in luck. The actual rooting process is relatively safe, if you follow instructions precisely. The real danger comes because you have more control over your device and so you can mess things up royally if you try tweaks and changes after rooting without enough information. The main deterrent  is that rooting will likely void your warranty on your device. One of the main reasons to root is that you may be able to install a more recent version of Android on your device than your manufacturer or cell provider offers. You can also install apps that can enable you to move data and even apps to your sd card. But no company, including Faithlife, can offer you support if you do this. If you root, you're basically on your own. On the other hand, the folks at xda are usually very helpful. If you have a problem, often someone else has had that problem and can help you fix it.

    2) Get Android 6.0 (Marshmallow)  on your device if at all possible. One of the features that "Marshmallow" offers is the ability (without rooting) to move data to your sd card. In effect, your sd card is reformatted to make apps think that it is part of internal storage. Pester your providers to give you Marshmallow. 

    Either option is cheaper than a new device!

  • mtnmanofGod
    mtnmanofGod Member Posts: 9 ✭✭

    I understand completely that I can go through the process of trying to root my device with the possibility of wiping it out or spend more money on another phone with Android 6.I was talking about the actual company taking responsibility to help us resolve the problem by making it a standard function to do what several of my apps already do and that is to move to the SD card. It is a data rich app if one is going to use it regularly and effectively for study remotely so the effectivenessis greatly protracted if one has to wait for a download every time one look something up. The marshmallow suggestion is great though, I will make sure next time I get a phone that marshmallow is the OS. Thank you so much for taking the time to describe that in more detail.

  • mtnmanofGod
    mtnmanofGod Member Posts: 9 ✭✭

    Thanks for the reply Kevin! Yes I have Limited room to store the books because the internal drive fills up. This is why it is such a frustrating fact, that I cannot move logos app or the data to the SD card when I have plenty of space there to store whatever needs to be stored. The fact that the OS programmers had to engineer a fix seems ridiculous when it is clear that manufacturing an app with that capacity to transfer data and app information to the SD card is very possible and relatively common. Of course there is some reason that the app was not created utilizing this extensive benefit to users, a reason probably economic, as we know it was not a technological hurdle, that we have no idea about. I do not think some kind of voting system to make a product you are manufacturing, to be  vested with functional utility, which gives end users the access to the product they purchased, most effectively, is a sound method of product development. The fact that technologically savvy individuals have found ways to circumvent the issue speaks to vast effort put into engineering a fix for this issue already! A vote is not needed to tell us that. I use Jellybean by the way. And yes, the terabytes of internal drive space was most certainly metaphorical hyperbole! :). this is probably useless waxing on and waxing off because nothing's going to be done about it but I thought I would voice my frustrations anyway because I truly do enjoy using the logos system when I need to look up sections of the Bible, which is the only book I am able to download at this time but there is so much more functionality I am missing because I can't get to the SD card without threatening my phone's integrity or buying another phone . if what is said about marshmallow by Android is true, it looks like you won't have to engineer a fix going forward anyway because the OS programmers did it for you. it would be a nice treat for us who do not have marshmallow yet, to get that fix on the app for our dinosaur machines but I think that's just wishful thinking. Blessings All and thanks again for your reply Kevin