Night Mode Improvements: Enable Menus in Night Mode

I love the night mode on the iphone and iPad for reading in the dark. However I get blinded if I try to do anything but read because every menu still is bright white. Choosing a book from reading lists in the home menu, the library, and even entering in highlighting or notes are all done on a blazing white bright screen. It's actually super hard on the eyes if you're reading in a pitch black room. Would anyone else be interested in Logos making all menus with black backgrounds if the night mode is enabled?
[I would also love to see night mode able to dim lower, and to be available in desktop, but those are different issues]
Liam said:
I love the night mode on the iphone and iPad for reading in the dark. However I get blinded if I try to do anything but read because every menu still is bright white. Choosing a book from reading lists in the home menu, the library, and even entering in highlighting or notes are all done on a blazing white bright screen. It's actually super hard on the eyes if you're reading in a pitch black room. Would anyone else be interested in Logos making all menus with black backgrounds if the night mode is enabled?
[I would also love to see night mode able to dim lower, and to be available in desktop, but those are different issues]
This is a known issue and a case already exists. I can't make any promises but I'll see if the dev team has time to take a look at it.
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I couldn't agree more with this concern. In a dark room, reading at night, it hurts my eyes because the white is so bright. Also, I can't get the black background on Logos on my laptop/pc. Is that being discussed as well?
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Hi Kevin,
I completely agree with Liam. I would love to see the white letters on the night mode be more adjustable for night time reading. The white letters can be way too bright in the dark. The adjustment just needs to be able to get turned down lower, like on the Kindle app. Also, can we get the black background available for the Logos app on Laptops/desktops/PCs?
Logos keeps making great improvements, I am so thankful!
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Has there been annoy progress on this issue? At one time the menus also had a black background. When the app was redesigned and updated over a year ago I have been waiting for this to change. The problem is that the the setting to control the background color is only in the reading section. It should be in the general settings. Whenever I get the opportunity to rate the app I always list this as a negative. If more of us would raise this as an issue maybe we could get some relief
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There hasn't been any new progress on this feature.
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Yes, this is a much needed improvement!