User Voice Suggestion ? Add Themes to personalize colors/colours ?

MVP Posts: 23,148
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Would appreciate comments before creation of a new Logos User Voice Suggestion (planning maybe create this one soon with 3 votes):

Add Themes to personalize colors/colours

Initial set of Default Themes with current Logos and Verbum colors/colours with Resource Panel Background choices:

• Default White
• Default Gray
• Default Light Gray
• Default Paper
• Default Windows
• Default Very Light Gray

Add a set of "Night Mode" themes: black background with various foreground colors.

• Night Mode Blue
• Night Mode Green
• Night Mode Red
• Night Mode Yellow
• Night Mode White

Add a "Mobile Reader" theme with light yellow background and dark brown text.

Add "Street Sign" themes.

• Street Sign Black on Orange
• Street Sign Black on Yellow
• Street Sign White on Blue
• Street Sign White on Brown
• Street Sign White on Green
• Street Sign White on Red

Program Setting Accessibility change from choosing Resource Panel Background to choosing a Theme.

Background color in all panels and tabs would be affected by Theme choice.  Ideally, Default themes would keep white background in Search, Guides, ... in "Default White" theme while changing background to match resource panel background for other themes.

Being able to choose Themes in all apps and applications would be awesome.

Theme enhancement ideas:

• User Theme customization
• Personalization by resource types: Bibles, Commentaries, Dictionaries, Lectionaries, Monographs, ...
• Choose Theme per Panel

User theme personalization of color/colour would include:

• Blank Layout background
• Chapter # in Bibles
• Chapter # in Commentaries
• Command background
• Guide background
• Guide foreground
• Hyperlink highlighting
• Library background (alternates in detail view)
• Library foreground
• Library count of resources
• Pericopes in Bibles
• Resource panel background
• Resource default foreground that can be modified by highlighting and visual filters
• Search panel background
• Search foreground that can be modified by search result highlighting
• Shortcut Bar background
• Speaker labels in Bibles
• Verse # in Bibles
• Verse # in Commentaries
• Words of Christ in Bibles

If Chapter # and/or Verse # are set to the same color as the Resource Panel background, they could appear as spaces on screen.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Logos User Voice Suggestions with votes preceding link:

73 => 

48 =>

17 =>

 4 =>

 2 =>

 1 =>

 0 =>

For screen reading, Logos User Voice Suggestion has 147 votes:
147 => includes comments from several Logos users whose eyesight is diminishing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Being able to adjust color/colours would be greatly appreciated by those whose eye sight is getting older (or macular degeneration).

An idea for shareable "Theme" document is XML with color codes and description. Initial theme editor could be editing XML using a different tool: e.g. notepad++.  When "theme" XML is loaded, codes are checked for validity: if bad code, then current default value is loaded into color lookup table.  More elegant would be a theme editor so can see choices in a screen mockup (could be a separate application).

Keep Smiling Smile


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  • Member Posts: 4,007 ✭✭✭

    I am sorry, but this description makes it sound like the colors might be distracting.  If there were to be some predetermined color scheme, I would prefer that each of the following have different colors Bibles, Commentaries, Dictionaries, Lectionaries,   Perhaps assign colors based on color-collections created just for colors - though this would required that no resource be in more than one color-collection.  Colors could also be assigned based on user assigned tags or types.

    As I read your description it sounds like any given window/pane could be a multitude of colors - leaving a rainbow for the reader to muddle through.  It could be very confusing.  I would not want a pane to be assigned more than one color.


  • Member Posts: 732 ✭✭

    Cyndi Lauper believes we should have True Colors. 

  • Member Posts: 14,185 ✭✭✭✭

    Well, yes.  But not 'True Colours'.

    Can you believe she's in her 60s?  That's 20 years older than George. 

    She sang with Jefferson Airplane for goodness sakes. And ... get this .... accompanied a Tennessee Music Box. You have to be from middle Tennessee to appreciate that.

    But back to the thread, the key here is to make the idea a mess to code.  Yes, like many on the Logos forum, I know how best to kill a software proposal.  Been there, done that.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Wonder what would be a better Logos User Voice suggestion Title and Description ? e.g. Add Themes to personalize applications

    Looking at Mozilla Firefox Themes => found: 


    Over 300,000 designs to personalize your browser! Move your mouse over a Background Theme to try it on.

    Want more personalization?

    Complete Themes transform the look of your browser with styles for the window frame, address bar, buttons, tabs, and menus.

    Denise said:

    But back to the thread, the key here is to make the idea a mess to code.  Yes, like many on the Logos forum, I know how best to kill a software proposal.  Been there, done that.

    Observation: Logos 4, Logos 5, and Verbum already have most colors chosen by their development team.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Member Posts: 732 ✭✭

    Denise, I never followed Cyndi Lauper, but I thought she must be 30 years younger than you're saying. I inadvertently came across her lately on YouTube and she had not much on other than her underarm deodorant. I guess she was showing her true colo(u)rs. 

    Now in her 60's, she's learning (maybe) that the physical things of this world sure shrivel up and are replaced by warts and wrinkles!

    Still hope that Logos will give us the option of various colo(u)rs this coming week! 

  • I am sorry, but this description makes it sound like the colors might be distracting.  If there were to be some predetermined color scheme, I would prefer that each of the following have different colors Bibles, Commentaries, Dictionaries, Lectionaries,

    Thanks; revised original post so user customization of theme color combinations is an enhancement idea.  Like idea of predetermined color themes so  now have 18 in revision.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Would this Logos User Voice suggestion attract votes ? (every Logos user has 10 votes)

    Add Themes to personalize colors/colours

    Set of Themes with current Resource Panel Background choices:

    • Black on White
    • Black on Gray
    • Black on Light Gray
    • Black on Paper
    • Black on Windows Default
    • Black on Very Light Gray

    Add a "Mobile Reader" theme with light yellow background and dark brown text.

    • Mobile Dark Brown on Light Yellow

    Add a set of "Night Mode" themes: black background with various foreground colors.

    • Night Mode Blue on Black
    • Night Mode Green on Black
    • Night Mode Red on Black
    • Night Mode Yellow on Black
    • Night Mode White on Black

    Add "Street Sign" theme using color combinations from Traffic signs:

    • Street Sign Black on Orange
    • Street Sign Black on Yellow
    • Street Sign White on Blue
    • Street Sign White on Brown
    • Street Sign White on Green
    • Street Sign White on Red

    Program Setting Accessibility change from choosing Resource Panel Background to choosing a Theme with initial Theme that matches current Resource Panel Background.

    Background colo(u)r in all panels and tabs would be affected by Theme choice.

    Being able to choose Themes in all apps and applications would be awesome.

    Choosing Theme per resource would be incredible; add a field in Library to show Theme and allow Theme to be set for many selected resources.

    Keep Smiling Smile

  • Member Posts: 732 ✭✭

    You say "keep smiling" --- would "grinning and bearing with it" count? Hey!!!  

  • Bootjack said:

    You say "keep smiling" --- would "grinning and bearing with it" count? Hey!!!  

    +1 [Y] for grinning and bearing too.  Also aware that some of my ideas belong in file 13, which can be a round cylindrical device.  Hence this thread to see if suggestion is worth pursuing (appears not).  Personally like idea of colo(u)r choices for Logos use.

    Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) is a variation of Philippians 4:4 that Paul wrote in Prison.  Thankful for many reasons that God gives to be Rejoicing in Him.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Member Posts: 732 ✭✭

    Maybe if the Logos Programmers were forced to listen to Cyndi Lauper (not watch) & James Pankow (Colour My World) for hours on end, they might get the point regarding Logos Colours.

    Hopefully they are not going to remain adamant and leave things the way they are but after this many years ...................... 

    Let's all proceed on then as though we are colour/color blind & in our right gourds! 

  • Member Posts: 14,185 ✭✭✭✭

    I very much doubt Logos would do themes. That'd be like re-painting the Mona Lisa. Or admitting the Cadillac is a re-badged Nova. 

    They're immensely proud of the hard-to-read greys, preacher-boy blues, and hints of tangerine or peach for search results.

    Whenever I do a screen-copy, I always include my peachy borders, just so they can cringe.

    I'd think, though, they could have mercy on the eye-challenged people (e.g. darkened background with control of font colors). Jesus was rumored to be merciful ... the blind?  (I put a question-mark, since the Logos timeline says blindness was defined as sinfulness in the 1st century).

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Member Posts: 78 ✭✭

    Part of dealing with a broken world is dealing with twenty-something programmers (not just at Logos) who think light grey text on a white background is cool. Guys, I was there once and believe me, Your time will come! 

    I find it a bit ironic that my generation ecstatically bid farewell to the colourless world of B&W TV and now our kids want us to look at colourless computer screens. 

    Anyway, so much for making fun of it. I've mentioned my eye issues elsewhere (Bible Study magazine) so I'm all for colours. I think that a default set of themes is a good idea and if you are going to provide that, allowing for custom schemes should not be a programming issue.

  • Member Posts: 8,948 ✭✭✭

    I find it a bit ironic that my generation ecstatically bid farewell to the colourless world of B&W TV and now our kids want us to look at colourless computer screens. 

    Even more ironic is this, courtesy of Bob Pritchett:

    Pity his developers missed the memo...

    Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2

  • Member Posts: 732 ✭✭

    I think I mentioned this before somewhere on here. It had to do with Microsoft admitting the solid line in Outlook Express or the present day Outlook cannot be broken in replies. 

    They said nearly 15 years ago, they knew Email programs such as Eudora would allow their users to do that, but they (Microsoft) had no intention of fixing it. And they stubbornly have kept their word!!!

    Logos it seems has gone (and is going) down that same path. Powerful Bible programs such as Online Bible have had colour options since it came out back in the late '80's / Biblesoft had it and Logos for some weird and wonderful reason says no go guys!!! 

    Spite this, does anyone think we'll actually see it in the next update??????  :-D

  • Please Vote =>

    Add Themes to personalize colors/colours and improve readability

    Set of Themes with current Resource Panel Background choices:

    • Black on White
    • Black on Gray
    • Black on LightGray
    • Black on Snow (Paper)
    • Black on Windows Default
    • Black on WhiteSmoke

    Add a "Mobile Reader" theme with light yellow background and dark brown text.

    • Mobile SaddleBrown on LemonChiffon

    Add a set of "Night Mode" themes: black background with various foreground colors.

    • Night Mode Blue on Black
    • Night Mode ForestGreen on Black
    • Night Mode FireBrick on Black
    • Night Mode Gold on Black
    • Night Mode FloralWhite on Black

    Add "Street Sign" theme using color combinations from Traffic signs:

    • Street Sign Black on DarkOrange
    • Street Sign Black on LemonChiffon
    • Street Sign FloralWhite on MediumBlue
    • Street Sign LemonChiffon on SaddleBrown
    • Street Sign Snow on DarkGreen
    • Street Sign White on DarkRed

    Wikipedia has => with Web color names that have been used in Theme names.

    Program Setting Accessibility change from choosing Resource Panel Background to choosing a Theme with initial Theme that matches current Resource Panel Background.

    Background colo(u)r in all panels and tabs would be affected by Theme choice.

    For dark background, may want to invert visual filter and highlighting.

    Being able to choose Themes in all apps and applications would be awesome.

    Choosing Theme per resource would be incredible; add a field in Library to show Theme and allow Theme to be set for many selected resources.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • As I read your description it sounds like any given window/pane could be a multitude of colors - leaving a rainbow for the reader to muddle through.  It could be very confusing.

    Observation: enabling High Contrast Theme in Windows leaves many items unchanged:

    Practically can use reading view with High Contrast Theme.  Personally dreaming of user customizable themes that affect all User Interface colo(u)rs.

    Having several sets of coordinated colo(u)r themes would be an appreciated improvement.

    Logos uses User Voice suggestions when prioritizing development efforts.  More user votes improves priority for development.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Member Posts: 732 ✭✭

    All this is still not close to Logos getting a move on to give us the option for various colours of our choice. Come on Logos, lets see you get a move on with this and not promises that will take years to get here either!!!!!!!! 

  • I am sorry, but this description makes it sound like the colors might be distracting.

    Scroll bars have similar silver shades so seeing indicators can be a bit difficult => Scroll-bar Contrast

    A friend that uses Logos 5 has diabetic retinopathy => so "cool" colo(u)rs with subtle differences that are easy for younger eyes to distinguish are a distraction and disincentive for using Logos.  Thankful for Read Aloud

    If there were to be some predetermined color scheme, I would prefer that each of the following have different colors Bibles, Commentaries, Dictionaries, Lectionaries,

    An awesome enhancement would be choosing a scheme per resource (ideally with a Library column so can "see" scheme name).  Also would like to choose a color scheme for each Guide and Tool.

    Keep Smiling [:)]


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