Ellen G. White Letters & Manuscripts with Annotations, Volume 1 (1845-1859)

How about this book.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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I also am interested in this. I just saw the video for it on YouTube and I would love to have this resource on Logos! Martin, any plans you know of for this? Please let us know, thanks!
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Anyone else interested in this resource? Please say I.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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This is the first stage in the production of all EGW's writings being published. The rest will be years coming because it is taking so much longer than anticipated. I am concerned on what the Logos cost would be.
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I have a formal request in to the White Estate for this to be included in the new contract we are attempting to wrap up.
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Timothy Taylor said:
I also am interested in this. I just saw the video for it on YouTube and I would love to have this resource on Logos! Martin, any plans you know of for this? Please let us know, thanks!
Thanks for the link Tim, I just watched it myself. What an amazing piece to have integrated into Logos! This would be tremendous no doubt. If all the names written to, old words, sayings, hymns and some of the footnotes highlighted and tagged with just a hover with the mouse this would be so amazing!
I wonder, for those who already have the libronix version if we would only be charged a nominal fee? I would say or no fee at all but I recognize that is asking too much for all the work that I suspect will be going into updating all of EGW writings and incorporating this work, and incorporating all of the pioneers works into the Logos version as the CD rom has.
Question to Dr. Weber: being that next year is EGW 100 years anniversary of her death, the estate is releasing all of her unpublished works and the "Z File," will all these unpublished works also be incorporated into the Logos ecosystem version?
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Sorry to interrupt, but it is my understanding that they will not now be doing that. It is also my understanding that the book just released is the first to be released towards that aim but the task of releasing all of them has proved far to big for the Estate resources and the task will be spread over several years.
Perhaps you know something that I do not know however ...
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JohnB said:
Sorry to interrupt, but it is my understanding that they will not now be doing that
Are you refering to releasing the rest of her writings next year?
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Yes I am. That is my understanding anyway. They are allowing free access on the E G White Estate web site in stages but not publishing them. http://www.whiteestate.org/estate/2015plans.asp .
They had originally planned to publish them all in print in an annotated format by next year but this has not worked out.
Certain independent ministries will be also enabling access to them via their own systems.
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Thank you John B for the link.
No I don't have any special info on this. All I had was what Dr. Burt and Dr. Moon told me and what the EGW satellite branch told me; however, they were not sure how the writings were going to be released. One person said they thought it would be online free and another thought a new CD rom would be released. I see they will choose the online version. However, if they will have all of them released online, I would imagine it could be a doable task in adding these to the Logos ecosystem. That is the question though or shall I say a request to Dr. Weber.
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I'm in for that one. Add another vote for this one in Logos.