Page Numbers

Question on page numbers:
Should I always be able to click on the gray box that has the page number (reference) within the books and type a page number to go to it? It seems to work in some books and not others.
I have one book, "How to Read the Bible for all its worth", I can click in the gray box, type a page, and go to the page.
I have another book "A Concise History of Christian Thought" that has page numbers in the gray box (one that comes up when you touch screen while reading"), but it won't let me type in a page number. This is frustrating when you are reading for a class where you bounce around in the book. I have to use the scroll bar to try to get close to the page, then hit the screen to find out what page I am on then scroll until I get to the page.
Is this a bug in this book?
I've just tried this - and for books with page numbers (recognising that not all do) it does seem to work as expected.
I don't have the specific resource you are having issues with - hopefully someone who does can check on their copy
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Rustamania--Thank you for notifying us. I've got some good news. The book was compiled with page milestones. I was able to update the book's metadata to reflect this. Hopefully you should find support for page navigation in an hour or so.
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Thank you