psalms not formatted--New Jerusalem bible (NJB)

the psalms in the new Jerusalem bible are not formatted as verse. It is in the printed njb versions . Could this be rectified.?
Welcome Mark! [:)]
Mark Gatti said:the psalms in the new Jerusalem bible are not formatted as verse. It is in the printed njb versions . Could this be rectified.?
For clarification:
- Is there a reason you used the iOS forum? If the issue is specific to a platform, then you should use the forum associated with that platform. Otherwise, you should use the "general" forum. I don't own this resource, but I think this issue isn't just a problem on mobile devices, right? or no?
- I looked this resource up on another website to find the Psalms, and have included a screen shot below. Is this what you are wanting to see? Do notice, however, that it isn't formatted "as verse," but rather in some form of poetical styling. See verse 7, for example.
- For the sake of having more visibility, it would be best to either create a new thread in the general forum, or to have this thread moved there. The later can be done by a moderator, but it would be good to clarify issue 1 first (in case this is actually an iOS issue).
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Thanks for answering my question without answering it. Who are you to tell me where to post!? If you can't be helpful, don't waste my time.
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Mark, I see that you are new to the forums and therefore, likely to be unfamiliar with all the forums and their conventions. At the upper right of the home page you will see guidelines for using the forums. The rusted out star under alabama24's avatar indicates that he is an MVP - asked by Faithlife to guide users in the effective use of the forums, insuring that all questions get answered, and bringing difficult issues to the attention of the appropriate personnel of Faithlife.
We try not to waste your time; please don't waste ours. Unfortunately you are running an app I am unfamiliar with so that whether it is a mis-set user option or a software problem someone else will have to determine.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Mark Gatti said:
I assumed you would realize this is an iOS issue for me.
Many people post in the wrong forum, as you have done. This isn't an iOS issue. I just purchased the New Jerusalem Bible and can verify that the issue is in the formatting in L6 (Mac) as well as
Mark Gatti said:The example you provided is exactly what I'm not seeing at my end--verse format.
As I explained above, what you seem to be wanting is the styling that I showed from a print bible... which isn't technically "verse format" as I demonstrated above. If you do want "verse formatting," you can force Logos to show each verse on its own. Turn on "Bible Text Only" under "view settings" (see screen shot below). NOTE: this doesn't make the text match the print edition you are referencing... it just places each verse on a new line.
Mark Gatti said:The psalms are poetry, yes, and usually formatted in verse; but, logos has it in blocks, paragraph style.
The "Logos Edition" should match the print version. The screen shot I posted above is from a "reader's edition" of the NJB. The edition Logos has is: The New Jerusalem Bible. New York: Doubleday, 1985. I am not sure how the Psalms are shown in that edition. I will create a new thread to seek clarification.
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Here is a link to the new thread:
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