Feature Request: Sync Now

Yes, this has been brought up before, and yes, I did go to uservoice. But it needs to be brought up again here.
The Android app does not check in with Logos's servers nearly often enough and desperately needs a "sync now" feature.
I'm getting ready to go on a trip and will only have my phone with me for a few days. I want to make sure my phone is on the same page as my desktop in all the books I am reading, but it takes forever to do that. For example, about an hour ago I did my Bible reading for the day; the phone has yet to show that the plan is caught up. At the same time I also created a reading plan for a new book; that plan is not yet available on my phone.
Other books I'm reading don't have plans. I don't want to have to write down what page number I'm on or have to blindly hope that when I open it on the phone it's gotten caught up. I should be able to force a sync before I open them.
Additionally, newly purchased books take forever (seems like hours) to show up in my library on my Android. This shouldn't be.
The only workaround I know for this is to go into the task manager, force close the app, and restart, but that's horribly inelegant solution (though I will probably be forced to do that once I head out the door). A "sync now" function would solve all of these problems and shouldn't be that difficult to implement.
Thanks for reading and considering this.
I agree, you can hit the back arrow until you get back to the home screen. It would be nice to have an exit button.0
Another way to force it to sync is to close it (using 4.0 or higher) and then reopen it. A sync now button is needed. It should not take hours to sync.
Make sure that Logos has full permissions.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Please send us your logs. What you are describing is not expected behavior.
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Dave Dunkin (Faithlife) said:
Please send us your logs. What you are describing is not expected behavior.
How do you send logs for Android?
Regarding expected behavior: I have used the app, with its many different versions, for over 2 years on 2 different phones. It has always behaved like this.
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I agree - a sync now button would be helpful. I sit on the Home page waiting for updates (like news or downloads) and nothing happens. Then I go into my Bible or other book and the sync/downloads start, slowing the response of what I am reading until it's done. Sometimes I can't page/scroll until the sync/download is done. If there was a sync button I'd use it, get the sync/downloads done and then can get to work in my Bible or book without slowness or freezing. It should be in the fly-out menu (not from the home page) so I can us it no matter where I am in the app. All mobile apps need this function.
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Sean said:
How do you send logs for Android?
Under the Help menu there is a "Send Support Info" link - this will send us your log information.
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With the new version, places in books update much more frequently; that's a step forward.
The library is still updating very infrequently. I got a few Vyrso books earlier today (yesterday for you) and they still haven't populated on Android. I bought a new package 20 minutes ago. The books from that are not there either.
Logs have been sent.
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How I was able to get the book I wanted:
- Made a reading plan on L6 desktop.
- Opened that document in Android.
- Went to the book from there, also downloaded.
My library has updated to show that single resource; it's still not showing the 100+ others I bought a little while ago.
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That's rich. You must be new around here.
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There should of course be a way to force a sync to pick up newly purchased resources. What a bizarre gap in the feature set. If the company only knew how unbearably frustrating it is for users searching for some way to download their books to find the totally unhelpful instruction on how to download resources already appearing in their library, when of course that is NOT the problem they are seeking a solution to.
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Is there a User Voice suggestion for this already? Before I saw this post I added one, and I don't want to duplicate efforts. Here's my User Voice suggestion.