Missing Greek & Hebrew pronunciation icon in ios 7 with iPad

Don't know when this feature quit working. I know it is an issue with ios 8 and thus, I did not update yet since I wanted sound. Doing a Bible word study in the New Testament Greek and Old Testament Hebrew bibles used to result with an icon for sound and it worked. No more. Please advise. Thanks
Joan Korte said:
Don't know when this feature quit working. I know it is an issue with ios 8 and thus, I did not update yet since I wanted sound. Doing a Bible word study in the New Testament Greek and Old Testament Hebrew bibles used to result with an icon for sound and it worked. No more. Please advise. Thanks
Thanks for the report, I'll write up a case for the dev team.
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This should be fixed in the latest version available in the Apple Store.
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Thanks, Kevin, for all your help. Much appreciated!
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Kevin Byford said:
This should be fixed in the latest version available in the Apple Store.
Can we now get this to be a priority to be fixed in the flash cards app. Please...