Resolving footnote translation versions?

Stephen McCracken
Stephen McCracken Member Posts: 495 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I was reading Millard Erickson Christian Theology (3rd Edn) on the iPad.

When it came to a footnote for Calvin's Institutes (for example on page 462) selecting it brings me to the French version of the Institutes. However the same footnote on the L5 desktop brings me to the English Institutes on my desktop.

My way around this was to put the French versions into Hidden Resources on the desktop (I don't speak French anyway) and that has resolved the iPad version - it now goes to the English version.

My question is: if this kind of problem happens again is this the best way to resolve such issues?



  • elnwood
    elnwood Member Posts: 487 ✭✭

    You can use Prioritize from the library menu to prioritize your resources.

    Mine was pointing to the Beveridge version, but I just put the Ford Lewis Battles translation (ed. McNeill) in my priority list, and now the footnote points to that.

  • Mike Pettit
    Mike Pettit Member Posts: 1,041 ✭✭

    I remember this used to be a problem before the apps followed prioritisation, I believe (and if wrong I would like to be corrected) this has now been fixed.