Is it me...first gen iPad

Is it me or has the Logos app become totally unstable on the first gen iPad?
I pretty much crash every 3-5 minutes sometimes less. Now I hear support for iOS 5.x is going to be dropped when iOS 8 comes out.
Anthony H said:
Is it me or has the Logos app become totally unstable on the first gen iPad?
I traded in my first gen more than a year ago... I didn't like the performance then. [:s]
Anthony H said:I pretty much crash every 3-5 minutes sometimes less.
How full is your hard drive? How large are your note files? What actions are you performing when these crashes occur?
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alabama24 said:Anthony H said:
Is it me or has the Logos app become totally unstable on the first gen iPad?
I traded in my first gen more than a year ago... I didn't like the performance then.
Anthony H said:I pretty much crash every 3-5 minutes sometimes less.
How full is your hard drive? How large are your note files? What actions are you performing when these crashes occur?
I quit loading notes about six months ago, maybe longer, they would just crash it.
I use it mostly for reading and in passage guide mode now. It happens when its first launched and does it's index thing, when switching from the passage guide to a resource chosen within the passage guide frequently. Sometimes when loading a book or a commentary, or searching the library or loading a word study guide. Reading will last a while once the book gets loaded, that is, usually after a crash or two.
But it happens, seeming like clock work, whenever I'm moving around within the app...3-5 minutes ~crash~
I'm assuming it just runs out of memory.
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Anthony H said:
I quit loading notes about six months ago, maybe longer, they would just crash it.
...but the notes & highlights still sync from the cloud (unless you are running in airplane mode).
Anthony H said:But it happens, seeming like clock work, whenever I'm moving around within the app...3-5 minutes ~crash~
But you still haven't answered any questions about your installation.
- How much free space is on your device?
- How many downloaded resources do you have?
- How much space does your app take up on your device?
- Are you viewing resources online or downloaded?
If you are interested in better performance, we might be able to help you trouble shoot.
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alabama24 said:Anthony H said:
I quit loading notes about six months ago, maybe longer, they would just crash it.
...but the notes & highlights still sync from the cloud (unless you are running in airplane mode).
Anthony H said:But it happens, seeming like clock work, whenever I'm moving around within the app...3-5 minutes ~crash~
But you still haven't answered any questions about your installation.
- How much free space is on your device?
- How many downloaded resources do you have?
- How much space does your app take up on your device?
- Are you viewing resources online or downloaded?
If you are interested in better performance, we might be able to help you trouble shoot.
Sorry... ran out of time last night.[:)]
1. 4.1 GB available
2. Default Bible and the automated LEB
3. 246MB
4 I'm assuming online (the exception being the default Bible)
Edit: I will note that the same behavior occurs with Faithlife and Verbum though they are deleted now.
Do I suspect highlighting and note sync?
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Anthony H said:
Do I suspect highlighting and note sync?
Perhaps. 246 MB isn't particularly large, but does indicate some large note files since you only have two downloaded books. 4.1 GB available seems sufficient.
How good is your internet connection? Have you tried downloading some of the books you want to read to see if it makes a difference?
If nothing else seems to provide relief, I might suggest a "scorched earth" course of action: completely wipe the device of all apps and reinstall the OS. Then reinstall just the app, allowing all the note files to completely download.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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alabama24 said:Anthony H said:
Do I suspect highlighting and note sync?
Perhaps. 246 MB isn't particularly large, but does indicate some large note files since you only have two downloaded books. 4.1 GB available seems sufficient.
How good is your internet connection? Have you tried downloading some of the books you want to read to see if it makes a difference?
If nothing else seems to provide relief, I might suggest a "scorched earth" course of action: completely wipe the device of all apps and reinstall the OS. Then reinstall just the app, allowing all the note files to completely download.
I have high speed cable at home and CenturyLink at the church. The latency at church is well above 100ms for most outside connections so I no longer use Logos at the church/.
Downloading books was a crash issue back in May and June so I did a wipe ("scorched earth") in June.
I'm deleting the app and starting with a fresh install of logos and I'll allow all the note files to completely download. If that doesn't work I'll scorch her again and try the same step.
Thanks alabama24 [:)]
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Anthony H said:
I'm deleting the app and starting with a fresh install of logos and I'll allow all the note files to completely download.
If you have large note files, that WILL absolutely cause the app to crash under certain circumstances... especially if the app hasn't finished downloading them. Out of curiosity: How do you organize your highlight note files? If you were to (pretend to!) print them in L5, how many pages would they be?
I believe that having large amounts of smaller note files is better than smaller amounts of larger ones. In other words, it is better to have 100 5MB note files than to have 5 100MB ones. Both would take up 500 MB, but the mobile app handles the smaller note files better. This is only one of the reasons I prefer to have "resource specific (named)" note files for highlighting. (Nearly) every highlight I make goes into a note file named for that resource.
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well that did't take long.[:(]
installed new app and was allowing all the note files to completely download. crash
First Low Memory crash:
Incident Identifier: 8AFF20E3-B502-4EE1-AE0B-2BD83ED26F4C CrashReporter Key: ffe362ff54f00d66f35dde30b6e4319a352c4598 Hardware Model: iPad1,1 OS Version: iPhone OS 5.1.1 (9B206) Kernel Version: Darwin Kernel Version 11.0.0: Sun Apr 8 21:51:26 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1878.11.10~1/RELEASE_ARM_S5L8930X Date: 2014-09-18 09:34:48 -0500 Time since snapshot: 45 ms Free pages: 688 Active pages: 1340 Inactive pages: 1049 Throttled pages: 41955 Purgeable pages: 0 Wired pages: 17948 Largest process: Logos Processes Name UUID Count resident pages networkd <80ba40030462385085b5b7e47601d48d> 151 accountsd <f8d9bcc7897236a3945cbb253e9ea4af> 241 Logos <57a7709aca393a7fa09d11376ba22b59> 16430 (jettisoned) (active) afcd <c3cc9d594b523fd1902fb69add11c25d> 157 atc <1e5f2a595709376b97f7f0fa29368ef1> 615 afcd <c3cc9d594b523fd1902fb69add11c25d> 157 notification_pro <373a488638c436b48ef0801b212593c4> 106 notification_pro <373a488638c436b48ef0801b212593c4> 115 afcd <c3cc9d594b523fd1902fb69add11c25d> 144 ptpd <62bc5573db7a352ab68409e87dc9abb9> 415 MobileMail <eed7992f4c1d3050a7fb5d04f1534030> 1432 (jettisoned) notifyd <f6a9aa19d33c3962aad3a77571017958> 172 aosnotifyd <8cf4ef51f0c635dc920be1d4ad81b322> 423 BTServer <31e82dfa7ccd364fb8fcc650f6194790> 217 CommCenterClassi <041d4491826e3c6b911943eddf6aaac9> 410 SpringBoard <c74dc89dec1c3392b3f7ac891869644a> 4191 (active) aggregated <a12fa71e6997362c83e0c23d8b4eb5b7> 300 apsd <e7a29f2034083510b5439c0fb5de7ef1> 249 configd <ee72b01d85c33a24b3548fa40fbe519c> 328 dataaccessd <473ff40f3bfd3f71b5e3b4335b2011ee> 1091 fairplayd.K48 <47deae2d0fb23b6594b0128353e8b48d> 187 fseventsd <914b28fa8f8a362fabcc47294380c81c> 173 iapd <0a747292a113307abb17216274976be5> 317 imagent <9c3a4f75d1303349a53fc6555ea25cd7> 341 locationd <cf31b0cddd2d3791a2bfcd6033c99045> 514 mDNSResponder <86ccd4633a6c3c7caf44f51ce4aca96d> 196 mediaremoted <327f00bfc10b3820b4a74b9666b0c758> 216 mediaserverd <f03b746f09293fd39a6079c135e7ed00> 524 lockdownd <b06de06b9f6939d3afc607b968841ab9> 252 powerd <133b7397f5603cf8bef209d4172d6c39> 138 syslogd <7153b590e0353520a19b74a14654eaaa> 101 wifid <3001cd0a61fe357d95f170247e5458f5> 282 UserEventAgent <dc32e6824fd33bf189b266102751314f> 354 launchd <5fec01c378a030a8bd23062689abb07f> 95 **End**
Second Low Memory crash:
Incident Identifier: F78E808B-327C-47DA-9B60-B7C9120BA413 CrashReporter Key: ffe362ff54f00d66f35dde30b6e4319a352c4598 Hardware Model: iPad1,1 OS Version: iPhone OS 5.1.1 (9B206) Kernel Version: Darwin Kernel Version 11.0.0: Sun Apr 8 21:51:26 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1878.11.10~1/RELEASE_ARM_S5L8930X Date: 2014-09-18 09:40:39 -0500 Time since snapshot: 54 ms Free pages: 688 Active pages: 1202 Inactive pages: 934 Throttled pages: 42368 Purgeable pages: 24 Wired pages: 17686 Largest process: Logos Processes Name UUID Count resident pages accountsd <f8d9bcc7897236a3945cbb253e9ea4af> 245 Logos <57a7709aca393a7fa09d11376ba22b59> 16006 (jettisoned) (active) MobileMail <eed7992f4c1d3050a7fb5d04f1534030> 1449 (jettisoned) afcd <c3cc9d594b523fd1902fb69add11c25d> 157 atc <1e5f2a595709376b97f7f0fa29368ef1> 734 afcd <c3cc9d594b523fd1902fb69add11c25d> 157 notification_pro <373a488638c436b48ef0801b212593c4> 105 notification_pro <373a488638c436b48ef0801b212593c4> 114 afcd <c3cc9d594b523fd1902fb69add11c25d> 143 ptpd <62bc5573db7a352ab68409e87dc9abb9> 409 notifyd <f6a9aa19d33c3962aad3a77571017958> 175 aosnotifyd <8cf4ef51f0c635dc920be1d4ad81b322> 419 BTServer <31e82dfa7ccd364fb8fcc650f6194790> 213 CommCenterClassi <041d4491826e3c6b911943eddf6aaac9> 398 SpringBoard <c74dc89dec1c3392b3f7ac891869644a> 3616 (active) aggregated <a12fa71e6997362c83e0c23d8b4eb5b7> 312 apsd <e7a29f2034083510b5439c0fb5de7ef1> 243 configd <ee72b01d85c33a24b3548fa40fbe519c> 320 dataaccessd <473ff40f3bfd3f71b5e3b4335b2011ee> 1443 fairplayd.K48 <47deae2d0fb23b6594b0128353e8b48d> 183 fseventsd <914b28fa8f8a362fabcc47294380c81c> 181 iapd <0a747292a113307abb17216274976be5> 309 imagent <9c3a4f75d1303349a53fc6555ea25cd7> 339 locationd <cf31b0cddd2d3791a2bfcd6033c99045> 505 mDNSResponder <86ccd4633a6c3c7caf44f51ce4aca96d> 198 mediaremoted <327f00bfc10b3820b4a74b9666b0c758> 219 mediaserverd <f03b746f09293fd39a6079c135e7ed00> 521 lockdownd <b06de06b9f6939d3afc607b968841ab9> 252 powerd <133b7397f5603cf8bef209d4172d6c39> 138 syslogd <7153b590e0353520a19b74a14654eaaa> 109 wifid <3001cd0a61fe357d95f170247e5458f5> 267 UserEventAgent <dc32e6824fd33bf189b266102751314f> 353 launchd <5fec01c378a030a8bd23062689abb07f> 95 **End**
There is no way to tell not to DL the note files is there?
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alabama24 said:Anthony H said:
I'm deleting the app and starting with a fresh install of logos and I'll allow all the note files to completely download.
If you have large note files, that WILL absolutely cause the app to crash under certain circumstances... especially if the app hasn't finished downloading them. Out of curiosity: How do you organize your highlight note files? If you were to (pretend to!) print them in L5, how many pages would they be?
I believe that having large amounts of smaller note files is better than smaller amounts of larger ones. In other words, it is better to have 100 5MB note files than to have 5 100MB ones. Both would take up 500 MB, but the mobile app handles the smaller note files better. This is only one of the reasons I prefer to have "resource specific (named)" note files for highlighting. (Nearly) every highlight I make goes into a note file named for that resource.
I do keep them resource specific or at least I have operated that way since L5 came out. I have notes for each book of the Bible rather that the whole Bible.
Unfortunately I have larger and fewer style notes and some highlights left over from importing them from L3...which I guess it's time to break them up.
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Sorry, no.Anthony H said:There is no way to tell not to DL the note files is there?
It sounds like it might be crashing while downloading the note files. Try this: Check the size of the app, then open it up again. Baby the app for a while and see if the sync wheel is spinning. If the app crashes, check the file size again. Keep doing that until the app stops growing in size.macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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Anthony H said:
Downloading books was a crash issue back in May and June so I did a wipe ("scorched earth") in June.
I'm deleting the app and starting with a fresh install of logos and I'll allow all the note files to completely download. If that doesn't work I'll scorch her again and try the same step.
This is not a recommended solution for iPad 1 devices as you will probably experience the same issues every time you wipe and try again. I recommend once you have the app installed, keep starting the app again if it crashes and keep doing this until it stops crashing; it's the only workaround I know of for the iPad 1/ iOS 5 scenario.
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Kevin Byford said:
I recommend once you have the app installed, keep starting the app again if it crashes and keep doing this until it stops crashing; it's the only workaround I know of for the iPad 1/ iOS 5 scenario.
Do you agree that the scenario is probably note files still trying to download?
Kevin Byford said:This is not a recommended solution for iPad 1 devices as you will probably experience the same issues every time you wipe and try again.
When I suggested it, I did mention that it was a "scorched earth" solution. [:)]
I had an issue with Logos a LONG time ago... but the issue wasn't really a Logos issue, but it impacted the performance of the app. The solution that I found in non-Logos forums was to perform a fresh install of the OS. I have had to do that twice on iOS devices... Another time an app crashed while downloading and I could neither complete the download nor delete the app. [:s] Neither of these were recent though.
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alabama24 said:
Do you agree that the scenario is probably note files still trying to download?
We don't know, we're profiling the app on our remaining iPad 1 to determine a cause.
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I've been letting the app dl.
it seems to be crashing more frequently and the app seems to be stuck at 173MB.
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Kevin Byford said:alabama24 said:
Do you agree that the scenario is probably note files still trying to download?
We don't know, we're profiling the app on our remaining iPad 1 to determine a cause.
Ok I can't be totally sure but I think I found the problem. If the LEB, which needs updated according to the home screen (this appears on each fresh install), if it is NOT updated it crashes pretty regularly. When I enable the LEB update on the iPad it stopped crashing. It is repeatable, I have done this 2 times. If the LEB is not selected to update, it crashes. As soon as I update the LEB it almost completely stops crashing.
Perhaps there is something conflicting with the NKJV which is my default Downloaded Bible. Or download setting conflicting with the one set on the desktop app.
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Never-mind. it's crashing again. Meh! [:(]
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Anthony H said:
Never-mind. it's crashing again. Meh!
After quickly scanning this thread, I don't see anyone mentioning that it seems to be a good idea to clear unused programs off the iPad. It seems that web browsers and Youtube players can leave a fairly large footprint even after you aren't using them.
You can either reboot your iPad prior to starting Logos or, using a much faster method, double click the physical onscreen button and get a list of the "vestigial" apps. Pressing the icon on one of these should cause them all to get a red button on the upper right corner with an '-' character. You can use this red button to throw them out of memory.
For about 9 months I have had to do this off and on whenever I start Logos or Vyrso. Otherwise, they sometimes will not load.
I have two Gen 1 iPads:
UNIT 1: 16 GB total; 11.6 GB used; 2.3 GB Available; Logos 1.3 GB; Vyrso 586 GB (Vyrso is probably 50% notes)
UNIT 2: 64 GB total; about half used and half available; Logos and Vyrso share most of the used 32 GB space with about 2,400 resources
I do not believe that I have any particularly large notes files since I follow Alabama's suggestion to keep notes on a per resource basis unless there is a particular topic I am developing.
The second iPad was purchased with an eye of loading my entire library since I spend extended periods of time offline.
I have not had any particular problems with either unit with the exception of having to clear memory, as noted above.
On the original load of UNIT 2 I did have about 20 crashes. It seemed to load things better once I turned off the screen saver. After the 20 or so crashes the loader settled down and allowed me to visit the library list and see what was being downloaded.
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Thanks David. [:)] I am aware of the methods to free up memory.[Y]
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Kevin Byford said:alabama24 said:
Do you agree that the scenario is probably note files still trying to download?
We don't know, we're profiling the app on our remaining iPad 1 to determine a cause.
He is a new file. This happened yesterday. Perhaps this may be of some help
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One more thing. Logos always crashes after a fresh install, of the Logos app, when the app grows to between 172MB ~ 188MB with it predominately closer to 188MB on average.