Where did SDA Bible Commentary, Expanded Edition go?

I was just looking at all the new SDA resources on the SDA products page and noticed that the SDA Bible Commentary, Expanded Edition, is gone. Is that in the process of being update or reformatted? I tell quite a few SDA's about Logos and this is one of the best resources, in my opinion. Will that be coming back in the same format, or in an updated and expanded way? I already own it, but hope others can continue to benefit from this great resource!
We are renegotiating that contract with the White Estate, so meanwhile it is off the market. I am very hopeful that soon we will have the EGW writings updated--with free updating for whatever of her writings you already own in Logos through the old Expanded edition of the SDA BC.
I'll keep you all updated.
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That's wonderful! Thanks for the update!
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For anyone who hasn't yet purchase the SDA Bible Commentary, you can get the standard edition through July 25 at $30 off by using coupon code SDABIBLECOM at checkout. That makes the price $119.95.
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Please keep us posted on this. Is there a pre-pub page for the updated version yet?
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With the closure of the Review plant, everything is extremely complicated right now with key people who have helped us in the past now being phased out of a job. I've engaged a former VP working on this but no success yet. this is a top priority for me, along with wrapping up the EGW recompiling.
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I had the Bible Commentaries using Logos 4 but they've all gone. What's happening
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So I have the SDA Bible commentary series v.3 libronix cd. How can I load that into logos 5?
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If you are using the same email address as you did in Libronix, sign into Logos with your email and password and it should download. Test on the web and see if you see your resources.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Launched my libronix software and looked at the profile info. I used a different email address when I signed up. I tried to login to the logos web site with this email address but could not recall a pswd. I requested a forgotten pswd but the email I received said that my email address could not be located. What now? Call Logos?
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Alex Rodriguez said:
What now? Call Logos?
Yes. Have the serial number for the Sdabc handy just in case.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Any update on this yet, Martin? I would really like to get all of EGW's writings in my Logos library but I now have no way to do so.
Can anyone please tell me how I can at least get the old Libronix edition CD? I am willing to buy it from someone who has an extra or doesn't need theirs.
It's starting to get a little frustrating that Logos has taken it offline with no ETA on an upgraded version.
Please let me know if anyone can help me get EGW's writings for Logos. Thanks!
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We are certainly trying. I'll keep you updated!
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Timothy Taylor said:
Can anyone please tell me how I can at least get the old Libronix edition CD? I am willing to buy it from someone who has an extra or doesn't need theirs.
Try Ebay or Amazon.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Please note CDROM if it has been previously installed may do you no good and if the person does sell it legally you still may need to pay the additional Logos transfer fee ($20 I think).
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Well it does need some help.
For example, I was reading the Handbook of SDA theology in this. I purchased my SDA bible commentary series and EGW writings through Logos. Anyhow, I noticed typos in the quotes. So I proceeded to report them, twice. As I read about 100 pages I noticed quotation typos all over the Handbook. Far too many to continue to report. As an example, open up the Handbook of SDA Theology and glance through Holbrook's chapter on the Great Controversy, notice pages 975-79. There are quotes in wrong places, single quotes missing and open quotes that are not closed. Its hard to make it out and I don't have this book in hardback copy in my library in my set of SDA commentary volumes. Anyone else have this problem or notice this?
We need this to be cleaned up a little. Being patient of course, I know Dr. Weber is trying to get this done.
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Timothy Taylor said:
Any update on this yet, Martin? I would really like to get all of EGW's writings in my Logos library but I now have no way to do so.
Can anyone please tell me how I can at least get the old Libronix edition CD? I am willing to buy it from someone who has an extra or doesn't need theirs.
It's starting to get a little frustrating that Logos has taken it offline with no ETA on an upgraded version.
Please let me know if anyone can help me get EGW's writings for Logos. Thanks!
Are you still looking for this? I more than one copy of the SDA Bible Commentary, Expanded Edition on CD.
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You still have one of these? I have a friend that has been looking and may be interested.
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Ellen G. White Lifeworks now being recompiled into the latest Logos technology. http://bit.ly/1uiWQDs
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Hi Martin!
I have Logos on my computer and the EGW Commentarie CD from about 10 years ago. I use to use it when I had an earlier program Labronix. But haven't used it in years, But still have the CD's. Could I just load it on my computer and into my Logos 5 folder/program? Would it be compatible?
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Hi Bryon - and welcome to the forums
Byron Frenchie said:Could I just load it on my computer and into my Logos 5 folder/program? Would it be compatible?
That wouldn't work but you should be able to get it enabled in Logos 5
Have a look at https://wiki.logos.com/Installing_Libronix_Books and see if that helps.
The simplest thing to start with is option 3 (Activate through website)
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Indeed you will get the EGW update free. Hold on until this pre-pub is funded and the 334 resources are recompiled, and then I'll explain how those (like me) who have had the Libronix version of EGW can get their update without charge. It will take several months, even on the fast track--this is a massive project.
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Martin, by any chance will the commentary be included in this? If not is that following a different track?
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Following up on Richard's question, will the Commentary be updated? This includes the 25 missing pages from volume 1.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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You will have to call Logos sales. They will look you account up and see if it has been registered to your account. I had to register two of these SDABC Exp edition CDs. One for me and one for my father. But I had to call to the Logos sales team to get them activated in my Logos 5 account.
Also a word of caution here: If the CD has ever been registered by another user you cannot get it re-registered to your account without some back and forth for permissions and deactivation, with the old user and the Logos sales team. If the full details of the old user are not known then it will be impossible to get it re-registered on your account. I know, because I bought a used copy from a used book store on Amazon that did not know these details and I could not get it re-registered to my account. Fortunately I was able to return it for a refund and found an even better deal on a new one.