Another bug.

Every time I "update resources" or "update now" 1.29gb of files tries to download. looks like it downloads. looks like it indexes, but then repeats the next time I run logos.
This is after deleting my catalog.db file per bradleys request in another thread.
I presume you need log files?
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
The indexer log isn't complete enough, covering 35% of the download. If the download succeeeds rename the Indexer log before you restart Logos for the indexing, and upload both logs when the indexing crashes/finishes.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Alright dave, doing that now. Though I should warn you the download is 3.04 gb now.
6180.New Compressed (zipped) Folder.zipL2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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The very last line in your log file is:
2014-08-30 19:04:52.6640 1 Info WindowsIndexerProgram Setting notification icon tool tip to: Resources are ready to be added to your library.
Can you post the updated log files from when you restarted Logos to add these updated resources? We're only seeing the download part. That doesn't really tell us anything about why the resources are being downloaded, or what happens after the download completes.
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Something very strange is going on here... I don't think I've ever seen this before, so it may take us a bit of time to figure it out.
While we're investigating, can you reply with the size of the following file? (Don't attach it, just give the file size.)
\Users\Ken Baker\AppData\Local\Logos5\Data\jahgvcza.elw\LicenseManager\licenses.dat
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By the way, thank you for looking into this Bradley.
I had thought I included the concluding file in the second upload. whoops.
Thankfully I am not on a metered connection *chuckle*
Not sure if this is tied to the previous issue where my DB was corrupt or not. lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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abondservant said:
Alright dave, doing that now. Though I should warn you the download is 3.04 gb now.
6180.New Compressed (zipped) Folder.zipYour error logs indicate there are three corrupted databases so you should perform a thorough disk check first. Then
- delete the folder
- delete the 2 files with Updates.db in their name in
- delete the folder
- restart Logos
where xxxxx is your Windows user name.
It will take some time to recover these db's, but if it crashes again we need the logs that are available immediately after the crash (if you restart Logos the logs will be overwritten).
Follow Bradley's advice for now, but definitely check your hard drive!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
0 - delete the folder
Its on a 2 week old SSD... I highly doubt its the drive. No other application installed on the drive is experiencing issues (office for instance).
I took the files you suggested and zipped them up (in case bradley wants me to do something with them later, or if he wants me to dropbox them to him in an email (~78mb)Restarting now.3817.New Compressed (zipped)
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abondservant said:
Its on a 2 week old SSD... I highly doubt its the drive. No other application installed on the drive is experiencing issues
As Bradley states, something strange is going on. The SQLite files Logos uses are more prone to corruption than files in other applications and it is usually not the hard drive unless we see multiple corrruptions or disk I/O errors. Also, 5.3 is using SQLite in a new way (memory-mapped I/O).
However, SSD's can suffer read/write errors and can exhibit strange behaviour when loaded to 80% or more of their capacity. Use its toolbox to check read/write integrity.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Not sure my problem is related, I have gone through several re-indexing cycles that quits after making some progress. 5.3 Beta 1. Now deleted Bible and Resource Indexes and trying again.
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Peter that sounds different than what I'm experiencing unfortunately. You may want to make a unique thread for that issue, and post your logs for Bradly or the other coding wizards to interpret.Peter Lever said:Not sure my problem is related, I have gone through several re-indexing cycles that quits after making some progress. 5.3 Beta 1. Now deleted Bible and Resource Indexes and trying again.
For what its worth, and maybe it helps or maybe it just muddle the water, I picked up the .99 cent book offered along side the free book of the month and it downloaded, and indexed just fine. But as soon as it was done, back to the same cycle. 1.29gb, restart, 3.0x gb, restart.this number should be nearly 6700.
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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The memory mapping... If its using my memory in a more intense way, or causing memory to be addressed that sits dormant 99% of the time...Dave Hooton said:As Bradley states, something strange is going on. The SQLite files Logos uses are more prone to corruption than files in other applications and it is usually not the hard drive unless we see multiple corrruptions or disk I/O errors. Also, 5.3 is using SQLite in a new way (memory-mapped I/O).
However, SSD's can suffer read/write errors and can exhibit strange behaviour when loaded to 80% or more of their capacity. Use its toolbox to check read/write integrity.
I'll check my memory.
only using 156 (including requisite overhead for the fs) of 256 available gb on the ssd. Should be plenty of head room.L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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I'll put out a suggestion here for 5.3 beta versions to have the option for more verbose debug logging, at least in the first few builds.
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memory checked out fine.
Not a bad idea lee.
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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Bradley is there any value in keeping my logos installation the way it is (IE is there something more you need?) or should I re-install?
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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5808.New Compressed (zipped)
New crash, new corrupt DB, thus new logs.
Made any headway?L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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Since I haven't heard, and things have deteriorated to the point where I can't use Logos at all on my desktop, I am uninstalling and re-installing the production release on it. IF the production release has the same issues then maybe I need to return my ssd and exchange it for a different one. If not, then after a few days or a week of stability, I'll re-install the beta and see what comes of it.abondservant said:Bradley is there any value in keeping my logos installation the way it is (IE is there something more you need?) or should I re-install?
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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Reinstall finished around 2. Been stable all day while I've been tagging commentaries.
I'm increasingly certain its not my computer.L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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abondservant said:
Reinstall finished around 2. Been stable all day while I've been tagging commentaries.
That was the best way to resolve matters for yourself. I hope it continues to work without further incidents.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Still running the beta on my laptop, and it seems to be working fine. Another couple days of stability on my desktop, and I'll reinstall the beta. Something may have just installed sideways. guessing something tied to .net.Dave Hooton said:That was the best way to resolve matters for yourself. I hope it continues to work without further incidents.
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,