Suggestion: Catholic Topical Index

It would be great if this was included in the Catechism of the Catholic Church Collection or as a stand alone purchase.
I do agree. It also might encourage future upgrades and purchases. For example. Humility gives you plenty of scripture links and catechism links but more than that it also leads to many works that are not included. Which will lead people to discover more works they may well want to purchase In Verbum.
HUMILITYSacred Scripture
OT Sir 13:9, Ps 130:1, Ge 18:27, 1 Sa 2:8, 18:23, 2 Sa 6:22, 7:18, Job 22:29, Ps 22:6, 116:6, 16, 119:130, 138:6, Pr 9:4, 11:2, 15:33, 22:4, 29:23, Sir 3:18, 20, 7:4, 17, 10:14, 11:1, Is 57:15, 66:2
NT Mt 5:3, Lk 18:9–14, 6:20, 2 Co 8:9, Jas 4:6–8, Mt 3:14–15, 11:25–26, 18:3–4, Lk 15:18–19, 22:26–27, 1 Co 3:18–19, Php 2:5–6, 1 Pe 5:5–6, Mt 3:11, 8:8, 21:5, Mk 10:15, Lk 1:48, 52, 9:48, 10:21, 14:10, Jn 5:41, Ro 11:20, 12:16, 1 Co 4:10, 13, 2 Co 10:1, Php 2:3, Col 3:12, Jas 1:9, 4:10Church Teaching
Catechism CCC 2546, 2559, 2631, 2713; Glossary “Humility”; Index “Humility”
Roman Catechism RC 1.4.11, RC 4.11.17
Papal Encyclicals Cum summi 7
Vatican II UR 7, PO 15Ecclesiastical Writers
Apostolic Fathers 1Cl 13, 16–18
St. Augustine Augustine, Serm. (Ben.) 56 .6.9
St. John Cassian Collat. 3.18.11
St. Benedict of Nursia Rule of St. Benedict 7
St. Bernard Bernard, Serm. 34
St. Bonaventure Bon., Perf. 2
St. Thomas Aquinas STh., II-II q.161See also: Meek
Andrew Jones, Robert Klesko, Louis St. Hilaire, et al., eds., Catholic Topical Index (Bellingham, WA: Verbum, 2013).0 -
Anthony H said:
It would be great if this was included in the Catechism of the Catholic Church Collection or as a stand alone purchase.
Is the Topical Index included in all the other Verbum base packages?
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I believe it is in the core Verbum 6 crossgrade and up.