Copy paste iPad with reference.

If you share on Facebook, it shows the scripture reference (chapter, verse) of your selected scripture. Same with email. Why cant we do that for the copy/paste to pages, or a document, etc?
and I don't want to copy/copy/paste. Am I missing something? | Macbook Pro 10.10.3
Robert Bigouette said:
If you share on Facebook, it shows the scripture reference (chapter, verse) of your selected scripture. Same with email. Why cant we do that for the copy/paste to pages, or a document, etc?
Robert Bigouette said:Am I missing something?
Apple "sandboxes" applications for security reasons. The good news is that your data and device are more secure than other platforms. The bad news is that applications can't share data as much as you might like in a given situation. I don't know if it is currently possible for them to add a "share to pages" feature. It is a good question... maybe Logos will chime in.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
That doesn't sound right, because I can copy/paste with Olive Tree and it includes references. Same with YouVersion. | Macbook Pro 10.10.3
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Robert Bigouette said:
That doesn't sound right, because I can copy/paste with Olive Tree and it includes references. Same with YouVersion.
I'm confused. You said that you wanted to "share" and you didn't want to "Copy and Paste"?
Robert Bigouette said:I don't want to copy/copy/paste.
Are you wanting to copy and paste between apps or not?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Nevermind. I think I misunderstood. You are wanting to copy in the app and paste into the other app with the scripture reference added. Right? Can you give screen shots from YouVersion / Pages?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Right on, so here is the deal - if I share from Logos to an App - then it includes the reference. But if I copy/paste it doesn't.
You can see examples of the copy/paste function from the other two below.
So its do-able. This is an issue with Logos the app as well. You have to right click to get the copy/paste with this feature. | Macbook Pro 10.10.3
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From your screen shots, it looks to me like YouVersion has the best "copy & paste" result. Olive Tree included the section heading, which would be less than ideal, imo. If Logos doesn't respond, you might want to see what kinds of suggestions are listed in the user voice for mobile page .
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0