Honest Answer: Is there any Android Tablet that can run the full version of Logos 5???

I Want to run the FULL version of Logos 5 Platinum (6651 books) along with
Word, Excel, etc. on an Android tablet.
My laptop is very near death, and I would love a tablet. I cannot afford both.
If I must buy anoother laptop, due only to Logos requirements, then it will be at
least another 2 years before the tablet is in the budget. Quite poor timing, I
am afraid.
If there is such a mythical Android beast, could you describe her in detail and
where she might be found? How much will she cost?
Many Blessings,
Hi Karen
Logos 5 is only available for Windows or OS X so you can't run that software on Android, just the mobile app.
You will be able to access most of your resources but won't have access to full Logos 5 functionality.
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Hi Karen;
Have you considered a Tablet PC? Does your needs require Android (or IOS for that matter) or is it that you just need the portability of a Tablet type device?
I do not have a Tablet PC in which to test Logos on, but I recall that this topic of Tablet PC has been discussed somewhere on the forum (not sure where).
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KarenCoker said:
along with
Word, Excel, etc. on an Android tablet.Along with Logos 5, full versions of Word and Excel don't run on Android (I don't believe you can actually create Word/Excel documents).
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I have not really heard much about tablet PC's.I just had thought that since I liked the touch and feel of the tablet-lite from my Samsung Galaxy 3 (which runs Logos App great).
An Android Tablet was the way to go. I really do not want anything "klunky", maybe a keyboard would still be good and
a big screen is always a plus. I have 17" now. But I still want to be able to hold it in my hand, read, and touch it.As for Excel and Android. I run something called Office Suite Pro, and it used those Copywrited names in its titles, functions the same way, etc. It does have limitations, but works. Sort of like Logos!
So what tablet PC's might you recommend for Logos that still have a nice touch and feel?
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I would be using Windows (I am one of those people that will not use Mac no matter what.). I guessing 8.1?
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KarenCoker said:
I would be using Windows (I am one of those people that will not use Mac no matter what.). I guessing 8.1?
Nothing wrong with that.. I am a Mac person and have been since 1990. If I was a Windows user and wanted a tablet to run LOGOS 5 on The Surface Pro 3 looks pretty nice but then it would cost 1949.00 for the 512 GB model.
but a similarly configured MacBook AIR 1649.00 and it has no touch screen.
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You might want to look at what are called convertibles. They are a Windows laptop with a keyboard that you take on and off. If you just want to use it as a tablet you can but you can also have a keyboard and they run the full Windows 8.1. And they are a lot less than $2k or $1649.
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I'm sure the good pastor from Mississippi will hopefully chime in on his Surface Pro.
Just for comparability, I'm running 3,500 resources for both Logos5 and Libronix3 on a 128g SSD drive with room to spare. And fast too. I'm on a tablet PC Windows 7 with specialized stylus.
Quite frankly the combination of keyboard and tablet is a winner. Logos5 isn't optimized for tablet (touch), but the Logos app on Android isn't remotely configured for keyboard. Kind of a draw.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Surface Pro 2 are supposed to work pretty well (if a bit slower for some things in L5 - indexing for instance). They are also currently on sale since the Surface 3 just came out.
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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How about the Dell Venue 8 Pro? Yes, it won't be quite as fast as a Surface Pro, but you can get it new for $300 or so. An 8 inch screen, more in line with the size of the Android tablets you're talking about. It runs Windows 8.1 and full Logos 5. I'd recommend the 64gb version if you go that route. You can add on a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse if you want, and/or a stylus.
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Mark Nolette said:
How about the Dell Venue 8 Pro?
Dell Venue 11 Pro Tablet with a Dell Slim Tablet Keyboard might be your a good choice.... but the 2GB of ram is the main point for me be wary of someone looking at this. But I realize we live in less than an ideal world.
Looks like a good product at more affordable price.
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You can also look for Asus Eee PC. They used to be really popular in Europe about 5 years ago, but have declined in importance after tablets became more popular.
Not sure whether they're still produced, but if that's the case, you should be able to get such a device at around $200.
It's a full Windows PC with a few restrictions like missing optical drive.
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haa anyone looked at the toshibs pro intel core i7 -45IOU Processor 2 in 1 touch screen laptop. 13.3 inch detached tablet. 8GB Ddr3 128 gb solid state hard drive. $999. runs win 8.1.
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KarenCoker said:
haa anyone looked at the toshibs pro intel core i7 -45IOU Processor 2 in 1 touch screen laptop. 13.3 inch detached tablet. 8GB Ddr3 128 gb solid state hard drive. $999. runs win 8.1.
Hi Karen;
I haven't checked this out personally, however, the specs look very good to me, except for the 128GB SSD. If that is the only drive in the laptop, you may run out of space pretty quickly, unless you use it exclusively for Logos. Considering a single drive (HDD or SSD) system, I would opt for a minimum of 256GB.
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It's funny, I started the conversation about Android and we end up talking about Windows.
Heres what I bought: Get to try out for 15 days!
Lenova Yoga 2 Pro Intel 7, RAM 8GB, 256 GB SSD, I figured for most things I used the cloud now except Logos, so lack of internal HDD not an issue. 13 inch screen and nice fold over design. cost about $1100 at Best Buy, a bit more than the Toshiba but liked the form factor better. Far from the cost of the Surface Pro. I also had an issue with how "flimsy" the Surface Pro was. I thought I could break it pretty easily. Will let you know how the Logos performson the Yoga! Many Blessings!!
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Sounds like a good choice.... look forward to hearing how it works for you.
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Looks like a good one to me also. You will appreciate that 256GB SSD as opposed to the 128GB of the other machine. Also (If you have not already done so), it may be good to get the service plan for it. The density of the components are so tight that its almost impossible to repair without replacing 90+% of the machine and paying close to (or more) the purchase price.
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Just to finish off this thread.
I returned the Lenova Yoga 2 Pro .
In spite of it specs. Logos did not run well on it. One really annoying problem which exists on all windows hardware is you cannot resize a screen dynamically! Well on a 13" screen my eyes cannot read it. It also locked up very easily if you opened more than a few logos windows at once, I never got to the point of installing Office Pro or Adobe Pro, both of which I used heavily along with Logos on my current laptop with no problem. Also the little tiny x's to close screens were frustratingly hard to hit precisely enough each time. I had to modify my cursor to a larger size, thank God I could do that. My old laptop performed significantly better.--if only it were not duck-taped together and lop-sided!
I guess my conclusion is suitability to task. Use a laptop for those things which a laptop is needed and those things designed for a tablet use them. I am going to buy a good laptop like the one I have and a cheap tablet. Possibly wait until my phone contract comes due and then just go big on the phone.
Many blessing for all of your opinions,
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For clarity, you can not resize Logos on Windows.
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Forgot to mention the Yoga 2 ran VERY HOT!
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I've had a Surface Pro 1 since March 2013 and LOVE it for Logos & Office. Yeah, the extra SSD space would be nice but I still haven't run out of room in my little 128GB.
Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).
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Do you find it hard to scroll when reading? And, can you use your finger on the screen or do you have to use the pen? Thanks.
Anthony Uvenio
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Anthony U said:
Do you find it hard to scroll when reading? And, can you use your finger on the screen or do you have to use the pen? Thanks.
I'm not Dave, but I have the Surface 1 and it scrolls fine with a finger while reading.
Disclaimer: I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication. If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.