IPhone word study -- correlate to Strongs?

Will Pong
Will Pong Member Posts: 19 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Greetings --

I've been using Bible! on the IOS off and on, and have come to realize why it's not a bigger part of my study / workflow.  I'd like it to be.  Maybe there is a trick or a method I'm missing, hence this post.  I did a bit of searching on the forums and I apologize if I missed...

Here's the scenario:

1. I'm reading an english bible (eg nasb95), and I want to understand the gk or hebrew behind an english word.

2.  I tap and hold the word of interest, Select "Look Up," and the popup pane displays the strongs#, and provides a gloss.  So far so good. 

3.  If I want to dig deeper, I select ""Bible Word Study" and oala, there is the Word study pane.  Shows  original language word lists along with pie-chart breakdowns.  This provides a 10,000 foot view of word domains, etc.  Also good.

4.  Here's the question and the problem (it seems obvious enough to me that I may be missing something): How do I quickly determine which greek or hebrew word is behind the specific english occurrence I tap-held?  There seems to be a lack of information linking the two.

Very often, I just want to get a quick look at the greek or hebrew word behind the english, along with the original language synonyms that *weren't* used, and move on.  The Word-Study pane would be *great* for this if it only displayed strongs numbers beside the original language words.  Then I would just need to remember which strongs# was displayed by the initial Look-Up pane as I fire up the Word-Study pane.  As it is, I often root through all of the cited passages at the bottom of the Word-Study pane, until I find the reference that I initially tapped.  Tedious.  Word Study "pain" indeed =].

I recognize there are other resources for getting to the ultimate goal of understandig a the passage, many of which I'm fortunate to have in my library.  GNT and HOT (I do have some training in Greek and Hebrew and can stumble along), Interlinears, Concordances, Louw Nida. DBL, TWOT, TDNT, GNT, and HOT, but often I do not want to embark on a full blown study.  I just want to know the original word and it's synonyms, and keep on reading.

If there is a one-line "duh" answer, I'll be embarrassed that I missed it, but glad that my IPhone could be part of my real workflow.  As alluded, I'll be more than a little surprised if this is a bona fide deficiency...


