Video series on preparing a sermon complete!

I've now finished my video series on preparing a sermon. It's in four parts, and the first two I've posted before. Here's all the videos, in case you missed some. It's best to view them in full screen mode. Once you've clicked play, look for the little button with four arrows next to the Vimeo logo.
Getting Started
Writing a sermon outline
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
I don't see a link to them. Clicked on the link below and it takes me to your web site where there are still ony 2 vidoes on preparing a sermon with Logos 4.
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Yeah, sorry. The forum software is playing up. Until I work out what's wrong, try these links:
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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great job on #3 [:)] thx again
Urban Scholar -
Christ-centered Hip-Hop - http://www.sphereofhiphop.com0 -
Thanks Mark for #3. Do you collect information as you did in #2 using notes and clippings during your exegesis for things like word studies, quotes from commentators, and the like?
I noticed the notes on context.
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Fantastic, Mark. Thank you again! I've updated the wiki and will add part 4 as soon as it's available.
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Thanks Rosie, it's ready now.
Did you see my question to you about video embedding on one of your old threads?
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Mark Barnes said:
Thanks Rosie, it's ready now.
Mark Barnes said:Did you see my question to you about video embedding on one of your old threads?
I'd missed it. Thanks! I'll go answer it there now.
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Great, you've embedded them. Now could you edit your post one more time and insert the titles of each part above the corresponding videos? Thanks!
Also, I wanted to thank you for the tip on turning note markers different colors. I hadn't discovered that little feature yet -- it's a good one.
Finally, have you reported the bug(s) about cutting/pasting and dragging text in Notes messing up the entire formatting or just the font?
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On the Note Taking video I see great potential to work on sermons / teachings within LOGOS. I experimented yesterday with a topic and now have 8 "folders of Clippings - some of which have Notes added". I have to say that this approach has realy inspired me. What a great way to put LOGOS to work for us. I love it.
My vote is to develop this area even more so it can take us from the sermon-idea to the printed page. My question is how to transfer my work to a portable form of some kind. Could we have a way to "Export to ___ (Microsoft Word)" for instance or "Create a Powerpoint" from an item in Favorites. How do you do this now?
My other concern is that ... in time, will the Favorites / Clippings files become unmanagable due to the sheer numbers of files. Is there a way to organize files within this system?
[BTW - thanks for ALL these videos - very informative & practical. Our LOGOS experience has taken yet another huge leap forward.]
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In the final video I give a few more tips at making favourites better organised and more manageable. Without favourites, notes would be unmanageable, but I think using favourites it should be fine.
Getting data out of Logos isn't easy at the moment. Copy/Paste is really the only way. But you're right, some kind of export facility would be very useful.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Thanks so much! I have learned something about Logos and about scripture study with each one I've watched. I appreciate how much effort you put into guiding us, especially while seeing how much work you put into leading your own congregation.
"But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry." 2 Timothy 4:5 (NASB)
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hey Mark... i'd be interested in seeing the books you put in your 3 different commentary collections (Intermediate, Expository & Academic), if you don't mind sharing that with us [:)]
Urban Scholar -
Christ-centered Hip-Hop - http://www.sphereofhiphop.com0 -
Thank you very much for the videos, they are superb and extremely helpful. I noticed in the first video that you have a list of collections in the cited by tool when you clicked the down arrow. I can view my collections individually, but am unable to figure out how to make a list of collections appear in the cited by tool. Thank you!
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@SiCochran - that feature is in Logos 4.0a (currently in RC2)
Urban Scholar -
Christ-centered Hip-Hop - http://www.sphereofhiphop.com0 -
Mark, thank you very much for the time and effort needed to create these and I want to especially thank you for emphasizing the need to let the biblical text speak to you before resorting to other tools. One of the most dreaded comments I hear in SS class, is that "My study bible says that the verse means this", when they haven't even begun to let the verse speak for itself. BTW, I loved your methodology for note taking.
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LaRosa Johnson said:
hey Mark... i'd be interested in seeing the books you put in your 3 different commentary collections (Intermediate, Expository & Academic), if you don't mind sharing that with us
I've added them to the bottom of the wiki page, now. I decided to do it by series. It leaves about 20% unclassified. Obviously you can make this better by manually dragging those over, or adding author criteria in, but it was good enough for my purposes.
Single-volume commentaries- Library Size: 3,549
- Collection Size: 13
- Rule: type:commentary AND subject:”Bible—Commentaries” ANDNOT subject:”Bible—Commentaries—Collected works”
- Manually Included Items: none
- Manually Excluded Items: none
Academic commentaries- Library Size: 3,549
- Collection Size: 259
- Rule:
type:bible-commentary series:(“New International Commentary on the Old
and New Testament”, “New International Greek Testament Commentary”,
Hermeneia, “Critical Commentary”, JPS, Pillar, “socio-rhetorical”,
“word biblical”, “ancient christian commentary”, “Baker Exegetical”) - Manually Included Items: none
- Manually Excluded Items: none
Intermediate commentaries- Library Size: 3,549
- Collection Size: 346
- Rule:
type:bible-commentary AND series:(“baker new testament”, “bible speaks
today”, “black’s new testament”, “book of Isaiah (Young)”, “Calvin’s
Commentary”, Ellicott, “Charles Hodge”, “Hebrews (Owen)”, “Holman New
Testament”, “International Theological”, “IVP New Testament”, Lange,
Lenski, “New American”, Barnhouse, “United Bible Societies’ Handbooks”) - Manually Included Items: none
- Manually Excluded Items: none
Expository commentaries- Library Size: 3,549
- Collection Size: 275
- Rule: type:bible-commentary AND series:(exposit, believer, “daily study”, horae, “MacArthur New Testament”, preach, pulpit, Wiersbe)
- Manually Included Items: none
- Manually Excluded Items: none
Unclassified commentaries- Library Size: 3,549
- Collection Size: 227
- Rule: type:bible-commentary
- Manually Included Items: none
- Manually Excluded Items: {Academic Commentaries}, {Intermediate Commentaries}, {Expository Commentaries}
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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@LaRosa Johnson
Thank you! That would explain everything.
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I apologyze for asking again but I am curious, Mark, if and how you use clippings and notes for the exegesis of your passage. For example, do you use clippings/notes to save lexical information about a word? If a note, to what do you attach it. OR do you just do the exegetical work without saving or writing any notes on the information.
Thanks for any insight you can give,
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At the level of individual words I rarely take notes. I do so normally only in three circumstances:
- When the meaning of a passage hangs on a particular translation. I did, for example, take some clippings on parthenos in this particular sermon.
- When there's a word which doesn't translate easily into English, or when the English word is hard to understand. I'll want to define the word from the congregation, and I'll do so from a Greek lexicon, not an English dictionary. I'd probably add this information to a general note on the pericope.
- When the word is translated poorly in English Bibles and that matters. In this case, I'll probably re-translate the whole verse and attach that has a note.
Generally my congregation don't care too much about Greek/Hebrew, and nor should they. Neither do I want to undermine their confidence in the Bible they carry in their hands. So I try to wear my new-found knowledge lightly, letting it inform my thinking, but not feeling the need to parade it before them. As a consequence I don't need to take that many notes, as I'm not going to quote them. More importantly, what I'm learning is shaping my understanding, and my understanding is more important than my knowledge in this situation. In other words, what I learn changes the way I view a passage, which changes the way I preach a passage, which affects my congregations understanding of that passage. Which means I can change their understanding without needing to share all my learning.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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What books do you have in the collection you showed in your first video regarding the NT use of the OT? I assume that the Commentary of the NT use of the OT is in there but what other resources are apart of that collection?
Great videos. So helpful to see how this amazing tool is used practically.
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I want to thank you for all of the hard work that you've put into sharing your sermon prep with us.
I also would like to say thank you for being gracious and humble, we've benefitted from your example there also.
if what we've seen on the forum is any indictation, then your congregation is fortunate to have you as their pastor.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Thanks Mark for responding so thoughtfully. And I absolutely agree with your assessment. My thought was if there was important lexical, grammatical or sytatical information that would help in the understanding of the passage I would want to make note of that. Of course, not to parade my knowledge, but to have the best understanding of the passage so I can present it's truth in the clearest way possible. Noting that information would seem profitable for future reference.
Also I was wondering if the sermon you preached was online. I would love to listen to it.
Thanks for your patience with me.
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No patience was required! We all have our different approaches, and I must admit mine is a minimal note-taking one. (I almost never took any notes in class in seminary, for example.) The sermon is online: though sermons have a habit of rarely being as good as we would like!
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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ChrisKouba said:
What books do you have in the collection you showed in your first video regarding the NT use of the OT? I assume that the Commentary of the NT use of the OT is in there but what other resources are apart of that collection?
I have:
- Old Testament Quotes in the New Testament
- Old Testament Quotations and Allusions in the New Testament
- Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Mark Barnes said:
Generally my congregation don't care too much about Greek/Hebrew, and nor should they. Neither do I want to undermine their confidence in the Bible they carry in their hands. So I try to wear my new-found knowledge lightly, letting it inform my thinking, but not feeling the need to parade it before them
They need to devote a whole semester to achieving this attitude in seminary. Every time I hear the words "a better translation of this word would be" from the pulpit, I cringe (All the more so because I am sure that I did it as well). There are times that we must disagree with how a word or phrase are translated, but we need to make sure that it does not rob our people of their confidence in their Bible.
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For those who've followed this thread and watched the videos...I'd recommend listening to Mark's sermon, it's both a good sermon in it's own right and it's interesting to see where this all led....
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Mark, your series is excellent!
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This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Mark Barnes said:
I linked to it in an earlier post.
Found it !
Thank you Mark for: sharing your insight on how to use L4, for taking the time to create these wonderful videos, for being willing and yielded to our Lord Jesus, for being a good shepard to your flock whom the Good Shepard has entrusted to you, thanks for all that you do!
may our Lord Jesus richly bless you and your family and your flock and continue to do so
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Excellent sermon Mark! It ought to be posted with your videos. The videos lead to up to the edge but the sermon takes the blindfold off to see the view. Thanks so much.
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Thank you for your videos, they were very helpful to me! I appreciate your efforts to share these with us.
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Mark Barnes said:
I've now finished my video series on preparing a sermon. It's in four parts, and the first two I've posted before. Here's all the videos, in case you missed some. It's best to view them in full screen mode. Once you've clicked play, look for the little button with four arrows next to the Vimeo logo.
Getting Started
I have just finished going through the first two videos. I took about five hours and created the layouts on my Logos 4.
This is the best training for Logos 4 that I have seen!
Thanks again for the great videos!
Bill Gordon
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Thanks SO MUCH for your videos. It has really helped me in setting up and using Logos 4. As a minister myself, I have several thousand sermons of my own generated outside of Logos 4 in Microsoft Word.
My question is, how do you manage/organize all the clippings and notes in your system that would be generated for hundreds and hundreds of messages? I realize that Logos 4 hasn't been out long enough to generate this kind of volume. But I am just trying to think ahead.
Any thoughts on this I would grateful for. Thanks for all your hard work here.
In His Service,
The natural plus the supernatural together make an explosive force for God.
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In the final video, I show briefly how you can create sub-folders and sub-sub-folders in Logos favourites, which helps with organisation. Like you, I am a little concerned that as my volume grows my system will become unmanageable. But at the moment, I don't see a viable alternative, so I'm trusting that Logos will tweak things in the future as my notes grow.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Mark, what a great service you are performing for all of us. Can I hire you as a personal tutor? [:D]
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Thanks for that video's. It realy gives me fresh ideas!
I hope logos will do the rest to straighten the path of taking notes more easily
Hans vd Herik
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The Logos wiki site has a list of several great videos including the ones done by Mark. Johnson has posted a great video on how to use Microsoft OneNote with Logos 4 instead of using the built-in Logos note capability. -
Again, you have done a great service to the Logos community. I thank you. Be blessed.
PS - All of the videos (on the link above) are helpful and so is the WIKI site. This is something I had ignored for quite some time thinking the FORUM was enough. Then I discovered that the BLOG contains very useful news and information - that I might have missed. In these three areas, we have all the tremendous support we need to utilize such a tremendous tool - LOGOS. Thanks be to God and to Him be all the glory, now and forever!
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1. Great videos. The best I've seen.
2. I want your library.
3. You should come and pastor here in the U.S. We covet your accent (i.e. Alister Begg).
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Mark, Awesome. I wish I had found your vid's months ago. I'm always interested in how others study. Thanks for including us. By the way, I take it that you're not from Texas by your dialect? Cheers!
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Mark Barnes said:
Generally my congregation don't care too much about Greek/Hebrew, and nor should they. Neither do I want to undermine their confidence in the Bible they carry in their hands. So I try to wear my new-found knowledge lightly, letting it inform my thinking, but not feeling the need to parade it before them. As a consequence I don't need to take that many notes, as I'm not going to quote them. More importantly, what I'm learning is shaping my understanding, and my understanding is more important than my knowledge in this situation. In other words, what I learn changes the way I view a passage, which changes the way I preach a passage, which affects my congregations understanding of that passage. Which means I can change their understanding without needing to share all my learning.
I just took the time to watch each video. Outstanding ... absolutely, outstanding. I've used Logos for years but continue to learn how people incorporate into their study. I really appreciated your approach and see how a philosophy of textual importance is just as important as how to use the tool. I loved your comment above. If you lived in Texas, we'd be great friends.
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Shawn Nichols said:Mark Barnes said:
Generally my congregation don't care too much about Greek/Hebrew, and nor should they. Neither do I want to undermine their confidence in the Bible they carry in their hands. So I try to wear my new-found knowledge lightly, letting it inform my thinking, but not feeling the need to parade it before them. As a consequence I don't need to take that many notes, as I'm not going to quote them. More importantly, what I'm learning is shaping my understanding, and my understanding is more important than my knowledge in this situation. In other words, what I learn changes the way I view a passage, which changes the way I preach a passage, which affects my congregations understanding of that passage. Which means I can change their understanding without needing to share all my learning.
I just took the time to watch each video. Outstanding ... absolutely, outstanding. I've used Logos for years but continue to learn how people incorporate into their study. I really appreciated your approach and see how a philosophy of textual importance is just as important as how to use the tool. I loved your comment above. If you lived in Texas, we'd be great friends.
Shawn, thanks for bringing us that quote of Mark's. I'm sure I read it ages ago, but it is great to be reminded of it. Wonderful advice!
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Jeremy said:
3. You should come and pastor here in the U.S. We covet your accent (i.e. Alister Begg).
although Alistair Begg is Scottish and Mark is Welsh - two completely different accents - and neither of them is what I would call a "British" accent[;)]
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New to Logos 4 and i immensely enjoyed all of your videos. I love seeing how other preachers, study, make notes, do outlines and use bible programs to suit their needs. I learned alot from your videos and learned some thing to help streamline and make my study time and sermon preparation more efficient.
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Thanks, Charles. I don't know if you've seen these additional videos - they don't show sermon prep though - they're more systematic tutorials:
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Mark, these videos are great. I know I saw some you did a while ago that were based on Libronix 3. I would love to be able to see those if you still have them avalible. Maybe if they are not online you might consider letting me download them???
Anywa, thanks for all you do [:)]
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Thanks Mark, I look forward to checking them out
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James Chaisson said:
Mark, these videos are great. I know I saw some you did a while ago that were based on Libronix 3. I would love to be able to see those if you still have them avalible. Maybe if they are not online you might consider letting me download them???
Thanks, James. I've not gathered my Logos 3 videos into one place, but they can be found at:
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Mark, thank you and God bless. [:)]