Vote for more Catholic books on Uservoice

You have 10 votes on each of these 2 sites. Max 3 votes/suggestion.
• Pre-Pub feedback (for copyrighted books)
- Add more Patristic works
- Add more Medieval works
- Add more 20th century Catholic theology
- Add more works on Liturgy
- Denzinger Hunermann Enchiridion Symbolorum 43rd Edition
- Not specifically Catholic, but of interest to many Catholics:
• Community Pricing feedback (for books in the Public Domain)
- Add more Patristic works to CP
- Add more Medieval works to CP
- Not specifically Catholic, but of interest to many Catholics:
LOGOS: Please remove suggestions when they are no longer needed, like e g
- CNTTS NT Critical Apparatus
- Catholic Bible Dictionary by Scott Hahn
- Move the Early Bible Translations Collection from prepub to CP
(I e do not vote for these. They are already sold. If you have voted for them in the past, move your votes to one of the other suggestions.)
And Please Reduce the Increments for Community Pricing should be merged with Please Reduce the Increments for Community Pricing.
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
This post seems to have inspired people to post feature requests as well. Those do not belong on the Pre-Pub and CP Uservoice sites. Please use the correct ones:
(And check so that your suggestion hasn't already been posted. It probably has.)
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2