EveryDay Bible app: tap settings app minimizes

Installed the new Everyday bible app on my Nexus 5: works great: installed also on my Nexus 7 (both running Android 5) and if I tap on "settings" the app minimizes and has to be brought back (cannot access settings on this second installation on Nexus 7 (Android 5.0.1, Build LRX22C). Settings still accessible and work fine on Nexus 5 (Android 5.0, Build LRX210).
What version of Every Day Bible are you running?
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"The one that downloaded today from the Google Play Store" ....
not as easy to find out the version as with other apps.Android settings, app info says it is version 1.0.1
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I'm unable to reproduce this issue on a Nexus 7 running Android 5.0.1. In any case we plan on shipping a new version of Every Day Bible soon.
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Possible this is due to the setup with Nexus 7 being on a second device following a setup on a Nexus 5 ?
Will see if this persists after the new build is released.