Reading Panes are Black...No Text v. 4.4.6

Hi! I am having some issues with my Logos for Android. All of a sudden about 3 weeks ago, I opened the app to do some reading, and the reading panes were black. There was no text in them, and the headers where you can navigate through chapters, etc. were greyed out. Tapping them did nothing but send me to the search function or my library. It's like the resources aren't being loaded properly. This is constant with all the resources in my library so changing them doesn't change the issue. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling twice, cleared the cache and data, disabled it, but nothing works. Any ideas?
What device are you using, and which version of Android? Is your device rooted by chance? Please send us your Support Info from the Help menu so we can take a look at your device logs.
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I have an LGE LG-P769 u2. This is an LG Optimus L9
Android version 4.1.2
I sent the logs to
If you think of anything let me know. I've contacted the tech support twice by email and haven't heard anything back in 2 weeks.
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Forgot to mention that my phone isn't unlocked or rooted.
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Please send your logs one more time using the Send Support Info option from the Help menu and I'll take a look at them tomorrow.
How are you installing the app - through a store or directly from Faithlife?
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Hi! I sent the logs again.
To answer the question, i am installing the app through the Google play store. Should I install it from Faithlfe?
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We're unable to reproduce this issue in house. It could be that your device doesn't support hardware acceleration - please see here for more information.
We plan on setting up a download area for E-Ink users so they can install version 4.3.9 of our apps but it's not up yet.
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I see. I've never had an issue with it before, even after it updated. My phone isn't an E-Ink machine and I can run other hardware accelerated apps no problem. Here's a screenshot of the issue I am having. Like I said before, I can navigate using the menus, but again, nothing shows up in the reading's just black no matter what resource I load.
If you have any other suggestions, or if the screenshot helps, let me know. Is there another way I can download Logos besides the App Store?
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Hi Kevin (or whoever). I did some more fiddling and made a new discovery. It turns out some of the functions of Logos still work, things like the Word Study, Exegetical Guide, Passage Guide, Topic Guide, and Text Comparison. It seems to be only the online resources that don't work, but even when I download them, they still exhibit the same behavior.
If you have any answers for me based on this new information, I'd be greatly appreciative! Miss using Logos [:^)] If I don't hear from you beforehand, Merry Christmas and God bless you and yours!
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Hi all. Just wanted to give an update. I downloaded Faithlife just for yucks and it works just fine! No issues like Logos does. Anyone know why that is? Aren't Logos and Faithlife one in the same? Anxiously awaiting for someone to give more help on this.