Personal books in Android

Has anyone heard any new rumors about personal books being made available for the android app yet?
As I understand it, they would like to, but have committed to no date, however with PB syncing implementation on Desktop in v6 we are a step closer to this
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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I would agree with that Dominic.[:)]
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I was just wondering this as well. Can someone from Logos comment?
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Personal Books are not yet available in the mobile apps, and I don't know when that feature might be added.
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Can you say IF they will be added?
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Everett Headley said:
Can you say IF they will be added?
Please see this for more information -
"Initially, we will only roll out the ability to sync your personal books between copies of the desktop application; in the future, we intend to enable this for mobile devices, but this is a larger undertaking."