Book, Chapter and Verse Selection Screen needs improvement

Michael Coughlin
Michael Coughlin Member Posts: 5 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


When I go to select a chapter and verse, I can pick ANY book of the Bible which comes before 1 Timothy with ease.

But to get to 1 Tim -> Revelation, I need to SCROLL first, then click the book.

As you can see from the screen, there is PLENTY of room to make buttons slightly smaller, or remove needless space in order to allow more books of the Bible to appear.

I NEVER use the Enter Passage feature. That entire section could be hidden or put at the bottom. If other people like that feature, maybe it could be an optional setting for someone like me to always hid that portion so that I can just quickly, for example, press Rev instead of needing to scroll first. 

Thanks, Michael Coughlin

