More Calendar Issues

Not only is the calendar function in my group showing the incorrect date (day before), and not allowing an all day event (often showing a time), I can at best intermittently edit and/or delete it. I have now spent the better part of two days, signing in from four different computers (two different desktops ((running win 7 and win 8)), my laptop and my iPad) and tried several different browsers I am about to throw in the towel. I see from the forums this is nothing new (it has been an intermittent problem for some time), it is at best a potentially good tool for churches that is far from ready for prime time.
I can see the settings gear next to the event and if clicked it and select edit it should allow me to edit or delete the event. More times tan not nothing happens, can't edit or delete it. Again I tried this by signing in on several computers and verified that i am the administer.
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I'm having similar issues, Michael. At times the site allows me to edit a calendar item, and at other times the "edit" link does not function at all. I created a recurring calendar item today, and the wrong start date appeared in the calendar. I edited another recurring calendar item and saved the edit, and then ALL items from the calendar disappeared.
Faithlife Team, can anybody help us with this?
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Yes, we can help thank you for reporting. We'll follow up when fixed. If possible, could you let me k ow which groups and events you're having trouble with. You can post them here, or message me on Faithlife to keep them private. Thanks!
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Thank you, Jim! I'll send you a message with more information.
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I see that the calendar data is now visible and correct in the group to which I was referring. Thank you to you and the dev team, Jim. I really appreciate the follow-up.
Jim, can you share any insights regarding the questions posed in this thread?:
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Yes, Brad, responded in that thread.
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Got it, Jim. Thank you again!
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There is no recurring event option in the Safari browser on OS X.