How to search within an open resource?

I'm not sure if this is possible, but I need to be able to search within an open resource.
I've got the Tim Keller Sermon Archive open and have opened the index in order to find sermons on specific passages, but...there are so many and to scroll through them all is taking forever. Is there a quick way to jump to particular passages in this?
I hope that question makes sense.
Any help with this would be appreciated. Thanks.
Peace to you, Aaron!
I just came across your post and thought I would "bump" it in order to get the attention of anyone who might own the Tim Keller Sermon Archive ...
I have a large library but cannot afford everything, so I need to rejoice that some of you have it and might be able to give Aaron a helpful boost! Please!
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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Aaron Wetzel said:
I'm not sure if this is possible, but I need to be able to search within an open resource.
It's not possible in the same way as on Logos Desktop.
Aaron Wetzel said:I've got the Tim Keller Sermon Archive open and have opened the index in order to find sermons on specific passages, but...there are so many and to scroll through them all is taking forever. Is there a quick way to jump to particular passages in this?
With Logos Desktop, I recommend creating a collection containing just that resource and letting the collection sync to mobile (this might take a few minutes). Then, on your mobile device open the Search panel and do a Basic search and select that collection. From there you should be able to search the entire resource. Please see here for an example of me searching for Jacob:
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Peace, Kevin! *smile* Bless you for your help to Aaron! That information is quite useful for all of us, and I thank you!
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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That's why I have my PC taped to the back of my iPad.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Actually you can search the open resource.
Open the resource and then select search. It defaults to "Entire Library". Select that drop down and you will see collections but further down the list you will see the name or abbreviation of the open resource. Select that and you can search that resource. You will see a lust of the most recent resources to choose from as well.
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I am finding that what I think is the search bar (for within a resource, at top left) works sometimes for searching by page numbers. But not by word.
E.g., I search DBW 16 for "death" and am sent to Deuteronomy 1 in the Lexham English Bible. Why? Will this be fixed?
Abram K-J: Pastor, Writer, Freelance Editor
Blog: Words on the Word0 -
This is on an iPad mini, btw, running latest iOS 7.
Abram K-J: Pastor, Writer, Freelance Editor
Blog: Words on the Word0 -
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, vol. 16.
Abram K-J: Pastor, Writer, Freelance Editor
Blog: Words on the Word0 -
Abram K-J said:
I am finding that what I think is the search bar (for within a resource, at top left) works sometimes for searching by page numbers. But not by word.
E.g., I search DBW 16 for "death" and am sent to Deuteronomy 1 in the Lexham English Bible. Why? Will this be fixed?
In non-biblical resources, the Reference field is designed to quickly navigate to a page. It isn't intended for word searches within a resource.
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Hi, Kevin,
Thanks very much for the reply. Could there perhaps, then, be a way that the iOS app is adjusted so that if a user does try to perform a word search, nothing happens, rather than being sent to a new resource altogether?
Also, it does seem to work by word (for some words) in the Anchor Dictionary (noted on the forums here), oddly enough.
Abram K-J: Pastor, Writer, Freelance Editor
Blog: Words on the Word0 -
Abram K-J said:
Could there perhaps, then, be a way that the iOS app is adjusted so that if a user does try to perform a word search, nothing happens, rather than being sent to a new resource altogether?
When something that resembles a Biblical reference location is entered in the reference field and the current resource isn't a Bible, a dictionary or other reference-like work, the default Bible will be opened to that reference (or the closest to it the app can determine). This feature has been around for a while and I don't think removing it is being considered.
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Thanks for the clarification--this may have been gone over already on the forums, but would a user, who is searching within an open resource (presumably looking for results within that resource) really want to be sent to another resource/Bible with potentially unrelated search results? I guess I just can't imagine an instance where that would be useful.
That said, if it's not going to change, so be it--it just strikes me as counter-intuitive, FWIW.
Abram K-J: Pastor, Writer, Freelance Editor
Blog: Words on the Word0 -
Abram K-J said:
would a user, who is searching within an open resource (presumably looking for results within that resource) really want to be sent to another resource/Bible with potentially unrelated search results? I guess I just can't imagine an instance where that would be useful.
Again... the box you are using is for navigation, not searching.
If the box should be used for searching or navigation... that is another argument.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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Right--I understand that. But is it truly meant to be used for navigation both inside of and outside of a given resource? The only thing I can figure is that Logos must want to give the user an option to quickly get to a Bible reference from a non-biblical resource, for which they could use that navigation field. Is that the idea?
That makes a little more sense to me, if so, but--again... counter-intuitive and not how I'd imagine people gravitating toward that bar, at least at first.
Abram K-J: Pastor, Writer, Freelance Editor
Blog: Words on the Word0 -
In my own use, I've appreciated this functionality that allows the use of references, page numbers, or headwords depending on the resource, particularly in larger resources.
If you'd prefer to do a word search within the open resource on the Desktop application, you could use Cmd+F on Mac or Ctrl+F on Windows. I believe either of these brings up a basic word search functionality like most web browsers have.
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Nick Steffen said:
If you'd prefer to do a word search within the open resource on the Desktop application, you could use Cmd+F on Mac or Ctrl+F on Windows.
Ahem. You are in the iOS forum. [;)]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Abram K-J said:
I am finding that what I think is the search bar (for within a resource, at top left) works sometimes for searching by page numbers. But not by word.
E.g., I search DBW 16 for "death" and am sent to Deuteronomy 1 in the Lexham English Bible. Why? Will this be fixed?
As I stared above, you can do a text search in the open resource.
Make sure that you have the desired resource open. Then select "Search" from the menu. You will get a search term text box and a button below that defaults to "Entire Library". the title is a little misleading as it is labeled at the top of it as "Resource Collections". Once opened you see a list of collections. At the top of the list is all the collections that you defined. Below that are resources in the order of last opened. Select the desired resource and your search will be limited to that resource.
To get back to the result list, select the menu selector and is some cases you might have to select the Search icon.
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Thanks, Bruce--I've been using that method, and it accomplishes what I need, for the most part.
The Accordance and Olive Tree iOS apps have an easy way to search within a given text or resource (without having to leave the resource to go to a new "Search" screen), so that's what I'm used to and find most intuitive. I'll just adapt when I use Logos, though I still maintain my earlier idea that a navigation bar that does not also search is counter-intuitive, or that at least there could/should be a way to search an open resource from within that resource, without having to leave the screen to Search.
Abram K-J: Pastor, Writer, Freelance Editor
Blog: Words on the Word0