IVP New Testament Commentary Series in L6 SDA Bronze & Silver

One of the great new adds to both Bronze and Silver base packages in Logos 6 is the IVP New Testament Commentary Series (20 vols.). See www.logos.com/sda
Excellent. IVPNTC is a great commentary series.
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Great. I have Bronze now. I'll check it out. But since it is not an Adventist Resource, how useful is it? There are many errors in the Theology in these books isn't there?
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Not sure what Martin would say but I usually find that there is far more truth than error.
I do take your point however but as someone said in the forum a while ago I chew the meat and spit out the bones. As long as there is plenty of meat I find it worth it.
But that is only me. Your mileage may be different.0 -
Just like your seminary library resources, Logos SDA library resources have some chaff with the wheat--but I've tried to sift out those commentaries, etc., that have too high a proportion of chaff.