A global SDA theologian assesses Logos 6

From the General Conference Biblical Research Institute comes this assessment of Logos 6 SDA from Dr. Elias Brasil de Souza:
Logos 6 has surpassed the fondest dreams of pastors, teachers, scholars, and lay people. Light years ahead of its counterparts, Logos performs a vast array of searches in an ever growing library. No serious Bible student should ignore the benefits of this software. In a few seconds, Logos perform searches and organizes data that otherwise would take days or weeks, to say the least. In addition, owing to a skillful combination of simplicity with complexity, Logos can be profitably used by scholars and lay people alike. In short, Logos saves time and makes Bible preaching and teaching an enjoyable adventure. Speaking for myself, I can no longer imagine Bible study without Logos. And for those who have not tried Logos 6 yet, I can only say: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man” the things that Logos 6 can do for a preacher or a teacher.
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
This is a good write up from Dr. de Souza. Need to put it in the endorsements section.
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