Ellen White's Books covers

Jacob Ugljesa
Jacob Ugljesa Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

I recently purchased Ellen White's writings and now of the books in the library display a cover picture, it's blank. Is there an update coming for her books or a way I can add pictures for the cover? 


  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Welcome to the forums Jacob. The Ellen White writings were formatted for the software way back in 2003 or possible earlier.

    Back then, Logos lisenced out its software to other companies so that they could put their works in the platform (Libronix) back then. Unfortunately, most publishers who were lisencing the software did not continually update their content to keep track with the progress. A practice which has been discontinued.

    Even though they work in Logos 5, it is not formatted for Logos 5. Hopefully one day it will be updated, and the pictures that you are asking for will be included.

    Hopefully Martin (the Seventh-day Adventist product manager at Logos) will chime in here and give clarification if there is any update.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Martin Weber
    Martin Weber Member, Logos Employee Posts: 545

    Logos reached and agreement with Ellen G. White Estate to recompile her writings, and I am eagerly anticipating the consummation of that process. I have no timeline to report--it's just exceedingly urgent and a matter of my frequent attention. --Martin Weber, Logos SDA product manager

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Martin, any chance the Bible Commentary can be recompiled for Logos 5? Would like to see some of the dates in the Dictionary enter the timeline.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • John Miller
    John Miller Member Posts: 87 ✭✭

    That's great news Martin! Thanks for all you are doing to make Logos better and better! 

  • Martin Weber
    Martin Weber Member, Logos Employee Posts: 545

    Logos is still working on getting permission to recompile the SDA Commentary. I hope that can be done soon!

  • Martin Weber
    Martin Weber Member, Logos Employee Posts: 545

    I have a lot of help from all of you. And God has opened up further doors to more content as well (of which I can't speak yet). Thanks for your support and advice.

  • Edwin Sully PAYET
    Edwin Sully PAYET Member Posts: 251 ✭✭

    what about the new Adventist commentary supposed to be soon published?

  • Martin Weber
    Martin Weber Member, Logos Employee Posts: 545

    I've made contacts about that. Acquisition possibility is uncertain.

  • Rev. 14:6
    Rev. 14:6 Member Posts: 191 ✭✭

    Yes it would be nice to see covers to the books you are reading.  Over the years I could never seem to figure out why they were blank. 

  • Reimar Vetne
    Reimar Vetne Member Posts: 165 ✭✭

    what about the new Adventist commentary supposed to be soon published?

    60 years after the first comprehensive Seventh-day Adventist Commentary series was made, with no attempt at updating it after that, there is suddenly a rush of SDA commentary series.

    First out was the Andrews Study Bible, which is available in Logos already. Since these are Bible study notes the length of the comments are very short of course.

    Next out will be the Andrews One Volume Commentary, with about 3x as much material as the study bible notes. We can expect it to be released in paper format by Andrews University Press in 2015 or 2016.

    After that will come the huge multi-volume SDA International Bible Commentary series, edited by Jacques Doukhan of Andrews University, published by Pacific Press, and to be translated into several languages (like Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, etc). The manuscript deadline is at the end of 2015 (I am writing the volume on the Gospel of John, so I happen to know). After that all manuscripts will go through a peer review quality assurance process, and after that the publisher will prepare all the volumes for publication.

    So if this is the one you have in mind, 2017 is probably a good estimate of final publication date (not sure if that is "soon to be published" in your view - after waiting 60 years from the previous series, I guess we are almost there!)

    They will try to get one volume ready for the GC session next Summer, but the rest of the series are a couple of years further down the line.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    After that will come the huge multi-volume SDA International Bible Commentary series, edited by Jacques Doukhan of Andrews University, published by Pacific Press, and to be translated into several languages (like Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, etc). The manuscript deadline is at the end of 2015 (I am writing the volume on the Gospel of John, so I happen to know). After that all manuscripts will go through a peer review quality assurance process, and after that the publisher will prepare all the volumes for publication.

    Thanks Reimar. 

    Last night with Dr. de Souza in a Bible Seminar at my Church. Tonight's topic is hermeneutics. He is an avid Logos user and enthusiast.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Martin Weber
    Martin Weber Member, Logos Employee Posts: 545

    We just agreed to terms with the Adventist Theological Society for its entire Journal archives (thanks to your friend Felix at the Seminary connecting me with Ed Zinke).

    Dr. Zinke and I discussed getting another developing commentary series into Logos as well.

    All of this takes time, but the ball is rolling.

  • Rev. 14:6
    Rev. 14:6 Member Posts: 191 ✭✭

    We just agreed to terms with the Adventist Theological Society for its entire Journal archives (thanks to your friend Felix at the Seminary connecting me with Ed Zinke).

    Yes that is outstanding news to me!  I surmise you are talking about Dr. Cortez here at seminary.  I'm glad to hear he contacted you. I know that I have wanted these and ATS only prints so many copies and that is it.  Plus it save room on my shelves. To have these volumes searchable in my library for research purposes for papers, sermons, and journals will be great; plus logos will automatically footnote it for me in SBL or Turabian/Chicago style.  I recommend everyone get these, they are rich!  Great work Dr. Weber...

  • Rev. 14:6
    Rev. 14:6 Member Posts: 191 ✭✭

    Logos reached and agreement with Ellen G. White Estate to recompile her writings, and I am eagerly anticipating the consummation of that process.

    THis is also great news.  I was concerned about this.  I know next year  they are releasing all of EGW unpublished works for the 100 years anniversary of her death.  I'm not sure if this is going to be an all new CD rom or an additional CD rom.  The talk was/is the EGW estate is going to make a new CD rom or an additional CD rom or put it all up for free on the website.  I can't substantiate this so I don't know which is true.  I was worried they were not going to work with Logos because they were going to make it all for free.  I am a Mac user and have the CD rom, it says it is for Mac but is made to be used with X11, and this is supposed to mimic the Windows environment.  I have found it to not play well with my Mac.  I have it on logos and I use it all the time.  The CD rom stays on my dock unopened.  What I would like is to see all the pioneer's writings on it as well, and all scriptures tagged, if at all possible- the logos version should be better than the CD rom in the long run. Especially for Mac users.